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Reading Comprehension Workbook 50 Stories 5 Questions per Story Ans swer Keys Included Ao) Ta for dae ad Copyright Notice Copyright © 2014 Have Fun Teaching, LLC As permitted herein, worksheets may be copied for personal classroom and personal home use, meaning you may copy and reproduce the worksheets for your own classroom or your own children. You may not share the worksheets with other teachers, school personnel or other educators. You may not reproduce or transmit in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, or utilized by any information storage or retrieval system for any other purpose, without express permission from Have Fun Teaching, LLC. You may contact Have Fun Teaching through the website www. 5 FIAVONS. soos Black Friday Shopping! The Broken Lamp. The Bug Collection. Table of Contents 5) The Killer Whale...... 7| Korean BBQ. Korean New Year. 11] The Lake Park. Charcoal vs. Wood vs. Propane. 13] Licorice and Lollipop. Collecting Coins... Costumes and Photographs... Crayon Box. The Crazy Bus. Dance Machine The First President of the United States.25 | A New Telescope. Follow the Recipe. Food Poisoning... Fresh Fruit for Christmas.. Getting Ready for Class. The Golden Banana... The Gorilla. Graduation Ceremony. Grandpa's Birdhouses. Grandpa's Books... A Great Adventure... | Don't Want Advice | Want That... I'm so Frustrated and Angry! Jack-O-Lanterns. The Magic Necklac Musical Instrument. Needs and Wants. A New Box of Crayons. New Grill. 27) The Old Castle. 29] Peter's Jobs....... 33] Reselling for Profit. 35 | The Subway... ..87] Taking Pictures... 39] Thanksgiving Leftovers. 41] The Tree Swing oe48] Unique... 1.45 | Visiting Korea. 47 What is Kimchi?. ..49 | What's on Your Pizza?, 51] Wild Animal Shelter... 53] The Wonkadoodle. Answer Key. .. 31] The Princess Disease....... 2. 35 63 m1 75 7 .. 87 89 1 99 cove 101 +103 105 107 ©Have Fun Teaching This Is A Blank Page This Is A Blank Page 4 Skill Reading Comprehension Name. 5 Flavors Story By: Andrew Frinkle Henry was always thinking about eating. He was hungry, and he liked to cook. It occurred to him that most things that were good seemed to be a combination of flavors. Like, chocolate was good, but mixed with raisins and peanuts, it became great! Or, pineapple went great with pizza, because the sweetness worked well with the saltiness. He thought for a while, and came up with 5 basic flavors that everything had. He came up with: salty, sweet, sour, spicy, and savory. They were the 5 S's that he tried to get in every meal. It took a while to come up with this list, and then he made a list of his favorite ingredients for each flavor. Salty was easy, because he liked salty foods. Chips and snacks were often salty. Cheese and meats were usually salty, too. Sour was a bit harder, because he didn’t like sour stuff a lot. He liked lemons and limes in lemonade and limeade, but not a lot more. Sour candies were good sometimes, and so were grapefruits. Sour was a harder flavor to like. Spicy was pretty fun. He loved eating hot sauce. He ate it on his eggs, on his pizza, and on his burgers. He threw pickled hot peppers on his sandwiches, too. The vinegar made them a bit sour also, which helped him get his sour flavors. Sweet was really easy. Desserts were usually sweet, and he had no trouble with them. He could eat fruit all day, or sweet yogurts and puddings. Candy and chocolate were sweet, too. Savory was sort of a weird flavor to think about. It wasn’t something he often considered. It was usually the thing that made food smell so good and got your saliva going. It meant things like smoked cheeses, nuts, and garlic. They were the aroma makers that made a restaurant smell amazing. So Henry had figured out all of his flavors, and started combining them. On pizza, he had sweet pineapple, spicy hot peppers, salty sausage, and savory smoked cheeses. All he was really missing was sour, so he had some lemonade. For another meal, he had sweet and spicy honey chicken with crushed almonds and salty fried noodles ‘A wedge of lime crushed over the top gave him all the flavors! It really rounded out the meal and made things more delicious. © Skill- Reading Comprehension Name, 5 Flavors Story By: Andrew Frinkle Use the information in the story to answer the questions below. 1. Which of these is NOT one of Henry’s 5 flavors? A. sweet B. spicy C. bitter D. savory 2. Which of these IS one of Henry's 5 flavors? A. bitter B. tangy C. tart D. sweet 3. Which of these is an example of Henry's savory flavor? A. grapefruit B. cookies C. hot peppers D. nuts 4. Which of these is NOT an example given for Henry's sweet flavor? A. cheese B. chocolate C. candy D. pudding 5. Which of these is an example given of Henry's sour flavor? A. apricots 8. lemons C. raspberries D. strawberries © Skill Reading Comprehension Name, Black Friday Shopping Story By: Andrew Frinkle Joan couldn't resist a sale. The better the sale, the more she wanted to buy. Words like Buy One Get One, 50% Off, or Clearance, were music to her ears. Therefore, there was no bigger day of the year for her habit than Black Friday. Black Friday was the day after Thanksgiving, when many businesses started selling really well. When businesses were ‘in the black,’ they were making money. That was fine by Joan, so long as she was spending her money wisely and getting great deals! Joan set her alarm for 4 A.M., having laid out her clothes and sensible shoes the night before. Her purse and everything were ready, so when that alarm rang, she sprang out of bed and was out the door in less than 10 minutes. She drove quickly, following a route she’d mapped out to avoid traffic. Her parking spot was strategically located between her favorite stores. She hit the mall like a hurricane, a force of nature in the realm of shopping. She dodged slow-moving zombie shoppers who'd been out all night waiting for one special item. She darted between carts and made acrobatic moves to snag just the items she wanted. She made people watch in awe as she found the shortest lines, magically seeming to whiz through store after store. With arms loaded up with bags, she returned to her car to offload. She pounded an energy drink, took a couple minutes to focus on her shopping list, and then it was ‘once more into the fray! She returned to the stores, dancing around people who didn’t know the art of the shopping game. She weaved between crowds of people like a ghost, unseen by those of lesser shopping talents than her. When she was finally done, she returned to her car with another armload of bags. Her work done, she retreated home for some rest for herself and for her credit card. Until next year, that is... © Skill- Reading Comprehension Name, Black Friday Shopping Story By: Andrew Frinkle Use the information in the story to answer the questions below. What does Joan liked doing? A. eating B. shopping C. reading D. planning x What day is Joan going shopping on? A. Thanksgiving B. Christmas Eve C. New Year’s D. Black Friday » How would you BEST describe Joan’s shopping technique? A. careless and free 8, measured and patient C. planned and coordinated D. hectic and wild s How would you BEST describe Joan’s personality? A. She is direct and forceful to the point of being rude. B. She is organized and focuses on what she wants. C. She is really easy-going and happy. D. She is careless and silly. we |. TRUE OR FALSE: Joan seems like the kind of person that works hard to get what she wants? A. True B. False © Skill Reading Comprehension Name, The Broken Lamp Story By: Andrew Frinkle Scarlett and Ryan were chasing each other through the house, playing tag. They loved to chase each other, because grandma’s house was so big! There were practically hundreds of hiding places in the different rooms. There were weird little crawlspaces behind the hallway walls. There was an attic with strange old furniture and chests to hide in and behind, There were countless closets and even some air ducts or laundry chutes they could clamber into, The best part though was the balcony on the second floor. They could race along that long corridor and hit the wooden floors at a full skid, sliding at least ten feet if they were running full tilt. They liked to race down the hall, slide, and then pound down the stairs or ride the banister down to the ground floor. This time, Ryan was in the lead with Scarlett hot on his heels. He didn’t want to slow down, or she’d tag him “it.” He tried to keep running past the skid zone and grab the stair rail as he ran past, so he could use it to slingshot himself down the stairs. Instead, he stumbled and fell into a roll Ryan tumbled down the first few steps, hitting the console table at the first landing. An antique lamp rocked precariously above him, and he was too dazed by his fall to reach out and steady it. CRASH! It fell right beside him, and a shout went out from the living room. “What have you kids broken now?” Grandmother hollered anxiously. “Uhhh... nothing?” Ryan lied Scarlett’s eyes were wide with horror as she looked down at her brother, sprawled out with chips of fine antique lamp dusted all over him. “A lamp?” “Not my collector's edition lamp!” Grandmother gasped. They could almost hear her old bones creak as she levered herself out of her recliner and made a run for the stairway. “No!” She howled, seeing the destruction “Grandma, I'm sorry.” Ryan offered weakly. Grandmother's face twisted in anger. “You'd better be, because I’m going to take that out of your hide!” She waved her cane threateningly. “Maybe we can make it up to you? We could clean and do yard work?” Scarlett offered. Grandma's gaze softened, and she nodded after some thought. “Start with cutting the lawn, and then dust everything in the house. We'll see what's left after that.” Scarlett and Ryan both thought they were getting off easy, but they didn’t know Grandma had only paid $20 for that lamp a few years ago. It was hardly an antique. She chuckled to herself as the kids cleaned her house. That would teach them to behave! © Skill- Reading Comprehension Name, The Broken Lamp Story By: Andrew Frinkle Use the information in the story to answer the questions below. 1. Where are Ryan and Scarlett? A. at grandmother's house B. at home C. at their uncle’s house D. at school 2. What game are they playing? A. They're playing cards. B. They're playing hide and go seek. C. They're playing chase or tag. D. They're playing cops and robbers. 3. What did Ryan break? A. atable B. achair C. acabinet D. alamp 4. What did Scarlett offer to do? A. pay for the lamp B. buy a new one C. help out to pay for the lamp D. clean up the broken lamp 5. Why was Grandma happy about the lamp? A. It wasn’t worth as much as they work she was going to get done. B. She thought it was ugly. C. She liked to punish the kids. D. She was just mean and crazy. © Skill-Reading Comprehension. Name, The Bug Collection Story By: Andrew Frinkle Peter had to do a bug collection for school. He was required to get several different Orders of bugs, and at least one Species of each of those Orders. Orders were groups of similar bugs, and Species were specific examples. There were 29 different Orders of bugs in the world, but most bugs came from four common groups, while the others could be quite rare. He knew if he could catch about ten Species of bugs from four different Orders, he’d get a good grade. So, he went outside with his bug net and caught a Yellow Cabbage Butterfly almost right away! That was a member of the Order Lepidoptera, which included all the butterflies and moths. He caught several more butterflies and moths over the next few hours, including a swallowtail butterfly and a moth almost the size of his hand that had been hiding ona tree, blending in. He’d have to look it up in a book later to see what kind it was. The second Order he found was Orthoptera. This was the group of bugs that included grasshoppers and crickets. He caught a black cricket under the rose bushes, and then snagged a big fat green locust flying through the yard. It was hard to catch that one, because it flew so fast. Hymenoptera was the next Order he found, but it wasn’t that hard. There was a whole anthill filled with fire ants by the back porch, and there were black ants in the driveway. Then he found a dead wasp in a spider’s web near the barn. Those were both in the same group of insects. After that, it got harder. He got down on his hands and knees and crawled through the grass, eventually finding a ladybug. Those were in the Order Coleoptera. He didn’t find any other beetles, though. He did find a spider, but that didn’t count. Spiders were Arachnids, creatures with eight legs. Insects were only supposed to have six legs. Regardless, he could not keep the spider for his collection. He saw a dragonfly, but it was too fast, and that meant he didn’t have a member of Order Odonata. He got lucky and found a walking stick before he gave up for the day. That was a rare member of the Order Phasmida, which included camouflaging bugs like leaf bugs and stick bugs. It seemed like he'd get a pretty good grade after all! © Skill-Reading Comprehension. Name, The Bug Collection Story By: Andrew Frinkle Use the information in the story to answer the questions below. 1. What does Peter have to collect for school? A. leaves B. bugs C. flowers D. rocks 2. TRUE OR FALSE: An insect Order is a group of similar insects? A. True B. False 3. TRUE OR FALSE: An insect Species is a group of similar insects? A. True B. False 4, What was the first insect Peter caught? A. a wasp B. ants C. a ladybug D. a cabbage butterfly 5. What was the last insect Peter caught? A. a dragonfly B. a spider C. a walking stick D. a swallowtail butterfly © Skill Reading Comprehension Name. Charcoal vs. Wood vs. Propane Story By: Andrew Frinkle Ted was definitely a grill master. He loved to cook on the grill. He was fairly useless in the kitchen, but, if you gave him something hot to throw meat over, he was suddenly a culinary deity. He and some of his friends often argued about the best way to grill, and each of the three main ways had its pros and cons. Take charcoal for example. It was fairly cheap, which was nice. It could be ready for cooking in about 15 minutes. It left behind ashes and sometimes a flavor of lighter fluid, but generally had a nice smoky flavor. Wood chips could be tossed on it to smolder and add extra flavor, too. It was a bit messy, however, and probably wasn’t as cheap as propane per meal cooked. Charcoal could have binders and other additives in the briquettes, which might not be good for food. You could, however, get all natural wood charcoal, but it was twice as expensive as the briquettes. Propane was not something the purists liked. It didn’t have a lot of its own flavor. On the other hand, that allowed the meats and foods to use their own seasonings as flavor. It left food clean tasting, and it was fairly cheap. It was the fastest way to cook, because, once you turned it on, it was ready to go. It could be annoying to get halfway through a meal, only to run out of gas. That wouldn’t happen with charcoal or wood, because even as the fuel ran out, it would slowly burn or smolder and lose heat; it wouldn’t happen all at once. Wood could potentially be the most expensive way to go. It helped to have friends with trees or to have your own trees to cut down, Otherwise, you had to buy it. Then the wood had to be dried and seasoned for months if not a year or longer. It was the most natural, best-tasting way took cook, but it took a long time. It could take more than an hour to get a fire built, burning, and reduced to red-hot coals to cook over. It left behind ashes, but it didn’t have the binders and other ingredients that charcoal often had. The flavors varied by the type of wood, but were generally great! So Ted and his friends argued about grilling, and each had their own opinions over what method to use for each kind of food. Pizzas were better with wood, meats and sausages were often better with charcoal, but propane was fast and easy... It was a never-ending discussion about deliciousness, and that didn’t even count all the discussions about the shapes of grills to be used! It was a fun hobby. © Skill- Reading Comprehension Name, Charcoal vs. Wood vs. Propane Story By: Andrew Frinkle Use the information in the story to answer the questions below. 1. Which of these is NOT a method discussed for grilling? A. charcoal B. propane C. brick oven D. wood 2. Which of these is NOT a benefit of charcoal? A. smoky flavor B. ready pretty quick C. messy D. cost 3. Which of these is NOT a benefit of propane? A. cost B. speed and ease of use C. allows food to have its own flavors D. smoky flavor 4. Which of these is NOT a benefit of wood? A. natural cooking B. ready fast C. no additives or binders D. great flavors 5. In the end, which is the best way to cook food? A. charcoal B. propane C. wood D. each one has its good points and bad © Skill Reading Comprehension Name. Collecting Coins Story By: Andrew Frinkle Harold had never really thought about money as anything other than paper and metal that bought stuff. Then, as he sat waiting for his mother to pick him up one day, he absently looked over the coins in his pocket. They were actually kind of cool. There was so much detail! There were dates on the coins, and famous people's faces. Then the values were shown with words and numbers. Often, coins had some sort of engraving and some slogans. Some coins had animals, places, or famous buildings on them. It really depended on what coin you looked at. Those few moments of looking at some pennies and quarters were enough to get Harold hooked. He wanted to know more about coins; he wanted to collect them. He started with a small box in his dresser, but that quickly became too small for all the different pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars, and dollar coins he collected. The next step was international coins. It was cool to see coins from other countries. They didn’t always use dollars, either. Some countries used Pounds, Francs, Yen, Won, or Euros. It seemed that every country had another name for its money. They also had different faces, shapes, and colors on their coins. Harold really liked the two color coins from places like Canada and Hong Kong. After that, Harold started trading coins online and building up his collection. When his family and friends traveled, he asked them to bring back a pocket of small coins. He started getting tons of money that way, and some of them were worth a lot, because they were rare, especially old coins. His grandparents even had a few old coins they shared with him on his birthdays. It was quite a hobby, collecting coins. Some people collected stamps, dolls, or baseball cards, but he liked coins. Even the smell of all that metal made him smile. He was really into coins! The good thing about it, too, was that you could spend it if you really wanted to, but they were fun to look at, as wel. © Skill- Reading Comprehension Name, Collecting Coins Story By: Andrew Frinkle Use the information in the story to answer the questions below. 1. What is Harold’s hobby? A. collecting butterflies B. playing sports C. painting D. collecting coins 2. How did Harold get into the hobby? A. He was bored and looked at the coins in his pockets. B. He was given a special coin by his dad. C. He found his lucky penny. D. His friends got him into it. 3. Which of these is a kind of money NOT mentioned in the story? A. Dollars B. Lira Cc. Yen D. Won 4. Harold really liked what kinds of coins from Canada and Hong Kong? A. hexagonal coins B. sandwich coins C. copper pennies D. two color coins 5. Which of these is not something the story says you might find on coins? A. faces 8. numbers C. cartoons D. dates © Fifth Grade 5 FLAVORS: COLLECTING COINS PAGE 15 ic D BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING! PAGE7 PAGE 19 THE BUG COLLECTION PAGE 11 THE CRAZY BUS PAGE 21 1B : 2A 2c 3B 3.4 4.D 4.0 5.C 5B CHARCOAL VS WOOD VS PROPANE 13 DANCE MACHINE PAGE 23, 1.0 2.0 2A 3.D 3B 4B 4c 5.D 5D Have Fun Teaching Reading Comprehension Workbook Fifth Grade THE 1ST PRESIDENT OF THE USA PG 25 THE GOLDEN BANANA PAGE 35 A B FOLLOW THE RECIPE PAGE 27 PAGE 37 FOOD POISONING PAGE 29 PAGE 39 1A D 2c 3.A 4B 5.D FRESH FRUIT FOR CHRISTMAS PAGE 31 GRANDPA’S BIRDHOUSES PAGE 41 1.c 2A 28 3.C 3.D 4.0 4A 5.B 5B GETTING READY FORCLASS PAGE 33 GRANDPA'S BOOKS PAGE 43 1c 1A 2D 2D 3.A 3. 4.D 4B 5B 5B Have Fun Teaching Reading Comprehension Workbook Fifth Grade A GREAT ADVENTURE PAGE 45 THE KILLER WHALE PAGE 55 1.0 cc | DON'T WANT ADVICE PAGE 47 PAGE 57 | WANT THAT! PAGE 49 PAGE 59 1.0 2B 3B 4A 5.C VM SO FRUSTRATED AND ANGRY PG 51 THE LAKE PARK PAGE 61 2c 20 3.4 3B 4B 4A 5A 5B JACK-O-LANTERNS: PAGE 53 LICORICE AND LOLLIPOP PAGE 63 4.0 2A 2B 3.C 3.D 4B 4A 5A 5.D Have Fun Teaching Reading Comprehension Workbook v0 Fifth Grade THE MAGIC NECKLACE PAGE 65 ANEW TELESCOPE PAGE 75 1.D E PAGE 67 PAGE 69 ANEW BOX OF CRAYONS PAGE 71 THE PRINCESS DISEASE PAGE 81 2A 28 3.D 3.C 4c 4.0 5.D B.A NEW GRILL PAGE 73 RESELLING FOR PROFIT PAGE 83 E 1.0 2D 2D 3B 3B 4c 4c 5A 5.D Have Fun Teaching Reading Comprehension Workbook mt Fifth Grade THE SUBWAY PAGE 85 VISITING KOREA PAGE 97 1A 1B PAGE 87 PAGE 89 WHAT'S ON YOUR PIZZA? PAGE 101 THE TREE SWING PAGE 91 WILD ANIMAL SHELTER PAGE 103 28 2A 3.4, 3.4 4A 4.0 5.c 5.D UNIQUE PAGE 95 THE WONKADOODLE PAGE 105 1B 1B 2A 2c 3.C 3.D 4B 4B 5.D 5A Have Fun Teaching Reading Comprehension Workbook ne

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