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Learning Units Title ID

Emotional States Foreign Languages English 6th Grade

Work and play Time 45 minutes with the teacher
Number of sessions of sequence 3

Learning situation
The sixth grade secondary level students of the Liceo Norma Adalgisa Perez (Tita) have been
chosen to participate in a unique contest: An exchange trip to London, Great Britain. To apply
to the contest, one of the requirements is to describe themselves and express how they would
feel in that country. They must also specify how they expect their other exchange partners to
receive them. At the same time they must answer the questions that they are asked about the
subject. For this, we will study the expressions that will help us describe ourselves and we will
know the appropriate words to identify people. At the end, they will write a letter, and they will
socialize it orally with their classmates, saying their likes and moods.

Fundamental Competence Specific Competences
√ Ethical and Civic Competence √ Oral comprehension (OC):
Communicative Competence √ Personal and - Understands expressions that describe
Spiritual Development Competence their own and others' moods and physical
√ Problem Solving Competence states.
√ Scientific and Technological Competence Written comprehension (CE):
√ Logical, Creative and Critical Thinking - Understands phrases and written sentences
Competence that describe their own and others' moods
√ Environmental and Health Competence and physical states.
Written production (PE):
- Write phrases and sentences that describe
their own and others' moods and physical
They are used to describe mental and
physical states.
Oral Production (OP):
Produces expressions that describe mood
and physiques
Expected learning
They use oral and written expressions to describe the mood and physical states of themselves
and others.
They understand and respond orally and in writing to simple questions about their moods and
Contents conceptual
Vocabulary and expressions
- Moods: angry, confused, embarrassed, relaxed, scared, surprised, thrilled, upset
- Physical sensations: cold, hot, hungry, thirsty, tired, exhausted…
- Entertainment: movie, concert, party, reading…
- Common questions about mood: How are you? How's it going? How do you feel? Are you
- Adjective function of the past participle -ed: I feel bored. They were shocked when they saw
their grade.

-Adjective function of the gerund -ing to refer to things: I'm dissapointed because the movie
was boring.
- Linking verbs: be, seem, look, feel
She looks tired and angry.
- Cause and effect with why and because: Why is he upset? He is angry because his email
address was hacked.

- Pronunciation of participial adjectives ending in –ed in context.
- Affective intonation according to the mood in which one speaks.
values ​and attitudes
- Assertiveness in the expression of feelings and needs.
- Empathy for the feelings of others.

Teaching-learning strategy
Integration of the new material with the previous knowledge of the students,
Association of images with sounds.
Interaction of communicative contents in groups.
Presentation of works of reading and listening comprehension.

PDI digital display
work notebooks

bilingual dictionaries
Google Classroom
Video: The Description

concatenated activities
Learning activities with the teacher Student self-learning activities

The teacher makes a concept map with the Students provide the words they know to
previous words given in groups about words to describe mood and physical states.
Students write simple sentences and
The teacher divides the class into groups and questions using the expressions to describe
gives them images and asks them to associate and perform role plays.
them with the expressions to describe what they
45 minutos 45 minutos
The teacher takes the students to the computer Students respond to the activities in the
room and shows the video about the description guide based on watching the video and
with a guide for understanding it. share their findings with the class.
45 minutos 45 minutos
The teacher asks students to describe a classmate Students write a short text describing a
in writing and orally while the class tries to classmate and the rest of the class guess
guess who it is. who it is.
Then the teacher asks them to individually write
a letter describing themselves to the exchange Students write a letter describing
partner they are going to meet. themselves. For this, they use the dictionary,
the internet, books to complement their

45 minuto 45 minutos
evaluation and feedback
Evaluation criteria techniques and instruments
Individual participation and collaborative work Writing the letter
Delivery in the allotted time. feedback
Structure of the text, writing and spelling. It will be reinforced, if required, on the
Pronunciation in oral production activities. expressions of description and the
pronunciation of these through activities
oriented to said topic.

What did you learn at the end of this topic?
What do you need to master?
How was your participation in class?

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