Investors of Tomorrow - Sponsorship Package

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Canadian Registered Charity


1 Presidents Letter 2 Introduction 3 Mission, Vision, Plan 4 Operational Overview & Details 7 Sponsorship Opportunities 9 Contact Information

Investors of Tomorrow operates with a vision to expand the horizons of youth to opportunities in the capital markets and to the importance of saving and investing.

Acquiring the skills early in life to make informed financial and investment decisions are the cornerstones to future financial freedom and success.

Presidents Letter
Dear Potential Sponsor, Founded in 2002, Investors of Tomorrow operates as one of Canadas largest student-run charitable organizations. Our mission is to provide both resources and opportunities to students with career aspirations in finance, and to students who simply seek to gain a greater understanding of this exciting industry. Our annual InvestYoung Stock Pitch Competition attracts top undergraduate students from premier Canadian business schools for a weekend of exciting and rigorous competition. Student teams are challenged to prepare two comprehensive stock pitch presentations, with the hopes of stimulating the interest of our industry professional judges and being awarded with the championship prize. With a new team of eager student executives, we are confident that the 2012 InvestYoung Stock Pitch Competition will be the most successful yet. Our goal is to attract the largest number of student competitors, attain a group of judges who specialize in the investment industry, and to secure financial donors and corporate sponsors, resulting in a valuable opportunity for both Investors of Tomorrow and your organization. In order to create the most rewarding experience for our student competitors, we seek capital to fund the competition, as well as a year-long sponsorship title. This sponsorship title will not only be for the competition but also our charity as a whole. As a sponsor, your company will attract student interest, maintain exclusive recruitment opportunities of top students intending to begin their careers in the industry, and make a valuable and lasting connection to a growing student-run charity that impacts youth across Canada. We sincerely hope that your organization can provide support by joining us as a corporate sponsor in the coming year. Attached is further information on our charity, the Stock Pitch Competition, and insight into our sponsorship opportunities. Regards,

Brandon Armstrong

Thomas Lee

(Co-Presidents, Investors of Tomorrow) Presidents Letter Introduction



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Although fundamental education is necessary for learning any skill, the ability to master a skill comes from the application of that education to an individuals real-world experience. As a studentrun charity, Investors of Tomorrow is aware of this division between theory and application, and strives to close the gap between the two modes of learning for students who wish to master their financial skills. Inspired by this educational gap, Investors of Tomorrow was founded in 2002. We operate with a vision to expand the horizons of youth everywhere to opportunities in the capital markets and to emphasize the fundamental importance of saving and investing. Acquiring the skills early in life to make informed investment decisions are the cornerstones to future financial freedom and subsequent success. Investors of Tomorrow has provided the opportunity for students to learn from industry professionals about the often misconceived world of finance and the capital markets. Our workshops, seminars, forums, and the unique InvestYoung Stock Pitch Competition foster the development of financial literacy and give youth the hands-on experience necessary for todays competitive world. We strongly believe that this education is the foundation of Canadas future economic prosperity. Whether we help create a future business leader, a successful investor, or another financially literate Canadian, we believe we have contributed to the fabric of our society and the future of our generation.

Presidents Letter




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Our Mission
Our mission is centered on two fundamental principles: to promote financial literacy, and connect students with industry professionals and top-tiered financial institutions. This mission has been filled through the operation of workshops, forums, and the uniquely developed InvestYoung Stock Pitch Competition, which is designed as a hands-on experience in securities analysis and market awareness. Through Investors of Tomorrow, students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills as they interact with corporate representatives and further enhance their financial intellect.

Our Vision
In accordance with our mission, Investors of Tomorrow will strive toward a vision of innovative expansion, in particular, with our flagship event, The InvestYoung Stock Pitch Competition. As an organization dedicated to continuously challenging students to reach their greatest potential, the Stock Pitch Competition will focus on testing relevant skills and abilities valued in the finance industry. Ultimately, Investors of Tomorrow will connect high caliber students with renowned financial corporations, and will serve as the bridge between academic accomplishment and corporate success.

Our Plan
Using The InvestYoung Stock Pitch Competition, Investors of Tomorrow will allow participants to learn how to analyze companies, develop a keen eye for opportunity, create an effective pitch, and much more. Competitors will also have the opportunity to hear and learn from experienced industry executives and professionals through their attendance at the competition.

Presidents Letter




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Operational Overview & Details

Investors of Tomorrows operations are threefold: simulated competition, exposure to experienced industry professionals, and access to a valuable networking forum. It also features The InvestYoung Scholarship, an award given to a first-year post-secondary student who has demonstrated excellence through academics and extra-curricular activities.

The InvestYoung Stock Pitch Competition

In September 2010, Investors of Tomorrow developed a competition as an opportunity for postsecondary students to learn and demonstrate the skills needed in analyzing, organizing, and presenting a pitch for publicly traded securities. We strive to deliver a platform for students to apply skills and knowledge learned in the classroom while networking with industry professionals. Through this competition, we aim to provide a window into the financial services industry and to solidify future career aspirations. The InvestYoung Stock Pitch Competition is a team-based initiative that develops analytical thinking and presentation skills and outlines the roles of key industries in the Canadian economy. The competition consists of two rounds. In the First Round, competitors will submit, and subsequently present, a thoroughly structured analysis of a publicly traded company that they believe is a sound investment. Following the First Round pitches, judges will use a point-based score to provide feedback on the competitors analysis and presentations, with more emphasis on the latter. They will also provide all teams with a stock to pitch for the next round. The Second Round will give competitors the chance to showcase their raw research and analytical skills with their pitch for the assigned security. Additionally, competitors will have only the night after the first round to prepare their pitches, truly testing their teamwork and time management capabilities. Upon completion of all second round presentations, judges will assign a points-based score to each team based on their analysis and research. With the end of the second round, the Investors of Tomorrow executive team will tally the points from both rounds and announce the winning first year and second year teams. The winners will receive a monetary prize and sponsored award.

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This year the competition will be held in early February in Downtown Toronto. First and second years will compete, with third and fourth year students serving as assistant judges. Industry professionals will be invited as speakers and judges.

Day One
12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 4:30pm 4:45pm 5:00pm Competitors Arrive Opening Ceremonies Sponsors Speeches Day 1 Keynote Speaker First Round Pitches Begin First Round Closing Feedback for Teams Competitors Depart

Day Two
12:00pm 12:30pm 12:45pm 2:15pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:30pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:15pm 6:45pm 7:00pm Competitors Arrive Results from First Round Second Round Pitches Begin Lunch Break Judges Deliberate Sponsors Speeches Day 2 Keynote Speaker Thanks to all Judges Winners Announced Winners Present Pitches Closing Ceremonies Executive Team Dinner with Competitors

Experienced Industry Professionals

Investors of Tomorrow strongly believes in the value of experience. One of the core operations of our organization is to provide our participants with opportunities to learn from the experience of industry professionals. Our participants have had the privilege of learning from many high-profile executives about their experiences in the financial industry, and from their thoughts on the current and future state of the stock market. Industry leaders also provide our participants with keys to success in the financial industry, and answers to their numerous thoughtful questions. Investors of Tomorrow will undoubtedly continue to flourish with support from such industry executives and past keynote speakers as: Fred Ketchen, Senior Vice-President and Managing Director of Equity Trading at ScotiaMcLeod; Jonathan Wellum, Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager at AIC; and Patricia Lovett-Reid, Senior Vice-President and Managing Director of TD Waterhouse. The guest speakers whom Investors of Tomorrow is able to attract truly provide a first-rate educational experience for our participants.

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Networking Forum
Investors of Tomorrow acts as a networking forum for tomorrow's leaders. Many of our participants will be part of the next generation of financial industry professionals. Partnerships formed between Investors of Tomorrow participants today may one day result in the foundations of great businesses. Investors of Tomorrow allows individuals who are interested in business and finance to get a head start by investing in their future, today. Through participating in Investors of Tomorrows activities, students will have become more knowledgeable about the world of finance and will go on to apply this knowledge in other areas. As such, students and participants have been recognized in various print, radio, and television media for their accomplishments. As our organization expands, so will the networking forum for our participants and sponsors.

The InvestYoung Scholarship

Launched in 2006, this scholarship seeks to encourage young students to engage in their communities and explore the world of finance. It is awarded to a first-year student at a credited post-secondary institution. This student must demonstrate exceptional community involvement, be in great academic standing, and display experience or interest in a finance-related career. Candidates must submit a detailed description of their extracurricular activities and a 500-word essay addressing an assigned topic.

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Sponsorship Levels

- C o m p et i t i o n I nf o P a c k a g e


- F a c e b oo k P a g e - C o m p et i t i o n P r es e nt a t i o n - P r om o t i o n P o st er s - B ac k p a ge l o go



- P r of i l e of O r g a n i zat i o n - P e r so n a l i ze d M es s ag e - F ul l p a g e M e ss a g e - F r o n t p a g e L o go - A c c es s t o R e s um e B o o k ( W i n ne r s l a b el e d) -Logo - P r of i l e of O r g a n i zat i o n - P e r so n a l i ze d M es s ag e

-Allowed - P r e se n t - W i t h S p e a ki n g Ti m e - F a c e b oo k U p d a t es - Tw i t t e r U p d at e s - L i n k e dI n U p d a t es Max. 10 Max. 10 Max. 10 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited


Bronze $500+

Silver $1500+

Gold $2500+

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Sponsorship Add-Ons

Sponsorship + $100
Award category: First-year students Sponsor receives title status for the award in addition to their company logo on winners certificates.

Sponsorship + $100
Award category: Second-year students Sponsor receives title status for the award in addition to their company logo on winners certificates.

Highest Premium
Gold sponsor with highest premium receives title status for all IOT events and operations.

Sponsor receives title status on scholarship in addition to their company logo on winners certificates.

Contact Us
In addition to our Sponsorship Levels and Add-Ons, we are also able to accommodate your organizations specific needs and ideas. Please contact us for further details.

Presidents Letter




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Contact Us

Talha Zubair Managing Director of Sponsorship

Alex Banh Sponsorship Officers

Tamy Chen

Jonathan Szwec

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