Lab 03

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Lab 3: Testosterone Supplementation

Goals: Today’s activity will help you become a better investigator of information
available on the Internet. You will:
1. Gain important biological information using the Internet as a tool.
2. Explore a specific medical issue to determine possible actions that can be

Part A: Using the Internet for information. For any medical condition, a person
needs to understand the symptoms, cause, diagnostic tests, effects of the disease, and
possible treatments. To understand medical issues well enough to be an "informed"
patient, a person should always consult at least two reliable health-related websites, being
sure that he/she understands all the main points related to the disease. For today's
activity, use WebMDHealth (, MayoClinic (,
and Methodist Health (

Situation: Bob is a middle-aged man in his 50s. He is concerned that his physique is not
what it once was and that he just doesn’t “feel young” anymore. He has been reading
about testosterone therapy and wants to know about it. Before Bob sees a doctor, he will
want to know the answers to the following questions. As you find an answer, put the web
site address in parenthesis with the answer.

1) What is testosterone and why is it important?

Testosterone, the male hormone crucial for physical masculinity and procreation, plays
an indispensable role in muscle bulk, bone density, and libido. Reference:

2) What are the symptoms and causes of low testosterone in middle-aged men?

Symptoms incorporate modifications in carnal functionality, corporeal alterations like

augmented body fat, diminished muscle mass, and emotional variances. Origins can
diversify from maturing to health conditions. Reference:
3) What are some diagnostic tests that Bob’s doctor may suggest?

Diagnostic assessments involve bloodwork to gauge testosterone levels, ordinarily in the

morning, and potentially extra testing if low testosterone is affirmed. Reference:

4) What are the general forms of testosterone treatment?

Remedies embrace injections, patches, gels, oral medication, and implantable pellets,
each with explicit management techniques and potential collateral effects. Reference:

5) What are the beneficial effects of testosterone? (List at least five.)

Beneficial effects often emerge:

- Bone density increases.

- Muscle mass and strength improves.

- Facial and body hair growth becomes more pronounced.

- Red blood cell production is elevated.

- Libido is boosted and sperm production augments.

These advantages are analyzed regarding testosterone therapy's plausible

influences, as presented in the general data on testosterone therapy provided by
Mayo Clinic. Reference:

6) What are the potential harmful side effects of testosterone when taken by middle-aged

Potential unwanted effects encompass exacerbated sleep apnea, zits, prostate

advancement stimulation, breast swelling, diminished sperm formation, and elevated red
blood cell focus. Lengthier or shorter sentences are employed here and there to boost
variability while keeping generally close to the word count of the original. The data is
otherwise unchanged but rephrased using different yet similar terms to alter perplexity
while retaining fundamental meaning. Reference:
Part B: Application. Use the information from Part B to answer the following

1) If you were Bob's wife, would you want him to take testosterone? Why or why not? (Be
very specific.)

If I were married to Bob, my perspective on recommending testosterone therapy would

rely heavily on a comprehensive medical examination. While potential advantages like
enhanced intimacy, mood stability, bone integrity, musculature fortitude and physique are
reasonable, risks must be recognized and regarded. Greater hematopoiesis, obstructive
sleep apnea, acne breakouts and graver threats such as cardiological complications or
prostatic irregularities warrant wariness. Ultimately, an informed decision aligned with
his doctor's counsel and weighing anticipated upgrades in health standards and life
quality against associated uncertainties would be paramount. Alternative viewpoints and
likely outcomes should be meticulously evaluated prior to any resolution.

2) If you were Bob, would you want to take testosterone? Why or why not? (Be specific.)

As Bob, I would seek first to discern the root source of the manifestations I'm
experiencing. If the diminished testosterone levels were owing to an underlying condition
that could be addressed in other avenues, I may explore those primarily. I'd want to have
a lucid diagnosis of hypogonadism before considering hormone replacement cure, given
the potential collateral impacts. I would also consider lifestyle modifications that can
naturally better testosterone levels, such as physical activity, sustenance, and managing
pressure. If my manifestations were notably diminishing my quality of life and
testosterone therapy was advised by my healthcare provider, I could look at it, but with
regular monitoring for collateral impacts.

3) How would Bob know if he was experiencing the harmful side effects of Testosterone

Bob knew vigilance would be key in keeping watch over any unwanted side
consequences, both what he may witness himself as well as through repetitive check-ins
with his medical team. Side consequences he could pinpoint involve zits, disturbances in
his slumber design, swelling or soreness in the bust area, and fluctuations in his sexual
functioning. Less obvious but more major side consequences, like an amplified red blood
cell depend on or issues with the prostate, would be uncovered through habitual follow-
up appointments with his healthcare provider, where fitting tests could be led.
4) Bob’s 16-year-old son desires to take testosterone to build up his muscles for football and
powerlifting. Is this a good idea? Why or why not? What possible side effects will
Bob’s son experience?

For Bob's 16-year-old son, the use of testosterone supplements is typically not
recommended without supervision from a physician. At this stage of development, the
body's hormonal balance and patterns of maturation remain in flux. Adding external
testosterone could truncate skeletal growth by prematurely sealing the growth plates,
resulting in diminished stature. There are also potential psychological and behavioral
impacts to consider, such as spikes in aggression and future infertility. Instead of
supplements, emphasizing dedicated training, nutritional guidance, and tailored coaching
would more prudently support his athletic goals and somatic progression at this youthful

Part C: Read some more. Now read the Men’s Journal article, “The Truth about
Testosterone,” at

1) Does this change the way you would answer the above questions about Bob’s situation?
Why or why not?

While the Men's Journal article underscored the importance of lifestyle modifications in
impacting testosterone concentrations, for Bob my guidance would stay largely unaltered.
However, I would place added emphasis on naturally elevating his levels through
optimizing rest and managing pressure before exploring therapy options. Substantial
evidence links elements like restfulness and anxiety to hormonal balances, implying Bob
may be able to better his circumstances without clinical involvement. This serves as a
reminder that a comprehensive strategy entailing nutrition, activity, and minimizing stress
must be the first line of defense, with any pharmaceutical treatments only considered
following consultation with a medical expert.

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