Social API Integration Documentation

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Social API Integration Documentation

Development of Facebook API

Step 1: Environment Setup

 Set up a Node.js environment for development.

 Install necessary packages and dependencies using npm.

Step 2: Obtain Facebook Access Token

 Create a Facebook Developer account if not already done.

 Create a new app on the Facebook Developer portal.

 Obtain the Facebook Access Token needed to authenticate API requests.

Step 3: Implement API Endpoint for Pages and Posts

 Write an asynchronous function (`getPagesAndPosts`) to handle the API endpoint for
fetching pages and posts.

 Construct the URL for Facebook Graph API using the access token and necessary

 Utilize the fetch function to make HTTP requests to the Facebook Graph API.

Step 4: Data Processing and Mapping

 Receive the JSON response from Facebook.

 Process the data by checking for errors and extracting relevant information.

 Map the processed data into a format suitable for frontend consumption.

 Return the mapped data as a JSON response to the frontend.

Step 5: Error Handling

 Implement error handling mechanisms to gracefully manage situations where the API
request fails or returns an error from Facebook.
 Log errors for troubleshooting and debugging purposes.

Development of TikTok API

Step 1: Environment Setup

 Ensure the Node.js environment is already set up from the Facebook API development.

 Install any additional packages required for TikTok API development.

Step 2: Obtain TikTok Access Token

 Create a TikTok Developer account if not already done.

 Create a new app on the TikTok Developer portal.

 Obtain the TikTok Access Token needed to authenticate API requests.

Step 3: Implement API Endpoint for TikTok Ads

 Write an asynchronous function (`getTiktokAds`) to handle the API endpoint for fetching
TikTok ads.

 Construct the URL for the TikTok API endpoint and include the access token in the headers.

 Use the fetch function to make HTTP requests to the TikTok API.

Step 4: Data Processing and Mapping

 Receive the JSON response from TikTok.

 Process the data by checking for errors and extracting relevant information.

 Map the processed data into a format suitable for frontend consumption.

 Optionally, log specific ad details for further analysis or debugging.

Step 5: Error Handling

 Implement error handling mechanisms for TikTok API requests similar to the Facebook API.

 Log errors for troubleshooting and debugging purposes.

Final Integration Steps after Verification

1. Facebook Verification:
 Guide your team to visit the Facebook Developer Portal and follow the verification process.

 Once verified, obtain `FACEBOOK_APP_ID`, `FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET`, and


 Update the respective environment variables.

2. Generating Facebook Access Token:

 Generate a long-lived access token using the Facebook App credentials.

 Update `FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN` in the environment file.

3. TikTok Verification:
 Instruct your team to visit the TikTok for Developers portal and complete the verification

 Once verified, obtain `TIKTOK_Client_ID`, `TIKTOK_Client_key`, and `TIKTOK_Client_secret`.

 Update the respective environment variables.

4. Generating TikTok Access Token:

 Implement steps to obtain the TikTok access token using the verified TikTok App

 Update `TIKTOK_ACCESS_TOKEN` in the environment file.

5. Communication and Testing:

 Encourage thorough testing of the APIs with the updated credentials to ensure seamless

 Communicate any issues or questions during the process for prompt assistance.
By following these comprehensive steps, your team will successfully integrate verified Facebook
and TikTok accounts with the APIs, ensuring accurate and secure data retrieval for your project. If
you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out.

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