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Regional Digital hub Project

Project Goal
The Project is to build a website which will help the locals to build and increase
their businesses in various sectors. This will let the people know what kind of
businesses there in that area are and also, they can plan and schedule according
to their interests. This will make ease for the people who are on a vacation and
they can find all the tourist places and interested business.

In this project, we will have a website where people can register their business
in the website where all the people who lives in the town gets to know his
business and what he does. This is one kind of a marketing and through this the
business will gets developed accordingly. In this, we have to build a login or
registration page to enrol their businesses. From there, they will update their
business details like the Menu, Ambience, location view etc which makes the
people attract the consumers. The project requirement also suggested that we
should include an AI chat bot to the website so that it will interact with the
people when they doesn’t know how to use and find there needs. I think there is
a lot of work to do and lot to learn to build an AI inbuild website. First we want
to discuss the Idea with the Consumer and then we have to provide some UML
diagrams to represent our thoughts and Ideas.

Team Management:
In this project, we are having hands-on so many subjects like HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, DBMS, Bootstrap and some middle ware languages to build a
successful working page. I have to learn all of these in delivering all these
And at the secondary level, we need some data of the local businesses that can
present their data into our model. We need this information from the residents
or the organization that is hosting this website.

There is a lot of work should be done on the Developing of the website and
there might be needed some help from the content creators to effectively
Display the data to the people.

Project Time:
As this project needs to be completed in the 2nd week of May, and there is a lot
to learn in enhancing my skills. We will make sure that we will submit the
website with the required specifications on the time. Communication and
Interaction frequently will make the project easy and to deliver it by the

Kick-0ff Meeting:
The time that requires by this project is around 2 months. After that, we can
discuss my work with the team in the starting week of May. This will help me
where should I improve and any other specifications that the consumer required.
There should be some assistance of a technical help and Security Analyst at the
time of project analysis so that all the conditions of copyright and other security
can be solved at that time.
Project Tasks:
Firstly, according to the reference work that I have been provided. We will
provide the basic idea of how the website is going to look. Then after the
feedback of the consumer we will go through the changes and give the Idea.
After that I will give you a brief UML Diagrams to provide the workflow of the
project and then we can see the functionality of the website. I will provide you
will all the details and explanation of the work of the project at the time of
Project Deliver which can use as a guide.

Now we will develop a front page which can be accessed by anyone who visits
the website and can explore their interests through it. There will also be a chat
bot to assist them while they go through the website. It has the capability of
human intellect which will be replaced by the customer service help.

Another task is that to create a database for this. For this, we need locals help or
the organizations to fill the data to train our model. If it is a Custom input
model, we create a database with which the locals can directly create their
account in the website and fill the information from their side. After that, we
can run some test cases and predict the accuracy of the model. Finally, we will
connect the database and the front end which is a user-friendly workflow.

Activities and milestones:

The project is divided into some simpler tasks:
• First, we will have a common work plan where all the conditions and
specifications are satisfied. After this we will proceed with the building of
the project.
• Now we will provide the UML Diagrams so that the functionality of the
website will be understood.
• A Sample website front page will be developed so that it will be verified
by the consumer according to his requirement.
• Login and Registration pages will be added to the website and Backend
coding will be given through the Javascript.
• Then we will collect the data from the consumer of all the cities and
businesses and will create a Database with that data to embedded into the
model and train it. If the data is not provided, then we will create a
database where we can register our business from the website itself which
will be convenient for all.
• If all the work and specified requirements are meet, we will deliver the
model along with the necessary documentation which will help in the
better understanding of the project.

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