Essay Writing Guidelines

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Writing an essay can be a daunting task, but with the right guidelines, it can become a much easier

and more enjoyable process. Whether you are a student working on an assignment, or a professional
writer looking to improve your skills, these guidelines will help you produce a well-written and
organized essay.

1. Understand the Topic

The first step in writing a successful essay is to fully understand the topic you are writing about.
Make sure to read the instructions carefully and identify the key points you need to cover in your
essay. If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to ask for clarification from your teacher or professor.

2. Research and Gather Information

Once you have a clear understanding of the topic, it's time to do some research. Use reliable sources
such as books, articles, and academic journals to gather information and support your arguments.
Take notes and make sure to properly cite your sources.

3. Create an Outline

An outline is a crucial part of the essay writing process. It helps you organize your thoughts and
ideas in a logical and coherent manner. Start by writing down your main points and then add
supporting details and examples. This will give you a clear structure to follow when writing your

4. Write a Strong Introduction

The introduction is the first impression your essay will make on the reader, so it's important to make
it strong and attention-grabbing. Start with a hook to capture the reader's interest, provide some
background information on the topic, and end with a clear thesis statement that summarizes the main
argument of your essay.

5. Develop Your Arguments

The body of your essay should consist of several paragraphs, each focusing on a different aspect of
your topic. Use evidence and examples to support your arguments and make sure to link them back
to your thesis statement. Use transition words to make your writing flow smoothly.

6. Write a Conclusion

The conclusion is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the reader. Summarize your
main points and restate your thesis, but avoid simply repeating what you have already said. Instead,
leave the reader with something to think about or a call to action.

7. Edit and Proofread

Before submitting your essay, take the time to edit and proofread it. Check for spelling and grammar
errors, and make sure your writing is clear and concise. It's also helpful to have someone else read
your essay and provide feedback.

By following these guidelines, you can improve your essay writing skills and produce high-quality
essays. But if you need further assistance, consider ordering from Their team of
professional writers can provide you with custom essays and help you improve your writing skills.
Don't hesitate to reach out for their services!
Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Refund Policy Cookie Policy Fair Use Policy Your 5-paragraph
essay should be up to scratch now. However, double-check your work for any errors or typos. It's
worth revising your essay at least twice for maximum impact. Our practice shows that revising your
essay multiple times will help you refine the arguments, making your piece more convincing. Below,
you can spot an example of an outline created based on these instructions. Since my pet peeve is
fiction writing, I never thought about essay writing yet now that I’m reading about it, it makes sense
that I need to keep in mind a few basic tips. I like journal writing, and to an extent, I can say it’s
similar to essay writing since I make it a short writing on a particular subject, not just random
thoughts. No comments yet! Add one to start the conversation. the authority to impose law and
order over everyone in New Zealand + 44-20-3006-2750 Crafting a captivating thesis statement is
paramount in essay writing. This concise yet impactful sentence encapsulates the central argument or
idea of your essay, providing a roadmap for your readers and guiding the direction of your writing.
Ensure your thesis statement is clear, concise, and debatable, inviting readers to engage with your
perspective and insights. By articulating a compelling thesis statement, you lay a solid foundation for
building a persuasive and cohesive essay. 2. narrative elements/ingredients such as exposition,
inciting incident, characters, climax, visual components etc. in your chosen piece and that you can
describe them and explain why they are how they are and where they appear. I will need to see that
you evaluate/judge/gauge them in the context of the piece: Do they work? Should they perhaps be
different? Are they timed well? If not, why? Structure: Your ability to structure the findings into a
framework appropriate for the subject matter in order to provide a well-considered and convincing
argument. Introduction: Start your essay with a clear and well-informed introduction – you are
aiming to convince the reader from the start of your confidence in the subject area. You will need to
outline the aims of the essay. For a 2000 word essay your introduction should be between 100-200
words. Contextual Overview & Introduction of the Piece: In this section of the essay you will
introduce the piece and the dramatic structure model(s) you will refer to and provide some
background information on both. This section of your essay may take up between 400-600 words.
Make sure you divide your discussion into clear and distinct paragraphs. Analyzing the work: This
section will form the main body of your essay and will normally be between 1000-1200 words. In
this section you will use one or more of the three models of dramatic structures (Aristotle, Freytag,
Daniels) to analyze the work. Remember that description is not enough to achieve first class work!
Conclusion: Your conclusion will summarize the main points of the essay and attempt to draw your
research together. Allow 100-200 words for this section of the essay. Do not attempt to introduce
new ideas at this point. A good conclusion can be tricky to get right – allow plenty of time.
Communication: Your ability to use language, referencing and other academic conventions (e.g.
appendices, footnotes etc.) in a clear and confident manner. Read your essay out loud in order to spot
grammatical mistakes, run a spell check, get your referencing right, any minor plagiarism results in a
fail and we have incredible software that spots all quotes no matter if they have been referenced by
you or not, avoid colloquial language and use academic language instead… Wrapping up your 5-
paragraph essay might seem like a breeze after developing your introductory and body parts. Yet, it's
crucial to ensure your conclusion is equally impactful. Don't leave it to the reader to join the dots –
restate your thesis statement to reinforce your main argument. Follow this by a brief recap of the 2-3
key points you've discussed in your essay. More access to Pākehā, which in turn bring markets to sell
to, goods, employment, improved trade etc. The New Zealand Association / Company was
organising English settlement in New Zealand 1833–39 and this concerned humanitarians,
missionaries and the British government because the settlers would be outside British sovereignty
and doubts that Wakefield’s dealings with Māori would be fair and / or ethical. Departure of the
Tory in 1839 Phone: 508-548-7270 3. Essay writing guidelines What it's about? Obviouse yet
crucial Is it interesting for you? Do you have access to information? Does it comply with
your assignment? Dara on October 17, 2015 at 3:53 pm A staggering report by the World Health
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paragraph essay: The Museum Offices and Archives are open year-round Tuesday and Thursday
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The Treaty of Waitangi gave the Crown the exclusive right to purchase Māori
land, but in 1844 private land purchases were allowed when Governor FitzRoy gave in to demands
from settlers and Māori and waived his right of pre-emption The petfoodexpress will be checked
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Posted on Every one of us is able to write a perfect essay when we have enough time, but there
comes a time you are required to write an essay quickly. This can be overwhelming at times but with
the right planning and management of time, it is surely achievable. You will receive an email
notification and a download link as soon as your order is completed and reviewed for quality. Check
it and activate your free revisions period should the need be. Grey attempted to force Māori to sell
wasteland in the Wellington region, which threatened the mana of Te Rauparaha and Te Rangihaeata.
Incidents of fighting occurred in the Hutt Valley in 1846. Grey arrested Te Rauparaha. Grey acquired
30 million acres of the South Island and 3 million acres of the North Island before he left New
Zealand in 1853. His negotiation and methods of purchase were questionable, payments were
minimal, and promises were not kept especially in the South Island Did you find mistakes in interface
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Here are some the references I’ve found regarding Wikipedia accuracy: “Schools are really trying to
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Network (TUN). I was intrigued by the similarity between conditions leading up to the 1929 Crash
and conditions leading up to the economic recession the US went through in the 1990s. I guess what
surprised me most is how little we seem to learn from history. Even some of the greatest man-made
tragedies get repeated. Inspired by a young man’s account of being thrown out of work in 1930 and
surviving through the Great Depression, I started studying that history and the facts behind the Stock
Market Crash in October 1929. But writing an essay can be fun, if you have the right attitude. I
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university or really are a university studrnt - this particular service is not going to replace. A five-
paragraph essay typically ranges from 300 to 500 words, depending on the topic and type of paper.
It's important to consider the length of your essay when determining how much information you
want to include in each paragraph. For shorter essays, it is best to stick to one main point per
paragraph so that your essay remains concise and focused. Niamh Jackson on November 4, 2015 at
9:03 pm Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here. keyboard_arrow_right In July–August 1839, the
British government decided that at least limited intervention was needed. Settlers had to be
controlled and Māori had to be protected Have any questions or need help with essay writing?
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speculative land purchases of dubious legality taking place around the country. Missionaries and
Australians ‘buying’ or claiming blocks of land from Māori, often transactions where Pākehā and
Māori intentions and expectations were quite different An analytical piece of writing description +
reflectionDescribe the. Essay Writing Tips for Dyslexics. An academic essay should be a compact,
lucid, structured argument which answers a question or addresses a prescribed topic and. This will
require you to review the works of other scholars before developing an argument of your own about
your chosen topic. Before starting working on your short essay assignment, be sure to look through 6
main rules and take them into consideration. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and
Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students. You can be useless certain to get below the superb essay
writing, of the best only! And that, in itself, reveals so much about the process: at this point, in the
blither[^1]-saturated internet media, the subject of the essay becomes a secondary concern, at best;
in the traditional fashion of celebrity culture, the author of the essay is the paramount concern; the
validity of the opinions therein are of, at best, second concern—everything now revolving around the
self, the informative nature of the essay falls short of the opinions and personal anecdotes conveyed
thereby. It isn’t that people don’t care about facts or perspectives or reality, it’s merely that it is no
longer possible to discern truth from fiction, or reality from fantasy, at least not without a Ph.D. in
the subject matter: maybe an M.D. could tell the difference between a legit article in the Lancet or
the NEJM, but I sure can’t, and it’s true across all professions, even scientists between
disciplines—a molecular biologist is no more apt to descry the falsities of any essays or articles
written on the Alcubierre drive than I am, and the same holds true for pretty much anyone, across
any field. Help your students improve their writing today with this guided essay outline that comes
as a PDF print and Google DocsTM teaching resource. This essay graphic organizer includes built-in
differentiation, scaffolding, and instruction to help younger writers, struggling writers, and proficient
writers improve their writing skills by planning organized, detailed essay outlines. And but the point
of all this remains unknown to me—somehow it related to essay-writing, and the attempt to convey
opinions or state of mind (cf. actual facts, which are few and far between), but the relation thereof to
the subject of today’s practice—whatever the hell it is—remains elusive, or illusory, or something,
and I don’t know where I stand anymore. I think that’s the end point of most supposedly
illuminating pieces, anyway. B. Gladstone on October 18, 2015 at 3:02 pm This is just a tiny list of
the different options available to you here at ExtraEssay, each with a friendly service and
personalized approach. The last taste should be the best, so aim to end your 5-paragraph essay on a
high note. Craft a compelling closing sentence that underscores the importance of your topic and
leaves your reader considering future implications. Then, spend fifteen minutes writing an answer to
that topic (here's a handy tool to help you keep track of your time). Just write whatever comes to
mind. Write for you, not for your teacher or professor. Have you ever wondered why some people
can produce a well-structured, relevant essay written in a style that seems to glide across the page
with the minimum of fuss? Do you think some people simply have these skills, and others don't, and
that there is nothing we can do about it? This book just might change your mind. Addressing each
landmark stage of the essay writing process, How to Write Better Essays teaches you how to... •
analyse the question and break down difficult terms and concepts... Alex Hayes on February 7, 2018
at 6:43 am The college essay remains a key part of the admissions process. And, it doesn’t have to be
challenging as long as you prepare yourself in advance. I’ve read thousands of college essays in my
career and to help you, I’ve built a checklist of “do’s and don’ts” to set you up for success! The New
Zealand Association / Company was organising English settlement in New Zealand 1833–39 and this
concerned humanitarians, missionaries and the British government because the settlers would be
outside British sovereignty and doubts that Wakefield’s dealings with Māori would be fair and / or
ethical. Departure of the Tory in 1839 How To Write An Outstanding Argumentative
Essay Although the article is geared toward school essays, I found some good tips to
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available to you here at ExtraEssay, each with a friendly service and personalized approach. Want
best-seller coaching? Book Joe here. No comments yet! Add one to start the conversation. A running
head of a page is a short version of your essay title (or if it is already short, you can include a full
title). Professors of some institutions may not require including the running head in student writing
assignments, while in most cases professional essays are expected to have the running head.
Delegating your minors' assignments to our field experts can help you focus on the classes that
matter most to you while still excelling at other, not essential subjects. Did you know that you can
send an outline to professionals and have your essay written according to the structure. Order essay
from academic experts should you need any assistance. Good structure lets your ideas shine! In this
episode I discuss how to format and structure your essay. Go to
to get a free trial ... Introduces higher-level study skills and allows students to develop a deeper
understanding of the learning process itself, encouraging a reflective approach to study. This book
includes chapters on e-learning and numeracy. Research paper Maori were impressed with Britain’s
ships and power, especially after her defeat of the French under Napoleon in 1815 that had earned
her the title of ‘Ruler of the Seas’. Also, traditions held that the British were the first to make
contact with the Maori people. Orange notes that “[Maori chief] Titore, acknowledging Britain's past
conflict with France, offered to reserve certain trees from which spars could be cut in any future
AngloFrench engagement.” Rumours that other less desirable powers were showing an interest in
NZ concerned some Maori. Worst was the French with their supposed aim of utu for the killing by
Maori in 1772 of Marion du Fresne. Maori were also aware of the harsh French treatment of the
Tahitians Writing a five-paragraph essay may seem challenging at first, but with practice and
determination it can become a piece of cake. Don’t forget to use your secret power – an outline, so
that you have a clear idea of what points to cover in each paragraph. Make sure that you stick to the
right format and cite your sources consistently. With these tips and 5 paragraph essay examples, you
will be able to write an effective piece. ExtraEssay is an entirely legal platform that doesn't infringe
on any college or university laws or moral or public orders. Essay writing also requires creating a
great title and an interesting starting point! A very difficult aspect of essay writing – possibly the
most challenging part – is devising a worthy title. Not only should the essay’s title sell the entire
work in a few well-chosen words, but also give a good idea about the main point that will be
covered in the subsequent essay. Therefore, prior to settling on a title, here are a couple of questions
to ask yourself: “What effect or impact are you trying to achieve in writing this essay?”, “Is the title
you have chosen relevant to the essay itself?” Once you know the answers, you are ready to bestow
upon your essay with that riveting title. is a perfect essay generator that generates
100% unique essays by writers with Masters and PhD level educations. These essays are written in
strict accordance with your instructions. Thousands of US, UK and Australian students buy high
quality custom essay papers or dissertations from every year. nianro on October 17,
2015 at 10:35 pm A 5-paragraph essay is as simple as it sounds: an essay composed of five
paragraphs. It's made up of five distinct sections, namely an introduction, 3 body paragraphs and a
concluding section. However, a 5 paragraph essay goes beyond just creating 5 individual sections.
It's a method of organizing your thoughts and making them interconnected. Our subject-matter
writers with proven backgrounds will be happy to help you develop unique research ideas, find
credible sources, and prepare polished work that meets strict academic standards. Alex Hayes on
February 7, 2018 at 6:43 am “I do have favorite essays that I can remember, but they have no
particular topic in common,” she added. “Instead, they are the ones where at the end I have a grasp
on what it might be like to have a conversation with the writer, to be in the same room as them.”
Our Vision: The world leader in advancing personalized health B. Gladstone on October 18, 2015 at
3:02 pm I hope you're doing good! I have always wondered how to start a five paragraph essay. Do
you maybe have any tips? Of course, I've read the article. But maybe you have some advice. My
paper deals with literary analysis. Thanks! Typically, you’ll be able to read essay prompts months
before you have to submit an application. The Common App typically releases its prompts on August
1 each year. For the 2020-21 cycle, however, the Common App has already announced that the essay
prompts will be the same as in the 2019-20 cycle. Copyright © 2003-2024 All
Rights Reserved.
© 2024,, All rights reserved. New Zealand was without a doubt a Maori country
(Maori were culturally, militarily, politically, numerically and even economically dominant at 1840). It
was not until 1858 that the Pakeha population exceeded Maori; an official Pakeha presence thus did
not appear threatening. In addition, in the Maori version of the Treaty rangitiratanga (chiefly
authority) was guaranteed, thus there was no loss of sovereignty. As Nopera Panakaeroa of the
Rarawa tribe said: “Only the shadow of the land passes to the Queen. The substance stays with us.”
Our subject-matter writers with proven backgrounds will be happy to help you develop unique
research ideas, find credible sources, and prepare polished work that meets strict academic standards.
Grey attempted to force Māori to sell wasteland in the Wellington region, which threatened the mana
of Te Rauparaha and Te Rangihaeata. Incidents of fighting occurred in the Hutt Valley in 1846. Grey
arrested Te Rauparaha. Grey acquired 30 million acres of the South Island and 3 million acres of the
North Island before he left New Zealand in 1853. His negotiation and methods of purchase were
questionable, payments were minimal, and promises were not kept especially in the South Island Hi)
I’m a little bit stuck because I don’t know how to end a 5 paragraph essay. Do you guys have some
tips for me? I have to finish it tomorrow. These are great tips, not only for those writing essays, but
also for bloggers too. Thank you! Starting early also gives you time to have teachers, peers, or family
members proofread your essay. They can catch what you missed and tell you whether your essay is
truly interesting from the perspective of an outside reader. Track order status in the personal profile
Download to read offline Hello there Ben, How can I overcome writer's block when writing an
essay? Once your order is confirmed, we will email you login credentials to your personal profile.
Use it to monitor the status of your order, provide feedback to the writer, etc. We do know the
average amount of words in a 5 paragraph essay. You should, of course, ask your professor. But
normally we recommend students to write 550 words. It is around two pages and is usually enough.
Good luck! You should always view your college essay as your opportunity to stand out from the
crowd. So, while writing your essay, try to be unique, not generic. Now that you have a good idea
of your assignment, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start researching. Spend some quality time
gathering relevant resources to get acquainted with the discussed topic. Make sure you don;t refer to
outdated resources. Always give a preference to credible, recent sources. Analyse, in depth, the
causes and consequences of a significant historical event. As you can notice, each of these sections
plays an important role in creating the overall piece. On 21 May 1840, Hobson proclaimed British
sovereignty over all of New Zealand. Most likely, this was in response to plans by the New Zealand
Company to establish its own government in the Cook Strait region Historians tell us that in the
“roaring Twenties” the stock market was booming. Share prices were rising and everyone and his pup
wanted in on the action. The market seemed so secure that banks began making collateral-free loans
to individuals wanting to buy stocks. So many people with money to buy drove the demand and the
price of stocks through the roof. Then the building collapsed. Letting our professional team handle
tasks for subjects you have lower grades in can help improve your overall performance without
sacrificing your personal life. Yes, Anna, five-paragraph essay format will depend on your topic.
Students can also choose from Chicago and APA. But these formats are usually reserved for more
complicated disciplines like science. It’s probably hard to believe I wrote that in fifteen minutes but I
promise I did; I was (am) drunk and not really thinking about it and I type like 150 wpm and etc.
This will probably be a total embarrassment tomorrow morning. Essay writing also requires creating
a great title and an interesting starting point! A very difficult aspect of essay writing – possibly the
most challenging part – is devising a worthy title. Not only should the essay’s title sell the entire
work in a few well-chosen words, but also give a good idea about the main point that will be
covered in the subsequent essay. Therefore, prior to settling on a title, here are a couple of questions
to ask yourself: “What effect or impact are you trying to achieve in writing this essay?”, “Is the title
you have chosen relevant to the essay itself?” Once you know the answers, you are ready to bestow
upon your essay with that riveting title. So beautiful, sitting here in the half dark of early morning,
fire already lit, candles and lamps making puddles of yellow light in corners and on floors and
against walls. → Short Story Close Reading Literary Analysis Unit Feel free to get in touch with us
via phone or send us a message Effective time management is crucial for tackling essays efficiently.
Consider breaking down your writing process into manageable tasks and setting realistic deadlines
for each. Utilize tools such as timers or productivity apps to stay focused and on track. Additionally,
prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency can help you allocate your time effectively
and maximize productivity. Generated content and plagiarism detection From Java, C, C++, C#,
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