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(Commonwealth of PennsyTvanin [DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION [333 Market St, Narrisburg, PA 171260555, Pennsylvania Statewide Evaluation Form for Student Professi al Knowledge and Practice Freels Emma StadenCandidae's Last Name Fist Mids Social Security Number Math 5 SAT Grade Level ‘This form i 10 serve asa permanent record ofa student teacher/eandidate's professional performance evaluation during a seciiime period, based on specifi erierla, Thi form must he wsed at eas tice during the 12onek inn) student teaching experience, PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Directions: Examine all sources of evidence provided by the student teacher‘candidate and bear in mind the aspects of texching for «ach ofthe four eategories used in this form. Check the appropiate aspects of student teaching, and indicate the souees of evidence sed to determine the evaluation of the results in each category. Assign an evaluation fr each ofthe four eategories and then asign an overall evaluation of performance, Sign the form and gai the signature of the student teacher. ‘Category I: Planning and Preparation ~ Side ached em seepraen, Std cher mas ps OLA (0.6 Sent Teacher Canis performance appropriately demonstra + Knowledge of content Knowledge of pedagogy Knowledge ofPensslvaia's K-12 Academie Standards Knowledge of tadents and how to se this knowledge opt instucton Use of resources. atria, o is tinoogy avaiable trough the school or dst Insrctonal yi ht show a ecognizable sequence wih aapations for indivi ton needs -Assessents of stant earning aligned to the nsactonal goals aad apd a eqused forsee neds + _Uscor educational psyeholgial rtcipleheoriesm the connton of ssn plans andseting instructional goals ‘Sources of Fvidence (Check ll at apply and clo dates, tpevies and amBe) Lesson! Unit Plans Stent Teache Interviews Resources/Materials/Technology Classroom Observations (Assessment Materials Resource Documents Information About Students {loclading IEPs) D1 other or Exempla Poa Taper FF ‘Sanna Poe Tatton Fea ‘Csr Rang Toe cintene soy | Tecan ea Tice omen aa | Treaty ora aT soir tone) dmonarno ncaa | ude Sewers | iappopah or poral ‘Eommaate tsar ot | opvomance inihteotptomes, | opens ica aden iv] [ Oo CI Tasification for Evaluation Ms. Freels is knowledgeable of her content area and uses the technologyiresources available to provide instruction. Standards and goals are included in the Lesson Plans. She uses pedagogy ‘appropriate for her lessons and the grade levels of her students. Her assessments are aligned to the ‘goals and standards. PDE430. | ((Commansaih of Pennsylvania | DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION —[_333 Market St, Marisa, PA 171260333 ] Freels Emma Student Candidate's LastName Fit Middle ‘Socal Security Number Category rs cheats tbls nd alata prpostl Mgmnt 38038 C000 ‘Sindear Teacher Candidate's perfomance aprapatly denoastaes + Expectations for stndat achievement with vale placed onthe quai of student work + Altention to suitable earning operant for sade 4 Appropriate iterations between eacher and tudnt and among tents Effective elasoom tines and procedures resuling ia ie no fs fission ime Clear stndirds of conduct and festive management of stalet Behavior + Appropit atenton given to safityin the lasroom othe extent that it is under the control of the student eacher Abii evabish and maintain apport with students ‘Sources of Evidence (Check ll Ut apply and lade dts, typets and wae Classroom Observations g E ttormal Observations Visis g 1B StuentTeacter'Candidate lamers O otter Ca aap Fos Sore Satay Fant Vana a mimeo Teapcdesomescndeaen | eapetydeamac "| happropnns or apertatr Them anor | Sttebace inion creme, | deenamer naar of Es ‘cm u oO Ol “Tasiication for Evaluations Classroom procedures and routines are implemented with fidelity according to school policies and communicated clearly to students. ll teaching resources are evident —the materials, the technology, and student worksheets. Ms. Freels interacts frequently with the students asking questions and checking on progress. She has established a caring rapport with her students and a supportive environment. POE-A30 2 ae (Garmmonweati of Penney [DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION [333 Market Sr, Harrisburg, PA 17126-0353 ] Freels Emma Stent Candidate's Last Name First ‘Middle Social Security Number Delivery = Sia raxonuryicy ‘Stade Teacher cannes performance appropriately demonsates ‘+ Use of owe of content and pedagogical theory through hse insctonal delivery Insructonal goals electing Penasylsani K-12 standards ‘Communication of procedures and clear explanations of conten Use of instetional goals that show a recognizable sequence, clear student expectations and adaptations for invidal stent needs Use of questioning and discussion strategies that encourage many stir’ participate "Engagement of students in ering and adequate pacing of nsaton Feedtack wo stents on ther eaming Use of informa and formal assessments to most larg gol no monitor stat earning Fexbilty nd respasivenes n mating the learing nec of students Ingration of disciplines within th esto evil Sources of Evidence (Check ll ht apply and ince dass, types or munber) Classroom Observations Student Assignment Sheets, Informal Observations/Visits G1 Student Work 1 Assessment Materials ional Resources/Material Technology ‘Student Teacher'Candidate Interviews 1 Ober ean FP Sar Ta Tae Fat Ua Pa a a a istrme ‘met demi | sey emma | lap pf Sete ttctmnat_| etm intauntpome | Sinus eo uses) ] |e CI il “Tustiication for Evaluation: Goals and expectations are communicated to students at the beginning of each lesson. Ms. Freels checks frequently for understanding and provides assistance when needed. Students are given feedback on their responses. Informal assessment is visible with a "thumbs up" strategy while checking for prior knowledge as well as discussion 2s to problem-solving stateyies, She guides students through the lessons and models frequently for understanding. Math-related tasks are integrated with reading and writing. Lessons flow smoothly with few interruptions in the learning process. Students are active participants in all lessons. PDE-30 3 ([Commoniveath of Penny vain [DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION —[_333 Market St, Tarisburg, PA 17126-0535 ] Freels Emma ‘StadentCandid (es Last Name First Midale Social Security Number Category IV — Profesional = Sidon ene Agent 8438 (HO ‘Stale Teacher Candidate's peTomnanseapprprsely demons Knowledge of schoo! and disrit procedures and regulations related io atenance, punctual andthe ike Knowledge of school or dst requirements for matting accurate cords and corsauniatng wi Knowledge of school ani disc evens Knowles of dst or colleges profesional growth and development portunities lotegrty and etial behavior, profesional conduct sate in Pensysania Cale af Profesional Practice and Conc far Edacatrs; and local sate, and federal, avs and regulations Effective communication, bth oral and writen wth ste, colleagues, paraprofessional rele servic personel, and sdninintaters ee + Ability to cultivate professional relationship wth school collegues + Knowledge of Commonwealth requirements fo conning profession development an icensre Sources of Evidence (Check ll hat apply and include dates, ype. suber) som Observations Ste Asim Shots Ine Obeersston Visits OF Sten Wo ‘sssmt Mtr FE] nsetnal Resouces Mtr Tecnology Stet Tester ievews Waiten Doeunenaton 1 Otter aa ay Rs re Sa Tia [Tea Tr ang — ey] Tita —_—] icra] Tin oh oT wien Sema || yaaa | Seeeptoomen ee Satie, | Se Saae — ca) v ]

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