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I. Assessment of Communicative Language Competences. Reading Comprehension - 30 points.

Read the text and complete the tasks that follow.

In some cultures, it is considered polite not to season your food at a restaurant or at a friend’s
home. You eat it the way that the chef prepared the dish. Not only is this showing respect to the chef,
but it is also healthier for you.
Salt is the most significant source of sodium in your diet. Also known as sodium chloride, it
comprises 40% sodium and 60% chloride. Today, the terms “salt” and “sodium” are often used
interchangeably. Salt is typically harvested from salt mines or by evaporating-seawater or other
mineral-rich water. Some salt varieties are fortified with iodine, iron, folic acid, or a combination of
Historically, salt has been used to preserve food. High salt concentrations help prevent
bacterial growth that can cause food to spoil. While your body needs some salt to function properly,
too much of it can be detrimental to your health.
A recent study of 500,000 middle-aged Britons showed that those who didn’t regularly add
salt to their food lived longer. Researchers found enough compelling evidence to advise people to
stop seasoning their meals. The research showed that adding salt to food for every meal knocked two
years off the lives of men in the study and 1.5 for women.
“Even a modest reduction in sodium intake, by adding less or no salt to food at the table, is.
likely to result in substantial health benefits, especially when it is achieved in the general population,”
said Professor Lu Qi of Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in New
Orleans, who led the work. The study looked at participants from the UK BioBank Study over nine
years who were asked to report, on their salt consumption. Participants who always salted their food
had a 28 percent increased risk of dying prematurely. Other factors that might have affected the
outcomes, like sex, age, smoking, ethnicity, exercise, and others were accounted for in the study.
For things like smoking and higher-than-moderate drinking, it is easy for experts to advise
patients to stop outright. Salt consumption, however, is a little trickier. For those consuming normal
levels of salt, not throwing it on to every meal, probably have nothing to worry about. If you do
season your food every meal, then you should counterbalance that with lots of vegetables and fruits.
Those with a risk of heart disease should probably consider cutting salt out altogether.
It is important to follow the recommendations of your healthcare professional if you have
been told to eat less salt. The optimal daily intake of sodium is 1,500 mg, equaling 3/4 teaspoons. If
you are otherwise healthy, eating a low salt diet is likely unnecessary.

No. Item Score

I. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant to complete the 4 points
1. According to the text, it is healthier for you if you ... at the restaurant. A A
a. consume the food the way it is cooked; 0 0
b. season your food; 1 1
c. show respect to the chef.
2. According to the text, the terms “salt” and “sodium” are frequently used … A A
a. today; 0 0
b. typically; 1 1
c. equally.
3. According to the text, food spoiling can be prevented by... A A
a. bacterial growth. 0 0
b. salt concentrations. 1 1
c. preserving food.
4. According to the text, people with a risk of heart disease had better ... A A
a. counterbalance their meal with fruits. 0 0
b. cut salt out. 1 1
c. consume normal level of salt.
II. In the text, identify the meaning of the words. Circle the letter 2 points
corresponding to the correct variant.
1. The word ‘compelling ’ in the text means: A A
a.convincing; 0 0
b.urgent; 1 1
2. The word ‘outcome' in the text is closest in meaning to: A A
a.effect; 0 0
b.result; 1 1
III. Briefly, answer the questions below, choosing the words from the text. 4points
1.What is considered polite in some cultures? A A
0 0
______________________________________________________________ 1 1
2.How many Britons went through investigation? 2 2
3 3
4 4
3. Who conducted the research?
4. What is trickier in comparison to smoking and drinking?

IV. Match the halves of the sentences. Write the answers in the table below. 4 points
One is extra.

1. Salt is the most a. shouldn’t worry A A

0 0
2. Some salt varieties are b. important source of sodium. 1 1
2 2
3. Adding salt to food every c. cutting sault out together.
3 3
meal may d. fortified with iodine. 4 4
4. Those consuming normal e. knock 2 years of the life.

levels of salt
1. 2. 3. 4.

V. Identify if the statements are true or false. Circle the letter corresponding 6 points
to the correct variant. Justify the answer by quoting the text and write it
on the lines below.
1. Salt is harmless to our health since our body requires it for proper function. A A
A. True B. False
______________________________________________________________ 0 0
1 1
______________________________________________________________ 2 2
2. Researchers examined participants from the UK BioBank Study asking them
to report on salt consumption. A A
A. True B. False 0 0
1 1
______________________________________________________________ 2 2
3.There is no need to follow the advice given by healthcare professionals.

A. True B. False A A
______________________________________________________________ 0 0
______________________________________________________________ 1 1
2 2

VI. Write the most important ideas in order they come in the text. Fill in the 8 points
table with the letter corresponding to the correct variant (A, B, …).
A. We shouldn’t increase the optimal daily intake of sodium if we care for our
B. Salt comprises 40% sodium and 60% chloride.
0 0
C. A recent research has proven that those who do not add too much salt to 2 2
their food live longer. 4 4
D. Professor Lu Qi conducted an investigation with the help of 6 6
participants from the UK BioBank Study. 8 8
1 2 3 4
VII. What is the main idea of the text? Circle the letter corresponding to the 2 points
correct variant.
A. Excess sodium intake is a global concern that is why Professor Lu Qi
conducted the study.
B. Nowadays health organizations have been on alert about dangers of salt and
0 0
its detrimental impact on human health. 2 2
C. A moderate sodium intake of around ¾ teaspoons daily is recommended to
every single human.

III. Assessment of Pluri/intercultural and Communicative Language Competences.

Written Production - 30 points
Write a 100-120 -word text according to the given task:
Nr. Item 30 p.

0 0
________________________________________________________________________ 1 1
________________________________________________________________________ 0 0
________________________________________________________________________ 1 1
________________________________________________________________________ 0 0
________________________________________________________________________ 3 3
6 6
________________________________________________________________________ 0 0
2 2
________________________________________________________________________ 4 4
0 0
________________________________________________________________________ 2 2
________________________________________________________________________ 4 4

________________________________________________________________________ 0 0
1 1
2 2
0 0
________________________________________________________________________ 1 1
________________________________________________________________________ 2 2
3 3
________________________________________________________________________ 4 4
________________________________________________________________________ 5 5
________________________________________________________________________ 0 0
________________________________________________________________________ 1 1
2 2
3 3
________________________________________________________________________ 4 4
________________________________________________________________________ 0 0
________________________________________________________________________ 1 1
2 2
_______________________________________________________________________ 3 3

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