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CA N 0 W A I L _ M E A S L NO IL!

11141N-I p o o r m o o r on Ho. line Polon' 1111(11.111, o

Ilsic hooldri t i r I i ) o l i t ;Iwo.% E H • o l ) F . 0 1 2 0 3 0 1 0
(10 so m a y n o It i i i 4 1 6 p i n h i t t Mi(uui.
F O R M TP 202305 I M AY / I I INN 2023





(Single Award)

Paper 01 — General Proficiency

1 hour 15 minutes

( 07 JUNE 2023 (a.m.) )


1. T h i s test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to answer them.

2. I n addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet.

3. E a c h item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you
are about to answer and decide which choice is best.

4. O n your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having
the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below.

Sample Item

Which of the following animals has the highest

dressing percentage? Sample Answer
(A) P i g
(B) C o w
(C) G o a t
(D) C h i c k e n

The best answer to this item is "Chicken", so (D) has been shaded.

5. I f you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice.

6. W h e n you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. I f you
- cannot answer an item, go on to the next cpe. You may return to that item later.


Copyright 2 0 2 2 Caribbean Examinations Council

All rights reserved.
1. b44444;4% I t o t o t I isisi sitlt i l l 14 ii 4 i , i s v r i i l i n u t I limning is different from el
t 'tit !amour because conventional l c

% It I I I M O I It, l i i i.iiiiiil.iiltiii
lit s% st i l l t i l t I I I I t Ii I In I i i (A) involvtis the extensive use of pes-
t% i % lilt' ticides, fertilizers and herbicides
I I Ill% l i t t l t l 1 % 11 i % IA% thu * I I I ( IMP disciwages the use of genetically
II% I h i l l , I I I 11 ' 11111 . 1 i , I I , I l t I I I I ' muddied crops (CMOs)
I 1% III Mit' l i t l i t s i II' II ' I luilds healthy soil and prevents soil
1 4 . 11111 i till 4 % % I ' M * ill eiosion
E l l ' 11111 . proniotes good health/farm prac-

2. 110%Il% tit • . t h t t I t I - . ( i t l i l t
S. W h i c h of the lbilowing statements BEST
" % I L " I i l l I n t l 11•11 Isi o i l it It IN e l h i l l ' t i l l ( it-fleets the role of food safety measures?
dill% % • i n i l I 1 C 111dt% I t t l i f i k % O a t h %

11 s i l l . 4 I t • I . Focuses o n preventing t h e
kt %Illtelt•111 .11%.1 It". 01 tothiltrow; and contamination of food
this %at ich 0 1 Itallittitt. III%%luck Encourages improvement i n
O W N ' I n i r quantity of produce
tittictent lidbittItS % V i n t : I I Ensures that the food served to
customers is healthy
Encourages the use o f organic
pesticides in crop production
3. ;tocs %tonioNtit pi(dut d )1') O w iota'
ittotietaiN O f 4III
6. Which of the following results is a benefit
NCI N I C e S p l o v i t t r i l t o o t h y ! countries of growing organic crops?
finished goods consumed b y a
count( v (A) Increased manual labour
?I•oods ptoduccd :ind services (B) Higher costs of production
plodded in ;I ct milli (C) More ecological stability on farm
iSi1Cd 11,OOd t; A n d s e r v i c e s due to increased biodiversity
provided to othei countries (D) Increased exposure to pesticides
and chemicals to control pests
and diseases

itent 7 " ' l c " to the folhowilly ;golds %vim I i i . ' b e t w e v i t rainfall owl "will of
k i n k y I s i r \Pin in ( S t X



• •
A A • 0 N I )

7. 1 . 1 1 c yield or lettuce is steady because the crop is MOST likely grown

(A) i n t e n s i v e l y in the field

(B) u s i n g a hydroponics system
(C) i n soil which is well fertilized
(D) i n soil with a high water retention capacity

Item 8 refers to the following table which shows the demand, supply and price of tomato in a

Price Quantity Quantity

($) Demanded Supplied
(kg) (kg)
0.75 900 300
1.00 800 500
1.25 700 700
1.50 600 900
1.75 500 1 100
2.00 400 1 300

Based on the information in the table, the equilibrium price of tomato is

(A) $0.75
(B) $1.25
(C) $2.00
OD) $2.50
9. A l a t site, %s ants t o know the number o f II. Whichofothe
Which f the f o l l o woutcomes
following i n g outcomes
tools on he: la' in Which recold should benefitsofofprice
benefits pricesupports
supports to farmers 1
to farmers?
she check"
A I abour Economic
security forfor
(8) f i n a n c i a l Guaranteed
Guaranteed prices
p r i for
c e scertain
for cc

(C) I n v e n t o r y
(9) P r o d u c t i o n
(A) I and H only
(B) I and HI only
10. A famier's financial statement for a live-
stock enterprise indicates variable expenses
o f $4500, taxes o f $1000 and income o f
H and I l l only
I, II and III 1
$15 000. The gross margin for the livestock
en temrisc is 1
(A) $ 9 500
(B) $10 500
(C) $14 000
(D) $20 500
(tctt ( 2 ttito I 1 t c t to ow 1O11O%%tit %hap am %Ouch shows a supply and dernand curve for sweet
INomhYN11%N lat t "It Ow I ' wiltcm:Ms price and Q represents quantity.


• d o e '

••••• I

Q, Q2 Quantity/kg

12. What is happonirkg in Ntarket A. with respect to sweet potatoes, at the point P2401?

(A) T h e market price i. high enough to allow farmers to earn a fair profit.
0.3) T h e market is at a level where there is neithpr,a ishortage nor a surplus.
(C) T h e market price is low enough to allow consumers to buy as much as they want.
(D) A c t i v i t i e s in the market are conducted at a price just above the intersection of the demand
and supply carves.

13. What change in the market 'sill cause a shift in the point of intersection on the graph from P2Q1

(A) A decrease in demand and a decrease in supply

(B) A n increase in demand and a decrease in supply
(C) A decrease in demand and an increase in supply
(I)) A n increase in demand and an increase in supply
14. Ineconomicterms, a shortfall is created 17. Whichofofthe
Which Ow following
following expense
expense itemsitem
flrhen supply wouldbe
would Ireincluded
int fildril piepatinit.
when preparing an
income antiexpenditure
l i t for for
statement a
(A) isequalto demand farm'?
(3) islessthan demand
(C) isgreaterthan demand Depreciationof tnachinci y
(D) fluctuatesabove demand Caskpaid
Cash paidIOUmachmet
for machineryypurchase
pm( liaCt
Principal payments onon long-tet
Is. Theexpensesincurredbyafannerto pump Familyliving
Family livingand
and other
other non-fa
irrigationwaterisclassifiedaswhat type expenses
of cost?
(A) fixed 18. Which
Which ofofthe Followingroles
the following rolesisisMOST
(B) variable performedbyby
performed anan agricultural
agricultural coopera
(C) average
(D) marginal Providesscholarshipskw farm
to study
Assists farmersin in
thethe market
marketing of
16. A farmerisLEASTlikelytobe guaranteed of produce
agricultural produce
agoodcreditrating if he Enablesmarkets
Enables markets to remain et
to remain
comically viable
(A) i s promptin takingcare of all Strengthenthe
Strengthens sthe capacioftyof gov
financial obligations mentsupport
government supportservices
(3) uses agriculturalloansfor their
intended purpose
(C) works outarealisticplanfor the
repaymentofa loan
(13) i s recalledtoworkouta payment
planforhis arrears

19. Ii ii: t i t the 1011MS'Illg Ifew t r i t e inthehollowingtintvram of
Ile'st•I 0W\ a rot Hal blitlitet? Lisoil 1114)1114'
(A) ANtatement In which the ptolected
cosk and Helm IIS IISSOCIated With
trne Challre i i i the prOthIC11O11
pOl CCSSate presented,
Astatementinwhichtheitems that
representbothfixedand variable DOHorizon(organic litter)
costsare considered.
it allows lot the profitability of -IA liorlion (topsoil)
differentfarmenterprisesto be
Itcomainsallincomeand expense It Horizon (subsoil)
itemsfortheentirefarm business.

Item20referstothefollowing information
forFarmerBrandon's1000-unit broiler CHorizon (parent rock)
Descriptor Amount
Income Items RHorizon (bedrock)
Number of birds 1000
Averagesellingpriceper bird $20
Totalfixedcost $1100 21. The layerinthesoilprofilethat conta
Totalvariable cost $2400 theMOSTnutrientsforplantgrowth i
20. Using theinformationinthetable,the gross
farmincomeforFarmerBrandon's broiler (A) A
farm is (B) 0
(C) B
(A) 1 300 (D) C
(3) 3 500
(C) $ 1 7 600
(D) $ 2 0 000
23. 1111 ‘Cti kJ I till ••011 is hitt'lleti Item25referstothefollowingdiagram of
tho i i it' 01 l i s t i O r t • l i 1%1 phtbssillitfl i s itpieceOf equipment.
Hi dik let Ith •ct
/ Metal container
23.Toassistmmaintainins.soilfertility. Farmer Jar
Jenmnplanzetlpumpkinand‘vit(ennel on
amottzhernewlycultivatedcoconut crop.
'thismethodusedbyFannerJennyis known 25. T h e equipmentisusedto measure

crop rotation (A) rainfall

(1;1 intetvaipping (B) wind speed
(C) cover cropping (C) air preSsure
given manuring (D) relative humidity

Burningasaformoflandclearingis highly 26. T h e t

y peofger
m i
n at
c h cotyledo
di.-souragedbecause it appearabovethegroundisknown as
(A) leaves thesoil black (A) hypogeal
(B) breaksdownthesoil's texture (B) multiple
(C) increasesatmospheric temperature (D) epigeal osmotic
(D) removesvaluablenutrients from
the soil
!tern 27 refers to the following diagram which shows one of the life processes that occur in plants.
P and Q represeni two gases. 5

Slater fly Food

I > +

I U s e d by the plant
41) I T o produce 1

• • • • : : • • • 1 • • : • : • • • • • • : r.
. • • • . . • • : • • •

27. The atmospheric gas being produced by the plant at Q in the diagram above is

(A) o x y g e n
(B) n i t r o g e n
(C) h y d r o g e n
(D) c a r b o n dioxide

28. T h e transfer ofpollen grains from the anther 30. W h i c h of the following conditions is NOT
to the stigma of the same plant is known as a requirement for the germination of a seed?

(A) self-pollination (A) Light

(B) cross-pollination (B) Fertilizer
(C) w i n d -pollination (C) Sufficient moisture
(D) i n s e c t pollination (D) Favourable temperature

29. T h e process by which plants lose water to 31. T h e type of control that involves the use of
the air through the stomata in their leaves living organisms to control weeds is known
is called as

(A) absorption (A) cultural

(B) respiration (B) chemical
(C) transpiration (C) biological
(D) translocati on (D) mechanical


f l l t ) 111 / 11 A f t s T r o u r nAni
i2a W I i c t i a csoss Is made between parents 35. Which 4il ( he I O W Sill', peircontiol
i singledifferencein traits, this is
s inethotk are combined In intrriated
reteitedto as pestmanagement(I I'M ) ;plan:wit?
(A) linkage (A) Cultural, biolorical, medicinal,
(Ii) thliyhrid chemical
monohybrid (B) Cultural,biological, mechanical,
(1)) homozygous chemical
(C) Conventional,biological, medici-
nal, chemical
33. Which (gibefollowingactivitieswill cause (D) Conventional,biological,ince' iani-
soil elusion? cal, chemical
1. Overgrazing
Land clearing 36. Which of thefollowingconditions will
Excessive rainfall MOSTlikelyexistwhencropsarc grown
inanareawithhighrelative humidity?
(A) I and II only
(13) I and IIJonIy (A) Reducedriskoffungal diseases
(C) I I and III only (B) Thedryingoutofthesurface soil
(D) I , IIand III (C) Anincreasedincidence of fungal
(D) Anincrease in the rate of
34. A tallpigeonpeaplantwiththe genotype transpiration
Ttiscrossedwithadwarfpigeonpea plant
withthegenotype tt.
37.Whichofthefollowingoutcomesisa benefit
Whatpercentage of thepigeon pea offarm mechanization?
offspringareexpectedtobeshort plants?
(A) 2 5 % (A) More ti
m es pento nfarm operation
(B) 5 0 % (B) Increased l
o sses in crop handling
(C) 7 5 % (C) Increased d epend ency onthe labour
(D) 100% force
(D) Improvedstandard of living for
rural farmers
38. Items 41 and 4 2 refer to the following
Which of the following types of chemicals
can b e applied t o treat early blight i n diagram showing part of the digestive tract
tomatoes? of poultry.

(A) Herbicide
(B) Fungicide
(C) Insecticide Small
(3) Nematicide intestine

39. A field of cabbage shows signs o f heavy

infestation b y cabbage white butterfly

Which o f the following symptoms are the

plants MOST likely to show?

(A) E n t i r e leaf veins eaten Large intestine

(3) R o o t system destroyed
(C) L e a v e s yellow and plant stunted
(D) S e v e r e damage to leaves and heads

40. W h i c h o f the following instructions for 41. I n the part labelled Y. food is
harvesting is MOST appropriate?
(A) c r u s h e d and grotmd using rocks and
(B) mixed with gastric juice that is
(C) p u t i n a f o r m that facilitates
I Pick when pod will
snap clean when
(D) s t o r e d temporarily and soaked
before i t moves through the
Cabbage Uproot f r o m t h e digestive system
Sweet potato Dig when f l o w -
ers emerge o n 42. W h i c h of the parts labelled V. W, X and Y
the vines; a v o i d is referred to as the glandular structure in
bruising a n d d o which digestion primarily begins?
not break roots.
(A) V
(B) X
(C) W
(D) Y

43. I n rabbits. MOSTeel Infuse digestion takes 44. W h i c h compartment td a cow 'h
place in the uses acid alai entymes in break down

(A) rectum (A) Rumen

(B) caecum (3) O1118S11

(C) stomach (C) RetiCUILIIII

(D) oesophagus (D) Abomastitti

Item 45 refers to the following diagram o f an egg.


45. W h i c h of the following functions is carried out by the part labelled R?

(A) P r o v i d e s nutrients for a developing poultry embryo

(B) S u p p o r t s , balances and holds the yolk in place at the centre.of the egg
(C) M a i n t a i n s proper internal conditions for the egg whether fertilized or not
(D) S e r v e s as the entry point of sperm to the egg and the develoliment of the embryo
-I I

Items46and47 icier tothe following50. Which breedofpigsisreddish-brown

inthrmation. ingoldenyellowincolour,large-framed
andofmediumlength,muscularand has
Adrakeandaduck,bothheterozygous for partially-drooping cars? /1
thetraitcolouredfeathers,aremated. C
representsthedominantallelefor coloured (A) Duroc
feathersandcrepresentstherecessive allele. (3) Landrace
(C) Tamworth 3
46. What is thepossiblegenotype of the (D) Hampshire
offspringfromthis cross?
(A) CC,CC,Cc, cc 51. T h e diseasethat affectsrabbits that
(3) CC,CC,cc, cc ischaracterized by runny droppings
(C) CC,Cc,Cc, cc containingbloodandmucousis MOST
(D) CC,Cc,cc, cc likely
(A) rabies
47. Outofaflock of12offspring,how many (B) snuffles
will MOSTlikelybeheterozygousfor the (C) heartwater
trait coloured feathers? (D) coccidiosis
(A) 3
(B) 6 52. Farmer Banton reports that the feed
(C) 1 0 conversionratio (FCR) of hissheep and
(D) 1 2 cattle is 8:1.Thismeans that
(A) t h e animalsconsumed8kgof feed
48. A likely DISADVANTAGE of artificial toputon1kg of live weight
inseminationin cows is (B) f o r every8kg of liveweight gain,
theanimalsconsumed1 kg of
(A) less disease transmission feed
(B) less technical skills required (C) f o r everykg of drycarcass weight
(C) cross breeding of local stock atslaughter,theanimals would
(D) more technical skills required 1 kg of feed
haveconsumed— 8
49. Eggshellcanbeusedasafeed supplement (D) the animalsproducediskgof dry
forlayersbecauseit supplies carcassweightforevery8kg of
(A) calcium feedtheywouldhave consum
(B) sulphur
(C) sodium
(1)) magnesium

01203010/MPCSEC 2023

\‘ I t i t I i n % III! I I I I i hut, lout

Ils'let4114II1111141111\ III ut.'

% I I I * It pistil\ id OP Il',11
Ilit,uIstIIl$Its1 its. ..'is'iI. niriv,I4 s
t 'het hair l i t iii. I III° i'plits
IIs• hint him •aI 'hosts, Ila 0i ISi

\VhicliIs,theitillit\\1111!cutout)Inc Intim
InfluenteOwmosheistI equiltillartsito
till ;111.1111111.1L

IC\Clol rtottachun
Ii 1)t.dicti I Air
III A r e . SC\hind a f f i l l E d S 9 . Whichtype,oilFalai/itsi Vit)
ilisitINmicaday-to-daylaIirig)LII Ittlom;1
(A) I flid II only lirolthyawlthuditssireI%%AtIt) tostel;2O1
(II) I and111 tally
') Hand HI only
(I)) 1 . IIAndIII ( A Wriatimr, )
55. A t the3D'spoultryfaun,teconkNhow ( I ) ) Maintenance
thattheaverageliveweir.litsslI (Hi)In: I•
is3 while theicedcolvainiedby all
thebirdsis12000kg.WIta1isthefeed 6 0 . .1 he liveweightofagoatIs50kg, 'I ht:
c on vei
s i
o uratioofthebi
rds '
? C l i N e d C
p e r c e n t a g c t t 30kg,What r,al
C at
e weight is
(A) 1 : 4
(.3) 4 : 1 ( A ) 30%
(C) 8 : 4 ( I t ) 40%
0)) 12:1 ( C ) 50%
(1)) 60%
lir-oilerbirdswithsivissofblisterson the
face,legsandotherbodyparkare MOST
likelyinfected with
(A) inaucx
(13) !Owl cholcia
(C) lowl pox disease
iftnnhoro disease


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