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Producing a basketball court using

the Schematics of Coordinate

There are several reasons why the schematics of coordinate geometry can be used to produce
a basketball court for actual land use:

1. Precise measurements of angles and distances allow for an accurate scaling of the
court. (Eg. The length of an NBA court is 94 feet, and the width is 50 feet)
2. Basketball sizes are consistent using strict guidelines. The dimensions of the court can
be fixed allowing them to be used globally and thus fair for every basketball player that
practices on the court.
3. Due to scaling, the appropriate amount of space can be optimized by the designers to
integrate the basketball court on real land areas.
4. The diagram allows for an accurate visual representation of the final product to be
established on the chosen piece of land to be used to build the court.
5. For flexibility due to a given size of land that may be too small, designers can easily
modify the layout of the court to better suit the land given.
6. Due to proper scaling of 1 cm to 1 foot, and via transmission through online methods,
the court can be easily reproduced throughout the country thus making it easily


1. Basketball Court Dimensions - Diagrams & Measurements (

2. Spatial performance analysis in basketball with CART, random forest and extremely
randomized trees | Annals of Operations Research (

3. Basketball: The Geometry of Banking a Basket | Science Project (

4. NeeravDixit_Project_CS231A.pdf (

APA Format:

1. Andy. (2022, May 31). Basketball Court Dimensions - Diagrams & Measurements. The

Hoops Geek.

2. Zuccolotto, P., Sandri, M., & Manisera, M. (2022). Spatial performance analysis in

basketball with CART, random forest and extremely randomized trees. Annals of

Operations Research.

3. Science Buddies. (2014, January 28). Basketball: The Geometry of Banking a Basket.

Science Buddies; Science Buddies.



4. Dixit, N. (n.d.). Adding Shot Chart Data to NBA Scenes. Retrieved March 31, 2024, from


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