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Projects Sub - Projects Tasks Responsibility Start Date Group Deadline Deadline Status

Schedule team meeting All 28/1/2024 11/2/2024 Done

Choose project manager All 28/1/2024 11/2/2024 Done
Broad Team Goals All 28/1/2024 11/2/2024 Done
Measurable Team Goals All 28/1/2024 11/2/2024 Done
Personal Goals Individual 28/1/2024 11/2/2024 Done
Individual Commitment Individual 28/1/2024 11/2/2024 Done
Creating Team Charter (Draft) Other Concerns Individual 28/1/2024 11/2/2024 Done
Conflict Resolution All 28/1/2024 11/2/2024 Done
Missed Deadlines All 28/1/2024 11/2/2024 Done
Planning Documents Unacceptable Work All 28/1/2024 11/2/2024 Done
Draft 1 Submission Abdulaziz 28/1/2024 3/2/2024 Done
Revise draft 1 All 28/1/2024 11/2/2024 Done
Draft 2 Submission Abdulaziz 28/1/2024 2 days before 11/2/2024 Done
Identifying all the Tasks Needed All 28/1/2024 11/2/2024 Done
Defining Resopnsiblities All 28/1/2024 11/2/2024 Done
Assigning Start and End Date All 28/1/2024 11/2/2024 Done
Creating team Schedule (Draft)
Draft 1 Submission Abdulaziz 28/1/2024 11/2/2024 Done
Revise draft 1 All 28/1/2024 11/2/2024 Done
Draft 2 Submission Abdulaziz 12/2/2024 2 days before 11/2/2024 Done
Purpose and Summary of Memo All 28/1/2024 6/2/2024 Done
Document Planning Abdulaziz 28/1/2024 6/2/2024 Done
Objective of a Letter All 28/1/2024 6/2/2024 Done
Team Memo 1 Straw document Noof and Deena 28/1/2024 6/2/2024 Done
Ask for Recommendations from CTL Mohammed 28/1/2024 6/2/2024 Done
Revise the memo ALL 28/1/2024 6/2/2024 Done
Submit memo 1 Abdulaziz 6/2/2024 13/2/2024 Done
Purpose and Summary of Memo All 6/2/2024 …..... day before 13/2/2024 -
Collaboration Methods All 6/2/2024 …..... day before 13/2/2024 -
Document Planning Abdulaziz 6/2/2024 …..... day before 13/2/2024 -
Team Memo 2 Straw Document Mohammed and Shaikha 6/2/2024 …..... day before 13/2/2024 -
Ask for Recommendations from CTL Deena 6/2/2024 …..... day before 13/2/2024 -
Revise the memo ALL 6/2/2024 …..... day before 13/2/2024 -
Submit memo 2 All 6/2/2024 …..... day before 13/2/2024 -
Review the project's problem statement document All 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Brainstorming Brainstorm Ideas for Project 1 All 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Create a list of sustainability challenges facing Qatar All 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Do a decision matrix Abdulaziz 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Gathering Information from Scholarly Databases Noof 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Collecting data from Jornals Mohammed 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Collecting Articles from News Outlets Deena 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Consulting Data from Professional Bodies Abdulaziz 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Project 1 Access to education Resources Shaikha 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Accessing Information from Government Online Resources Abdulaziz 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Ask for help from library Mohammed 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Formulation of Interview Questions ALL 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Assistance with Technical Aspects of Interviews Mohammed 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Coordination of an Interview with an Professors Noof and Deena 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Execution of the Interview with the professors Abdulaziz and Mohammed 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Interveiws Analyze and summarize the interview recording 1 Shaikha 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Look for students engaged in Reseach Shaikha 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Interview with a TAMUQ Student Engaged in Research Shaikha 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Analyze and summarize the interview recording 2 Noof and Deena 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Drafting of the Proposal Memo All 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Forwarding the Proposal Memo and Decision matrix Abdulaziz 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Detailing the Rationale the Problem Statement's Problems and Purpose Mohammed 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Defining the Project's Extents All 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Drafting the Objective Section Abdulaziz 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Previous & Current Research & Solutions Noof 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Problem Statement User Needs and Design Constraints Deena 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Ask for Recommendations from CTL Shaikha 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Submission of the First Draft Abdulaziz 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Amending the Problem Statement All 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Ask for Recommendations from CTL Mohammed 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Finalization and Submission of the Problem Statement's Last Draft Abdulaziz 4/2/2024 …..... day before 25/2/2024 -
Hold a Meeting to discuss the Project Abdulaziz 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Recognizing the Importance of the research All 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Brainstorming Research Different Solutions for the Problem Mohammed 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Building the Decision Grid Abdulaziz 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Drafting a memo Abdulaziz 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Gather comprehensive data on innovative practices from different regions using varied media and official resources All 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Research Engage with local industry leaders to learn about their strategies for long-term operational success and their future plans Deena 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Initiate the creation of the project's visual and informational displays All 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Discuss the visualization colors and theme All 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Do the Presntaion slides All 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Prestnation Review the first draft of the presntaion slides All 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Ask for Recommendations from CTL Shaikha 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Project 2
Review the second draft of the presntaion slides All 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Go over the initial version of the poster All 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Ask for Recommendations from CTL Noof 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
fix the poster after getting recommendation from CTL All 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Submit first Draft Poster Abdulaziz 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Technical Report (Draft one) All 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Ask for Recommendations from CTL Deena 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Final drafts of presentation Abdulaziz 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Techinical Report And Final Drafts Final drafts of poster Abdulaziz 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Final draft of technical report Abdulaziz 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Editing and Revising All 3/3/2024 …..... day before 2/4/2024 -
Submit Final Draft Abdulaziz 3/3/2024 …..... day before 9/4/2024 -

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