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IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 23, No.

2; April 2016 979

Flashover Performance of Ice-covered Post Insulators with

Booster Sheds Using Experiments and Partial Arc Modeling
S. M. Ale-Emran and M. Farzaneh
NSERC / Hydro-Quebec / UQAC Industrial Chair on Atmospheric Icing of Power Network Equipment (CIGELE) and Canada
Research Chair on Engineering of Power Network Atmospheric Icing (INGIVRE), (
at Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
555, Boulevard de l'Université
Chicoutimi, Québec, Canada, G7H 2B1

The main objective of this paper is to present a new analysis, founded on partial arc
activities, for evaluating the flashover performance of EHV post station insulators
equipped with booster shed (BS) under heavy icing conditions. Based on observations
from ordinary and high-speed cameras, novel discussions on partial arc characteristics,
ice-free leakage distances, and flashover arc path were presented. Moreover, innovative
axisymmetric simulations of partial arcs were implemented by using COMSOL
Multiphysics in order to calculate their effects on potential distributions during the
flashover process of the 4-, 5-, and 6-BS configurations. Simulation results of the BS
configurations showed a redistribution of voltage drops along the air gaps after the
appearance of the partial arc along the first air gap. This redistribution of voltage drop
leads to the occurrence of partial arcs along the other air gaps which may somewhat
explain occurrence of the flashover. The presented experimental and simulation studies
can provide better designs for practical application of booster sheds.
Index Terms - Booster Shed (BS), EHV post station insulator, partial discharges,
FASTCAM, potential field distribution.

1 INTRODUCTION spacing of the post insulators are smaller and ice-bridging

occurs sooner. This reality is one of the main reasons causing
ENHANCING the reliability of power networks is an
a greater decrease in flashover voltage of post insulators
important challenge in many cold climate regions. Heavy ice
compare to line insulators. In order to delay ice-bridging of the
or snow accretions on power insulators can cause a
insulator sheds, some approaches can be used, for example
considerable reduction in their withstand voltage which can
using booster sheds (BSs), creepage extenders, profiles with
fall below their service voltage, resulting in flashovers and
greater shed-to-shed distance, or semiconducting glaze
power outages [1–3].
insulators [11–13]. The present study focuses on the use of
In the past decades, a significant body of publications has BSs on ice-covered post insulators.
proposed many approaches to improve the reliability of
A booster shed (BS) is a large-diameter C-shaped insulation
insulators under icing conditions [4–7]. The helpfulness of the
section which is flexible and usually made of silicone rubber
approaches differs according to ice severity. Ice severity can or ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA). The first design of BS was in
be classified as very light (<1 mm), light (1-6 mm), moderate 1970s to improve the flashover performance of station
(6-10 mm) and heavy (>10-mm) where the numbers stand for insulators under heavy rain conditions [14–16]. Then, it was
radial ice accumulation thickness measured on a rotating found that it could also be helpful for icing conditions [17–
cylinder [3, 8, 9]. In fact, this classification is derived from 20]. However, the complex mechanism of its function and
full bridging of standard station post insulators at 6 mm and effects are different under these two conditions.
full bridging of cap-and-pin insulators at 10 mm. It seems that the effectiveness of BS under heavy rain
Field observations show that EHV post station insulators conditions is due to a combination of three factors: water
are more vulnerable to flashovers than line insulators under shedding, discharge inhibition, and arc suppression [14, 21].
icing conditions [8, 10]. However, few publications can be Also, under icing conditions, an improved hypothesis or
found dealing with icing of post insulators and consequently theory regarding the effects of BSs was proposed by the
more studies are required in this domain. In fact, the shed authors [22]. This hypothesis was based on computer-aided
analysis and experimental test validations at CIGELE
Manuscript received on 3 April 2015, in final form 17 November 2015, laboratories [23–25]. In brief, in the case of BSs it was found
accepted 18 November 2015. that their principal influence is the formation of air gaps and

DOI: 10.1109/TDEI.2015.005374
980 S. M. Ale-Emran and M. Farzaneh: Flashover Performance of Ice-covered Post Insulators with Booster Sheds Using Experiments

their minor influence is increasing dry arcing distance. recording the flashover paths. The voltage and leakage current
Furthermore, in order to quantify the BS influence, a new were recorded through a data acquisition system and the
indicator, the total ice-free leakage distance (IFLDtot), was LABVIEW application software. Figure 3 shows the
introduced and used after its comparison with two other schematic diagram of the experimental tests.
indicators (dry arcing distance and total length of the air gaps).
However, that explanatory hypothesis can still be advanced
because explaining the BS effects under icing conditions is Middle Unit
quite difficult. Thus, this paper intends to present a new Internal diameter: 154-168 mm
External diameter: 248-262 mm
discussion and viewpoint on flashover performance of BS Number of Sheds: 26
configurations through the analysis of BS experimental tests
during flashover period and simulations of partial arcs by Bottom Unit
Internal diameter: 181-200 mm
COMSOL MultiphysicsTM. External diameter: 275-294 mm
Number of Sheds: 25
PROCEDURE Height: 1542 mm
Arcing distance: 1390 mm
The BSs used in the experimental tests had an outer Leakage distance: 3900 mm
diameter of around 65.5 cm. These polymer slip-on C-shaped Shed Characteristics:
accessories are characterized dimensionally by their outer and Higher angle: 24.5°
inner diameters. The outer diameter is selected to extend more Lower angle: 6°
Spacing: 50 mm
than 100 mm out from the border of the insulator-shed and the Range: 45 mm
inner diameter simply fits the insulator-core. Figure 1 shows a
sample BS of the TYCO Company. Some hemispherical nubs Figure 2. Standard post insulator characteristics, dimensions in mm.
have been designed on the underside of the BS providing a
small space between the BS and the insulator surface in order to
allow natural rain washing (Figure 1b).

(a) (b)
Figure 1. Booster shed at CIGELE laboratory.
a) Topside of BS, showing outer and inner diameters (Dout / din )
b) Underside of BS, showing hemispherical nubs
Figure 3. Simplified schematic diagram of the experimental setup.
The post station insulators generally used on 735-kV
Hydro-Quebec substations consist of three units: the top, The icing parameters of Table 1 were applied and the icing
middle, and bottom units. At CIGELE laboratories, however, tests were carried out under melting regime (formation of
the middle and bottom units were used to perform the tests water film). Under these icing parameters, it is possible to
with 4, 5, and 6 BSs. The characteristics of these two units are produce glaze ice, known as the most dangerous type of ice
shown in Figure 2. The insulator units are tapered from top to for outdoor insulation.
The tests were performed in a large chamber (6 m × 6 m × 9 Table 1. Experimental parameters of ice accretion.
m) especially designed for icing tests on full scale insulators, Air temperature -12 °C
surge arresters, etc. An ac power transformer of 350 kV / 700 Average droplet size 80 µm
kVA supplied the high voltage. A security camera was used Wind speed 3.3 m/s
Freezing water conductivity at 20° C 30 µS/cm
for ordinary video recording partial arcs and flashover arcs. Reference ice level on rotating cylinder 30 mm
Also, an ultra high-speed camera (Fastcam SA1), which can Accretion duration 140 min
record up to 675,000 frames per second, was used for Total applied voltage 285 kVrms
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 23, No. 2; April 2016 981

According to IEEE Standard 1783 [26], the icing test under extremely conductive layer is created on the ice surface by the
melting regime consists of four sequences that are ice rejection of impurities and ions from the applied water. During
accretion, hardening, melting, and evaluation periods (Figure the melting and evaluation periods, leakage current and
4). During the ice accretion sequence, the applied voltage and discharge activities produce heat and more impurities which
the temperature were 285 kV and -12 ºC. The 285 kV value can keep the water film highly conductive. In presence of this
corresponds to the usual voltage stress (i.e. 105 kVrms /m of highly conductive layer, the majority of the applied voltage is
arcing distance) for the 735 kV Quebec substations. Then, in distributed along the air gaps. If the voltage drop along an air
order to harden the accumulated ice layers on the insulator gap is less than the critical breakdown voltage of the air gap
(hardening sequence), the applied voltage was set to zero for length, arcing activities cannot lead to flashover occurrence.
around 20 min, with the ventilation system (Figure 3) still Nevertheless, if the voltage drop is high enough to sustain the
working. It was also possible to take pictures and partial arcs for a while, the partial arcs along the air gaps can
measurements of the air gaps. Subsequently, the ventilation develop into a white arc which can propagate along the
system was turned off, the applied voltage was set at 285 kV, insulator, leading to a flashover.
and the temperature was increased to around 0° C to generate In what follows, some explanations are proposed through
a thin layer of water on the ice layers (melting period). Finally, simulation of partial arcs occurrences along air gaps. The
the applied voltage was raised by steps of 5% (15 kV) and was partial arc modeling method presented in [28] was used in this
fixed for a minimum of 15 min to detect a flashover or study. The model considers voltage drops along the partial arc
withstand appearance (evaluation period). At least 5-6 tests during its propagation along air gaps.
were required to determine the minimum flashover voltage.
To calculate the voltage drop, the equation for the voltage
 Minimum flashover voltage (VMF): is the voltage level gradient, Earc, along the partial arc can be expressed as:
that gives 2 flashovers out of a maximum of 3 tests.
Earc  0.3464 I m0.3555 x < 7 cm (1)
 Maximum withstand voltage (VWS): is the voltage level
that is 5% less than VMF and gives three withstands out E arc  0.2047 I m0.6607 x > 7 cm (2)
of four tests.
where Earc is in kVrms/cm and Im is in A. Im represents the
The minimum flashover voltage for the 4-, 5-, and 6-BS leakage current flowing on the ice surface. The voltage drop is
configurations were obtained as 300, 315, and 330 kVrms, obtained by multiplying equations (1) or (2) by the air gap
respectively [8]. Also, a short video of the evaluation period length (cm):
which was obtained during the present research was uploaded
to the Web [27]. Varc  Earc x (3)
According to the BS tests, the transition between a
breakdown streamer to a white arc corresponds to a leakage
current of about 18 mA on the ice surface. By substituting this
value in equations (1) and (2), we obtain the voltage drop as
Varc  1 .44 x x < 7 cm (4)
Varc  2.91 x x > 7 cm (5)
First, as stated in our previous paper [12], since voltage
drops for small air gaps (i.e. x < 7 cm) are less than 4%, it may
be concluded that small air gaps have no significant effect on
Figure 4. The four sequences of BS tests under melting regime. the total voltage drop. It means that, in the vicinity of the HV
electrode, a sufficiently large air gap in the ice layer is helpful,
but that a small air gap is not.
Second, according to the laboratory tests, partial arcs are
OF BS CONFIGURATIONS BY USING mostly observed on the first BS close to the HV electrode.
PARTIAL ARC SIMULATIONS Actually, when applied voltage is increased to flashover
Flashovers on ice-covered insulators equipped with BSs voltage, the voltage drop value (ΔV) of Air Gap 1 becomes
depend on different factors. Electric fields change the ice higher than its breakdown voltage value (Vb). This indicates
formation, the shape and direction of icicle growth, the that a partial arc can be initiated along this one. If this occurs,
positions of the air gaps that appear along the iced insulator, a redistribution of potential along the ice-covered insulator
and the development of liquid water. The other important should occur. Such redistribution can lead to the occurrence of
factors with definite effects on the flashover development are: partial arcs along the other gaps that may develop into
corona space charge, ionic wind, water droplets, ice type, flashover arc. It seems that if the number of remaining air gaps
voltage polarity, leakage current, the surface pollution, the is higher, they can better resist the redistribution of the voltage
rejection of ions from solid to liquid layers in the freezing and drops after the partial arc formation. This may be a reason for
melting periods, etc. During the accumulation period, an the increase in VMF as the number of BSs increase from 4 to 6.
982 S. M. Ale-Emran and M. Farzaneh: Flashover Performance of Ice-covered Post Insulators with Booster Sheds Using Experiments

Table 2 lists the simulation parameters. Figure 5 shows the and it prevents the re-equilibrium of the potential distribution
simulation results of the BS configurations with and without along Air Gap 2 and the other air gaps. These 2D
partial arc (PA). Based on previous BS tests [22], the lengths axisymmetric simulation results are in good agreement with
of 23.2 cm, 23.2 cm, and 21.8 cm were considered for the first previous validated 3D simulations in [28] which indicate that
air gap for the 4-, 5-, and 6-BS configurations, respectively. In for three air gap configuration on a post insulator, 77% of
Figure 6, Figure 7, and Figure 8 as well as in their ∆Vba-1 shifts to Air Gap 2 (Figure 9 and Table 6).
corresponding tables, i.e. Table 3, Table 4, and Table 5, the
voltage drops (∆V) in the 4-, 5- and 6-BS configurations Without PA With PA

before and after partial arc appearance along the first air gap
are compared.

Voltage Drop (%)

1 2
Air Gap Numb

Figure 6. Comparison of voltage drops (V (%)) along the air gaps of 4-BS
tests, before and after the formation of a partial arc along Air Gap1.

Without PA With PA


Voltage Drop (%)

(a) (b) (c)
1 2 3 4
Ai r Gap Num
be r
Figure 7. Comparison of voltage drops (V (%)) along the air gaps of 5-BS
tests, before and after the formation of a partial arc along Air Gap1.

Without PA With PA


Voltage Drop (%)

(d) (e) (f) 20

Figure 5. Equipotential line distributions for different BS configurations with 10

and without partial arc (PA). 0
a) 4BS, b) 4BS with :PA, c) 5BS, d) 5BS with :PA, e) 6BS, f) 6BS with :PA 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ai r Gap Num
be r
Table 2. Simulation parameters.
Figure 8. Comparison of voltage drops (V (%)) along the air gaps of 6-BS
Porcelain Air Ice Water film BS
tests, before and after the formation of a partial arc along Air Gap1.
permittivity 6 1 75 81 5
Table 3. Comparison of voltage drops (V (%)) along the air gaps of 4-BS
Conductivity σs tests, before and after the formation of a partial arc along Air Gap1.
0 0 0 30 0
( S/cm) at 20ºC Normalized
Before After
Thickness (mm) - - - 0.15 5 Air gap Variation Variation
no. (∆Vba) (∆Vba-n)
(∆Vb) (∆Va)

Based on the simulation results, a percentage of about 58.5- 1 52.5 23.7 -28.8 -100
2 23.1 41.7 18.6 64.6
64.6 of ∆Vba-1 (i.e. variation of the voltage drop along Air Gap 3 9.8 14.9 5.1 17.7
1 before and after the formation of the partial arc) shifts to Air 4 14.0 19.1 5.1 17.7
Gap 2. This means that Air Gap 2 acts as a potential barrier, Total 99.4 99.4 0 0
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 23, No. 2; April 2016 983

Table 4. Comparison of voltage drops (V (%)) along the air gaps of 5-BS 4.1 PARTIAL ARC ACTIVITIES
tests, before and after the formation of a partial arc along Air Gap1.
Normalized Figure 10 shows the appearance of partial arcs along the air
Air Before After gaps of the 6-BS test during the last 3 minutes of the
Variation Variation
gap PA PA
(∆Vba) (∆Vba-n) evaluation period. Moreover, its corresponding video can be
no. (∆Vb) (∆Va)
1 51.4 23.7 -27.7 -100
seen on the Web [27]. Also, the most important moments and
2 20.2 36.4 16.2 58.5 observations (in an approximate time step of 0.5 minute) have
3 8.1 12.6 4.5 16.2 been summarized in Table 7. As shown in Figure 10a, at t7= -3
4 9.2 13.0 3.8 13.7 min (i.e. 3 min before appearance of the flashover), the partial
5 10.5 13.6 3.1 11.2
Total 99.4 99.3 -0.1 -0.4 arc activity is not remarkable. Then, at t6 (Figure 10b) the first
partial arc is quite notable in the video [27]. Gradually the
partial arcs become stronger (t5 to t1, Figure 10c to g) and
Table 5. Comparison of voltage drops (V (%)) along the air gaps of 6-BS
tests, before and after the formation of a partial arc along Air Gap1. finally at t0 (Figure 10h) the flashover occurs. Two
observations are especially worthwhile to be emphasized:
Before After
Air gap
Variation Variation • The movement of the ice on BS1: This movement (at t2 = -
no. (∆Vba) (∆Vba-n) 1 min and 5 s, Figure 10f) is distinguishable by comparison
(∆Vb) (∆Va)
1 50.3 22.3 -28 -100 of the ice shape of BS1 in “Figure 10f and Figure 10e”
2 20.8 37.5 16.7 59.6 which is more easily noticeable on the video [27] (video
3 6.9 10.7 3.8 13.6 clock = 14:37’:30”).
4 6.7 9.5 2.8 10.0
5 3.1 4.3 1.2 4.3 • The large movements of partial arcs along the air gaps:
6 11.8 15.0 3.2 11.4 As it can be seen in “Figure 10b to Figure 10g” and more
Total 99.4 99.3 -0.1 -1.1
obviously on the video [27], the movements and activities
of the partial arcs along the air gaps are quite large and fast.
For example, the position and length of the first partial arc
Without PD With PD
(between BS1 and BS2) change quickly and significantly
among the icicles of BS1 and on the ice surface of BS2.
Something similar can be also observed for partial arcs
Voltage Drops (%)

along the other air gaps.


These two observations demonstrate that the length of the
air gaps can be changed because of the effects of the partial
arc activities. Moreover, as the partial arcs become stronger,
they generate more heat and the temperature in the region of
the air gaps increases. In brief, the length of the partial arcs
3 and temperature change significantly. This shows that the
Air Gap Nu mb
er approach used to estimate the breakdown voltage of the air
gaps with a rod-plane configuration [25] may not be accurate
Figure 9. Comparison of voltage drops (V (%)) along the 3 air gaps for 1
unit post insulator, before and after the formation of a partial arc along Air enough. Moreover, it can be concluded that the simulation
Gap1 (obtained data from [28])). results of the partial arcs are more reliable as qualification
than quantification viewpoint.
Table 6. Comparison of voltage drops (V (%)) along the 3 air gaps for 1 unit
post insulator, before and after the formation of a partial arc along Air 4.2 THE EFFECT OF THE DIFFERENT ICE-FREE
Gap1(obtained data from [28]). LEAKAGE DISTANCES
Air Before After
Normalized In our previous paper [22], it was shown that in the melting
Variation Variation regime (which a conductive water film appears on the ice
gap PA PA
(∆Vba) (∆Vba-n)
no. (∆Vb) (∆Va) surface), around 99% of the applied voltage is distributed
1 54.8 34.3 -20.5 -100 along the air gaps. Thus, air gaps have a determinant role on
2 18.0 33.9 15.9 77.6 flashover voltage. Moreover, after a detailed discussion, total
3 23.4 29.1 5.7 27.8 ice-free leakage distance (IFLDtot) was proposed for the
Total 96.2 97.3 1.1 5.4
quantification of BS effects. IFLDtot can be expressed as

In this section, the main observations in the experiments are IFLD1-t: is sum of the equivalent IFLD values along insulator
presented and discussed with special attention paid to Partial shed surfaces obtained from the BS tests.
Arc (PA) activities and the effect of the different Ice-Free IFLD2: is sum of the IFLD values of the bottom surfaces of
Leakage Distances (IFLDs). BSs calculated from the BS catalogue.
984 S. M. Ale-Emran and M. Farzaneh: Flashover Performance of Ice-covered Post Insulators with Booster Sheds Using Experiments

and insulator surface. This space can be a path for flashover

arc as reported in the literature [8]. In fact, three main
possibilities can be considered for the flashover path as
illustrated in Figure 12: Pathshort, Pathmedium , and Pathlong.
Pathshort goes through the BS underside whereas the two other
paths go through the BS topside. If the flashover path appears
underside of the BSs, it can be concluded that the IFLD2 is
bypassed and that the main factor that resists against the
flashover occurrence is the IFLD1-t which is only related to the
insulator surface. On the other hand, if the flashover path goes
through topside of the BSs, we may conclude that both IFLDs
(i.e. IFLD1-t and IFLD2) resist against the flashover
t7 = -3 min t6 = -2 min 50 s t5 = -2 min 30 s t4 = -2 min occurrence. However, the flashover arc is too fast to be
(a) (b) (c) (d) recorded or observed by an ordinary camera. Thus, a high-
speed camera (FASTCAM SA1) was used to observe the real
flashover path.

t3 = -1 min 30 s t2 = -1 min 05 s t1 = -30 s t0 = 0

(e) (f) (g) (h)
Figure 10. Appearance of partial arcs along Air Gaps in for 6-BS test at
CIGELE during application of 330 kV, t7, t6, t5, up to t0.

Table 7. The main observations of partial arcs (PAs) during the recorded Figure 11. Comparative test results of IFLDs for post insulators with 4, 5, and 6
video of the evaluation period for the 6-BS experiment. BSs under 30-mm ice accretion.
Important Video Time to Important remarks
times clock flashover Table 8. Comparative test results of IFLDs for post insulators with 4, 5 and 6 BSs
14:38’:40” +5 s End of the video for the 30-mm ice accretion.
t0 14:38’:35” 0 min Flashover
BS Config. 4 5 6
t1 14:38’:05” -0.5 min PAs become stronger
14:37’:30” -1 min and 5 s Ice motion on BS1 VWS (kV) 285 300 315
t3 14:37’:05” -1.5 min PAs become stronger IFLD1-t (cm) 283.3 339.9 402.9
t4 14:36’:35” -2 min PAs become stronger IFLD2 (cm) 92.0 115.0 138.0
t5 14:36’:05” -2.5 min The 1st PA is more visible IFLDtot (cm) 375.3 454.9 540.9
t6 14:35’:45” -2min and 50 s The 1st visible PA VWS (%) 100 105.3 110.5
t7 14:35’:35” -3min No partial arc is visible IFLD2 (%) 100 125.0 150.0
14:35’:22” -3 min and13 s Beginning of the video IFLDtot (%) 100 120.0 142.2
IFLDtot (%) 100 121.3 144.3

This section intends to provide a deeper discussion on the

quantification of the BS effects. Figure 11 compares the Figure 13 shows the different stages of the flashover
variation of the VWS with the variations in three different recorded by the high-speed camera. The corresponding video
IFLDs (i.e. IFLDtot, IFLD1-t, and IFLD2) for the 4-, 5- and 6- can be seen on the Web [29]. As seen in Figure 13, the
BS configurations. As we can see in Figure 11 and Table 8, flashover path moves through the tip of the icicles toward the
the increase in VWS has good correlation with the increase in insulator surface. In other words, Pathlong (see Figure 12) is the
real flashover path. Thus, we may conclude that the both
each of the three IFLDs. Also, if we consider the case of ice-
IFLDs (i.e. IFLD1-t and IFLD2) affect the development of the
bridging between two consecutive BSs, the same trend and
final flashover path.
correlation in the variations of these three IFLDs is also
In spite of this important finding, there are still some
observed. In fact, it is not easy to determine which of the three unresolved questions that need further investigation in future
IFLDs should be selected as the best indicator for the variation work which would help design better BSs for practical
of the VWS. Thus, to further this study, let us have a look at the applications. For example, is the effect of the two IFLDs (i.e.
final flashover path. IFLD1-t and IFLD2) the same or different? In other words, the
As was mentioned before, the hemispherical nubs under- role for which IFLD is more important in the increase of
side of the BS (Figure 1b) create a small space between the BS flashover voltage? By using the geometric model of BS
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 23, No. 2; April 2016 985

configuration [24], we can conclude that strong winds lead to potential barrier. It seems that the higher the number of
a significant decrease in IFLD1-t but have no effect on IFLD2. the air gaps is, the higher is their resistance against
So, to advance this work and to better analyze the role of the voltage redistribution and the higher is the final flashover
IFLDs, it is suggested to perform some BS experiments with voltage. Thus, to increase the reliability of the power
wind velocities much higher than the one used (i.e. 3.3 m/s). system under heavy icing conditions, a higher number of
BSs should generally be recommended as it results in an
increase of the flashover voltage.
2) The analysis of the experimental partial arc activities
indicates that the positions and lengths of the partial arcs
can change quickly and drastically. Thus, it may be
concluded that the simplified approach in modeling and
simulating partial arcs is more important from a
qualification rather than a quantification viewpoint.
3) The discussion on the effects of the total IFLD along the
insulator (IFLD1-t) and the total IFLD of bottom surface
of BSs (IFLD2) by using the FASTCAM high-speed
camera observations confirms that the both IFLDs play
important roles on the value of the flashover voltage.
4) In order to understand better the effect of each IFLDs
(IFLD1-t and IFLD2), by using the geometric model of the
BS configurations [24], it is recommended to perform
some BS experiments with strong wind speed (much
higher than the usual 3.3 m/s).

Figure 12. Illustration of the three considerable paths for the flashover arc.
This study was carried out within the framework of the
NSERC/Hydro-Québec/UQAC Industrial Chair on
Atmospheric Icing of Power Network Equipment (CIGELE)
and the Canada Research Chair on Engineering of Power
Network Atmospheric Icing (INGIVRE) at the Université du
Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC). The authors would like to
thank all CIGELE partners (Hydro-Quebec, HydroOne,
Réseau Transport d'Electricite (RTE), Rio Tinto Alcan,
General Cable, K-Line Insulators, Tyco Electronics, Dual-
ADE, and FUQAC) whose financial support made this
research possible. The authors would like also to acknowledge
Prof. W. A. Chisholm for the valuable discussions and
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 13. Arc propagation patterns during a flashover on the 6-BS.
configuration: stages (a)–(d).
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1) The simulation results of the partial arc along the first air Electr. Insul., Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 1972–1981, 2014.
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along the other air gaps. Air Gap 2 plays the role of a environments. IEEE Press Series on Power Engineering, John Wiley, 2009.
986 S. M. Ale-Emran and M. Farzaneh: Flashover Performance of Ice-covered Post Insulators with Booster Sheds Using Experiments
[9] M. Farzaneh and W. A. Chisholm, “Insulator icing test methods, [25] S. M. Ale-Emran and M. Farzaneh, “Dimensioning of booster sheds for
selection criteria and mitigation alternatives,” IEEE Trans. Dielectr. icing protection of post insulators,” IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul.,
Electr. Insul., Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 1462–1473, 2007. Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 2576–2583, 2014.
[10] W. A. Chisholm, K. G. Ringler, C. C. Erven, M. A. Green, O. Melo, Y. [26] M. Farzaneh, “IEEE standard 1783–guide for test methods and
Tam, O. Nigol, J. Kuffel, A. Boyer, I. K. Pavasars, F. X. Macedo, J. K. procedures to evaluate the electrical performance of insulators in
Sabiston, and R. B. Caputo, “The cold-fog test [for outdoor insulators],” freezing conditions,” IEEE Press, New York, 2009.
IEEE Trans. Power Deliv., Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 1874–1880, 1996. [27] S. M. Ale-Emran and M. Farzaneh, “Flashover test of EHV post
[11] X. Wei, Z. Jia, Z. Sun, Z. Guan, and M. Farzaneh, “Selection of insulator with 6 booster sheds under icing conditions (3 min),” (2015,
semiconductive coatings at different ambient temperatures,” IEEE 17th April). [Online]. Available:
Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., Vol. 22, pp. 400–408, 2015. [28] C. Volat and M. Farzaneh, “Three-Dimensional Modeling of Potential
[12] S. M. Ale-Emran, M. Farzaneh, and C. Volat, “Simulation analysis of and Electric-Field Distributions Along an EHV Ceramic Post Insulator
the effect of booster sheds on post insulators under icing conditions,” Covered With Ice — Part II: Effect of Air Gaps and Partial Arcs,” IEEE
IEEEE Conf. Electr. Insul. Dielectr. Phenomena (CEIDP), pp. 749–752, Trans. Power Deliv., Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 2014–2021, 2014.
2012. [29] S. M. Ale-Emran and M. Farzaneh, “Observation of flashover
[13] S. M. Ale-Emran and M. Farzaneh, “Numerical analysis of the appearance through high speed camera for 6 booster shed
combined effects of booster sheds and grading rings on an ice-covered configuration,” (2015, 17th April). [Online]. Available:
EHV ceramic post insulator,” IEEE Electr. Insul. Conf. (EIC), pp. 346– IjZhb2mXdt8.
350, 2013.
[14] C. H. A. Ely, P. J. Lambeth, and J. S. T. Looms, “The booster shed:
prevention of flashover of polluted substation insulators in heavy
Sayyed Mahdi Ale-Emran received his B.Sc. degree
wetting,” IEEE Trans. Power Appar. Syst., Vol. 97, No. 6, pp. 2187–
from Iran University of Science and Technology
2197, 1978.
(IUST), Tehran, Iran, M.Sc. degree from Amirkabir
[15] O. Oliveira Filho, J. A. Cardoso, D. R. de Mello, R. M. de Azevedo, and
University of Technology (Tehran’s Polytechnic), and
S. G. Carvalho, “The use of booster sheds to improve the performance of
PhD degree from Université du Québec, QC, Canada,
800 kV multicone type insulators under heavy rain,” Int'l. Conf. High
with honors in 2005, 2008, and 2013, respectively; and
Voltage Eng. Application (ICHVE), pp. 485–488, 2010.
all in electric power engineering. He was a postdoctoral
[16] W. McDermid and T. Black, “External flashovers, related insulation
fellow at UQAC/CIGELE, QC, Canada and Montreal
failures and corrective measures in converter stations of Nelson River
Polytechnic, QC, Canada during 2014-15. His main
bipole 1 and bipole 2,” IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., Vol. 21, pp.
research interests include high-voltage engineering,
2406–2414, 2014.
outdoor insulation, numerical modeling and simulation, renewable energies,
[17] V. Sklenicka and J. Vokale, “Insulators in icing conditions: selection and
and FACTS. He is author/co-author of several scientific papers.
measures for reliability increasing,” 7th Int'l. Workshop Atmospheric
Icing Structures (IWAIS), pp. 72–76, 1996.
[18] J.-F. Drapeau, M. Farraneh, and M. J. Roy, “An exploratory study of
Masoud Farzaneh (M'83-SM'91-F’07) is Director-
various solutions for improving ice flashover performance of station post
founder of the International Research Center
insulators,” 10th Int'l. Workshop Atmospheric Icing Structures (IWAIS),
CENGIVRE, Chairholder of the NSERC/Hydro-
paper 4–06, 2002.
Quebec/UQAC Industrial Research Chair CIGELE, and
[19] C. Volat, S. M. Ale-Emran, and M. Farzaneh, “Numerical simulations of
Chairholder of the Canada Research Chair INGIVRE
ice-covered EHV post station insulator performance equipped with
related to power transmission engineering in cold
booster sheds,” IEEE Int'l. Sympos. Electr. Insul. (ISEI), pp. 91–94,
climate regions, at University of Québec at Chicoutimi
(UQAC). His field of research encompasses high
[20] J. Hu, K. Xu, X. Jiang, Y. Wu, Z. Zhang, L. Shun, and B. Lan, “The
voltage and power engineering, including the impact of
Influence of Booster Sheds on AC Flashover Performance of Ice-
cold climate on overhead transmission lines. He has
covered 750 kV Class Tension Insulator Strings,” IEEE High Voltage
authored or co-authored about 600 technical papers, and
Engineering and Application (ICHVE), 2014, pp. 1–5.
17 books or book chapters. To date Professor Farzaneh has trained about 130
[21] P. J. Lambeth, “Laboratory tests to evaluate HVDC wall bushing
postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Actively involved with IEEE
performance in wet weather,” IEEE Trans. Power Deliv., Vol. 5, No. 4,
and CIGRÉ, he was President of IEEE DEIS for 2013, and is member of the
pp. 1782–1793, 1990.
Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,
[22] S. M. Ale-Emran and M. Farzaneh, “Parametric studies and improved
Convenor of CIGRE WG B2.44 on coatings for protection of overhead lines
hypothesis of booster-shed effects on post insulators under heavy icing
during winter conditions, as well as member of the Executive Committee of
conditions,” IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., Vol. 22, No. 1, pp.
CIGRE Canada. He is Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of The Institution of
420–427, 2015.
Engineering and Technology (IET) and Fellow of the Engineering Institute of
[23] S. M. Ale-Emran and M. Farzaneh, “Experimental design of booster
Canada (EIC). His contributions and achievements in research and teaching
shed parameters for post insulators under heavy icing conditions,” IEEE
have been recognized by several prestigious prizes and awards at national and
Trans. Power Deliv., Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 488 – 496, 2015.
international levels.
[24] S. M. Ale-Emran and M. Farzaneh, “Design of booster shed parameters
for post insulators under heavy icing conditions using geometric
modelling and the Taguchi method,” IET Sci. Meas. Technol., pp. 1–8,

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