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What is communication?
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• (generally) the exchange of thoughts, ideas,
concepts, and views between or among two or more
people, various contexts come into play
• Context – the circumstance or environment in which
communication takes place
• may include the physical or actual setting, the value positions
of a speaker/listener, and the relevance or the appropriateness
of the message conveyed
• Focuses on certain communication processes and even
groupings of people that constitute a communication situation
• different contexts can impact one’s communication
• it is essential to pay attention to the interplay of
factors surrounding the context of communication
which may be physical, cultural, social, and
psychological in nature

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Types of Communication
According to Mode

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Verbal Non-verbal
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• effective communication calls for the blending of

these 2-one cannot be separated from the other
• the initial meeting when you speak during the first few
minutes is significant as it leaves a lasting impression
on your listeners
• show interest in meeting these people by acknowledging
their presence through an amiable, congenial disposition,
and a smiling face
• use non-verbal code through a handshake, an approving
facial expression, and a kind disposition or characters
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Visual edit Master title style
• uses visuals to convey information and/or messages
like: signs, symbols, imagery, maps, graphs, charts,
diagrams, pictograms, photos, drawings or
illustrations, even various forms of electronic
communication (emojis, emoticons, and animation) to
convey the writer’s emotions to clarify the intent of the
message sender
• achieved through digital mode or text—has now
become pervasive in communication
• Interpretation of these symbols is very crucial in visual
• IMPORTANT: the receiver of the message is able to
decode the meaning correctly by contextualizing the
information received 5
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• it makes use technology that provides apps

9applications), videos, and images that rely less on the
printed word making presentations more interesting
• leaves a powerful effect on the audience and
prospective clients
• speaker/presenter should be mindful of the content of their
presentation – wrong and irrelevant info may lead to
miscommunication or communication breakdown thereby
defeating the very purpose for the use of visuals
• pay attention to graphic elements like: position, color, size,
shape, and orientation
• audience size 6
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Types of Communication
According to Context

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Context in Communication
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• a composite of people interacting with each

• Classification
• Intrapersonal
• Interpersonal
• Extended
• Organizational
• Intercultural

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Intrapersonal Communication
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• Latin prefix intra- means within or inside
• means talking to oneself
• other terms: self or inner talk, inner • engaging in inner speech like fantasizing or
monologue, inner dialogue daydreaming is not bad as long as you are
• Psychologists call it self-verbalization or able to distinguish it from reality
self-statement • self-talk can be advantageous as it can enable
• Is it normal to talk to yourself? Some say it is, you to practice what you ought to say in times
others say it’s not. GAUGE: frequency of the when you lack the motivation and confidence
occurrence and how you handle such to speak
• “I can do it!” – one magic statement one can try
• You talk to yourself because you think there is saying over and over again as a positive
a need to: reinforcement that you can do things
• boost your confidence when you are nervous to courageously and that it is not impossible to do
speak in front of an audience so
• appraise yourself that you performed a good • IMPORTANT – as you introspect you are able
job to improve on your decisions in life and
• console yourself that you did a task poorly likewise enhance your self-worth as a person
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Interpersonal Communication
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• Latin prefix inter- means between, among, and • transaction occurs in dyads and small groups
together (group communication)
• interactive exchange takes place as • if the objective is to achieve something at the
interpersonal communication takes place end of the conversation it becomes
• transaction does not take place in simple
interactions such as greetings, getting to know • it is characterized by formal and profound
a person, or ordinary conversations that
• aims to accomplish or resolve something at the
happen between and among interactants
end of the conversation
• a communication situation is
INTERPERSONAL if it is meant to establish or
deepen one’s relationship with others
• it is characterized by less seriousness and
• meant for maintaining social relationships

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Extended Communication
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• involves the use of electronic media
• expanded to include tele, audio, or phone
conferencing; video conferencing; skype calls • IMPORTANT: you weigh what you hear and
or facetime calls; and other technological assess them against those beliefs that you
means hold on to so you do not get easily swayed by
• public in nature other people’s convictions
• speakers are expected to be prepared when
they speak, making their language more
• messages are transmitted quickly and may be
viewed by a great number of people
• with this, one’s thinking, behavior, and attitude
may be influenced by other people one may be
persuaded to take the views one hears

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Organizational Communication
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• organization is consist of individuals who work • may make use of 4 Approaches
for a company 1. Downward Communication – flows from upper to lower
positions usually to perform certain tasks; also called
• each organization has expectations that you
2. Upward Communication – when subordinates send
as a professional should meet or you as the communication to their superiors/bosses bearing their
owner may establish views/feedback on organizational policies, issues
related to their jobs and the like
• should have a system of communication in 3. Horizontal Communication – lateral in approach as it
takes place among people belonging to the same level;
place—a set of rules or standards for from different departments or units to facilitate
communication protocol should be made clear performance of tasks through proper coordination; and
so that interaction patterns are established 4. Crosswise Communication – diagonal in nature as
employees from different units or departments working
at various levels communicate with each other
• Individuals should be equipped with the
needed oral and written communication skills • Informal
that the organization expects you to possess • unofficial channels of message flow
• known as grapevine messages coming from the
• 2 Types of Organizational Structure different levels of the organization are transmitted
• Formal Structure • occurs due to dissatisfaction of some employees
• allows communication to take place via accompanied by uncertainty such as superiors
designated channels of message flow between playing favorites and unfavorable or unacceptable
positions in the organization company rules and regulations

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Organizational Communication
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• ‘organizational culture’ – culture in each organization
“Company based on its history and development—its core
cultures are values, vision and mission statements, goals, and
like country • organizational culture is of utmost significance as it
cultures. will dictate the kind of behavior that employees should
possess as well as the extent of commitment
Never try to expected from them by the organization
change one. • employees all share in the values, practices, vision,
and mission of the organization
Try instead, to • Peter Drucker’s famous quote underscores the view
work with what that indeed culture is within the control of the
entrepreneur or company owner
you’ve got.”
Peter Drucker
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Intercultural Communication
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s ider in of h Indians
n a
ns c ortant f a
• communication between or among people having no o nds fro interpre
li a
tra s imp ity o different linguistic, religious, ethnic, social, and hello r go awa side to t waving
A ct a incer ns, amo y
professional backgrounds ng W while it side as
o nta the s India e este m
eye essing ile for into th rner eans
• even gender difference affects communication s.
ass son wh raight while .
per ing st person priate • individuals having different orientations communicate
look s of a inappro and interpret messages differently—particularly
eye ing is or p For F
talk happens in non-verbal communication to r uckerin ilipinos,
• it is important not to be judgmental or to rush into som efer to g of lip twitch
othe eone. somet s mean ng
interpretations as cultures sometimes vary enormously take r cultu or peo hing or s
“sed n to m res, th ple fro
• with the advent of World Englishes, different cultures ucti e is m m
on”. an as ay b
develop different lexicon peculiar only to the speech e

Philippine English has introduced lexical innovation not found or used in other varieties such
as: batchmates, CR(comfort room), solons, barangay captain, and high blood even in terms of
pronunciation esp. words with a hard /th/ is pronounced as /d/ as the former is not part of the
Filipino phonology. 14
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Types of Communication
According to Purpose
and Style

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• focus is on the communication setting and the mode of delivery
• formal communication employs formal language delivered orally or in written form
• lectures, public talks/speeches, research and project proposals, reports, and
business letters
• NOTE: while lectures and speeches are delivered orally, the texts have been thought
out carefully and written well before they are delivered
• main objectives: (1) to inform; (2) to entertain; and (3) to persuade
• informal communication involves personal and ordinary conversations with friends,
family members, or acquaintances about anything under the sun
• mode may be oral as in face-to-face, ordinary or everyday talks and phone calls, or
written as in the case of email messages, personal notes, letters, or text messages
• purpose is simply to socialize and enhance relationships

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