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Marine Pollution Bulletin 100 (2015) 82–91

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Marine Pollution Bulletin

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A critical assessment of visual identification of marine microplastic using

Raman spectroscopy for analysis improvement
Robin Lenz a,⁎, Kristina Enders a, Colin A. Stedmon a, David M.A. Mackenzie b, Torkel Gissel Nielsen a
National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark, DTU, Kavalergården 6, 2920 Charlottenlund, Denmark
Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark, DTU, Ørsteds Plads, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Identification and characterisation of microplastic (MP) is a necessary step to evaluate their concentrations,
Received 21 July 2015 chemical composition and interactions with biota. MP ≥10 μm diameter filtered from below the sea surface in
Received in revised form 8 September 2015 the European and subtropical North Atlantic were simultaneously identified by visual microscopy and Raman
Accepted 15 September 2015
micro-spectroscopy. Visually identified particles below 100 μm had a significantly lower percentage confirmed
Available online 9 October 2015
by Raman than larger ones indicating that visual identification alone is inappropriate for studies on small
microplastics. Sixty-eight percent of visually counted MP (n = 1279) were spectroscopically confirmed being
Small microplastics plastic. The percentage varied with type, colour and size of the MP. Fibres had a higher success rate (75%) than
RAMAN particles (64%). We tested Raman micro-spectroscopy applicability for MP identification with respect to varying
Spectroscopy chemical composition (additives), degradation state and organic matter coating. Partially UV-degraded post-
Photodegradation consumer plastics provided identifiable Raman spectra for polymers most common among marine MP, i.e. poly-
ethylene and polypropylene.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction known endocrine disruptors, which suggests that sub-lethal effects

and induced community changes could be a major effect.
The accumulation of plastic waste in the marine environment has The fragmentation of marine plastic litter through physical, chemical
been addressed by numerous studies during the last decade (Andrady, and biological processes is constantly adding to the pool of MPs which
2003; Ivar do Sul and Costa, 2014). Recently the ubiquitous spread of become more bioavailable and widespread with decreasing size
microscopic plastic particles has been of high concern as a threat to (Browne et al., 2007; Barnes et al., 2009). Assuming that plastic debris
biota. The increasing attention during the past 10 years is reflected by disintegrates in all three spatial dimensions simultaneously, the number
the publication of more than eighty studies investigating various im- of fragments produced raises to the power of 3 with decreasing particle
pacts of this invisible pollutant (Hidalgo-Ruz et al., 2012; Ivar do Sul diameter. So far, no lower size limitation of this fragmentation has been
and Costa, 2014; Rocha-Santos and Duarte, 2014; Wright et al., 2013; described in the scientific literature. Biodegradation studies suggest that
Cole et al., 2011). if i.e. polyolefin macromolecular chains are broken down to sizes below
Several laboratory studies have observed the ingestion of 500 g mol−1 the polymers are readily metabolised by microbial commu-
micrometre-sized plastic particles by suspension feeding organisms nities (Zheng et al., 2005; Bonhomme et al., 2003).
such as copepods (Cole et al., 2015; Lee et al., 2013; Cole et al., 2013; Despite intensive research it is yet to be shown if the current and
Setälä et al., 2014) and mussels (Avio et al., 2015; Wegner et al., predicted increasing future concentrations of plastic pollution in the
2012). Although, microplastics (MP) and nanoplastics may inertly ocean will result in significant alterations of marine biota and ecosys-
pass the digestive system along with any natural non-digestible matter, tems. Knowledge of plastic concentrations, spatial and temporal chang-
their associated toxic effects can become a relevant hazard (Magnusson es, size and polymer distributions and fragmentation dynamics are a
and Wahlberg, 2014). Through fragmentation of plastic debris to small- prerequisite for understanding fate and impact of MP. Sampling and
er sizes, the particles' surface-to-volume ratio increases, leading to an analysis of MP become increasingly more difficult and demanding the
accelerated ad- and desorption of toxic chemicals like persistent organic smaller the particles. This is one reason why a majority of microplastic
pollutants (POPs) (Lee et al., 2014; Bakir et al., 2014) or heavy metals surveys used a size range from 0.3 to 5 mm (Moore, 2008;
(Graca et al., 2014). Several POPs and plastic-associated chemicals are Morét-Ferguson et al., 2010; Eriksen et al., 2013; Lattin et al., 2004), a
range where visual sorting is a legitimate and quick approach. Few stud-
ies considered particles smaller than 300 μm (Desforges et al., 2014;
⁎ Corresponding author. Norén et al., 2014; Song et al., 2014). These studies developed or com-
E-mail address: roble@aqua.dtu.dk (R. Lenz). pared methods for MP isolation (Cole et al., 2013; Imhof et al., 2012),

0025-326X/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Lenz et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 100 (2015) 82–91 83

and polymer identification using vibrational spectroscopy (Bonhomme intake at 3 m depth at the front port side of the ship. Meshes were re-
et al., 2003; Goldstein, 2012; Imhof et al., 2012; Cole et al., 2013; Song placed in cycles of 10 ± 5 h and sealed under clean conditions and
et al., 2015) or electron microscopy (Norén and Naustvoll, 2011; transported back to land for later analysis.
Vianello et al., 2013; Fries et al., 2013) in addition to visual quantifica- To prevent airborne contamination sample exposure time was
tion. The common aims in these methodological explorations are minimised. The work environment and equipment was cleaned with
(a) to achieve higher accuracy, precision and certainty of MP identifica- deionised water and detergent before sample contact and white cotton
tion by avoiding false-positive and/or false-negative misidentification, laboratory coats, hair protection and nitrile gloves were used. During
(b) to enhance analysis results with indication of polymer types and the time of sample exposure open water-filled petri dishes were placed
(c) to transfer work intensive steps from manual to automated routines next to the work area and later analysed as blank controls. The sample
(Vianello et al., 2013). material was first removed from the meshes by resuspension in
The application of spectroscopic methods allows the discrimination 150 ml water with 150 μl sodium dodecylsulfate solution (SDS,
of plastic and natural particles. Spectra from absorption or scattering 150 g l− 1) in closed screw-top glasses in an ultrasonic bath for 20
phenomena are analysed for the presence or absence of characteristic min. This step was repeated if necessary until the filter showed a clean
frequency bands that result from excited vibrational states in the sam- appearance. After resuspension the complete sample content was col-
ple material. The energy difference between an excited and ground lected on 10 μm vacuum filters, polycarbonate (Whatman, 25 mm di-
state is characteristic for a particular molecular structure and is reflected ameter) or polyamide (filter mesh material). Possible sample residues
in the spectral signal. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) micro- were removed from the original filter by rinsing with microfiltrated
spectroscopy has been applied in this context and can allow polymer water into the vacuum filtration cylinders. In case of high material con-
identification of single particles at a minimum spot size of 10 μm tent samples were reduced using a plankton splitter.
(Bhargava et al., 2003). Similarly, Raman micro-spectroscopy reveals vi-
brational information of the molecular structure of samples where mod- 2.2. Microscopic and spectroscopic analysis
ern equipment achieves horizontal and vertical resolutions below 1 μm.
It is complementary to FTIR measurements i.e. Raman spectroscopy pro- The vacuum filters were analysed under an optical microscope
vides a better response of non-polar, symmetric bonds while FTIR al- coupled to a DXR Raman spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific),
lows clearer identification of polar groups. with a 455 nm excitation laser and a grating of 1200 lines per mm
An evaluation of FTIR in comparison to visual microscopy has shown using 10 × and 50 × objectives (Olympus M Plan, NA = 0.25 and LM
that misidentification of small MP can be reduced by a combination of Plan, NA = 0.50). Half of the area of the filters was searched for MP.
visual search and FTIR spectral library match (Song et al., 2015). Howev- Prior to Raman measurements items on the filters were either accepted
er, poor spectrum signal qualities can result from weathered polymers or rejected as MP suspects based on a catalogue of morphological
as reported by that study. Further contaminated sample surfaces hinder criteria. Each accepted object was classified as one of two shape catego-
automated identification by spectral library search and match functions ries, fibre or particle, and subsequently photographed and measured in
and increase the required manual work during spectral analysis. Both length and width. Replicate Raman spectra (n ≥ 3) were acquired as
are relevant when identifying ocean-collected MP. In recent studies point measurements on different spots of each accepted particle in
FTIR microspectroscopy has been applied for marine MP identification order to eliminate the influence of local impurities such as organic mat-
more often than Raman techniques although Raman spectroscopy pro- ter or mineral particles.
vides a number of advantages such as lower minimum particle size and A library of references of the major commodity consumers plastic
the usability of the complete spectral range for identification. Further, polymers (Table 1) was created and their Raman spectra were used as
Raman measurements are not depending on transmission of the excit- reference for identification of MP.
ing light through the sample material which allows identification of To account for a broader range of chemical composition within the
thicker or strongly absorbing particles. polymer types, several polymer samples differing in features like flexi-
Polymers collected from the marine environment can be suspected bility, colour or form, e.g. fibrous, solid, film, foamed, were included in
of having been exposed to a variety of conditions that alter the original the library. Expected non-plastic contaminants and organic materials
polymer composition. Among these environmental parameters are UV- present in the marine environment i.e. cellulose, methylcellulose, cellu-
induced photo-degradation, thermal degradation, and biodegradation lose acetate, viscose rayon, keratin and aragonite were also included
(Andrady, 2011). A recent study assessing marine MP particles by into the reference library to improve the exclusion of non-plastic (but
means of FTIR reported that oxidative break-down impeded the poly- plastic resembling) particles. The primary reference library consisted
mer identification due to spectral changes and insufficient reference of a total of 52 spectra.
spectra for polymer degradation products (Norén et al., 2014). It is im- Raman shifted spectra were measured with a resolution of
portant to investigate the effects of chemically weathered plastics on vi- 0.96 cm−1 in a wavenumber range of 100 to 3500 cm−1 using an inte-
brational spectral measurements before spectroscopic methods can be gration time of 2 s averaged over 10 scans. The excitation power was 3
implemented systematically in S-MP surveys. Raman spectroscopy has mW at an estimated spot size of 0.5 μm. As fluorescence can occur as a
been routinely used to study a wide range of polymer properties major source of poor Raman signal quality the above mentioned stan-
(Koenig, 2001) also in the context of marine MP identification (Imhof dard settings were changed if necessary with respect to laser power as
et al., 2012; Zettler et al., 2013). well as the number and duration of exposures, to enhance the signal
In this study we evaluated the applicability and limitations of Raman quality of fluorescent or weak Raman-active materials.
micro-spectroscopy relative to visual identification.
2.3. Data analysis
2. Methods
Measured Raman spectra were compared against the library by cal-
2.1. Sampling and preparation culating the Pearson correlation coefficients between each possible
combination of sample and library spectra. All spectra were
The samples used in this study originate from a trans-Atlantic cruise preprocessed in the following order. The wavenumber range was
conducted on the Danish research vessel R/V Dana in March and April cropped to 3400 to 200 cm−1. Elevated baseline for instance from fluo-
2014 as shown in Fig. 1. Sample collection was conducted using a closed rescence signals were removed by fitting and subtracting a modelled
filter unit containing a 10 μm mesh with a preceding mesh of 300 μm baseline curve which was interpolated from 25 local minima based on
(both polyamide-6). Water was pumped from an underway water a shape-preserving piecewise cubic interpolation. The spectra were
84 R. Lenz et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 100 (2015) 82–91

Fig. 1. Cruise map with grey sections showing the transects where water was filtered from the underway intake. Plastic concentrations are reported in an accompanying paper (Enders
et al., 2015). The stations numbered and highlighted in blue are the ones that have been used in the present study for the comparison of visual and Raman identification.

smoothed using an Savitzki-Golay non-derivative algorithm on a commercial Raman libraries (BioRad-KnowItAll Informatics System
28 cm−1 window with a second order polynomial. Each spectrum was 2014, Raman ID Expert and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.). Spectral
normalised to the maximum. band assignments for chemically degraded polymers were taken from
After a first run spectra from MP samples that achieved a high (Lagaron et al., 1999).
correlation (Pearson r2 ≥ 0.8) with one of the polymer references were
individually examined and, in case of confirmation, used as a
2.4. Degradation effects
secondary reference for the respective polymer type. This method
allowed to expand the coverage of the spectral library to a larger
To identify photodegraded polymers we experimentally simulated
degree of chemical variance within the target polymers.
accelerated weathering. The polymer pieces that had been used for
The final identification of MP was based on individual evaluation of
the library creation were exposed to UV light in three different treat-
each spectrum. The replicates of a sample were plotted with their best
ments. For weak degrading effects samples of LDPE, PA, PET and PVC
matching library spectra and analysed together for peak alignment
were exposed in sealed quartz cuvettes filled with (a) deionised water
and height. The pivotal criterion for acceptance was if the characteristic
and (b) filtered seawater of 32 PSU.
bands of the suspected polymer could be found in the sample spectrum.
The cuvettes were installed inside a rotating cylinder placed in front
The calculated correlation values r2 were used as an additional indicator.
of a UV light source (2 x Q-Lab UV Q-Panel 80 W). Additionally a third
All spectral processing, calculations and comparison were conducted in
series was air- exposed to the same UV light source in close proximity
Matlab (MathWorks Inc.). In unclear cases the raw spectra were
to the panels. Light intensities were measured using an NIST calibrated
revisited and unexplained bands were investigated by literature
Ocean Optics Jaz spectrophotometer and are shown in Fig. 2.
(Lambert, 1987; Edwards, 2005; Socrates, 2004) and compared against
The intensity maximum of the light source is at 343 nm. The air-
exposed samples were exposed to a 4.6 times higher intensity com-
Table 1 pared to those in water. The absorbance effect of water has been
Names and abbreviations of polymers used in the spectral identification with number of
accounted for by an attenuation coefficient of μ = 0.2. The temperature
reference items included in the library.
measured at the air-exposed and water submerged samples was ap-
Abbr. Polymer # proximately 33 °C and 22 °C, respectively.
HDPE High density polyethylene 5
LDPE High density polyethylene 4
PP Polypropylene 6 2.5. Statistical analysis
PET Polyethyleneterephthalate 5
PS Polystyrene 4 The rates of success of the visual identification, i.e. the proportion of
PVC Polyvinylchloride 3
visually identified microplastics that could be confirmed being plastic
PU Polyurethane 1
PA Polyamide 3 by Raman spectroscopic analysis, were calculated for different groups
ABS Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene 6 of MP size, colour and type. The differences between the groups were
PMMA Polymethylmethacrylate 2 tested for statistical significance by means of a two-tailed z-test for sig-
PC Polycarbonate 2 nificance of difference between two independent proportions, with
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene 2
p b 0.05 if not stated otherwise.
R. Lenz et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 100 (2015) 82–91 85

Fig. 2. Spectral intensities in the UVA/B wavelength range of the UV source used to simu-
late accelerated weathering in synthetic polymers exposed in air (grey dashed) and water
(grey dotted). The black graph shows the intensity of midday sunlight (clear sky,
Denmark) in the same wavelength range.

3. Results

3.1. Comparison of visual microscopy to Raman micro-spectroscopy

A total of 452 fibres and 827 particles were visually identified as

plastic of which 75% and 64% were confirmed by Raman spectra, respec-
tively. The whole MP data set had a success rate of 68% (n = 1279). The
number of Raman-confirmed MP depended on size. Visually identified Fig. 3. Microplastic particles identified by visual microscopy (whole bars) compared to
Raman spectroscopy (hatched fractions). The top graph shows the relative success rate
fibres and particles of larger sizes were confirmed being plastic to a
of visual identified particles approved by Raman spectroscopy. Number of particles com-
higher degree than smaller sizes (Fig. 3). pared in each size class: nb50 = 637, n50–100 = 155, nN100 = 35.
Sixty three percent of particles b50 μm were confirmed as plastic
whereas in the group between 50 and 100 μm a slightly higher propor-
tion of 67% was confirmed. Together,they had significantly lower suc- an altered chemical fingerprint. Here we present the most common rea-
cess rates than the largest size class of particles N100 μm where 83% sons that can lead to a falsified polymer type signal and must therefore
could be successfully identified as plastic (p b 0.05). The success rate be borne in mind.
of the whole size spectrum was not significantly different (p = 0.54) Fig. 5 shows the spectra obtained from differently coloured ABS sam-
from that of the smallest size class, as the particles b 50 μm contributed ples all from the same manufacturer. Blue, white and black samples
over three quarters of total particle abundance. Fibres showed the same (only blue shown) were well correlating with the spectra of the type
trend as particles. When grouped into length categories of b1000, reference (ABS ref.). The most characteristic peaks for ABS were be-
1000–2000 and N2000 μm success rates were 73%, 76% and 90%, tween 2900 and 3060 cm− 1 indicative of the C\\H stretch, at
respectively. 2236 cm−1 assigned to the nitrile stretching (C☰N) and the most in-
The success rate of the visual identification, was highest for particles tense peak at 1001 cm− 1 which displays the vibrational response of
of blue colour, followed by green and red with 86%, 54% and 52%, respec- the aromatic ring in the styrene part of the polymer (Lambert, 1987).
tively as shown in Fig. 4. Red and yellow ABS show very different peaks of noticeably higher in-
The distinction of those colours was made by subjective visual obser- tensities. These represent a typical case of a complete overlay of the ac-
vation. It could be observed that misidentification is more likely among tual polymer type spectra due to a more intense compound in the
particles of colours that appear more frequently among natural organic polymer matrix such as additives, in this case colour pigments. The
matter. Particles of transparent/white or black/grey colour which have red sample additionally shows a broad Raman signal in the range of
been visually counted for having a plastic like appearance had a low 2200 to 3200 cm−1 which is due to fluorescence.
confirmation in Raman of 41% and 42%, which were significantly A frequently encountered observation was that various morpholog-
lower than for coloured particles (p b 0.001). Fibres of all colours had ically discriminative black particles displayed spectra matching with the
a higher success rate than particles, which can be attributed to the fact reference spectra obtained from a set of black rubber of various sources
that fibres often provide more structural features for identification such as from car or bike tires or tubes (Fig. 6).
(Fig. 4). In contrast to particles there was a high confirmation rate of By using a spectroscopy software (Bio Rad-KnowItAll) with access to
transparent and black fibres of 85% and 67%, respectively. commercial Raman libraries the two bands at 1343 cm− 1 and
1581 cm− 1 were attributed to carbon. Relative peak height had a
3.2. Raman signal confounding factors small variance among samples. The particle in (c) highly correlated
with PP which, owed to the morphological similarities to (a), gives an
We tested Raman micro-spectroscopy for its applicability in indication of the difficulties in purely visual identification and the low
microplastic identification studies. Commercial plastic is, apart from success rate obtained in the comparison study. It is not surprising to
its basic polymer matrix also composed of a range of additive com- find the presence of carbon in our sample set, as carbonaceous materials
pounds. Additionally, plastic from the marine environment can have are very abundant in nature. However, black carbon, which exhibits
86 R. Lenz et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 100 (2015) 82–91

Fig. 4. MP of different colour appearance identified visually and by Raman. Left: fibres, right: particles. b./g. = black / grey; t./w. = transparent / white; col. = all colours. Cross marks on top
refer to secondary y-axis (percentages).

spectra of the same kind, is used as a filler in rubbers and to some degree spectra can only be obtained from clean, uncovered surfaces as can be
as a black colourant or dye in other thermoplastics. Given that, black seen in replicate 3 (Fig. 8). The example shows three measured spots
particles are expected to be generally underestimated in MP counting. on a piece of plastic debris collected from Charlottenlund beach,
Fig. 7 shows a spectrum of a polymer assigned to ethylene vinyl ace- Denmark. Replicate 1 shows a carbon-like band fully overlaying the
tate (EVA), a polymer chemically similar to PE, collected in the English polymer type signal due to clear fouling appearances in this area. For
channel. Due to the incorporation of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparti- the cleaner replicate 2 the type can be recognised, although the finger-
cles simultaneously shows the two peaks at 444 and 610 cm−1. TiO2 is print region displays a lifted baseline and the overall spectrum is noisier.
added to various polymers as a material filler, pigment and UV-blocker.
However, the recognition of the actual polymer type is thereby not im- 3.3. UV degradation effects on Raman signals
peded as its intensity is among that of the polymer and does not overlay
any characteristic peaks. It has to be expected that a standard library Fig. 9 shows the characteristic peaks of LDPE at 1063 cm−1,
search (one component matching) will result in a lower correlation. 1130 cm− 1, 1296 cm− 1, 1418 cm− 1, 1441 cm−1 and 1463 cm−1 in
Marine microplastic has been a substrate for the growth of organ- the fingerprint region, normalised to the maximum peak. The resulting
isms of which residuals can remain on the particles' surface during spec- Raman spectra after exposure to UV radiation showed a lower intensity
tral analysis. Likewise, MP recovered from sediments or animal of several characteristic bands (marked with arrows). Changes occur at
intestines may be covered by an organic matrix. High quality Raman 1418 cm−1, which is assigned to CH2 wagging in crystalline regions, at

Fig. 5. Spectra acquired from ABS from the same manufacturer in different colours. Reference spectrum from a different product with pale colour. Note the high intensity ranges for yellow
and red caused by colour pigment signal overlays. Collection time 3 s.
R. Lenz et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 100 (2015) 82–91 87

Fig. 6. Two spectra (blue and black) showing the vibrational band of amorphous carbon as found for many black particles of diverse morphologies, (a) and (b). Image (c) which is of very
similar morphology as (a) displays a PP spectrum (red) instead. Scale bars 20 μm.

1441 cm−1 corresponding to CH2 deformation and at 1463 cm−1 due to Using a Raman microscope samples can be searched and measured at
CH2 bending from crystalline and amorphous regions. The peak at the same time resulting in a higher degree of identification certainty
2849 cm−1 with its adjacent minimum also displays a decreasing at the cost of approximately double work time required. Because the mi-
trend. We observed these effects in repeated measurements of PE ob- croscopic analysis in this study was a precursor to Raman analysis the
jects obtained from different sources. The other peaks in the fingerprint numbers of Raman-confirmed MP cannot be larger than the numbers
region do not show considerable changes. of visually identified plastics, in contrast to a comparable FTIR study
The Raman spectrum of PVC after photo-degradation (Fig. 10) shows (Song et al., 2015).
the simultaneous decrease of the neighbouring peaks at 693 cm−1 and The application of Raman or any other spectroscopic method can as-
637 cm−1, which correspond to the characteristic C\\Cl bonds in the sist MP identification as an extension to normal light microscopy. For this
polymer. The spectra have been normalised to the peak at 2919 cm−1, approach the analysis is still visual but the inclusion or exclusion of
which is assigned to C\\H stretching vibrations and considered unaffect- doubtful particles can be improved by exemplary spectroscopic analysis.
ed by degradation (Gilbert et al., 2013). The spectrum with highest UV However, two major drawbacks occur using this procedure. Firstly the
exposure (Fig. 10f) does not exert this peak, wherefore the relative inten- spectral quality will not always allow unambiguous decisions, as marine
sity of the peaks in this spectrum cannot be compared. The spectrum is MP comprises of a complex mixture of biological, synthetic and inorganic
characterised by the complete absence of the double peaks and the de materials. Secondly, only the number of false-positive identified objects
novo appearance of two strong peaks (marked with *, Fig. 10) at can be minimised, whereas MP that was not detected by visual analysis
1139 cm−1 and 1540 cm−1, assigned to carbon double bonds (C_C). will remain as a unknown false-negative fraction unless it is possible to
PA showed a marginal decrease in the vibrational frequency range at measure each particle present in the sample. The latter will, however, be-
3306 cm−1 assigned to the amide group in the polymer. PET samples come very costly if a large number of samples were to be processed.
did not show any consistently traceable spectral changes over the peri- The success rate of purely visually compared to Raman analysed par-
od of the UV exposure experiment. ticles decreased with size. For particles b100 μm the success rate falls
Generally we could not observe consistent differences between the below 80%, which makes microscopic analysis an inappropriate method.
replicates submerged in MilliQ water and seawater throughout the The reason for the low success rate is not attributable to visibility alone,
course of the experiment. as it would be possible to use a higher magnification. MP of small sizes
are difficult to recognise because decision criteria are based purely on
4. Discussion morphological features which diminish with decreasing size. We show
that with increasing particle size recognition improves because larger
4.1. Applicability of Raman for MP analysis particles exhibit more identification criteria, such as hardness and phys-
ical bending, which become of relevance for particles N1 mm (Song
Raman microscopy was successfully applied as a technique for et al., 2014). However, the size classes investigated in this study were
microplastic identification and quantification in the present study. (except a few fibres) below this threshold.

Fig. 7. Spectrum of a blue microplastic particle (blue, inset with scale bar 100 μm) matching with the EVA reference (red) and two additional peaks due to TiO2 (black).
88 R. Lenz et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 100 (2015) 82–91

Fig. 8. Spectra showing the effect of organic matter coating on the polymer matrix, with decreasing effects from rep. 1 to 3. Images to the right show corresponding degree of plastic surface
fouling. Scale bar 20 μm. Red square indicates point of Raman measurement. Collection time 20 s.

Apart from the gain in accuracy of identification results by using a complete masking of the polymer type. This has to be expected as a
spectral analysis method, the additional information of the polymer drawback of library matching spectroscopic analysis, as reference librar-
type is useful in regard to environmental impact or risk assessment. ies cannot cover the whole variety present in the marine samples. In fi-
Polymers differ in sorption capacities and toxicity wherefore it is valu- brous samples obtained from the marine environment it is likely that in
able to know their respective distributions (Lee et al., 2014). the presence of a very clear dye spectrum, the material is of cellulosic or-
igin (cotton, viscose rayon) due to its own weak response signal (Bart,
2006). Spectra recognised to be only partly overlaid by foreign peaks
4.2. Raman signal confounding factors
were accepted if the underlying polymer type signal was still clearly
Raman spectra of the polymer type can be overlaid by the signal de-
Many organic colourants, pigments and dyes strongly fluoresce in
rived from additives, resulting in a considerable modification of the
visible light and can thereby hinder spectra acquisition, whereas inor-
spectra. These additives are mostly restricted to fillers, pigments and
ganic pigments are more likely to change the displayed peak pattern
dyes. Their effects on the Raman signal can be categorised as i) foreign
(Fredericks, 2012). Fluorescence is often named as a major factor of
band overlay, ii) fluorescence and iii) absorbance. Each of these are
poor Raman signal quality (Fredericks, 2012; Jochem and Lehnert,
discussed in turn below.
2002). The light intensities emitted by fluorescence can be orders of
There is a chance that MP particles or fibres were not recognised
magnitude stronger than the Raman scattering. Especially measure-
or disqualified if the overlay of an unknown additive resulted in a
ments of red and yellow coloured items are known to be affected

Fig. 10. Comparison of Raman spectra of a photo-exposed PVC sample (b–f) and an un-
Fig. 9. Comparison of Raman spectra of a photo-exposed LDPE sample (b, c) and an un- treated control (a). Exposure time is given as an equivalent to midday sun hours. The spec-
treated control (a). Exposure time is given as an equivalent to midday sun hours. The spec- tra have been intensity normalised and smoothed by a window width of 24 cm−1. * new
tra have been intensity normalised and smoothed by a window width of 24 cm−1. occurrence of peaks.
R. Lenz et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 100 (2015) 82–91 89

(Jochem and Lehnert, 2002). In our samples red and yellow particles to remove natural material and coatings (Cole et al., 2014). For S-MP,
(Fig. 4, only red shown) had the lowest rates of Raman confirmation however, chemical pre-treatments can easily result in loss of particles
of all colours. The laser wavelength applied in this study was in the vis- of susceptible polymers even if the bulk polymer can be regarded as re-
ible blue range (455 nm). Although most authors reported that using a sistant to the reagent. In the present study we have applied SDS in the
lower wavelength can mitigate fluorescence signals (Fredericks, 2012), washing of samples. The surfactant facilitates the dissolution of coatings
there is evidence that particularly red dyes used in textiles can have a from hydrophobic surfaces. SDS is known as a strong Raman scatterer
fluorescence minimum at blue excitation wavelengths 458 - 488 nm (Bart, 2006), however, can be removed by thorough rinsing with
(Massonnet et al., 2005). The effect of Raman scattering increases with water. In the spectral analysis we found no sign of the presence of SDS
excitation energy, wherefore short laser wavelength can be used to im- in the samples.
prove detection of weak Raman active compounds (Wartewig, 2003).
Improvements of detection may also be achieved using techniques 4.3. UV degradation effects on Raman signals
such as Resonance Raman, Surface Enhanced Raman (SERS),
Coherent-Anti-Stokes-Raman (CARS, see also (Cole et al., 2013)) or Photo-oxidation in polyolefin polymers usually involves reactions
Fourier-Transform-Raman (FT-Raman) which can – in specific cases – due to free radicals resulting in chain cleavage, cross-linking and the for-
substantially increase signal-to-noise ratios, but come at the cost of mation of hydroxyl- and carbonyl groups. The formation of these polar
more advanced equipment and/or required sample preparation oxidative functional groups can be easily observed via IR measurements.
(Fredericks, 2012). Further investigations have to reveal optimal instru- This is part of the reason why FTIR obtained spectra of marine plastics
mentation and excitation wavelengths for the application of Raman often report considerably high levels of impurity, occasionally impeding
spectroscopy for marine microplastic analysis. accurate spectra acquisition (Norén, 2007; Song et al., 2015). This is less
A quarter of the microplastic data set were assigned plastic-like of a problem with Raman spectroscopy acquired spectra.
polymers giving moderate match scores with PET, however, missing The polyolefins PE and PP are most abundant in the surface of the
the characteristic peak at 1616 cm−1. Scanning a number of representa- ocean due to their lower density than seawater (48% in the present
tives using the spectroscopy software, Bio Rad-KnowItAll, with a data set, (Enders et al., 2015). Our results on the UV exposure of various
large library of polymeric compounds and additives, synthetic azo- kinds of polymers showed that Raman polymer identification is to a
compounds appeared among the top scores. However, no single compo- large extent unaffected of UV-induced weathering of PE and PP. After
nent could be attributed to describe this group which hence was includ- 1634 h of simulated sunlight in air, both PE and PP showed a slight re-
ed as anthropogenic material of unidentified polymeric composition. duction in intensity of characteristic peaks (Fig. 9). Correlation to the
Azo-dyes and pigments are commonly used in textiles of cellulosic corresponding reference spectra was slightly reduced: for PE by
and synthetic polymers, and to some extent in other plastic objects as 5.6% ± 2.6% and for PP 8.5% ± 6.4%. The alteration is small and polymer
well. Because the azo-group signal (N_N) is intense in Raman scatter- type recognition was not impeded. Signs of degradations as loss of flex-
ing it partly overlies the actual material type. Other contemplable com- ibility and embrittlement were also clearly observable, where especially
pounds that could explain some of the present spectral bands were PU the investigated PP samples showed cracks covering the entire polymer
and several polyesters. A minor group of the analysed MP (1.3%) which is in consistency with observations other UV exposure studies
showed similarities with the above named group in the region around (Andrady, 2011).
the dominant peak of 1593 cm−1. In contrast to the afore-mentioned PVC degradation is mostly governed by the dehydrochlorination re-
group no further bands in the fingerprint region were distinguishable action, which can be chemically, thermally or photochemically induced
from the background noise. A library match revealed a weak correlation (Bowley et al., 1988). In contrast to the above discussed polymers it is
with a spectrum of a LDPE reference which was overlaid by strong free of hydroxilic or carboxylic group formation. The observed changes
Raman scattering yellow pigment. in the investigated PVC spectra with increased UV exposure can be ex-
Common polymer fillers such as glass, clay and silica lead to consid- plained as follows. The exposure to UV radiation initialises the elimina-
erable obscuration of spectra in FTIR, however are poorly Raman-active tion of hydrochloric acid HCl and the subsequent formation of a C_C
because of the low polarisability of Si\\O bonds (Bart, 2006). Titanium double bond. The loss in chlorine is apparent in the shrinkage of the
dioxide, another filler occasionally observed in our spectra (Fig. 7) carbon-chlorine stretching C-Cl bands as observed in Fig. 10a–e. The
gave additional peaks, which however did not mask the remaining continuation of this, known as the ‘unzipping’ reaction, occurs increas-
part of the spectrum. ingly fast and leads to the formation of conjugated polyene, which in
Black polymers that contain carbon fillers such as carbon black, the Raman spectra lead to the emergence of the two intense peaks
amorphous coke or graphite which strongly absorb the light scattered (Fig. 10f). The vibrational bonds of C_C are easy to detect as they are
by the polymer can thus exhibit a carbon-like spectrum. By using a very intense Raman scatterers. The intensity of the C_C bands is deter-
high laser power it is possible to even burn the sample (Bart, 2006). Par- mined by the length of the conjugated sequences.
ticles originating from road wear (tires) are therefore not discernible to When degradation has reached a certain degree, cross-linking be-
other natural carbon-rich sources. This can be part of the reason why tween the highly reactive polyenes takes place that in turn highly influ-
black particles were sparsely confirmed via Raman spectroscopy ences physical and mechanical properties. This then causes a shortening
(Fig. 4). The problem of non-identifiable black particles has been stated of the polyenes and consequently to the elimination of the plasticiser
in an earlier study using FTIR (Norén and Naustvoll, 2010). (Bowley et al., 1988). This then leads to typical weathering effects,
Other additives are poorly documented for Raman libraries, due to such as embrittlement and yellowing, as has been clearly observed
weak Raman scattering and unsatisfactory reproducibility (Hummel, for the investigated PVC sample. Documentation and quantification of
2002). Nonetheless, these chemicals can lead to partial masking or a de- the rapid reduction in mechanical integrity has been studied before
crease of the signal to noise ratio leading to a lower degree of spectral (Al-Dossary et al., 2009).
matching. On the other hand, most additives are not covalently bonded PVC is, on the one hand, relatively prone to photo-degradation in the
to the polymer and are leaching out during exposure to the marine con- marine environment as the leakage of the large content of additives,
ditions such as UV radiation and varying salinity and temperature such as photo-stabilisers, is enhanced under high humidity conditions
(Teuten et al., 2009; Engler, 2012). Regarding the detrimental effect of (Singh and Sharma, 2008). On the other hand, low water temperatures
organic matter coating (Fig. 8) it is helpful to obtain clean MP surfaces generally decelerate reactivity. For polymer identification studies via
prior to spectral acquisition and replicate measurements of different Raman spectroscopy we recommend to include spectra of degraded
spots on a particle should be conducted. Several studies have applied polymer stages to the reference library in order to enhance recognition
acid, base, oxidant or enzymatic digestions steps in sample preparation possibility. Our results from the degradation test revealed that PVC
90 R. Lenz et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 100 (2015) 82–91

Raman spectra can change to a level that makes successful identification a key to answer open questions of MP dynamics and their environmen-
impossible if based on a virgin PVC reference. For PA and PET tal effects.
degradation-related spectral changes are possible in Raman spectrosco-
py (Neha et al., 2014), although such trends could not be observed to be
strong enough to impede the polymer identification from our data.
It has proven successful to extend the used library by secondarily ob-
We thank Eik Ehlert Britsch and Magnus Bohr, which contributed to
tained spectra. We included some of the sample spectra that had highest
the sample collection and Peter Munk for excellent logistics and organi-
matches to the library base after individual evaluation which substan-
sation of the expedition. Thanks to Peter Bøggild from DTU Nanotech for
tially increased the coverage of chemical variance for the targeted plas-
the opportunity to use the Raman microspectrometer. The research was
tic types. Additionally, a useful spectroscopic library for environmental
funded by DTU Aqua, Carlsberg Foundation (2012-01-0272) and the
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Danish Center for Marine Research (2013-02).
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mers that are known to exhibit Raman detectable changes under expo-
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