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1-What is meant by IoT?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that refers to the expanding interconnection of smart devices,
ranging from appliances to tiny sensors.

2-Explain the role of sensors and actuators in IoT solutions.

Sensors collect data and provide recommendations based on the information gathered., while actuators
automate tasks, reducing human labor in IoT systems.

3-Draw a figure showing the types of sensors

4-Draw a figure showing the types of actuators

5-"What do the 'As' and 'Cs' stand for in the context of the Internet of Things
(IoT) as shown in the diagram?
6- Can you draw the evolution of the Internet from static and dynamic content
generation to the Internet of Things (IoT) ?

7-Draw a schematic representation depicting the convergence of three visions in

8- Draw and describe the fundamental characteristics?

9- shows Draw parking information, traffic density, driver behavior, etc.) from
vehicles to vehicular Cloud through gateways in IoT and Smart Mobility
11- shows Draw of IoT-based smart home framework. Source: Based on
Stojkoska and Trivodaliev

12- shows Draw the use of different com munication technologies from
renewable energy resources to data centers.
13- What are the five stages in the IoT value proposition?
The five stages include creating data, communicating data, collecting data, analyzing data, and acting
on the data.

14- What is the difference between WoT and IoT?

WoT involves the integration of IoT entities across the web, while IoT is a network of smart things,
devices, systems and applications.

15- What event contributed to the definition of the term "Internet of Things,"
and who promoted it?
The term "Internet of Things" was coined by Kevin Ashton during his work on Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) infrastructure at the Auto-ID Center of Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) in 1999.

16- How is IoT defined by standard organizations?

Standard organizations define IoT as bridging physical and virtual worlds, connecting the Internet to
the physical world via sensors, and serving as an infrastructure for interconnected objects and
intelligent services

17- What are the main application domains of Internet of Things (IoT)
according to the provided text?
The main application domains of Internet of Things (IoT) are smart transportation, smart agriculture,
and other various environments.

18- How is a smart home defined and what are its intended benefits according
to the text?
A smart home is defined as digitally engineered domestic life using IoT technologies to anticipate and
respond to residents' needs by providing comfort, convenience, security, and more.

19- Provide examples of IoT application domains and their corresponding

example scenarios as described in the text.
Domestic Automation
Example Scenario: Comfortable living, home automation, home security and monitoring, smart
appliances, children protection, video surveillance, infotainment, etc.
Healthcare and Well-being
Example Scenario: Smart hospital services, remote patient monitoring, elderly assistance, disabled
assistance, medical equipment/pharmaceuticals, ambulance tracking and management, remote
diagnostics and examinations, medical records management, assisted living, remote caregiver
assistance, mobile assistance, etc.
Smart Transportation
Example Scenario: Connected automobiles, smart mobility, road monitoring, vehicle sharing,
automated cars, automatic payment systems, parking system, proactive schedule maintenance of
automobiles, safety application, infotainment applications, traffic management applications, traffic
signals management, smart trains, smart planes, smart boats, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS),
20- Define smart agriculture and its importance.
Smart agriculture utilizes IoT and other ICT tools for automated farming practices. It's crucial for
enhancing crop yield and meeting the demands of a growing population.

21- Explain how IoT benefits agriculture.

IoT integrates advanced technologies like sensors and Cloud computing to improve farming practices.
It enables precise decision-making, enhances crop and animal health, and increases overall

22- Explain the concept of a smart city and its significance in urban
A smart city integrates various IoT applications to manage public resources and services efficiently
while enhancing citizens' quality of life. It utilizes information and computing technologies to establish
infrastructure components and services in a more intelligent and effective way. Smart cities aim to
optimize resource usage, enhance public safety, and provide quality services at reduced costs,
ultimately improving urban living standards.

23- Explain the concept of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and discuss its
applications in manufacturing industries.
- IIoT involves the interconnectivity of sensors and instruments with computing applications in
manufacturing industries. It enables monitoring of industrial plants to prevent machinery failures and
enhance efficiency. IIoT applications include smart factory warehousing, logistics monitoring, energy
optimization, security alarm systems, and automation of production lines. Despite its benefits, IIoT
faces challenges such as integration with legacy technology, lack of standardization, and high
implementation costs.

24-Why are societies becoming more susceptible to cyberattacks?

Because of the proliferation (rapid spread) and increased use of low-cost IoT devices. These devices
may have weaker security compared to traditional computers.

25- What makes securing IoT systems different from securing traditional
The implementation of security mechanisms in IoT systems is more challenging than in conventional
wired and wireless networks.

26- List the components of the IoT ecosystem.

◦ IP-Based and Non-IP-Based Smart Things
◦ IoT coordinator
◦ Networking Infrastructure
◦ IoT Gateways/Edge/Fog Computing
◦ IoT Cloud
◦ IoT System End Users Devices
◦ IoT Application
27- Why is understanding of basic functionalities to various components of
IoT Systems important for security?
By understanding functionalities like firmware updates, pairing, binding, authentication, control,
sensing, and data analytics, we can identify potential security vulnerabilities at each stage.

28-IoT systems face two main types of security threats. State these types and
provide an example for each.
threats against IoT:
a) IP camera hacking through buffer overflow attacks
b) A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on Dyn Servers
c) Botnet attack to hack IoT devices
d) SQL injection attacks

Threats from IoT:

a) Cross site scripting attack that are launched to access private data/resources in IoT systems.
b) privacy risk of people from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

29- Explain the categories of security constraints of IoT systems

Hardware Limitations: IoT devices have limited energy, computing power, and storage capacity.
Security algorithms must be efficient to operate within these constraints, and tamper-resistant
security measures are preferred for unattended devices.

Software Limitations: Robust communication protocol stack and dynamic security patches are
difficult to be implemented on thin embedded operating systems installed on IoT sensing devices.

Communication Limitations: Challenges arise from device heterogeneity, scalability issues,

multiple communication interfaces/protocols, and characteristics like portability and mobility.
Conventional security protocols may not fully address these diverse communication needs, requiring
suitable security approaches for IoT systems.

30- Why is confidentiality a major concern in IoT systems?

Confidentiality is important because many IoT devices, like RFID tags, are easily accessible and
collect large amounts of data. This data could be private or commercially sensitive, so it's crucial to
restrict access to authorized users only.

31- How can tampering with sensor data be harmful in an IoT application?
Tampering with sensor data can disrupt the entire system. For example, if a temperature sensor in a
greenhouse sends incorrect readings, it could lead to overheating and damage crops.

32- What is the difference between data integrity and non-repudiation?

Data integrity ensures the data itself hasn't been altered, while non-repudiation guarantees the sender
can't deny sending the data. Think of it this way: integrity checks the message itself, while non-
repudiation verifies who sent it.

33- How does access control differ from authorization in an IoT system?
Authorization defines the overall access permissions for users or devices within the system. Access
control builds on that by enforcing those permissions on specific resources. Think of authorization as
setting general user roles, and access control as defining which files each role can access.

34- How do access-level and functional security requirements work together to

secure IoT systems?
Access-level requirements control who and what can access the system, while functional
requirements ensure the system itself is reliable and available. This combined approach creates a
layered defense. Even if unauthorized access is attempted, functional security measures like
availability and resiliency can help protect the system and limit potential damage.

35- How can achieving interoperability in security create challenges for IoT
While interoperability is important for different devices to work together, it can be difficult to ensure
all devices support the same security protocols. This can create vulnerabilities if some devices have
weaker security measures.

36- Why is it important to protect personal data collected by IoT devices?

IoT devices can collect a lot of data about our habits, movements , and even health . Protecting this
data is crucial to prevent identity theft, targeted advertising , or discrimination based on personal

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