Leaving HomeGrade 7

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English Department American Universal

English Final Exam

Date: / /2018 Score: /30 Duration:120 min Grade:7A, B :Name

Read the passage then answer the questions that follow.

Leaving Home
1. “Good-bye,” I whispered to my best friend, Dana. We hugged each other and
promised to always remember the times we shared in this once beautiful country. I
had been friends with Dana my entire life. She was my best friend. Dana could not
travel with me on my trip to America because her mom was too sick for the voyage
and her family didn't want to leave without her. In fact, I knew that we would never
see each other again once I left.
2. We lost my grandmother to starvation or famine. After her funeral, I was so sad I
cried for days, unable to understand how this could happen to my family. I didn't
want to leave Dana, but I knew my family would be safe when we arrived to
America. Health and peace were waiting for us there.
3. The day I found out we had to leave, I yelled and screamed. “This is disgusting;
famine has taken everything from me! I won’t go and leave my friends, and leave my
4. Mother sat beside me, rubbing my hair and wiping my tears. “It has been a terrible
time for us,” she started, “but if we make it to America, we will be safe.” I had heard
terrible stories about the ships that would take us to America. The conditions were
frightening. I was afraid but I knew we had to go.
5. “We will be fine,” she told me. I wondered if her words were to comfort me. As the
tears streamed down her face, I knew she was stressed and sad. In fact, the past few
years had been horrible. We had very little food. Many of our friends had died of
famine. However, it was not until we lost grandmother that my family decided to
leave. My mother worried that we would not survive here. We were all getting weak.
So, my father made the decision to travel to America. Looking at my mother, it was
clear she believed that if we did not leave, we would all die soon. I didn’t want to be
selfish and make the situation more difficult.
6. “You are right, mother, we have go to America. We will be safe there; we will build a
new life. I will make new friends, but I will always hold on to the memory of my
beloved grandmother and best friend Dana.”

A. Answer the following questions: (6pts.)

2018– Midterm– English – Grade 7 1/3
1. Why did the narrator’s family decide to leave?
2. What are two things that the narrator’s parents hope to find in America?
3. What point of view did the author use in p.4?
4. Indicate the author's purpose for the text.?
5. Explain how the narrator’s attitude changed after she talked to her mother.
6. How would you feel, If you were in the narrator's position?

B. The following statements are false. Rewrite them correctly. (3pts.)

1. The narrator is American.
2. Dana’s family was too afraid to leave the country.
3. The narrator’s grandmother died in war.
4. The narrator’s mother cried because she didn’t want to leave the country.
5. Famine means rich.
6. The mother made the decision to travel to America.
C. Refer to the text to find words that have the meanings of the following
definitions. (2 pts.)
1. Journey. ( paragraph 1)
2. Worried .( paragraph 5)
D. Grammar:
A- Each sentence contains 1 error. Rewrite each sentence correct.(5pts.)
1. They have is known each other for 20 years.
2. The family facing troubles.
3. They was afraid of what might happen on the ship.
4. Our team didn’t won the competition last year.
5. My sister is a bookworm. She read a lot.
B-2- Change the sentences to the past progressive tense. (3pts)
1. I am studying for my final exam.
2. She is making lunch for the family.
3. You are reading off the English exam.
3. Sam and Rena are watching their favorite show.
4. The dogs are barking.
5. The teacher is hoping we all pass this exam.

E. What does each pronoun in bold refer to? (3Pts.)

Pronoun Referent

she p.1–1

2 – her p.2

I p.4 -3

2018– Midterm– English – Grade 7 2/3

F. Writing (8pts.)
Draw and fill in a story map then write a story, of 3 well organized paragraphs, about
a problem you faced and a family member helped you solve this problem. Make sure
your story has a moral.

Organization /1.5

Grammar /2

Punctuation and capitalization /2

Spelling and Vocabulary /2

Handwriting and neatness /0.5


Best Wishes 

2018– Midterm– English – Grade 7 3/3

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