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Hypodermic Needle Theory

developed in 1970s & 1930s
media transmits the oit

dince &
mge accepts age
the that they want them to delive
:drug ; they going
injecting and

i like gun or syring

and ; absorb the information and react to it

i very gulible a
with out hesitate to receive information


; passively delived information whatever saw or

the advertisement that delive

propaganda e .
g. or
poster make a


Orson Wells War of the world

. This radio broadcast created a
panic throughout the US pp) ,
delived that US was under attaked

by aliens and US
. pp) fled their home call
being destroyed 911. However , some ppl not delived and think it fun

Encoding/Decoding Theory of Hall glo

; The
director encode the intended of text
Encoding meaning media
into media content
↳ media
producer ; have own ideologies incorporated
in his or her produced
and transmitted media contents

Decoding ; Audince decodes the meaning of the director's encoding

and intention along with their
↳ Audince
; rely on ideologies technology
; partially agree or
it exactly the it
way was encode (agree
↳ The audince encodes

Ex ↳> interpretation of media text by an audince have opposite relation to

Media talk art LOBTQ+ , you completly agree
with their
ideology the dominat code <disagree)
and take the actual meaning
directly. Moreover, we should
and need to make sure that their rights are not violated

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