Shape Tactics

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Shape Tactics

Simple Shapes

Kyler Burson

Board Game Info Icons from Kenney

Shape Art made using Krita


● Each player agrees to a point value they would like to play at

to see how much they can spend on units for their teams

● Each player makes a team of 4-6 units trying their best to be

close to the agreed point total (try to be under not over)

● The player with more units on their team places their first

model in their spawn zone first. If there is a tie then the

player whose points are closest to the agreed point value

without going over places their first model in their spawn

zone second. If there is still a tie the placers should roll a d6,

the player with the highest roll chooses who places first.

● Players then alternate placing units within their spawn zones

until all players have placed all units on their team.

How to Win

Be the player with the most points after 15 rounds.


On each players turn they will control 1 unit on their team of

their choice. They will command their unit to move and attack After

one player takes their turn they will put an exhausted token on the

unit they ordered for that turn and the next player will take their

turn. Once both players have had a turn that concludes a Round,

players should advance the round tracker to help them keep track

of the round.

Each players turn happens in these phases:

1. Order a Unit
2. Movement
3. Attack or Ability
4. End of Turn
Order a Unit

The acting player will choose one of the units on their team that

does not have an Exhausted Token on them to control for this turn.

If all of the acting players team has Exhausted Tokens on them,

remove all the exhausted tokens from units on that team and then

choose which unit to Order.

Instead of Ordering a Unit already on the board the acting player

may instead choose to bring a Unit that has died on a previous turn

back to the board. They may do this by placing a dead unit at least

3 spaces away from any Enemy Units or place them in any

unoccupied space within your Teams Spawn Zone. A Unit brought

back this way cannot Move this turn.


The Unit being ordered may move an amount of spaces on the

board equal to their Speed. If they try to move up by 2 or more

levels in elevation they must use double the regular movement.

Moving down in elevation costs the normal amount.

A Unit may not start or end their turn in the same space as an

another Unit.

Attack or Ability

During this phase the player may choose for their unit to Attack an

Enemy Unit or if they are able to use an Ability. On the Unit’s stat

card it will show what its Attack and Defence stats are, as well as

if the Unit is melee, ranged, and/or has abilities.


A unit with a Melee attack must be adjacent to the enemy to attack


To perform an attack the unit will roll an amount of d6’s equal to

their Attack stat. The enemy unit will roll an amount of d6’s equal
to their Defense stat. Each player will set aside all the 5’s and 6’s

they roll.

If the attack player has more of their dice set aside than their

Enemy then they deal 1 damage to the enemy. If the defending

player has more dice set aside then they are dealt no damage.

Damage is dealt immediately, if a unit has 0 HP it is dead and is

taken out of this round. The player who’s team killed the Unit gains

1 Victory Point.

The defending player may now Counter Attack.


A unit with a Ranged attack may attack any Enemy within 3 spaces

of them. If the Attacking unit is on a higher elevation than their

target, they gain a +1 to their Attack stat this turn. If the Attacking

unit is on a lower elevation than their target, they gain a -1 to their

Attack stat this turn.

To perform an attack the unit will roll an amount of d6’s equal to

their Attack stat. The enemy unit will roll an amount of d6’s equal

to their Defense stat. Each player will set aside all the 5’s and 6’s

they roll.

If the attack player has more of their dice set aside than their

Enemy then they deal 1 damage to the enemy. If the defending

player has more dice set aside then they are dealt no damage.

Damage is dealt immediately, if a unit has 0 HP it is dead and is

taken out of this round. The player who’s team killed the Unit gains

1 Victory Point.

The defending player cannot Counter Attack.

Counter Attack

After one of your units has been Melee Attacked not on your turn

you may choose to perform a Counter Attack. You now go through

the attack sequence a second time, this time with your Unit as the
Attacker and the Enemy as the Defender. If you have more

successful Attack dice than your opponent has Defence dice you

deal them 1 damage.

Damage is dealt immediately, if a unit has 0 HP it is dead and is

taken out of this round. The player who’s team killed the Unit gains

1 Victory Point.

There can only be one Counter Attack. You cannot Counter Attack a

Counter Attack.


Instead of making a normal Attack a Unit with an Ability may use it

on their turn.


A Necromancer has the capability to Summon the dead from the earth. A

Unit with Summon on their turn may summon a Skeleton Unit within 4

spaces of them in an unoccupied space.


A Healer has learned the ancient and difficult school of magic involving

healing. A Unit with Healing may Heal an Ally within 3 spaces of them.

The Ally unit gain 1 HP back but may never exceed their Max HP.


Whether its great balls of fire, storms if intense lightning, freezing cold

blizzards, or any number of magical spells a wizard always has a way to

even the playing field. A Unit with the AOE ability may make a ranged

attack against an enemy Unit, it may then make a ranged attack against

every enemy unit adjacent to the first one.

End of Turn

The unit that has been ordered this turn receives an Exhausted


If both players have had a turn this round, advance the round

tracker 1 space.
End of the Game

The game will end after 15 rounds have passed. Both players

will add up their victory points. The player with the most victory

points wins, if there is a tie then the game is a draw.

Quick Reference and Keywords

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