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Tanner Menning

What Makes A Great Basketball Player?


I would choose Reddit and Instagram because I think Reddit is a good place where all people can

comment and give their opinions. I also chose Instagram because of how many people are on it. I

believe the graphics and quotes would do well in an Instagram format.

The main platform I would avoid is Twitter (X). I would avoid X because I don’t think the

format of the project would fit well on that platform. The word count on Twitter, plus the lack of

photos and videos on Twitter would make it hard to understand.

Content Curation

Instagram: Would be photo, graphic, and video-heavy

Reddit: This would be more of a discussion, containing things like the main story and sidebar


For Instagram, I would like to take string quotes and put them in front of photos and post them.

This would be the best option for posting my content on Instagram. The photos would work well

by themselves on Instagram. My data elements would be shrunk into an Instagram post with

slides. The written pieces would work very well on Reddit leaving them up for a public

discussion where people can debate.

Audience Engagement
My project appeals to basketball players and fans. Fans who want to learn more about the game.

Then players who want to learn more about how to increase their level of play. These players

could use this information to become great basketball players.

I think especially with my project, engagement will rise with things like polls and open-ended

questions. I would ask the fans what they think makes a great basketball player. I would ask them

if they agree with the quotes from Lebron and Coach K. These polls and questions would

provide a place where people can discuss their opinions.

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