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In the midst of golden leaves, when autumn's ember gleams,

I found myself enchanted, caught up in sweet love's dreams.

He, a painting of warmth, with eyes like russet skies,
And a smile that whispered secrets, beneath the moon's disguise.

With every falling leaf, our hearts began to sway,

Like melodies harmonizing on a crisp October day.
In the symphony of nature's hues, we danced hand in hand,
As nature unveiled its beauty, we walked a wonderland.

The air was filled with whispers, as we strolled through the park,
Leaves rustled in delight, as if they too felt the spark.
His touch, soft as a breeze, sent shivers down my spine,
In his arms, I found solace, like a tapestry intertwined.

As leaves danced around us, twirling in the autumn wind,

Our footsteps traced a path, side by side, hearts rescind.
Together we discovered, love’s tender melodies,
Melting into sunsets, beneath the ancient trees.

The scent of pumpkin spice lingered in the air,

As we carved our love story, with tender loving care.
Hand in hand we roamed, through fields of amber kissed,
A love, so fierce and fiery, no autumn breeze could resist.

But as autumn dimmed its flame, and winter's whisper grew,

Our love remained steadfast, tried, and ever true.
For in the magic of autumn, with him by my side,
I fell in love forever, on this autumn eve's ride.

So let the seasons shift, and colors gently change,

Our love will be the constant that will forever reign.
In the heart, where the warmth of autumn abides,
I'll forever cherish the love we found, in the falling leaves outside.

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