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Daniel Guzmán Lara

The Judo man.
Cristopher is a teenager born in Italy
specifically in the poorest part. Christopher
has no parents they died in an accident
when Christopher was 4 years old and until
now his grandfather takes care of him.
Christopher studies in a public school. He
is not very good at studies, but he is talented
in sports specifically in judo.

But he can't let himself shine thanks to his

family poverty. Cristopher practices judo at
an academy. Although the academy lacked
excellence, Christopher's extraordinary
talent astonished the teachers.

(Chapter 2)
Upon receiving joyous news of his
inaugural judo competition. On the
following sunny day as he prepared for
school, Christopher excitedly leapt with
glee at the opportunity to prove himself in
his first official match. Christopher arrives
at school and the teachers ask him in the
middle of the class why he was so happy
that day and Christopher mentions his
competition and He invites them to see it.

(chapter 3)
Christopher returns home and prepares to
go to daily judo practice very excited. He
arrives at class and the teachers tell him to
come in and grab a couple quickly and start.
Christopher finishes his practice and is on
his way home when some young people
stop him and say, I saw you at school, you
looked like an idiot talking about your
competition, no one is interested. The
young people tried to attack Chritopher, but
they couldn't since Chritopher was very fast
and was able to escape.

(chapter 4)
Christopher comes home very sad but he
doesn't care about that since he had a
competition the next day. The next day
Christopher prepares for his competition
and is called by his coach and tells him to
hurry up because you're almost going to
fight Christopher. He run off to the
competition site and
prepares to fight. Despite his nervousness,
Christopher is not going to give up lightly.
The fight begins. Cristopher looks scared
but his coaches know that he can and
unexpectedly scores a point against the
opposing competitor. Christopher is scared
and thinks he is going to lose but at the last
moment Christoper knocks him down and
sings Christopher's maximum score.

(chapter 5)
Christopher wins the gold medal and is
seen by the president of the Italian judo
federation. The president approaches
Christopher and tells him he has great
talent, boy, I want you to come to the
national judo dojo the next day and practice
often to see your potential. Christopher
arrives home with the gold medal and
Christopher's grandfather is excited and
gives him a new judogi and Christopher
tells him what the president of the
federation told him and his grandfather gets
even more excited and gives him a hug.
Christopher was left dumbfounded by the
rapidity with which the situation had
spiraled into an unforeseen trajectory of
bewildering complexity, rendering him at a
loss to cognitively process the unfolding
developments transpiring directly in his
line of sight. While capturing the gold
medal signified triumph, it opened the door
to a realm of prospects hitherto

(chapter 6)
Christopher arrives home with the gold
medal and Christopher's grandfather is
excited and gives him a new judogi and
Christopher tells him what the president of
the federation told him and his grandfather
gets even more excited and gives him a
hug. Christopher was left dumbfounded by
the rapidity with which the situation had
spiraled into an unforeseen trajectory of
bewildering complexity, rendering him at a
loss to cognitively process the unfolding
developments transpiring directly in his
line of sight. While capturing the gold
medal signified triumph, it opened the door
to a realm of prospects hitherto

The dojo was bustling with activity—
athletes of all ages training rigorously,
coaches giving instructions, and an air of
determination that fueled Christopher's
determination even more. As Christopher
stepped onto the mat, he felt a mix of nerves
and exhilaration.
The national team coach, a stern-looking
man with a warm smile, approached him.
"You must be Christopher," he said,
extending a hand. "I've heard impressive
things about you."Christopher shook his
hand firmly, trying to hide his
nervousness.The coach introduced him to
some of the other athletes, who eyed him
curiously. They were older, more
experienced, but Christopher wasn't
intimidated. He was determined to prove

(chapter 7)
The training session began, and
Christopher threw himself into it
wholeheartedly. He pushed himself to the
limit, soaking in every piece of advice,
every technique demonstrated by the
coaches. Despite being tired and sore, he
felt alive—this was where he belonged.
Days turned into weeks, and Christopher's
improvement was undeniable. His
dedication caught the attention of everyone
at the dojo.

(chapter 8)
Through bonding with a few of the
competitors, he gained knowledge from
their experiences while also imparting his
own insights, forming mutually enriching
But amidst all this, he never forgot his
grandfather's unwavering support. One
day, during a particularly intense practice,
the national team coach approached

(chapter 9)
Christopher's journey had clearly come to
mean a great deal to him, as was evident
in the look of pride and admiration now
shining in his eyes," he said.

stage. With renewed determination, he
threw himself into training even more
vigorously. The day of the championships
arrived. As Christopher stepped
confidently onto the well-worn mat, the
familiar surge of adrenaline that always
preceded such matches again flowed
vigorously through his body, wholly
preparing him to grapple fiercely with his
waiting foe. The competition was fierce,
each match pushing him to his limits.
However, his grandfather's advice echoed
in his mind: "Have faith in your abilities,
for you alone will determine your destiny."
You're stronger than you think. “Match
after match, Christopher fought with
determination and skill. His moves were
precise, his focus unwavering.

(Final Chapter)
Unwavering. And in the final bout, with
sweat dripping down his brow, he executed
a flawless throw, winning the match and
claiming the regional championship title.
As he stood on the podium, the gold medal
hanging around his neck, Christopher felt a
surge of emotions. Pride, gratitude, and a
sense of accomplishment washed over him.
Buried beneath the revelry's din resounded
his grandfather's lessons, as his mind
wandered to the wellspring of his strength
through life's harshest storms. After the
championships, Christopher rushed home
to share the news.

With his grandpa's constant backing and his
own resolve, Christopher's journey from
the poorest area of Italy to becoming a
champ showed how strong he was, how
passionate he was about judo, and that he
thought he could do it. And as the gold
medal shone in the sunlight, Christopher
knew this was only the start of an amazing
journey in the world of Judo.


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