Eddy Self HR Frame Worksheet

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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

To start, my role in this given situation was as a newly appointed internal project manager at
the company I currently work for, DeNOVO Solutions, LLC. The situation that unfolded was
one of pettiness and micromanagement. The old project manager and team lead had left the
company over personal reasons dealing with himself and his wife and what they dealt with at the
company. His wife left on not-so-great terms and he did not like how she was treated, so he also
left. Fast forward about six months and he was back in the picture, only now he was working
with the company that DeNOVO is a subcontractor for. He actually ended up being my manager
through this ordeal because the office he worked for was connected to my office (his old team).
For myself, this was the best outcome possible because I was brand new in my role and he had
the knowledge necessary to help me at any time I needed. My executive leadership did not see it
that way. They felt as if he left the company and basically conspired with the larger company to
take that role in order to have a management role over my team and DeNOVO. This put me in a
really tough position as a new project manager, one that I was not always ready to deal with.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

Human resources is all about people, much was what this entire situation dealt with. There
were hurt feelings between executive leadership, my old manager, his wife, and many others due
to the extent of the situation at hand. If an organization is built to succeed based off meeting
people’s needs, this was a situation in which the company was doomed to fail at the start. I ended
up in the middle of micromanagement from the company I work for as well as from the company
that DeNOVO is a subcontractor for. I ended up having weekly meetings with my Director of
Operations to discuss their disdain for the company DeNOVO was supporting.

Beyond that, I was being called out over tedious aspects of the job from the larger company.
These were miniscule items that never were brought up previously, but I was starting to
understand the dynamic between the two companies and how I was simply the middle man

trying to extinguish the flames. I felt as if my own executive leadership was not looking out for
me, but rather, throwing me into the situation head first and hoping I could repair relationships
that were well beyond my means of leadership at the time. Morale in my own office, at
DeNOVO, and between the two companies was at an all time low. It ended up being a situation
where I thought the contract would expire and there would be no renewal to a contract that had
been so stable in the years prior.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

Again, human resources is all about taking care of the people, meeting or exceeding their
needs, and building a cohesive team. With that in mind, and with the wishful thinking that
executive leadership should also know that more than most people, I would use human resources
to show both sets of leadership from both companies how their bitterness was negatively
impacting almost everyone involved. The interesting thing was that my previous manager and I
still maintained a very strong relationship. We worked well together, and as I stated previously,
him holding the new position was a blessing for me. There were plenty of technical items of the
job that I was not familiar with, and he was the first person to help me in any situation I needed.
While the two sides of leadership were arguing and making life difficult for both teams, he and I
kept the day-to-day operations afloat to the extent that from the outside, no one would have
noticed a difference in the quality of the work.

I wish this would have been a lesson learned for the leadership on both sides. While they
were constantly at odds with each other, the two managers from both teams were still working
together very well, producing results that brought revenue to both companies, and doing as best
as possible to keep each of the two teams happy and making sure the morale was as high as it
could be. I had plenty of team members that offered me their opinions on why they wanted to
leave and find new work because they did not want to continue dealing with the situation the
team was being put through. It took a lot of convincing at times, but I did my best to make sure I
had action behind the words I was telling them on how I was going to continue to do my best to
make sure they were taken care of and that the team would get through the situation eventually.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

This goes back to what I believe I would have done in each response to this question. I
should have reacted earlier than I did. I should have had those conversations with my Director of
Operations much earlier in the process. I think that this would have saved a lot of pain on my
part and a lot of turmoil in the offices would not have occurred. At the time, I was newly
appointed to the position, and this was the first time I had been given a true leadership role
within the company, so I believe part of me was afraid that I would not be taken seriously and/or
I would have lost my position to someone else. As time went on, and as I became more vocal

with my executive leadership, I learned just how much of a positive impact that did have on the
situation. I was no longer being brought in for weekly meetings to make sure everyone was being
professional. I was no longer having to include all of my executive leadership on email chains
between myself and the company we were working for. I was given a level of trust and
autonomy to perform my role. This brought back a lot of the morale that I believe the team had
been missing during the entire situation. The best lesson it taught me was that if something
seems as though it needs to be taken care of, if it is something that I feel in my gut to make a
change to, the earlier I can make that happen, the better off the results will be in the end.

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