Week 11 Assignment: G, S, T - G Is An Undirected Graph and There Is A Path From S To T in G

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Week 11 Assignment Pages: 2

Question 1. Consider the following language:

UREACH = ⟨G, s, t⟩|G is an undirected graph and there is a path from s to t in G,

which of the following are known to be true?

A. UREACH is undecidable.
B. UREACH is in L.
C. UREACH is NL-complete.
D. There are no NL-complete languages known.

Solution: In 2005, Reingold presented a log-space algorithm for UREACH.

Question 2. Let EZE denote the problem of deciding whether a polynomial evaluates to zero on every
input. Then which of the following is known to be true?
A. EZE is coNP-hard.
B. PIT is in BPP.
D. Both (a) and (b).

Solution: Option (a) is true because a 3SAT formula can be easily arithmetized over F2 such that
the polynomial evaluates to zero everywhere if and only if the formula is unsatisfiable. Option (b)
is true due to Schwartz-Zippel Lemma.

Question 3. Which of the following is known to be true?

A. P ⊂ P/poly
B. P/poly ⊆ NP
C. P/poly ⊆ EXP
D. P/poly ⊆ NEXP

Solution: Non-uniformity of ckts. Unary language is in P/poly but not in P.

Question 4. A language L is in Full-BPL if there is a O(log n)-space Turing machine M such that
Pr[M (x) ̸= L(x)] ≤ 22 .
Which of the following is true?
A. Full-BPL = NL
B. Full-BPL = P
C. Full-BPL = L
D. Full-BPL = NP.

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Solution: Probability can be ignored as 2n >> poly(n).

Question 5. Which of the following statements are known to be true?

S1: RL ⊆ NL
S2: BPL ⊆ P
A. Only S1 is known to be true.
B. Only S2 is known to be true.
C. Both S1 and S2 are true.
D. Both S1 and S2 are false.

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