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1. Catriona expressed concem when pregnancy was confimed at the vist What psychological
task is important for the pregnant dual to complete during the first trimester of pregnancy?

A Accepting moming sickness nausea

B. Accepting the pregnancy

C. Appreciating the responsiblity of having a baby

D. Choosing a name for the baby

2. Aurora is aware of feelings of ambivalence since becoming pregnant. How would the nurse
describe this phenomenon to a support person?

The patient:

A. Feels pulled in multiple directions.

B. Feals the need to sleep more than usual.

C. Thinks mainly about themselves.

D. Often feels emotionally "numb."

3. Kimmy performed a urine pregnancy test at home and was surprised when informed that the
positive result is not A.definitive diagnosis of pregnancy. As the nurse is recording the result in
the electronic health record, the patient asks what a positive sign would be. The nurse should
cite which finding?

A. Consistent abdominal and uterine growth

B. Movement in the uterus more than once per hour

C. A serum test reveals hCG

-D. A fetal heartbeat is observed during an ultrasound examination.

4. KC asks the meaning of a positive Chadwick sign since being informed by the doctor of
displaying a positive Chadwick sign. Which is the best explanation of a positive Chadwick sign?

A. "Your abdomen feels soft and tender, a normal finding."

B. "Your uterus has tipped forward, a potential complication."

C. "Your cervical mucus feels sticky, just as it should feel."

-D. "Your vagina looks dark in color, a typical pregnancy sign

5. The nurse wants to explain to L.M. how decreased insulin effectiveness safeguards the health
of a fetus. Which of the following statements best describes this relationship?

A. Decreased effectiveness of insulin prevents the fetus from having low blood sugar.

B. Because insulin is ineffective, it cannot cross the placenta and harm the fetus.

C. The lessened action of insulin prevents the fetus from gaining too much weight.

-D. It is the pregnant patient, not the fetus, who is guarded by this decreased insulin action.

6. Annabel is scheduled to have an ultrasound examination and the nurse wants to ensure that
she understands and is prepared for this procedure to mitigate her anxiety. What instruction
would the nurse give her before her examination?

A. "Use the restroom immediately before the procedure to reduce your bladder


B. "The intravenous (IV) fluid used to dilate your uterus does not hurt the fetus."

-C. "You will need to drink at least three glasses of water before the procedure."

D. "You can have medicine for the pain of any contractions caused by the test."

7. Belle is scheduled to have an amniocentesis to test for fetal maturity. To help make sure the
procedure is ."successful, what instruction would be best to give her before this procedure?

A. "Void (pee) immediately before the procedure to reduce the size of your bladder.

B. The X-ray used to reveal your fetus's position will have no long form fatal.

C. The IV fluid used to dilate your uterus is isotonic saline so will not hurt the fetus."

D. "Your fetus will have less amniotic fluid for the rest of pregnancy, but that's alright."
8. L.C. asks the nurse why her nurse midwife is concerned whether her fetus's lungs are
producing surfactant. The nurse's best answer would be:

A. "Surfactant keeps lungs from collapsing at birth, so it aids newbor breathing."

-B. "Surfactant la produced by the fetal liver, so its presence reveals liver maturity.

C. "Surfactant is necessary for antibody production, so it helps prevent infection."

D. "Surfactant reveals mature kidney function, as it is important for fetal


9. A patient in the third trimester of her pregnancy sales she has been getting "terrible leg
cramp right. Which statement is true about leg cramps during, pregnancy?

A.Avoiding regular exercise with help prevent therese in the legs, tras resting the legs will
decrease leg crampe

B. Tell the patient to incmase her intake of on forfed foods because low irons levels can cause
leg cramps

C.Dorsiflexing the foot will help the affected leg

D.A prenatal work up needs to be performed for this is not normal in the third trimester of

10. If exhibited by a pregnant woman, what represents a positive sign of pregnancy?

A. Morning sickness

B. Quickening

C. Positive pregnancy test

D. Fetal heartbeat auscultated with Doppler/letoscope

11. During a client's physical examination, the nurse notes that the lower uterine segment is
soft on palpation. The nurse would document this finding as the:

A. Hegar sign.

B. McDonald sign.

C. Chadwick sign,
D. Goodell sign.

12. Cardiovascular system changes occur during pregnancy. Which finding would be considered
normal for a woman in her second trimester?

A. Less audible heart sounds (S1, S2)

B. Increased pulse rate

C. Increased blood pressure

-D. Decreased red blood cell (RBC) production

13.Which presumptive signs (felt by the woman) or probable signs (observed by the examiner)
of pregnancy are not matched with another possible cause?

A. Amenorrhea: stress, endocrine problems

B. Quickening: gas, peristalsis

C. Goodell sign: cervical polyps

D. Chadwick sign: pelvic congestion

14.As a pregnant woman lies on the examining table, she grows very short of breath and dizzy.
The nurse recognizs which as the probable cause

A. Her cerebral arteries are growing congested with blood.

B. The uterus requires more blood in a supine position.

C, Blood is trapped in the vena cava in a supine position.

D. Sympathetic nerve responses cause dyspnea when a woman lies supine.

15. The nurse performs an assessment of a primigravida who is on her second trimester. Which
of the following findings should be reported by the nurse to the physician?

A. Consistent increase in fundal height

B. Braxton Hicks contractions

-C. Fetal heart rate of 180 bpm

D. Bluish discoloration of the mucous membranes of the vagina, vulva and the cervix

16. Which is the following measures assist in reducing breast tenderness?

A. Wash the breasts with warm water and keep them dry.

B. Avoid wearing bra

C. Wash the nipples and the areola with soap and water..

D. Wear tight-fitting clothes to support the breasts.

17. Which of the following assessments of the pregnant woman indicates a danger sign?

A. An increase in urinary output

B. Blood pressure reading is 140/90 mm Hg

C. Dependent edema is 1+

D. The patient complains of headache and blurred vision

18. Which of the following nursing actions is not included when fetal kick counts will be done to
a pregnant client.

A. Instruct the patient to sit or lie down on her side and count fetal kicks for a period of time.

B. Instruct the patient to report to the nurse or physician if there are fewer than 10 kicks in a
12-hour period

-C. Secure written consent from the patient before the procedure.

D. Tell the patient that a hard, round, plastic disk called an ultrasound transducer picks up and
marks and marks the fetal

heart activity on the paper and is secured over the abdomen.

19. The nurse measures the fundal height of a client who is at her 20th week of pregnancy. The
nurse expects to note uterine height to be

A. Halfway between the symphysis publs and the umbilicus

B. At the level of the umbilicus

C. At the level of the xiphoid process

D. Slightly below the xiphoid process

20. At what age of gestation does bone ossification centers starts forming?

A. 4th week
B. 8th week

C. 12th week.

D. 16th week

21.To be able to hear the fetal heart tone as early as 14 weeks of gestation, the nurse should
use a:

A. Fetoscope

B. Doppler device

C. Stethoscope

D, Internal fetal monitor

22.An obstetric client at 8 weeks' gestation asked the nurse if her heart is already beating at
this time. The correct answer of the nurse is that

A. Fetal heartbeat can first be heard at 12 weeks' gestation using a Doppler.

B. They have to perform an ultrasound to see if her baby's heart is beating.

C.Fetal heart beats as early as one month.

D. At this time, the signs and symptoms of pregnancy that she experiences are the indicators
that her baby is alive

23.At what age of gestation can you recommend the mother to play classical music for the

A. 12 weeks

B. 16 weeks

C.20 weeks

D. 24 weeks

24. NCP based on healthy people in 2030 goals is to decrease successful quit attempts in
pregnant people who smoke from 20.2% to 24.4%..


25.Healthy habits during which trimester are most crucial for the well-being of the developing

A. First

B. Second

C. Last

-D. All

26. Which of these exercises do healthcare providers recommend during pregnancy?

A. Brisk walking

B. Running

C. Yoga

D. All of the above


Please select the appropriate answer for each number in the provided table, Use the choices
given to indicate whether it is a Presumptive Finding, Probable Finding, or Positive Finding.

Presumptive Finding Probable Finding Positive Finding

27. A 28. C 29. B

30. D

A. Breast changes,Nausea, vomiting, Amenorrhea Prese

B. Sonographic evidence of fetal outline Goodell sign, Hegar eign

C Chadwick sign

D. Fetal heart audible

31. During which stage of labor is there a risk of maternal exhaustion due to prolonged abox?

a. Latent phase

b. Active phase
C. Transition phase

D. Expulsion phase

32: What is the primary nursing intervention to prevent perineal lacerations during the expulsion phase?

a. Provide perineal massage

b. Apply warm compresses to the perineum

c Administer local anesthesia

d. Encourage the woman to pant during crowning

33. During which stage of labor should the nurse monitor the woman's blood pressure for potential

a. Latent phase

b. Active phase

c. Transition phase

d. Expulsion phase

34. Which stage of labor is characterized by a sense of uncertainty and self-doubt in the woman?

a. Latent phase

b. Active phase

c. Transition phase

d. Expulsion phase

35. What is the primary nursing intervention during the expulsion phase of labor.

a. Assess fetal heart rate continuously

b. Administer pain relief measures

c. Monitor maternal vital signs frequently

d. Support the woman during pushing and birth

36. During which stage of labor should the nurse provide frequent encouragement, and positive
renforcement to the woman

a. Latent phase
b. Active phase

c. Transition phase

d. Expulsion phase

37. Which stage of labor is associated with complete cervical dilation and effacement?

a Latent phase

b. Active phase

c. Transition phase

d. Expulsion phase

38. What is the primary nursing intervention to promote maternal comfort during the active phase of

a. Administer epidural anesthesia

b. Encourage the woman to change positions frequently

c. Offer oral fluids and ice chips

d. Provide regular back massages

39. During which stage of labor should the nurse closely monitor the woman for signs of imminent

a. Latent phase

b. Active phase

c. Transition phase

d. Expulsion phase

40. Which stage of labor is associated with contractions that occur every 1-2 minutes, lasting
approximately 60-90 seconds?

a. Latent phase

b. Active phase

C Transition phase

d. Expulsion phase
41.. Fill in the blank: The carries oxygenated blood from the placents to the fotus. Some of the
blood flow from this structure is shuntod from the to the via the

A. Umbilical artery, Lunge, Aorta, Ductus arteriocus

B. Umbilical Vein, Liver, Inferior vena cava, Ductus venosus

C. Umbilical vein, Liver, Superior Vena Cava, Ductus Arteriosus-

D. Umbilical Artery, Liver, Inferior vena cava, Ductus venosus

42. Fl in the blank in fetal circulation the umbilical artery carries While the umbilical vein

A. Deoxygenated blood, Oxygenated blood

B. Deoxygenated/Oxygenated blood, Oxygen blood

C. Oxygenated blood, Deoxygenated blood

D. None of the above

43. The nursing instructor asks a nursing student to explain the characteristics of the amniotic
fluid. The student responds correctly by explaining which characteristice of amniotic fluid?
Select all that apply.

A. Allows for fetal movement

B. Surrounds, cushions, and protects the fetus

C. Maintains the body temperature of the fetus

D. Can be used to measure fetal kidney function

E. Prevente large particles such as bacteria from passing to the fetus XF. Provides an exchange
of nutrients and waste products between

44. Which purposes of placental functioning should the nurse include in a prenatal class? Select
all that apply

A. It cushions and protects the baby

B. It maintains the temperature of the baby

-C. It is the way the baby gate food and oxygen

D. It prevents all antibodies and viruses from passing to the baby

E. It provides an exchange of nutriente and waste producte between the mother and
developing fetus

45. Iris Makulay asks you how much longer she will refer to the baby inside her as an embryo,
What would be your best explanation

A. Ovulation to fortilization

B. Fertilization to implantation

-C. Implantation to 5 8 weeks

D. 5-8 weeks until firm

46. This is the union of an Ovum and a spermatozoon. This usually occurs in the outer third of a
fallopian tube, the ampullar portion?

A. Fortilization

-B. Implantation

C. Capacitation

D. Ovulation


Proliferative phase

Secretory phase

Ischemic phase

Menstrual phase

51. 2 years of age, a pregnant with her first child and is axpariencing significant stress following
her recent diagnostic findings. The nurse would be providing high-quality care if completing
which of the following?7.1

A. Provided A.A. with hope and downplayed the potential for negative outcomes

B. Referred AA. to websites and joumals in the field of genetics

C. Described the most serious consequences of genetic disorders

D. Described genetice in a way that directly meetc A.A.'c learning needs.

52- 53

Fundal Grip

Umbilical Grip

54. Conception occure in the fallopian tube, the most common site of which is the:

-A. Ampulla spind

B. Fundus

C. Uterine isthmus

D. Corpus

55.The period from two weeks to two months following fertilization is the stage of the: A. Fetus

B. Ovum

C. Embryo

D. Neonata

56. Callie, 18 years of age, aeke how much longer her nurte will refer to thw baby inside her as
an embryo. The nurse is correct in saying that the conceptus is classified as an embryo:

A. At the time of fertilization

B. When the placenta forms

C. From Implantation: until 20 wooks

-D. From Implantation until 5 to 8 weeks

57. Which of the following statements is not true about the placenta?

A. It provides exchange of wastes and nutrients between the mother and the fetus.

B. It develops by the third month of gestation.

C. It allows transfer of matomal immunoglobulin

D. It allows passage of bacteria and virus.

58.L.C. asks the nurse why her nurse midwife is concerned whether her fetus's lungs are
producing surfactant. The nurse's best answer would be: 9.3

a. "Surfactant keeps lungs from collapsing at birth, so it aids newborn breathing."

b. "Surfactant le produced by the fate! liver, so its presence reveals liver

C. "Surfactant is necessary for antibody production, to helpo prevented maturity." infection."

d. "Surfactant reveals mature kidney function, as it is important for fetal growth.

59. 500 grams

60. Wartons Jelly

61. Which term refers to the extomally vicible structures of the female reproductive system
extending from the symphysis pubis to the perineum?

-A. Mons pubis

B. Vulva

C. Labia majora

D. Clitoris

62. Which principal factors causes vaginal pH to be acidic?

A. Cervical mucus

B. Secretions from the Skene's glands

C. The action of Doderlein bacilli on the vagina

-D. Scorations from the Bartholin's glands

63. This is the period of life at which no functioning oocytes or ova remain in

the uterus

A. Puberty

B. Andropause
C. Menarche -

D. Monopause

64. These are structures located bilateral to the urinary meatus of females and serve to
lubricate the external genitalia and protect the sperm

A. Prostate gland

B. Cowper's gland

C. Bartholin's gland

D. Skene's Gland.

65. When performing a pelvic examination, the nurse observes a red, swollen area on the right
side of the client's orifice. The nurse would document this as enlargement of which of the

A. Clitoris

B. Parotid Gland

C. Skene's Gland

D. Bartholin's Gland

66. Which of the following is not a function of the vagina?

A. It receives the penis during intercourse .

B. It houses the products of conception

C. It is the passageway for monstrual dischargco

D. It is part of the birth canal during delivery.

67. All are functions of the oviduct except:

A. Transports ovum from the ovary to the uterus

-B. The site of fertilization

C. Responsible for oogenesis

D. Providos nourishment to the ovum during to journey

68. It is a long, sightly colled tube about 20 feet long which to the cite of spermatozoa

A. Epididymis

B. Ejaculatory duct

C. Vas deferens

D. Seminiferous tubules

69. The basal body temperature drape slightly before ovulation and reee by 1F after ovulation.
This change in the temperature is due to the Influence of what hormone?

A. Estrogen

B. Progesterone

C. Testosterone

D. Luteinizing Hormone

70. These are oval-shaped glands lying within the scrotal sacs and are considered as the male

A. Testes

B. Prostate gland

C. Ovary

D. Ejaculatory duct

71. It is the endocrine gland responsible for secreting gonadotropin releasing

hormons in response to low levels of estmgen and progesterone Mons pubis

A. Overy

B. Hypothalamus

C. Anterior Pituitary Gland

D. Posterior Pituitary Gland

72. The basal body temperature drops alightly before ovulation and risco by 1F after ovulation.
This change in the temperature is due to the influence of what hormonie?
A. Estrogen

B. Progesterone

C. Testosterone

D. Follicle stimulating hormone

73. Which of the following hormones stimulates the ovary to produce estrogen

during the menstrual cycle?

A. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

B. Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

C. Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone

D. Progesterone (GnRH)

74. It is the phase in the uterine cycle wherein the uterus will thicken, glands become corkscrew
and capillaries form:

A. Menstrual Phase

B. Proliferative Phase

C. Secretory Phase

D. Ischemic Phase

75. During the menstrual cycle, ovulation generally occurs at which of the following time?

A. 7 days after the last day of menstruation

B. 14 days after the last day of menstrual cycle

C. 14 days before the beginning of the next menstrual cycle

D. 14 days after the last day of menstrual flow

76. The menstrual cycle prepares the uterus for pregnancy. When pregnancy

does not occur, which of the following phenomena will follow?

A: Ovulation

B. Fertilization
C. Nidation or Implantation

D. Monstruation

77. Once a month, from puberty until menopause, a Graafian follicle ruptures and expels a
mature ovum. This process is called:

A. Menstruation

B. Fertilization

-C. Ovulation

D. Nidation

78. Which of the following is not a function of progesterone?

A. It prepares the endometrium for pregnancy

B. It is responsible for the development of distinctive female characteristics

C. It maintains the endometrium during pregnancy

D. It is responsible for the growth and development of acinar cells of the mammary gland

79. An adolescent client asked what body structure is responsible for the production of Follicle
Stimulating Hormone (FSH). : Your appropriate response is

A. Testes

B. Hypothalamus

C. Ovary

D. Anterior Pituitary Gland

80. The increased activity of the endometrial glands during the luteal phase of the female
reproductive cycle is stimulated by:

A. Progesterona

B. Estrogen

C. Prolactin
-D. Follicle Stimulating Hormone

81.Conception occurs in the fallopian tube, the most common site of which is the:

A. Ampulla

B. Fundus

C. Uterine lethmus

D. Corpus

82. The most common site of implantation is which part of the uterus?

A. Uterine fundus, posterior portion

-B. Uterine isthmus

C. Uterine corpus

D. Outer portion of the uterine tube of the

83. The period from two weeks to two months following fertilization is the stage

A. Fetus

B. Ovum

-C. Embryo

D. Neonate

84. The following characteristics are true of the male gamete sperm except

A. lifespan: 72 hours

B. with 23 chromosomes, 22 autosomes and a Y sex chromosome

C. produced by the testes

D. has 2 types: androsperm carries the Y-sex chromosome and the gynosperm which canies the
X-eex chromosome

85. Callie, 18 years of age, asks how much longer her nurse will refer to the baby inside her as
an embryo. The nurse is correct in saying that the conceptus is classified as an embryo:

A. At the time of fertilization

B. When the placenta forms

C. From implantation until 20 weeks

-D. From implantation until 5 to 8 weeks

86. The pregnant client during the first trimester is susceptible to teratogens because it is the
period of organogenesis. If she was exposed to a teratogen with affinity for the ectoderm
primary germ layer, the organs listed below might be affected, EXCEPT:

A. Brain

B. ears (sense of hearing)

C. cataracts

-D. heart

87. Arianna tells the nurse that she is worried her baby will be bom with a congenital heart
disease. What assessment of the umbilical cord at birth would be most important to detect
congenital heart defects?

A. Assessing whether the ph of the Wharton's jelly is higher than 7.2

-B. Assessing whether the umbilical cord has 2 aderies and 1 vein

C. Measuring the length of the cord to be certain it is longer than 3 feet

D. Determining that the umbilical cord is neither green nor yellow stained

88. Karla asks why her nurse is concerned whether the lungs of her fetus are producing
surfactant. The nurse's best answer would be:

A. "Surfactant keeps lungs from collapsing at birth, so it aids newborn breathing."

B. "Surfactant is produced by the fetal liver; so its presence reveals liver maturity."

C. "Surfactant is necessary for antibody production, so it infection." helps prevent?

-D. "Surfactant reveals mature kidney function, as it is important for fetal growth"

89. Which of the following statements is not true about the placenta?

A. It provides exchange of wastes and nutrients between the mother and the fetus.

B. It develops by the third month of gestation

C. It allows transfer of matemal immunoglobulin

-D. It allows passage of bacteria and virus.

90. Which of the following are correct about the amniotic fluid EXCEPT?

-A. The normal volume at the end of pregnancy is 800 to 1200 ml

B. It surrounds, cushions and protects the fetus and allows for fetal movement.

C. It maintains the body temperature of the fetus.

D. The pH of amniotic fluid in acidic, below 7.0

91. Which of the following tasks is the most important task of the first trimester of pregnancy?

A. Accepting the pregnancy

B. Accepting a coming child

C. Making plans for the baby

D. Sharing time with a significant other

92. As a pregnant woman lies on the examining table, she grows very short of 5

breath and dizzy. The nurse recognizs which as the probable cause

A. Her cerebral arteries are growing congested with blood

B. The uterus requires more blood in a supine position.

C. Blood is trapped in the vena cava in a supine position.

D. Sympathetic nerve responses cause dyspnea when a woman lies supine.

93. Ellood volume normally increases during pregnancy. The extent of this increase is what
percentage of pre-pregnancy volume?

A. 1% to 10%

B. 20% to 30%

-C. 30% to 50%

D. 70% to 90%.
94. A woman during her first trimester questions how much longer she will have urinary
frequency Which should the nurse advise her regarding urinary frequency?

A. It is a common complaint during the first trimester and again later in the third trimester.

B. It is a common concem reported during the entire pregnancy.

C. It will subside after the first trimester.

D. It is a concern until the last trimester of pregnancy.

95. Which of the following assessment data is a most accurate indication that a woman is

A. A positive pregnancy test

B. Presence of fetal heartbeat

C. Absence of menstruation

-D. Quickening.

96. The nurse performs an assessment of a primigravida who is on her second trimester. Which
of the following findings should be reported by the nurse to the physician?

A. Consistent increase in fundal height

B. Braxton Hicks contractions

C. Fetal heart rate of 180 bpm

D. Bluish discoloration of the mucous membranes of the vagina, vulva and the cervix

97. Which is the following measures assist in reducing breast tendemess?

A: Wash the breasts with warm water and keep them dry.

B. Avoid wearing bra

-C. Wash the nipples and the areola with soap and water.

D. Wear light-fitting clothes to support the breasts.

98. The pregnant patient informs the nurse that she has been having leg cramps. Which if the
following exercises should be recommended by the nurse?

A. Pelvic rocking and abdominal breathing exercises

B. Squatting exercises

C. Talor-alting exercises

-D. Dorsiflexing the feet with the legs extended.

99. Which of the following assessments of the pregnant woman indicates a danger sign?

A. An increase in urinary output

-B. Blood pressure reading is 140/90 mm Hg

C. Dependent edema is 1+

D. The patient complains of headache and blurred vision

100. A primigravid client at 37 weeks' gestation tells you, "My lower back has really been
bothering me lately." Which of these exercises would be most helpful?

A. Tailor sitting

B. Pelvic rocking

C. Squatting

D. Dep breathing

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