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I d like to make an international call.

"That's going to cost an arm and a leg, are you sure?"

"Never mind. I pay by card, is that possible?"
The owner nodded curtly and pulled out an international calling phone from
inside the counter. It had not been used for a long time and had gathered
After familiarizing
familiarizing himself with the basic instructions,
instructions, Kwon
Kwon Taekju picked
picked up
the handset. He first entered the payment-related information and then
successively dialed the country code and home phone number.
Soon the beep began to sound. The mother quickly answered the phone. "
Hello?" The voice on the other end didn't sound right. It sounded like she
had become very worried again.

"It's me. Did you call me?"

As she guessed,
guessed, a barrage
barrage of questions
questions came in.
in. Why did you keep quiet,
what happened to you, and were you sick? His mother became overly
concerned as if they had gone several days without communicating. Kwon
Taekju was already used to it, so he reassured her with a few "yes, yes" to
put her mind at ease.
He was able to end the call only after first promising to call her every day.
He was exhausted. Kwon Taekju squeezed
squeezed his sore eyes and tried to

mitigate his fatigue. As he sat there, he suddenly felt hungry. It seemed that
he needed to calm his aching stomach first before he could go to sleep
He looked back at the innkeeper. Yawning heavily, he gave him an annoyed
"Are there any decent restaurants around here?"
He stood up, clearly annoyed by the question, and with a few slight hand
gestures, pointed to the location of a restaurant.
The owner was about to sit down again when he was interrupted. The towel
tied around Kwon Taekju s waist came loose. The towel fell to the ground

before he had a chance to stop it. He turned to the owner, who was looking
at his torso, and asked one more thing.
"I think I'll need some clothes too."
2.8 New Mission

Kwon Taekju sat in the empty restaurant and looked around for a while,
wondering why such a shabby place had been mentioned to him among

any other restaurant. Maybe it's a hidden gem that only locals know about?
Kwon Taekju tried to convince himself of that, but when he saw the
restaurant owner, he changed his mind. If the owner of the inn was called
Ivanovich, the owner of this place could be Ivanova. Their hairstyles were a
little different, and if it weren't for that it
i t would be hard to tell them apart.
The menu seemed to be non-existent. They didn't even take separate
orders. The owner, who had left him alone with his thoughts, suddenly
brought out dishes without even Kwon Taekju asking for them. There was
cabbage soup, borscht*, and Russian-style dumplings called pelmeni.
Curiously, the guy points to one side of the wall. Scrawled there were the
words 'Coffee, Vodka and Kvas'. He opted for the traditional drink, Kvas**,
and tried the food first.
(n/t: *Borscht: Typically associated with Eastern European cuisine, it is
made with beets as the main ingredient, along with other vegetables such
as carrots, potatoes, onions, and cabbage.
**Kvas: It is a traditional fermented drink and is made with sugar, rye bread,
or malt and has a slightly sour taste with low alcohol content).
As soon as he
he took a bite,
bite, he was overcome by the unmistakable
unmistakable smell of
mutton. Vegetables, however, were the main course. As he frowned, he
forced himself to eat the food. When he was thirsty, he drank kvas.
While chewing his food, Kwon Taekju organized his thoughts. It was clear
that his problems had started since he arrived in Russia. There was no way
this situation would have ended up going so badly otherwise. From the very

beginning, he was assigned a mission for which he was not qualified, and
so, just on his first day in Russia, he was kidnapped; on the second day, he
lost all his belongings in a terrorist attack; and just recently, he almost died
in many different ways.
Moreover, his partner had not helped him at all, and actually, it had been
fortunate not to have been killed by him earlier. He had never had such bad
luck in his life, so why did it all come crashing down at once?
Although his
his stomach churned,
churned, he tried
tried to keep his composure.
composure. It was
useless to lament about the past, it would be more constructive to think
about the future. First, he had to report his survival to headquarters, update
them on the progress of the incident, get more support, and then get
moving. Given that he was suddenly in Psych Bogdanov's crosshairs, he
couldn't be sure that he was the only one targeting him. It's not too late to

assess the situation, even if safety is assured.

How do I get in touch with headquarters? The communicator had
disappeared, and it was highly classified that Kwon Taekju himself was here
at this time. Not only the Korean immigration authorities, but even the
embassies do not know. During his stay in Russia, Kwon Taekju's identity
was strictly Hiro Sakamoto. However, it was impossible to visit the
Japanese embassy.
Impossible. No matter how he thought about it, the only way was through

Jenya, but the problem was that he didn't even know his contact information
yet. It was daunting to think about how to meet with him since he only
showed up when he wanted to without promising when or where. He didn't
seem to have any plans either. Why was he content to simply give him the
Kwon Taekju himself didn't even know where to go.
"My stomach."
Putting down his fork, he raised his head. Once full to a certain point, he
didn't feel like swallowing any more bad-tasting food. He picked up the
check and headed for the counter. At that moment, a distinct ringing of a

bell sounded from the entrance behind him. Two policemen entered.
The owner of the restaurant seems to be very close to them, exchanging
friendly greetings. They find a table and sit down. The owner familiarly
pours them drinks and vodka and stood chatting at their table for a while. It
wasn't long before the owner came to the cashier.
"That's 3000 rubles."
(n/t: Between $36-37.)
The amount he was asking for was exaggeratedly ridiculous, considering
how late it was and the service. Even if it was 1,000 rubles, it would be too
much. The look of audacity on his face was so shameless it was almost
brazen. Everything from the food to the prices was unsatisfactory to him, but

he had no energy left to argue. After all, it wasn't even his own money.
Not wanting to make any fuss, he handed over his card. The owner visibly
frowned and reluctantly took the card when he told him he had no cash. As
they waited for the payment to be processed, there seemed to be a problem
with the machine. The owner, who had swiped his card several times,
looked at Kwon Taekju and immediately walked over to the police officers'
table. Then, while looking at Kwon Taekju, he whispered something.
Immediately, his eyes met Kwon Taekju's eyes. But, for some reason, their

looks didn't seem friendly. Were they talking about him?

Soon one of the officers stood up from his seat. Kwon Taekju looked at the
man who approached him with a confused face.
"Is there an issue?"
"Let's talk for a minute, sir."
Meanwhile, the other policeman approached as if surrounding him and
grabbed Kwon Taekju's arm. What was happening now was simply
si mply absurd,
these baffling and nonsensical things happening to him seemed to have no
There must be some kind of misunderstanding. Misunderstandings are

usually resolved through calm conversation. The only problem was that he
had removed his artificial skin, so he couldn't say he was Hiro Sakamoto,
and with his current appearance, he couldn't pretend to be Hiro Sakamoto.
Kwon Taekju also cannot make his true identity known. He has to avoid
going to the police station at all costs.
Should he resist and escape? It would not be difficult to fight the two with
bare fists. However, he feared that running away would only serve him to
end up being charged with some unknown charges and even end up
making enemies with the Russian police. It was not a good idea to increase
the number of pursuers while in hiding.
First, he would calmly ask what they wanted.

"Shouldn't you know why?"

"I think I should at least know why you are doing this."
"The card you were about to use has been reported stolen."
What, no way. I'd had no trouble using it at the hostel before. The owner
showed the card reader to an unsuspecting Kwon Taekju. Sure enough, it
displayed a warning message.
"Come on, don't waste our time, let's go."
The policeman absently urged Kwon Taekju, who was dumbfounded. What

do I have to do? If he let them take him to the station, he would be in trouble
in more ways than one. With the loss of contact with headquarters, it was
difficult to request any kind of support. After all, it seemed the only option
was to subdue the two men and escape. As he thought about it, the
policeman who had urged him to go with him tried to handcuff him. At that
moment, he raised his arm.
He struck the policeman in the face with the back of his hand and then
elbowed him in the chest.
The officer, who had a good physique, grabbed his nose and chest and

collapsed helplessly. Blood gushed from between his thick fingers. The
fellow cop who was watching the scene rushed at him with wide eyes.
"You bastard!"
He shook off his grip and kicked him in the stomach when he heard the
distinctive doorbell ring. Kwon Tae-ju, who raised his long legs in the air in a
not-so-peaceful gesture, and the officer who was about to react, stopped
moving in unison.
It was Jenya, who arrived just in time. His heart was relieved to see a
familiar face. Everything would be all right now that the owner of the card
was here.
He abandoned his attack stance and straightened his body. Immediately

after, the agent facing him lunged and knocked Kwon Taekju down. In an
instant, his wrists were bent behind his back and handcuffs were placed on
him. Kwon Taekju lay helpless on the ground, where he struggled
helplessly. As he looked for a way out, he looked at Jenya, who only looked
at him and nodded, as if telling him to quickly resolve this damned situation.
Jenya was just quietly looking around the restaurant. He was probably
assessing the situation himself, but shouldn't he choose the right time and
place to devote to leisure? The agent pulled him up with a jerk. The officer

who had cuffed both of Kwon Taekju's wrists took a deep breath and asked
his colleague, who had just stood up if he was all right. The officer, whose
nose was bleeding and swollen, chuckled and approached Kwon Taekju.
His venom was evident in the way he patted his back.
Kwon Taekju stood his ground without moving a step. With both eyes, he
looked intently at Jenya, who was still contemplat
"Don't move!" the big policeman exclaimed excitedly. However, when Kwon
Taekju did not move, he raised his hand in a gesture to punch him. Just as
the merciless fist was about to strike his face, something swiftly blocked his

His vision had been blocked, so he couldn't tell what was happening, but
before he was aware of it, Jenya positioned in front of Kwon Taekju like a
wall and was holding the neck of the policeman who had lunged at Kwon
Taekju with one hand. He squeezed so hard that the officer's face turned
blue for a moment, and his bulging eyes looked like they were about to roll
back at any moment. Jenya released him as if he were pushing him away,
and, with that simple gesture, the burly officer trembled faintly. His face and
neck were stained bright red as the blood circulated rapidly.
"Let me take a look for a moment."
Jenya said quietly, looking at the officers. The two officers, who were on

duty, faced each other with unfamiliar faces. After a long pause filled with
stares, one of the officers nodded and motioned with his head for him to
follow. Jenya looked at Kwon Taekju and followed him outside.
Meanwhile, Kwon Taekju was sitting near the window. Through the window,
he saw Jenya talking to the policeman. He continued the conversation
casually, with a business smile from time to time. It was not easy to guess
the content of their conversation just by looking at their facial expressions. It
was because the police officer with him had his back turned, and his

backside invaded her field of vision abruptly.

Soon after, Jenya and the officer returned to the restaurant. Kwon Taekju
looked at Jenya as if seeking an explanation, but the latter merely shrugged
his shoulders and turned away. The officer who had gone out with him did
not give any particular explanation to his curious colleague either. He simply
gestured with his chin toward Kwon Taekju and gave some unexpected
"Let him go."
He looked at Jenya, unsure whether the conversation had gone well or not.
Immediately, the handcuffs were removed from his wrists.

The two officers said their goodbyes and left the restaurant. The owner, who
had observed the whole situation, bowed his head. Like Kwon Taekju, he
was confused.
"What did you do?"
"Nothing. I gave him some money to pay for his drinks."
Very doubtful. With an uncomfortable feeling, Kwon Taekju folded his arms
and examined Jenya up and down. The guy smiled lazily and easily met his
gaze. He was always like that, but there was something strangely
intimidating about him, and it was hard to shake off the suspicion that this
carefree demeanor was not his true nature.
He may look relaxed, but he's not a relaxed person. He may be bold and

brash, but he doesn't move without thinking. Kwon Taekju wondered how
he had found him, but in that brief moment, he must have thought of this.
The first thing he would have done is track down the location and where his
card was, and if that didn't work, he would have reported it stolen, as he did
now, without a shred of consideration and embarrassing his partner in the
process. His character is not simply bad, because as much as it was the car
Bogdanov was in, he had been shooting recklessly despite the fact that his
partner was clearly in the same vehicle.

Jenya was unfazed by Kwon Taekju's suspicious looks. Instead, he

behaved brazenly, as if to say, "Look all you want." His very presence
irritated him so much that he couldn't stand it and openly sneered.
"Why are you so busy, does it really have to be so hard to see your face?"
he asked.
"Why, do you want to keep me around?"
No. I want to tear off both of your ears and sew them back on with my
He smiled arbitrarily as he bit his incisors. His gaze, which had been fixed
on Jenya for a while, suddenly drifted over his shoulder. He held Jenya's

chin as he turned to look back. Then he looked Jenya in the eyes again and
pursed his lips slightly.
"That guy over there has been staring at us like
l ike a madman since earlier, do
you think he's following us?".
"You're careless."
"What should we do?"
"Let's get rid of him."
"Then stay here. I'll take care of it and come back."
"If you need help, let me know."
"Thanks, but I'll pass."

He responds with a smile on his face and leaves. As Jenya walked out of
the restaurant, the guy, lurking hidden in an alleyway startled. Jenya walked
towards him, waving the hem of his long coat, and the startled pursuer
dropped his knife.
Jenya slowly followed him and soon the two disappeared from Kwon
Taekju's sight.
Only two or three minutes later Jenya reappeared, and when he did, Kwon
Taekju frowned. It was because the long coat he was wearing had

"Where's your coat?"
"I threw it away."
He didn't ask why. He had a vague idea why. However, Jenya insisted on
explaining the circumstances of the coat.
"It's because it got dirty."
Kwon Taekju turned his gaze to his fingertips. Even if he had tried not to, his
eyes were drawn to them. He pierced a person's eye with those fingers.
What could he have done this time? If he had to throw away his coat before
coming back here, was it for murder? He could have smashed that man's

nose and mouth and choked him to death. The thought of what he might
have done, irrational as it was, made him sick. Somehow he looked more
like Psych Bogdanov than the one who died in the river.
Jenya's fingers, the same ones he was glaring furiously at, suddenly
snapped. He flinched without realizing it and soon, a low chuckle erupted
next to his head. When he raised his head shakily, a mischievous grin broke
out on Jenya's face.
I don't like him at all.
Jenya handed something to Kwon Taekju, who was frowning deeply.
"Don't look away and look at this."
What he handed him was an invitation. There would be a banquet at the

Kremlin Palace to celebrate the signing of the Russo-Japanese contract.

The Japanese delegation and Russian dignitaries from all walks of life were
scheduled to attend. Kwon Taekju had also intended to infiltrate there as
Hiro Sakamoto, but all his plans were ruined by the unexpected terrorist
However, the date of the invitation was different from what he knew. It
seems that the schedule was rescheduled due to an unfortunate incident at
the hotel where the Japanese delegation was staying. Controls, searches,

and security will also be further strengthened.

How do we infiltrate? As he pondered, Jenya snatched the invitation from
his hand.
"This is just a facade. The real party will take place later."
"The real party?"
"Near the Kremlin is the Bogdanov family mansion. The patriarch's second
son maintains close ties with the president, and the family estate serves as
Gazprom's de facto representative in the state. Rumor has it that after state
events, they hold lavish parties at their mansion. These events are attended
even by those who have not been invited to the Kremlin, such as

underworld kingpins and the big fat cats who control the flow of money in
Russia. They are considered real VIP guests. They are authors who will do
anything to make money, so they are also quite useful sources of
information. Meeting
Meeting with them might give us some clues about Anastasia."
"Could this Bogdanov be the Bogdanov we know?"
"Why not?"
"They're throwing a party like this even though someone in their bloodline is
I couldn't understand. Psych Bogdanov's body should have been found by
now. Even if it's a national event, can you have a banquet in the courtyard
where there's a portrait of a deceased family member?

"Do you really think he's dead?"

"So you're saying he isn't?"
"Unfortunately, no. I investigated and found that only two bodies have been
found in that river."
Somehow, it was all too easy despite the repeated warnings he received.
Still, that guy was unconscious and bleeding profusely from the gunshot
wound, so he thought it would be difficult to recover. Besides, the river
water was cold enough to quickly suck a person's body temperature
temperature to the

point of freezing, as the banks were also icy. Surviving in such harsh
conditions meant he was no ordinary person, as rumored.
His survival meant he could be a target again at any time. It was an
unpleasant feeling, but Kwon Taekju managed to shake it off.
"How can you be sure we'll get clues about Anastasia there?"
As if he knew
knew he was going
going to be asked that question,
question, Jenya
Jenya held
something out to him. It was an envelope folded in half. Kwon Taekju took it
and immediately checked the contents. It was a copy of an old newspaper
article and a list of names that could not be identified. It contained dozens of
Russian and Korean names.

I flipped through the names and then the copy of the article. Each obituary
described the death of a person on a particular day in the past, at whose
hands, and under what circumstances. For some reason, the names of the
deceased looked familiar.
He looked over the list again with a suspicious expression. His eyes
widened. Most of the names on the list matched those of the people in the
article. Jenya explained why.
"They were the people involved in
i n Anastasia's development. They are all
dead now."
"Why did they die?"
"I don't know, why did they?"

He raised an eyebrow and asked. It was a rude expression as if he were

teasing an ignorant child. He had a vague idea of something, but he couldn't
be sure. The doubt in his mind prevented him from moving forward, so he
stomped on Jenya's shoe, urging him to answer. Jenya finally opened his
mouth after savoring the impatient expression
expression on his face for a good while.
"Anastasia is a weapon of mass destruction like no other, and as such,
things concerning her are very much hidden. Everyone talks about
Anastasia, but
but most people
people don't even
even know what
what kind of weapon she is.

That's why they are so afraid of her because they don't know. Actually,
maybe that's Anastasia's real power; you don't know anything about her.
However, once it was finished, the story would be completely different. All
those who participated in the investigation would be scattered, and some of
them might even spread rumors about Anastasia's true identity; what she is,
and how she works. That can't happen, can it? Because Anastasia must
continue to be a terrifying and unprecedented weapon, both now and in the
Kwon Taekju frowned; he didn't need to hear the whole story to realize the
connection between "Anastasia"
"Anastasia" and the list.
l ist. Jenya nodded his head in

"Slaughtered, all of them. So that a weapon like that could never be
developed again."
For a moment, Kwon Taekju was speechless.
They were not killed for stealing secrets or changing their minds. They were
simply eliminated before they could even try.
I looked at the list again, dumbfounded. Then I noticed something odd and
"Yes, there are those who survived."
The list also included members of the Bogdanov family. But a few are alive

and well. Although most of those who participated in the development of

'Anastasia' died, how should we interpret the survival of these individuals?
As Kwon Taekju
Taekju continued
continued his reasoning,
reasoning, he looked
looked at Jenya with a puzzled
expression. A smile tugged at Jenya's lips.
The Bogdanovs were clearly involved in the investigation of 'Anastasia'. And
on top of that, they were the only surviving members among almost all the
others involved, who were killed. Could this be proof that they were the
ones who eliminated the investigators? To completely seize the weapon

and prevent anything like it from being created again.

Jenya looked at Kwon Taekju, whose face had turned serious.
"What do you think, do you feel like
l ike enjoying a little party now?".
"...It's like jumping into a tiger's den. And do it naked."
Kwon Taekju shook his head and lamented. If Jenya's information was
correct, it was highly likely that the Bogdanovs knew Anastasia's
whereabouts. The problem was his own situation.
There was a party scheduled for tomorrow night, and even if he managed to
contact headquarters through Jenya, it was unlikely that he would be able to
get material support from headquarters in a single day. However, it was

impossible to infiltrate with his own face.

"I don't think headquart
ers has any preparation for this."
Jenya smiled and then stood up. As they paid for the meal and left the
restaurant, Kwon Taekju saw a convertible parked in front of him that
caught his attention. Its sleek exterior was identical to that of its owner.
Jenya grabbed Kwon Taekju by the arm and pulled him into the passenger
seat before speeding off down the road.
After thirty or
or forty minutes,
minutes, the tall buildings
buildings gradually
gradually disappeared and the
crowd thinned out. What could there be in a place like this? As he looked
around in disbelief, the car stopped.
"Get out."

As he followed
followed obediently,
obediently, he examined
examined the surroundings.
surroundings. No warehouses
or garages were visible. There was only an abandoned building that was all
collapsed. It appeared to have been a bookstore at first, but it had been
closed for a long time and didn't seem to have any customers.
Full of doubts, he followed Jenya. The guy striding forward manually
opened the shutter and entered. After him, Kwon Taekju entered the
building without a single light.
Jenya opened another inner door and disappeared down the dark stairs.

Without realizing it, chasing after him, Kwon Taek stumbled and almost fell
down. It would have been fine if he had been told that there were stairs, but
that person had no such consideration at all. Repressing his displeasure
with Jenya, he groped his way along the wall and continued down into the
darkness where he could not see an inch ahead.
Finally, his feet touched the flat ground. Although they were still in the dark,
he could feel the thick dust. Every time he moved, I felt a shiver run down
my spine and tickle the tip of my nose when the dust was kicked up.
But something was a little strange. In the basement of a bookstore, there
would normally be piles of old books, but there was no distinctive smell.

moment later, the lights came on.

A moment on.
Although objects
objects could be made out in the light from
from the ceiling and
elsewhere, the space was still dark.
Frowning, Kwon Taekju slowly looked around the room. Before long, he
realized the source of the uneasiness he had been feeling all along: there
were large bookshelves all over the basement walls, but not a book in sight.
There was only an old telephone on an empty shelf.
Why would he have brought me here? As questions and frustrations welled
up inside him, Jenya walked over to the phone. He picked up the landline
and slowly turned the dial. 3, 9, 1, 6, 5. When the dial clicked back to its

original position after being dragged to "5," there was a mechanical sound
coming from somewhere.
Then the empty shelves began to rotate with a loud noise. As a result, the
dust that had accumulated spread out in a cloud of dust. Kwon
Taekju's eyes began to water so he closed them tightly, and when he
opened them again, the old shelves had disappeared. Instead, what took
their place was an elegant iron cabinet.
In its place was a sleek metal cabinet. The cabinet was filled with all sorts of

firearms, high-tech equipment, small bombs, and much more.

3.1 The Nuclear Man

The Bogdanov mansion was beyond imagination. Its size and opulence had
nothing to envy the Kremlin.
The blue roof resting on the white walls radiated a grandiose yet
understated aesthetic. The harmony of the soft curves unique to the rococo
style and the dazzling gold ornaments enhanced the elegant ambiance. The
precise circular stone staircase and imposing marble columns supported the
high ceiling. Even the imposing rigor emanated from the large, heavy
entrance door. The large, heavy doors exuded uncompromising austerity.
Localized lighting throughout the building gave it a dreamy ambiance.
The shadow of the front door deepened as it stretched across the lawn. The
gates, which had remained closed the entire time, opened silently past
midnight. Cars that had arrived in line, despite the late hour, crossed the
vast lawn.

The mansion was situated next to a large lake, so they had to travel further
distances even after passing the main gate. The dense trees lining along
the paths secretly concealed the interior of the mansion, like the walls of a
As the guests
guests were of high status, security was tight.
tight. Each guest
guest had to
obtain permission to enter twice: once at the main gate and once at the
point where the long driveway leading to the main garden began. Kwon
Taekju's car had to go through the same identification process.

An armed guard approached

approached and
and knocked on the window.
window. Following
instructions, the window was rolled down and the guard confirmed the four
pieces of information requested. These included whether the physical
invitation card had been brought, the name on the attendance list, the car
number, whether a companion had been invited, and the relationship to the
companion. Everything had to match what was previously reported, and no
exceptions were made.
"May I see your invitation card, please?".
He obediently complied with the request. The security guard moved a
reader equipped with a special lamp closer to the invitation envelope, which

soon revealed a mark that was not visible to the naked eye. The machine
recognized the mark and emitted a clear electronic beep. One after another,
security guards peered inside the car to check for passengers.
The invitation had been programmed with invisible processing to mask its
authenticity, as well as the recipient's data. When the reader recognized the
invitation's serial number, the individual's personal information appeared on
the monitor. The determination to keep unwanted guests away was evident.
"Thank you for your cooperation, sir," said the security guard after a quick
glance at the back seat and then retreating. There was traffic from the front
door to the garden entrance, and from the garden entrance to the front of
the mansion, but it was unclear what the cause was.

"What an amazing party we are spying on together." grumbled Kwon Taekju

with a bored expression on his face.
"And I'm the only one doing all these ridiculous things, is the world really
fair?". He grumbled as he looked in the mirror.
At that moment,
moment, his gaze met Jenya,
Jenya, who was
was sitting in the
the back seat,
rolling his eyes silently.
"I'm the one who's been invited, so it doesn't matter. There are only two
ways for an uninvited guest to attend the party; you can either pose as the

guest's chauffeur, as we are doing or pretend to be the guest's lover. If you

didn't like the first option, you should have chosen the second. It would have
been a show worth watching."
"Or you could take out one of the guards and change your clothes. With so
many heads, no one would notice if one of them disappeared, would they?"
"It's because you're the type to complicate things and then suffer. Unless
you're desperate, save it for a special moment."
He wasn't wrong. He didn't know how they managed to get an official
invitation, but there was no need to cause unnecessary commotion in the
garden when they already had an official invitation. He just didn't like the

fact that he had to serve Jenya as his boss, not even for a few moments.
Impatient, he wants to close the window. Even though there was a button to
open and close the rear seat window, this guy doesn't bother to lift a finger.
He looked at him through the rearview mirror and reluctantly rolled up the
Finally, they arrived in front of the mansion. He parked the car to the side
and set the parking brake. Jenya hadn't moved the entire time.
"What are you doing, why don't you get out?
"That's what I was going to say - didn't you forget something?"
With an expression of what looked like incomprehension, he phrased the
question and gestured toward the backseat door. With a look of disbelief on

his face, he nodded his head, as if to say, "That's what I'm talking about."
There were many eyes watching outside the car. The employee hired to
valet was also approaching in their direction. There was no other option.
He sighed deeply and got out of the driver's seat. Then he circled the car
and opened the door to the back seat. Jenya got out, leaning his body
slightly. Perhaps because of his unusually leisurely movements, he felt his
gaze seem to stop on his face and sweep over it. One corner of his lips
lifted unreservedly.

"This way, sir."

The waiting valet guided Jenya with a respectful attitude. He quickly
followed behind them.
After climbing ten flights of
of stairs, they arrived
arrived at a large
large gate at least four
meters high. The guards opened the gates on both sides, revealing the
Bogdanov family mansion.
Inside, it was a completely different world from the outside. From the
moment one entered the spacious foyer, the visitor was overwhelmed by

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