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Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.

Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300

Email Address: shs



A Research

Presented to

Saint Theresa College of Tandag,Inc.


In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirement for the Course

Practical Research 2



Rapal, Khezar Jhon C.

Salinas, Shaina Rose C.

Sanchez, Rezyl B.

Sumaoy, Carla M.

Tajonera, Eliza Faith M.

Ursos, Dicken

Research Adviser:

Ms. Jane Marie L. Mercado

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs


Background of the Study

One of the most difficult decisions students had to make

about their education was selecting a vocation that would

determine their future professional path (Ouano et al., 2019). A

research of Skeffington and Rea's (2017) people's job decisions

and the impact of poverty In the United Kingdom (UK), revealed

that kids those who grew up in less affluent environments are

more likely to select occupations that satisfy their personal

aspirations and financial stability. Financially pressed people

often accept low paying jobs than pursuing more expensive higher

education. This inclination seems to be strengthened by the

stigma attached to those from lower socioeconomic classes and how

they present themselves to others (Sheeny- Skeffington and Rea

(2017). In career selection, students have to undergo an

intricate process, where they should consider factors that would

affect their overall decision such as the socio demographic

profile, socio-economic status, parents, job opportunities,

academic performance, personal interest, and many other aspects

to forcefully be open-minded of the things they will encounter in

the not too distant future (Moneva & Malbas, 2019; Santric-

Milicevic et al., 2014). In the study of Foster (2013), a shift

in specialization is linked to traits including extra version,

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Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs
conscientiousness, emotional stability, optimism, sense of

identity, and work motivation in addition to professional

decisiveness. The strategy for providing one such factor is

student willingness. In terms of character traits, students who

lack confidence in themselves in the classroom tend to be less

driven and put in less effort while modifying their goals.

Experiences in a student's life shape their level of confidence,

and an individual's expectations of earning well are related to

their level of overconfidence. A shift in specialization is

associated with qualities such as conscientiousness, extra

version, emotional stability, optimism, sense of identity, and

job motivation and career decidedness (Foster, 2013). Kusumawati

(2013) observed that the pupils put in a great deal of their

socioeconomic situation into account. Because of this, students'

decisions about their education may suffer if they are unable to

pay their costs. If they are conscious of the fact that their

family cannot afford to pay for the course they wish to pursue,

they rather likely to enroll in a course in which they have no

personal interest inadequate means. Less employment opportunities

could also result from resource constraints.

In the study of Dublin ,, choosing a Senior High

School track is one of the hardest decisions a junior high

school student can make. Secondary school graduates often lack a

clear career path and strand for senior high, leading to

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs
uncertain decisions about their future career paths (Ramirez

&Dizon, 2014). Ahmed et. al. (2017) found that students' career

choice was only slightly influenced by potential employment

prospects in the future. One of the criteria considered is

academic performance major when deciding on a professional route.

During the investigation of students have demonstrated the

capacity, according to Fizer (2013) to compete successfully in

the field, as seen by their strong grades attained in high

school. In the study of Sugano & Mamolo, (2021) Academic

Performance across grades is said to be important in terms of

data basis in determining the professional strength of each

student because this information gives the students, teachers,

and parents the idea of where the students perform above and

average levels in various areas to help them choose the right

career track suitable for them. This means that the student-

respondents are most likely to pursue a strand they think they

can excel academically, rather than the strand they think they

are not good at

or not suited to their academic performance.

Understanding the factors that impact students' career

decisions is crucial for effective career planning. Researchers

have found that certain characteristics can predict career

choices, and have developed a decision-making tool based on this

insight. Poor course choices resulting from insufficient guidance

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs
and students' lack of knowledge about their strengths and

interests can lead to higher rates of underemployment and

unemployment. (Nazareno et al., 2019; Gestiada et al., 2017;

Manapsal, 2018). As a result, it is imperative that students make

the right choice because failing to do so could have detrimental

effects on their future. At this point, teenagers want assistance

in making the best decision regarding their intended career. When

making decisions, they will take into account their inherent

abilities, the educational opportunities afforded to them as

students, and other resources provided by society to enable them

to function more effectively and efficiently (DepEd, 2017).

There has been studies on the different factors that

individually relates to choosing their track but no study locally

were published about all factors towards the decision making.

This study investigates the factors that influence the Grade 10

Students of Saint Theresa College of Tandag, the decision-

making when selecting their Senior High School Track.

In order to conduct the investigation, the following theories

are briefly explored.

According to Holland's Theory of Career Choice, which was

covered by Nauta (2010), people can grow and function most

effectively—as well as find job satisfaction—in workplaces that

complement their personalities. People often choose careers that

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs
reflect their personalities. According to Holland, job

satisfaction increases with the degree to which personality and

job fit. Holland's theory emphasizes the accuracy of self-

knowledge and career information required for career decision

making. This theory is important to the study because it helps

student respondents choose the right strand and track that best

suits their interests and personalities.

According to the Happenstance Learning Theory, which

Krumboltz (2009) highlights, people make career decisions based

on the knowledge they have acquired. A few actions are

encouraged, rewarded, and modeled. It highlights the significance

of early experiences in determining one's level of satisfaction

in a chosen field. Therefore, the satisfaction and frustration of

early childhood would have a significant impact on an

individual's structure. Individuals choose their specialization

based on their personalities and backgrounds. Selecting a

specialization is an expression of one's personality in the

workplace, followed by identification with a particular

occupational stereotype. This method may also help to explain why

some students decide to specialize in a particular strand. These

have a big impact on how the students approach their careers.

According to Lancaster (2017), Krumblotz's Learning Theory of

Career Counseling (LTCC) explains that an individual's current

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs
occupational situation is determined by an infinite number of

accumulated learning experiences. Experiences that are personally

enjoyable are what spark interest. All beliefs are reexamined as

a result of the development and modification of new beliefs in

response to new information. Additionally, values evolve with

experience and increased understanding. Four components play a

role in the career development process. A person's career

opportunities may be limited by their genetic endowment and

special abilities, which can include inherited physical, mental,

or special abilities. The effects of the environment on skill

development, activities, and career preferences are the next

topic. Subsequently, experiences that involve learning occur when

one observes the immediate outcomes of one's actions and the

responses of others. The last type of skills are task approach

skills, which are acquired through experience. In relation to the

current study, the aforementioned factors play a crucial role

because they may be the motives behind the influence in selecting

the preferred track and strand, such as opportunities, abilities,

environmental influences, and learning experiences that will pave

the way for their future success. These are frequently modified

as a result of both desirable and undesirable experiences.

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs


Figure 1 displays a student profile. Of particular importance

is the student's name, but other factors to consider include

their parent’s occupation, which have an impact on the courses

they choose to take in college. Because if students decide to

follow a particular path, say they want to become doctors, the

STEM strand is the best choice for them because it incorporates

science and will give them a significant advantage when it comes

to enrolling in medical school.

The figure 2 demonstrates how to determine each student's

preference. To find out, a survey will be required. Every student

must go through a short procedure to determine what they want to

be, and it's extremely intriguing because it provides a lot of


The survey's findings are depicted in figure 3. The benefits

of their will be for both the researcher and the respondents. The

researcher will be able to clearly understand which track will be

preferred. The responses will also be given clarification

regarding their future plans they will be chosen.

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs

Grade 10 Student’s

Monthly Family Income:

An strategic
elements affecting the intervention such as
student's preferred career guidance
tracks: campaigns and
awareness that gives
the student an idea
Factors: or guide in their
track preference in
a. Personal Interest Senior High School.
b. Family Influence
c. Peer Influence
d. Job Opportunities

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs

Statement of the Problem

This study tries to pinpoint the variables influencing the

track preferences of Saint Theresa College of Tandag in Grade 10


It specifically aims to respond to the following queries:

1.What are the characteristics of the students in grade 10 in

terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Monthly Family Income

2.) What Senior High School tracks do the respondents prefer?

3.)What factors influence the desired tracks of the respondents?

3.1 Personal Interest 3.3 Peer Influence

3.2 Family Influence 3.4 Job opportunities

4.) Does the respondent’s profile significantly affect the Senior

High School tracks that they choose?

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs


The choice of a senior high school track is greatly affected

by factors like, personal interest, Family influence, Peer

influence, Job opportunities and financial condition for

students’ in grade 10.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focused on the selected incoming senior high

school students of Saint Theresa College of Tandag,Inc. in

choosing a strand. The respondents of the study were composed of

100 randomly selected grade 10 students which comprise 25% of the

population. The results of this study is applicable to all

respondents especially to those incoming senior high school

students who is confused in choosing a strand. This forms the

scope and limitations of a study helps to contextualize the

research for the reader so they can better anticipate the extent

of the details to come.

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to elucidate the factors that influence

incoming senior high school students' decision to select a


Moreover, the findings of the research will be helpful to the


Students. The research provided guidance for creating the the

appropriate career decision taking into account the various


Teachers. The research was used as a source for

programs for teacher development in the future that will

help students become more college-ready. The study's conclusions

might make their jobs easier, more productively and effectively.

Parents. The research helps inform and direct their

children to select the appropriate path while taking into

examines the various elements that impact one's profession

decisions of choice.

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in the study are defined operationally.

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs
Attitude. A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or

something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s


Attribute. A quality or feature regardless a characteristic or

inherent part of someone or something.

Career Choice. A field for a pursuit of consecutive progressive

achievement especially in public,professional, or business life.

Course. A number of lectures or other matter dealing with a


Decision. Conclusion or resolution reached after consideration.

Senior High School. Refers to the last two years of k-12 program
Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs



This chapter includes information related to the research

problem. The literature will taken from the books, magazines,

download materials from the internet and legal issuance to

conceptualize the insights indicated. The studies will taken

from the reviews and study of existing works.

The following literature and studies are the foreign and

local related studies with similarities which will guide and

strengthen this research paper. They will serve as the

researchers’ clue to proceed to creating this paper and will

provide ideas for a sustained effectiveness of research.



According to Staunton (as cited in Rafanan & De Guzman,

2020), Higher career well-being, success and job happiness,

excellent grades, and on-time graduation are all outcomes of

matching a student's personality to the right educational or

career path. Choosing a career or track to pursue in senior high

school requires careful consideration for junior high school

students. A lot of students don't think their secondary school

career is relevant to the field they may specialize in later on

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs
in their higher education because they didn't give their career

decisions enough thought (Cabanias, 2021).

A person's career choice is one of the most significant

decisions they will ever make, according to Dye, C. (2018) in his

paper "Factors Affecting Career Choice." It has been observed by

researchers that candid self-reflection makes many of the

elements influencing profession choices readily evident. A smart

career decision can often be made by providing honest answers to

questions about your interests, potential occupations, desired

living situation, desired working environment, and preferred

method of employment. The majority of job decision-making is also

influenced by personal characteristics like aptitude, achievement

needs, attitudes, and self-expectations. Still, additional

elements like geography, financial status, and work-life balance

count. Geographical factors influence many jobs and might

influence career decisions in in several ways. For instance, the

majority of career pathways for a young professional pursuing a

managerial career in retail packaged food lead to Chicago, the

hub of the consumer packaged goods sector. Since most American

magazines are based in New York or Los Angeles, most career

pathways for aspiring magazine writers lead there. Some people

base their job decisions mostly on where they want to live, then

search for employment opportunities in that area.

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs
Conversely, the interest aspect of students is thought to be

the most important component when choosing a career major or

educational path because it reflects their interests or desires

(Giustinelli, 2016). Students' interests are important

considerations while choosing a career, according to Okwulehie

(2018) and Rababah (2016). Penedilla and Rosaldo's (2017) study,

which found that high school students' job and college degree

choices were influenced by their personal preferences, provided

support for this. Similar findings were made by Ahmed et al.

(2017), who discovered that while academic performance, financial

consequences, and future employment prospects have little bearing

on students' intentions to pursue a particular career, interest

in a course has a significantly positive relationship with career


Su, Chang, Wu, and Liao (2016) shown that students' choices

about their careers are most significantly impacted "School

factor" has the lowest weight, followed by "personal factor,"

"group factor," and "career exploration factor." Impacting their

level. Large-sized school pupils enrolled in courses on domestic

matters who will be readily impacted by the individual while

making job decisions.

Penedilla and Rosaldo (2017) found that while a senior high

school student's decision about a job and college major is

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs
primarily a personal one, outside factors do play a role. A

number of elements, including social and economic conditions and

their academic qualifications, influence their decisions, whether

they are made voluntarily or under coercion. Consequently, kids

are inspired to choose.In order to address this fact, the

Department of Education thought that administering the National

Career Assessment Exam (NCAE) would help identify the right path

for each student.


In the Philippines, students can select from a variety of

tracks in the Senior High School (SHS) program to help them get

ready for their future careers. For students in grade 10,

selecting the right SHS track is a crucial choice. An overview of

the literature on the subject is given in this section. Factors

that influence Philippine grade 10 students' preferences for SHS

tracks. Numerous factors that affect students' preferences for

SHS tracks have been identified by several studies. Lorenz et al.

(2020) discovered that students' preferred track was

significantly predicted by their academic standing, peer

pressure, parental guidance, and career goals. According to the

study, students who performed well academically tended to select

academic pathways, but those who performed poorly academically

TVL tracks that are preferred for performance.

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs
Numerous studies have also emphasized how important parental

involvement is in determining a student's preference for a SHS

track. According to a study by Kilag and Sasan (2023), parents

were very important in determining their children's track

preference and career goals. According to the study, parents who

were more likely to affect their children's track preference if

they supported their preferred track, helped with schooling, and

offered guidance. Kilag et al.'s study from 2021 also indicated

that parents who supported their children chosen course, guided

them, and were interested in their education were more probably

going to affect their kids' preferred track. According to the

study, parents with greater levels of education were also more

likely to have an impact on their children track preferences.

Providing high-quality basic education opportunities for all

students, raising the standard of the educational process and the

senior high school to college transition, and enhancing the

integration of the entire educational system are some of the

primary challenges facing K–12 in the Philippines.In the

Philippines, senior high school education has a significant

influence on the growth of the nation. The government made

educational investments in the hopes of preparing pupils for a

global economy. Students need to be enthusiastic to decide what

job route they will choose in the near future in order to become

globally competitive. Their ability to flourish both personally

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs
and professionally can be aided by having a well-planned and

coordinated life and career goals (Manapsal 2017).

Related Studies


A study conducted by Ching, C. W., et., al., (2016) entitled

“Factors Affecting the Students Career Decision-Making of Junior

High School Students in Central Taiwan Area” showed that students

with middle-level education degree parents take their parents

educational expectation and attitude in consideration when

deciding what track to choose . It is also stated in the study

that students with parents that have middle to high educational

degree is more affected by these family factors that students

with parents that have a low educational degree.

This implies that students consider their parents

educational attainment in their career decision-making. This

shows that the parents educational degree plays a role in the

track preference of the students. Students with parents footsteps

and pick the same line of career. On the other hand, students

with parents that have a low educational degree may choose tracks

that will lead to quick but high-paying jobs.

From the findings of the study entitled “ Parental Factors

Influencing Career Choice among High School Students in Nairobi

County”, it can be concluded that parental factors influence the

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs
career choice of students in Nairobi County. Results from the

study indicate that a high parental educational level has a

influence on the career choice of students. In this respect, it

is concluded that the mother’s level of education influenced the

students in Nairobi County would choose careers that are

different from those of their parents, siblings, and close

relatives. It can further be concluded that the father’s

occupation had a more significant influence on the students

career choice than that of the mother. It was also established

that parental values and expectations played a major role in

shaping the students careers. In this respect it can be concluded

that parental values and expectations have a significant

relationship with the career choice of students. (Alphonse,M.



According to a recent research, peer mentors play an

important role in the socialization process, and they exert

pressure on the trajectory of an individual has been widely

recognized. It helps young people develop their employment

possibilities and make decisions (2017, Victorina). In the

Philippines, adolescents usually lack the capacity to form their

own opinions. Educators, parents, friends, and It is customary to

ask classmates for advice (Manapsal, 2018).

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs
In a similar vein, Dagang and de Mesa (2017) discovered the

outcomes that indicate the significant role of parents regarding

their kids' post secondary school preference. The consciousness

of the Filipino people is strongly ingrained with it. Respect for

elders, which is why parents have a big say in what their

children decide. In a Filipino household, the kids are

financially dependent on their parents, which explains why they

yield to their parents' judgement. Modest impact from other

people, including friends, family, and peers. Affordability of

was another factor, tuition and then a scholarship.Making

professional decisions requires creativity, trial and error,

decision-making, and smart judgment. It is essential to have

prior knowledge about a certain career in order to spark and

nurture an interest in it. Passion is a strong pull on self-

defining activities that are essential to one's soul, heart, and

strength. When a person chooses his courses based on the right

career for his talent, personality, background, and intelligence,

he will succeed in his career the most. Rather than considering

the requirements of the job market, many students base their

decisions on personal preferences. The results show that

enthusiasm is necessary to comprehend entrepreneurship and its

processes (Magdadaro, 2020).

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs
Insight Gained

Academic performance, peer influence, parental guidance, and

career aspirations were significant predictors of students' track

preference. The study found that students with high academic

performance tended to choose academic tracks, while those with

lower academic performance preferred TVL tracks.

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs


This chapter presents the research design, research

respondents, sampling techniques, research locale, research data.

Research Design

The purpose of this study was to discover the factors that

affecting Grade 10 student’s choices of Senior High School Track.

The researcher employed the descriptive research design to

investigate the research and generates a new understanding of the

data collected. To study the research objectives, the researcher

employed a descriptive research strategy to generate a fresh

understanding of the data obtained. The study is descriptive, as

it aims to determine if there is an effect of the decision-making

of Junior High School (JHS) on what strand should be chosen.

Research Respondents

This study focused on the grade 10 students of their

decision on what strand they will choose. The population of this

research were grade 10 students, both male and female adolescents

aged 15-17 years old, enrolled in the school year 2022-2023.

Sampling Technique

The total number of participants was obtained using the

stratified random sampling . From the entire population of grade

10 students we will likely collect data of 75 students. The

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs
selection we will make is by listing the total number of grade 10

students in Saint Theresa College of Tandag INC.

The study we will conduct among the selected Senior High

School Students of Saint Theresa College of Tandag Inc., located

at corner of Magsaysay and Quezon Street Dagocdoc, Tandag

City.The researchers will get the valid result of the respondent

through stratified random sampling. Stratified sampling is a type

of method in which the total population is divided into smaller

groups or strata to complete the sampling process.

Research Locale

This study will conducted in Junior High School Department

of Saint Theresa College of Tandag Inc,. Located at corner of

Magsaysay and Quezon Street Dagocdoc , Tandag City. The study

aligned its objectives to the Grade 10 Theresians goals which

are: to choose their strand properly; to be sure of their choice

of course when they inter to college; to become more enjoyable

since the strands are designed and specialized to match your

interest; to determine which paths fit your strengths, passions,

and skills; to expands your knowledge and skills, while at the

same time, exposing you to your chosen field of study in

preparation for college.

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs

Research Instrument

Items on a rating scale made up the survey questioner. The

inquiry centered on the variables that might influence a

student’s Senior High School strand choice. The questionnaire was

divided into three parts. Part one assess the students basic

information, where their sex and parents occupation will ask.

The second part determine the student current response variable

which is collecting survey data and then, In part three they

assess the intervention the act of interfering with the outcome.

Saint Theresa College of Tandag, Inc.
Tandag City, Surigao del Sur, 8300
Email Address: shs
Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher designed a questionnaire before obtaining

data. The surveying technique begins when the letter, also known

as informed consent, is created.

The survey is sent to the students when it has been approved, and

the respondents have the option to respond as they wait to pick

up the surveys the following day. After retrieval, the

questionnaires were evaluated by the researchers, who were able

to ascertain which strand the grade 10 pupils at Saint Theresa

College of Tandag, Inc. had chosen.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gathered were analyzed and interpreted using the

Slovins Formula,which will be used to answer the problems posed

in this study.





n= number of samples needed

N=population size

e=margin of errors

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