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Crash Course: The Progressive Era #27

1. How are the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era related?

They both heavily contributed towards the advancement of the newly formed United States. The progressive Era tried to
solve the problems of the gilded age.

2. How do large companies keep cost down & profits high?

They kept the wages low, had long hours and terrible working conditions.

3. What two problems did Upton Sinclair write about in The Jungle? What did his book result in?

- Descriptions of rotten meat

- treatment of meatpacking workers
- It resulted in pure food and drug act and inspection act

4. Why did Henry Ford pay his workers substantially more than other employers at the time?

Better paid workers were able to afford the models T’s they were making

5. What kinds of people were likely to join the Industrial Workers of the World? Who are the Wobblies?

- immigrants
- radical socialists that wanted to see capitalism in the state disappear

6. What is the ‘labor problem’ according to Progressives?

Limiting vs. increasing freedom and dismissing opportunities

7. In what ways was the Progressive Movement more successful at the state and local level rather than at the
national level?

Due to the socialist party this is what it was most relatable to local officials increased the success

8. What laws (there are 4) were passed to take away power from political parties and give them to the people?
What did they do?
- People selecting senators
- states adopted primaries
- increased popular democratic participation
- 17th amendment

9. What was the intended purpose of voter registration? What was the actual outcome?
It was intended to limit fraud but suppressed voting voting generally they allowed votes to put issues on the
10. Specify what Jim Crow Laws did in the South? What did the Supreme Court say about this in Plessy v. Ferguson?

Legally segregated the south. The south had to pay to vote. The segregation didn’t violate the 14th amendment

11. Compare Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois’ impact the Progressive Era.

- Washington- emphasis skills

- DuBois- fights with presistance

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