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Kyler Burson

Special Thanks to

Lorissa Burson

Thank you to Lorissa for inspiring and helping with the main ideas for the game.

Thank you to Lorissa for some of the concept art for the game.

Thank you to Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond for the book If You Give A Cat A Cupcake

for inspiration.

● Every player takes a Baker standee as their play piece. Each player chooses

a corner of the board to start in.

● Shuffle the Muffin deck and place it Muffin side up.

● Fill all of the Ingredient and Base Ingredient storage spaces with the

provided tokens.

● Each player draws a Muffin card and flips it to the objective side. Keep the

objective cards together in a place where all players can see.

● Deal the top 3 cards from the Muffin deck in a row next to it. These 3

muffin cards and the one on top of the deck from the Orders players can

try to fulfill.

How to Win

Work as a team to meet or exceed the score needed from the combined total of

the objective cards before 10 rounds have passed.


The first player is the last player who ordered something from a bakery,

play proceeds clockwise from the first player. Every player starts with the Base

Ingredient of the space they are starting on.

A players turn has X phases

1. Order Refill

2. Ingredient Dash

3. End of Turn

Order Refill

During the Order Refill phase the current player takes the top card from the Muffin deck

and puts it in any space where a Muffin Order was completed. Repeat this until there are 3

Muffin Orders and the Muffin deck.

Ingredient Dash

During the Ingredient Dash phase the current player rolls 2 6-sided dice to see how many

spaces they can move.

The player may move a number of spaces according to the number on their first die, or

they move less than the total on the die and stop on an Ingredient Space(Blue Spaces).

They lose the leftover movement from that die. They take the dice who’s movement they
just spent and roll it to see how many of the Ingredient of the space they are on they put

in their bowl (roll the 6 sided die and put that many of the current Ingredient in your

Bowl). If the player has stopped on a Base Ingredient Space(Green Spaces) they may only

have 1 of each kind of Base Ingredient (Flour, Eggs, Milk) in their Bowl at a time. If a

player chooses to stop adjacent to another Baker they may give and/or trade as many

Ingredients and Base Ingredients as they want with adjacent Bakers. If a player chooses

to stop adjacent to or on a Trash Space they may discard as many Ingredients in their

Bowl as they want.

Repeat all of the previous step for the second die you rolled to move.

If a player moves through or stops on a Frosting spill they roll 1 six sided die and must

remove that many Ingredients from their Bowl back into their storage spots. This does not

include Base Ingredients.

A player must never move diagonally from square to square.

A player must never move through or stop on another players standee.

A player must never move through or stop on an Oven Space(Red Spaces)

End of Turn

During a players End of Turn phase they may complete one of the potential Orders

available. A player must have ended their turn adjacent to an Oven Space(Red Spaces) and

have the necessary Base Ingredients and Ingredients listed on the Order card.

If a player can complete an Order they may remove the necessary Base Ingredients and

Ingredients from their Bowl back into their storage spots to complete their selected

Order card. The player then takes the Muffin Order card they completed and keeps it in

front of them to tally points at the end of the game.

If a player is the last to go in a round, the last player in the turn order, they must advance

the Round Tracker by one. If this was the end of the 10th round the game ends.

End of the Game

After the end of the 10th round all the players add up how many points they have from

their completed Order cards.

If they have points equal to or greater than the points total from the combined Objective

cards they win!

If players exceed the Objective score by 5 or more points they achieve a Great Victory.

If players exceed the Objective score by 10 or more points they achieve a Superb Victory.

If players exceed the Objective score by 15 or more points they achieve a Grand Muffin

Quick Reference and Keywords

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