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As the influence of human activity expanding faster and more powerful, more challenges on the national
park environment protection will become an important issues to United States' administration. Base on
this topic, I did some researches on the "national park environment protection" from library and
Internet. I choose four resources from Google scholar, and two online resources, which give me different
perspectives and areas to develop my argument. Each source I found from library and Internet can help
me to understand and evaluate the current situation of national park protection, for instance, small-
mammal communities in Yosemite National Park is facing the challenging of the climate change in
different elevational ranges. So land use in the national park will become an important issue to concern,
such as the second source talk about the idea to balance the human activity and animal behavior in
same community. Those consequences leading other two sources which give the specific plan and
program to build the system to protect the national park. For instance, extended the network of the
enterprise architecture to watch and take care local wild animal activity blend into human society. Last
two resources give me the different genres of concept that related to environment protecting.

Annotated Bibliography

Research question: What are the challenges on the national park environment protection for Trump

Moritz, C. Patton., J. L. Conroy., C. J. Parra., J. L., White, G. C. & Beissinger., S. R. (2008). Impact of a

Century of Climate Change on Small-Mammal Communities in Yosemite National Park, USA.

Science, 322(5899), 261-264. doi:10.1126/science. 1163428

According to the authors, with predicted impact of climate warming, the environment of the
Yosemite national park will have a huge challenge, meanwhile, elevtional ranges of species and their
habitats need to be adjusting by balance planning, and land allocation had to coordinate. Authors
pointed to substantial increase of the average minimum monthly temperature of 3.7 C over the past 100
years, with notable increases from 1910 to 1945 and from 1970 to the present. Authors use the map of
surveyed sites in Grinnell and current surveys relative to the Yosemite National Park boundary and life
zones, and to show the readers pay more attention on the averaged elevational profile, at same time,
the author provide the occupancy-elevation profiles in the elevation plots to explain the movement of
animal in different elevation and time period. This research paper gives audience who enable to do
geographical research and environmentalists more knowledge and statistics that related to the Small-
Mammal Communities living situation in the Yosemite National Park. The Yosemite National Park is an
unique area where has more species animal, such as Small-Mammal Communities close to the human
species, authors confirm that protecting large-scale elevation gradients retains diversity by allowing
species to migrate in response to climate and vegetation change is practical approach.

Foley, J. A., De Fries, R., Asner, G. P., Barford, C., Bonan, G., Carpenter, S. R., & … Snyder, P. K. (2005).

Global Consequences of Land Use. Science, 309(5734), 570-574.
Land use is an important issues about the environment protection in national park, and the author of
this article give audience a big picture about the global land use relative satiation. To the audiences who
are environmentalists and labor work in the national park system, authors provide six part of the land
use issue to explain what the challenges that human need to face in today. For instance, food
production, freshwater resources, forest resources, regional climate and air quality, infectious disease,
and confronting the effects of land use. Each section in this research paper tries to explain the
connection between the environmental issues and human activity in the land use, author provide the
data and statistics to show the evolvement of land use between the natural ecosystems and human
urban area, in different parts of the world, the transition will become the local issue on their catalog,
also in different transition stages, the human history, communities and living conditions is gradually
deteriorating. Authors also aim the idea about how to use the land in the balance planning with
ecological harmony development.

Burns, C. E., Johnston, K. M., & Schmitz, O. J. (2003). Global climate change and mammalian species

diversity in U.S. national parks. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United

States Of America, 100(20), 11474-11477.

Global climate change will influence the U.S national park environment protection; also mammalian
species is an important character in the biological chain in this area. Authors provide this analysis will
prompt the next generation of modeling to address the potentially complex indirect effects that may
occur as species respond to global climate change. Authors also provide the data sets of current
distributions of 213 mammalian species to represent the major taxonomic orders within the continental
U.S. in their research paper; it clearly explains the ecosystems within the U.S. will be impacted
differentially, and it also include different factors that caused the global warming, for instance,
atmospheric CO2, warm temperate. Species gains to selected U.S. national parks by taxonomic order
under a doubling of atmospheric CO2 will be change in past years and today. Their choice most depend
on the human activity and global climate change. The result of this research explains the their results
aim the true reason about the challenge that local mammalian species need to face is they will have a
new community structure to accept the influxes of new species that will caused the survival resources

Schuck, T. M. (2010). An extended enterprise architecture for a network-enabled, effects-based


for national park protection. Systems Engineering, 13(3), 209-216. doi:10.1002/sys. 20143

The author point out the climate changes will threat the environment protection in the national park
area; it also includes the animal and fish population cycle variations, the indigenous people need to build
new community to solve the problem that cause by natural disasters, oil spills, land development, and
criminal enterprises. This research start new era of the environment protecting, audience who has the
experiences related to computer science and community management will pay more attention on this
topic. The authors use different viewpoint to develop the environmental protection concept, which is
come the net world. The viewpoints of authors include "power" and "data" that can be collect from the
effective linking or networking is underestimate, more collective enterprises will have more advantages
to allocate missions of environmental protection. The research paper also gives the suggestion that build
requirement and information architecture to approach protecting National Park and Preserve. A balance
park planning in the future is important to protect the natural resource and ecological equilibrium. The
research paper also aim the different technology can be use in the protecting the planet's biodiversity,
at same time provides ecosystem services.

Dudley, N., Zogib, H. L., Hockings, M., Mac Kinnon, K., Sandwith, T., Stolton, S. (2011, November).

National Parks with Benefits: How Protecting the Planet's Biodiversity Also Provides Ecosystem

Services. Solutions. Volume 2, Issue 6, 87-95.


The article provides the solution about how to balance the national parks and nature reserves
environment protection and the tourism industry in local area. The local government that has more GDP
(Gross Domestic Product) level that will contribute more human resource and economic supply. Authors
point out that to being consciously managed and valued for their local national park services need to
have a long-term goal and plan. Also wildlife and recreational values form park need to reasonable and
well balance coordinate by local government and community. The landowner and agricultural facilities
need to rational planning. The global protected areas network is an important issue to protect the parks
and reserves. The last part of the article provides the argument of protection, which is financial
investment required furthermore, studies on financing protected areas show that relatively modest
sums are necessary to upgrade protected areas systems and secure their effective management. In the
example of the ice land, authors claim that overexploitation cause the land use and ecosystem services
become deteriorating.

Top 10 Issues Facing National Parks. (2010, May 26). National Geographic.

From the topic of this research article, the author aims ten important issues about the national
park need to face in today, the author gives the audience one short paragraph on each topic, it generally
spends few words to explain what details. In the some national park, it not only supply the service about
the natural environment tourism, but also it give the tourist some historic or cultural resources that
related to our really life. Wildlife management needs to coordinate with local agriculture development,
industry, forestry, and freshwater recycle. Author also point out the snake species will be in danger if
the exotic pet trade out of control. Adjacent development also will relate to different country territory
conflict and diplomacy affairs. For instance, the climate change, water issues and air pollution also will
influence nations' commutation. Build a convenient transportation system is good for both human and
ecosystem protection services. Except the "traditional" viewpoints of the environment problems, author
also gives the examples on the national park history, foreign invaders and visitor experience to describes
reason for environment protection in national park area.

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