Operational Systems Manual: For The Technical Specialist

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Operational Systems Manual

For the Technical Specialist

A guide to assist you in navigating in

GRM, the TS Extranet, and eReporting
Pro, as well as understanding the core
functionalities of the system to be used
in your daily operations as an
important member of the Intertek staff 2016
Table of Contents
Table of Contents _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2
Table of Figures ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3
General Information _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5
Introduction _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 6
What are the Operational Systems? ________________________________________________________________________ 6
Benefits ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 6
Workflow Process ______________________________________________________________________________________ 8
GRM ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9
Access GRM __________________________________________________________________________________________ 9
Your InfoCenter _______________________________________________________________________________________ 11
Your InfoPorts ________________________________________________________________________________________ 14
Update Your Profile ____________________________________________________________________________________ 20
Submit your Profile _____________________________________________________________________________________ 27
Points to Remember ___________________________________________________________________________________ 28
TS Extranet ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 29
Access & Log-In _______________________________________________________________________________________ 29
Home _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 30
Assignments__________________________________________________________________________________________ 35
Visits________________________________________________________________________________________________ 38
Timesheets___________________________________________________________________________________________ 50
Schedule ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 53
Status Types _________________________________________________________________________________________ 55
Points to Remember ___________________________________________________________________________________ 57
Troubleshooting _______________________________________________________________________________________ 58
eReporting Pro _________________________________________________________________________________________ 61
Installation & Log-in ____________________________________________________________________________________ 61
Visit List _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 64
Visits________________________________________________________________________________________________ 70
Create Reports ________________________________________________________________________________________ 71
Reports_____________________________________________________________________________________________ 102
Complete Visit _______________________________________________________________________________________ 109
Points to Remember __________________________________________________________________________________ 111
Frequently Asked Questions ____________________________________________________________________________ 113
Problem Solving & Assistance ___________________________________________________________________________ 116
Log-In Assistance ____________________________________________________________________________________ 116
Technical Assistance __________________________________________________________________________________ 117
eReporting Pro Team __________________________________________________________________________________ 118
Regional Experts _____________________________________________________________________________________ 119

Table of Figures
Figure 1 New Profile Notification______________________________________________________________________________ 9
Figure 2 TS Extranet Log-In Page ___________________________________________________________________________ 10
Figure 3 TS Extranet Home Page ____________________________________________________________________________ 11
Figure 4 GRM InfoCenter __________________________________________________________________________________ 11
Figure 5 GRM Calendar ___________________________________________________________________________________ 12
Figure 6 GRM Go To Report ________________________________________________________________________________ 15
Figure 7 GRM Time-Off Request ____________________________________________________________________________ 17
Figure 8 Extranet Reset Password ___________________________________________________________________________ 18
Figure 9 GRM Calendar Report _____________________________________________________________________________ 19
Figure 10 GRM Profile Action Icons __________________________________________________________________________ 20
Figure 11 GRM Profile Resource Status_______________________________________________________________________ 21
Figure 12 GRM Profile Contact Info __________________________________________________________________________ 22
Figure 13 GRM Profile Pay Rate ____________________________________________________________________________ 23
Figure 14 GRM Profile Taxonomy & Other Details _______________________________________________________________ 24
Figure 15 GRM Profile Professional/Education Details ___________________________________________________________ 25
Figure 16 GRM Profile Resource Capability & Certification ________________________________________________________ 26
Figure 17 TS Extranet My Profile ____________________________________________________________________________ 31
Figure 18 TS Extranet My Schedule __________________________________________________________________________ 31
Figure 19 TS Extranet My Learning Systems ___________________________________________________________________ 32
Figure 20 TS Extranet My Assignments _______________________________________________________________________ 32
Figure 21 TS Extranet Assignment Search _____________________________________________________________________ 33
Figure 22 TS Extranet Intertek Company Documents ____________________________________________________________ 34
Figure 23 TS Extranet Assignment Details _____________________________________________________________________ 35
Figure 24 TS Extranet Suppliers _____________________________________________________________________________ 36
Figure 25 TS Extranet Assignment Instructions _________________________________________________________________ 36
Figure 26 TS Extranet Supplier PO Documents _________________________________________________________________ 37
Figure 27 TS Extranet Project Documents _____________________________________________________________________ 37
Figure 28 TS Extranet Assignment Documents _________________________________________________________________ 37
Figure 29 TS Extranet Visits ________________________________________________________________________________ 37
Figure 30 TS Extranet Current Visit Details ____________________________________________________________________ 40
Figure 31 TS Extranet Next Visit Details_______________________________________________________________________ 41
Figure 32 TS Extranet Time ________________________________________________________________________________ 42
Figure 33 TS Extranet Expenses ____________________________________________________________________________ 43
Figure 34 TS Extranet Travel _______________________________________________________________________________ 43
Figure 35 TS Extranet Add New Row _________________________________________________________________________ 44
Figure 36 TS Extranet Notes/Comments ______________________________________________________________________ 44
Figure 37 TS Extranet Documents ___________________________________________________________________________ 45
Figure 38 TS Extranet Export Timesheet ______________________________________________________________________ 46
Figure 39 TS Extranet Submit Visit ___________________________________________________________________________ 47
Figure 40 TS Extranet Next Visit Not Required _________________________________________________________________ 48
Figure 41 TS Extranet TBA-Date Unknown Visit ________________________________________________________________ 49
Figure 42 TS Extranet Timesheets ___________________________________________________________________________ 50
Figure 43 TS Extranet Create Timesheet ______________________________________________________________________ 51
Figure 44 TS Extranet Allocate & Schedule Form _______________________________________________________________ 53
Figure 45 GRM Scheduling View Calendar ____________________________________________________________________ 53
Figure 46 GRM Update Schedule ____________________________________________________________________________ 54
Figure 47 eReporting Install Windows 7 _______________________________________________________________________ 61
Figure 48 eReporting Log-In Page Windows 7 __________________________________________________________________ 62
Figure 49 eReporting Install Windows 8&10 ____________________________________________________________________ 63
Figure 50 eReporting Log-In Page Windows 8&10_______________________________________________________________ 64
Figure 51 eReporting Configuration Windows 7 _________________________________________________________________ 64
Figure 52 eReporting Configuration Windows 8&10 ______________________________________________________________ 65
Figure 53 eReporting Binary Transfers Windows 7 ______________________________________________________________ 65
Figure 54 eReporting Binary Transfers Windows 8&10 ___________________________________________________________ 66
Figure 55 eReporting Help _________________________________________________________________________________ 66
Figure 56 eReporting Training ______________________________________________________________________________ 67
Figure 57 eReporting Visit List Navigation _____________________________________________________________________ 68
Figure 58 eReporting Visit Navigation ________________________________________________________________________ 70
Figure 59 eReporting Risk Assessment _______________________________________________________________________ 71
Figure 60 eReporting Visit _________________________________________________________________________________ 73
Figure 61 eReporting Inspection Time ________________________________________________________________________ 73
Figure 62 eReporting Drop-Down List ________________________________________________________________________ 74
Figure 63 eReporting Multi-Item List __________________________________________________________________________ 74
Figure 64 eReporting Attendees _____________________________________________________________________________ 75
Figure 65 eReporting Format Tools __________________________________________________________________________ 76
Figure 66 eReporting Excel Import ___________________________________________________________________________ 77
Figure 67 eReporting Generic Materials _______________________________________________________________________ 78
Figure 68 eReporting Materials Inspected _____________________________________________________________________ 79

Figure 69 eReporting Documents Used _______________________________________________________________________ 80
Figure 70 eReporting Instruments Used _______________________________________________________________________ 81
Figure 71 eReporting Inspection Details _______________________________________________________________________ 83
Figure 72 eReporting Add Scope of Work _____________________________________________________________________ 84
Figure 73 eReporting Edit Scope of Work _____________________________________________________________________ 86
Figure 74 eReporting Inspection Steps________________________________________________________________________ 87
Figure 75 eReporting Add Observations_______________________________________________________________________ 87
Figure 76 eReporting Pre-Generated Observation _______________________________________________________________ 88
Figure 77 eReporting Snippet Control Test ____________________________________________________________________ 89
Figure 78 eReporting Create Own Observation _________________________________________________________________ 90
Figure 79 eReporting Generate Report from Observation _________________________________________________________ 91
Figure 80 eReporting Photos _______________________________________________________________________________ 91
Figure 81 eReporting Pre-Inspection Meeting __________________________________________________________________ 96
Figure 82 eReporting Expediting Details ______________________________________________________________________ 97
Figure 83 eReporting Audit Details ___________________________________________________________________________ 97
Figure 84 eReporting Non-Conformances _____________________________________________________________________ 98
Figure 85 eReporting Add Non-Conformance __________________________________________________________________ 98
Figure 86 eReporting Generate Document Non-Conformance _____________________________________________________ 99
Figure 87 eReporting Punchlist_____________________________________________________________________________ 100
Figure 88 eReporting Inspection Release Note ________________________________________________________________ 100
Figure 89 eReporting Flash Report Activity ___________________________________________________________________ 101
Figure 90 eReporting Reports ______________________________________________________________________________ 102
Figure 91 eReporting Attach Report _________________________________________________________________________ 102
Figure 92 eReporting Generate Report ______________________________________________________________________ 104
Figure 93 eReporting Generate Flash Report __________________________________________________________________ 105
Figure 94 eReporting Report Naming ________________________________________________________________________ 105
Figure 95 eReporting Edit Reports __________________________________________________________________________ 106
Figure 96 eReporting Send Individual Documents ______________________________________________________________ 107
Figure 97 eReporting Send Multiple Documents _______________________________________________________________ 108
Figure 98 eReporting Complete Visit ________________________________________________________________________ 109
Figure 99 eReporting Return to Visit List _____________________________________________________________________ 110

General Information
Purpose of Manual
The purpose of this manual is to assist you with the following tasks:

 Enhance your understanding of Global Resource Management (GRM), Technical

Specialist (TS) Extranet and eReporting Pro
 Guide you through the each application

Icon Key
Throughout the document, there will be statements or brief paragraphs noted by an Icon. These
shall be read carefully as they contain important information as well as helpful tips.

Please see the Icon Key below.

Icon Key

 Take Note

 Important

 Reference

 Helpful Tip

 Contact


Introduction 1
What are the Operational Systems?
A s an important member of the Intertek technical staff, you shall use the Global Resource
Management system or GRM, the Technical Specialist (TS) Extranet and eReporting Pro.

GRM has several functions. It is a Resource directory that is managed within each individual office
but can be shared throughout the organization. Coordinators utilize GRM to perform searches when
Customers request a formal proposal to fulfill their projects and assignments with qualified
personnel. In addition, you the TS use the GRM calendar to manage your visits and schedules.

TS Extranet
The TS Extranet is an Intertek website that allows you to access all your active and past assignments
that you have been allocated, in addition to your current and future visits. The Extranet contains
links to other portals such as your Intranet and GRM.

eReporting Pro
eReporting Pro is an electronic reporting tool that enables you to create and capture all the required
data for your reports in a complex narrative format, in real time, while you are in the field, without
the need of internet access. This is of value to our Customers.

There are several benefits to using each application, not only to you, but to our Customers and the

Before GRM TS did not have access to Intertek’s internal Resource database, but now via the
Extranet, employees and contractors can view their individual profiles that Resource Managers (RM)
create and maintain within GRM.

• Manage your personal profile details, such as contact information, work experience, obtained
certifications and qualifications.
• Upload documents such as copies of certifications and training records, and your CV, which may
be exported to the Intertek resume format.
• Both you and RM receive alerts when documents, such as certifications are near expiration due
to the tracking capability within the system.
• View and modify your personal calendar and schedule, including availability and time off.

TS Extranet
As a TS, you shall ensure that the information that is being submitted and processed for your payroll
is correct. The Extranet allows you to do that as well as provides you with other benefits.

• Self‐service management tool that allows you enter your time, expenses and travel for the work
you perform on behalf of our Customers.
• Upload and store all your documents such as receipts and supporting documentation for each
visit, in addition to with your report.
• When a Coordinator sets up a new assignment, an email notification is sent informing you that
you can access the assignment instructions and document package directly from the Extranet,
avoiding several emails due to the number and size of documents.
• Important messages may be noted on the Home page that your local or regional management
wants you to be aware of.

eReporting Pro
• Ability to generate your reports in the field by installing the application on a hand‐held tablet or
laptop. Internet access is not required until you are ready to complete your visit.
• Automatically defaults to the Intertek formats, but can be customized to almost any Customer
required templates.
• Not only are standard Inspection reports generated from eReporting, but Release Notes,
Punchlists, Non‐Conformance Reports and Flash Activity Reports can be created within seconds
from inspection data, as required by our Customers.
• Ability to view and edit all report types during any stage within the application before you
complete your visit with the Preview and Generate Report functionalities.
• Outline follows a logical sequence based on typical inspection steps and acceptance criteria that
allows you to navigate easily through the system.
• Fully compatible with all Windows based Hardware.
o Please note: There are no Intertek systems that are compatible with Mac products,
including eReporting.
• The Extranet may be accessed directly from a one‐click link in the application.

Workflow Process
Different information is passed between all the applications, but everything starts in Evolution ‐ the
backbone of our Operations and the main operating system that the Coordinators use.

Before a Visit
1 Coordinator sets-up new assignment in Evo and the first visit is created.

2 TS receives assignment instructions via Extranet and access the GRM calendar to view the
visit details that will have been updated automatically.

3 First visit also has been sent to eReporting in order start his/her report on-site.

During & After a Visit

4 TS may complete his/her report and send through eReporting to the Extranet.

5 TS will create the next visit date, if applicable, enter in his/her timesheet details and upload
any supporting documentation and receipts with his/her report. When done, TS will save and
submit his/her visit to the Coordinator.

6 TS GRM calendar will be updated with the new next visit date.

7 Coordinator will review and approve the report and associated time and expenses for payroll
and send the report to the Customer.


Topics for GRM
 Access the system
 Your InfoCenter & InfoPorts
 Submitting Time‐Off Requests
 Reset your TS Extranet Password
 Update & Submit your Profile

 The term Resource is used instead of Technical Specialist in regards to GRM.

Access GRM
D uring the new hire on‐boarding process, Resource Managers (RM) initially create your GRM Profile
with minimal information, including your contact information, email address and your username &
password to access the TS Extranet. The RM will then send you a Task requesting that you complete
your profile.

This process triggers an email notification welcoming you to Intertek containing your Extranet
credentials so you may log‐in and navigate to GRM to update your profile.

Figure 1 New Profile Notification

TS Extranet Website
The GRM application is integrated with the Extranet, which provides a single sign‐on capability. Once
you log into the Extranet, you will be able to navigate to GRM.

The link for the Extranet is:


 It is recommended that you add this website to ‘My Favorites’ for easy and quick access.

Log‐In Page
Once you have accessed the Extranet, you will land on the Log‐In Page where you will be required to
enter and submit your assigned Username and Password.

Figure 2 TS Extranet Log‐In Page

Home Page
After you click Login, you will land on your Home Page.

You will access GRM by clicking on the hyperlink for Profile and Pay Rates under My Profile.

Figure 3 TS Extranet Home Page

Your InfoCenter
A new screen in Internet Explorer will open and you will be directed to your InfoCenter, which Is your
main landing page in GRM.

Figure 4 GRM InfoCenter

 Internet Explorer is the default browser for GRM and you shall have at least version 9 on your
computer for GRM to work properly.

Your InfoCenter contains buttons and links that navigate you to other areas of GRM.

My Tasks
The My Tasks toolbar, located at the top of your InfoCenter, shows a list of pending tasks that
require your action. New tasks are highlighted green; past due or 60 days old tasks are highlighted

There are two tasks that a Resource may have.

• Profile Created/Modified indicates that a Resource Manager has sent you a task requesting
that you update your profile for a specific reason.
• Create Profile indicates that you have opened your profile, begun updating it and saved it.

To open a task, click on Task Name.

My Calendars
The My Calendars button takes you to your GRM calendar detailing upcoming visits that you are
scheduled for by displaying the color‐coded Visit Status Types for the days that you are scheduled to
perform visits.
1 Visit Status Click on the Visit Status to view the details of the visit at the bottom of the page,
including the Evo assignment number, Customer, Supplier, Supplier PO, and
Location of the visit.

2 Calendar Arrows Click the back and forward arrows to view past and future months.

3 Calendar Drop-Down Click on the drop-down arrow to select a specific Month and Year.

4 Print Click to print your calendar which will provide you with the Visit Statuses on the
given days.

Figure 5 GRM Calendar

 Only pending visits will appear on your calendar (TBA, Tentative and Booked). Submitted visits for
approval and visits that have been approved by your Coordinator are removed from your schedule.

Log‐In Name
The Log‐In Name button takes you to your GRM User profile, which is different from your Resource
profile, as it contains a history of all your password questions and answers, and Intertek Companies
you are allocated to.

The Help button displays information about the InfoCenter.

To exit the GRM application, click the Logout button.

Your InfoPorts
Your InfoCenter consists of InfoPorts, as well, to direct you to forms and reports.

There are many navigation and filter tools within your InfoPorts.

1 Resource Click this tab to return to your main InfoCenter from any other part of GRM.

2 Page Arrows Click the back and forward arrows to move to the previous/next or first/last
pages within the Infoport.

3 Refresh Click to update items within the InfoPort. This is especially useful if you have
been logged in GRM for a long period of time.

4 Items per Page Change the number of items that appear on one page of the InfoPort from the
drop-down list.

5 Sort Column Click on arrow that appears when you place your mouse over a column header.
A filter list opens with different options to sort the InfoPort, for example, in
ascending or descending order or removing certain columns by unchecking the
boxes you don’t want.

6 Filters Place your mouse over Filters until the text field appears. Enter a part of the
name of a document to filter your reminders by and hit Enter on your keyboard.
To remove the filter, uncheck the Filters box.

7 Sort Order Click to sort items in ascending or descending order within the InfoPort.

8 Go To Report Click to generate the items in the InfoPort into a report format.
Please see below for more details.

Go To Report
When you select Go To Report, you will be directed to a different page within your InfoCenter.

Reports are defaulted to a specific layout; however you have the ability to modify and save a report
in a format that you prefer.

1 Move Column Move columns to different positions by clicking on the header and
dragging and dropping them to the new position.

2 Sort Column Click the drop-down button in any column to change the settings.

3 Load Preference Enter a name in the free-text field once your report is in the preferred
Field format and click the Save button.

4 Tools Reports can be emailed, printed and exported to Excel and PDF.

Figure 6 GRM Go To Report

 Each time you generate a report, first you shall select the saved report name from the Load
Preference field to update the default report format.

The InfoPorts available to you are: Action Reminders, Manage, Create and Reports.

Action Reminders
Action Reminders lists items that are due to expire within 60 days based on the expiration date in
your profile.

Both you and the RM will receive an email notification on the day that the document is 60 days from
expiring, reminding you to update your profile with current information.

1 Profile ID Auto-generated ID number when the RM creates your GRM profile.

2 Company Intertek Company that you are allocated to.

3 Business Unit Business Unit within the Intertek Company that you are allocated to.

4 Reminder Type Document or record that is due to expire, i.e. Driver’s License, Passport,
specific Customer approval documents, Certifications, and Training

5 Expiration Date Date that has been selected in the Expiry Date field in your profile for the
noted document or record.

6 Number of Days Indicates how many more days until the expiration date is reached for the
Outstanding noted document or record.

You will access your GRM profile directly from the Manage InfoPort by clicking on the Update
Profile hyperlink.

 When you open your profile from Manage and save it, the task Create Profile will be stored under
My Tasks for you to return to it at a later time. Profile tasks are only considered complete when you
Submit, not just Save.

Time‐off Requests and Extranet Password Resets are submitted from the Create InfoPort.

Time‐Off Requests
The Time‐Off form allows you to submit requests for holidays, vacation, leave of absence, etc. Your
calendar will be blocked for that time, notifying Coordinators that you are unavailable for
1 Resource Name Your name auto-populates and cannot be changed.

2 Employment Type Your employment status auto-populates and cannot be changed.

3 Category Select the reason for your time off from the List of Values.
Please note: Category selections are based on Employment Type.

4 Time Off From & Through Select the From and To Dates from the calendar.

5 Comments Enter a message if you choose.

6 Submit Click the Submit button to process your request.

Figure 7 GRM Time‐Off Request

 Your Time‐Off appears as Personal Time Off in your calendar, highlighted in blue.

Extranet Reset Password
The Extranet Reset Password form is the only place you are able to Reset Your Password to the TS

1 New Password Enter new password in the free-text field.

2 Re-enter Password Re-enter new password in the free-text field.

3 Submit Click the Submit button to process the reset.

Figure 8 Extranet Reset Password

 Passwords shall be at least seven (7) alphanumeric characters long and contain at least one (1)
non‐alphanumeric character (! @ # %).

You will receive a message that your new password was reset successfully. Click the OK button to
return to your InfoCenter.

Reports allow you to generate an itemized list of all your visits based on Booked (Confirmed) and
Tentative statuses, as well as your Time‐off Requests (PTO). The Booked and Tentative Calendar
Reports are especially useful if you generate them at the beginning of each month in order to see an
overview of your scheduled visits.

The Calendar Report form prompts you to select a Start and End Date. Click the Submit button to
generate the report.

The output will be a detailed list of your visits – Booked, Tentative or PTO – depending on which
report you selected.
You have the ability to email, export to Excel or print the report.

Figure 9 GRM Calendar Report

Update Your Profile
As a Resource, you have the ability to Update Your Profile, which is very important to maintain the
integrity of the data that is used by the Coordinators to search for a qualified person for our Customer’s

You may be required to update your profile when you have current information to add to your profile or
you receive a request from the RM.

Create Profile: TS Update

When you open a task, you are directed to your profile, specifically, the TS Update form. Your
profile consists of Resource Status, Contact Info, Pay Rates, Taxonomy, Professional & Education
Details and Capabilities & Certifications.

Action buttons are located in the top right‐hand corner of the form.

1 Print View Launches a browser window with a printable version of the form.

2 Save Draft Saves your current revisions and leaves your profile open so you may
continue to work.

3 Save Draft & Close Saves the changes and closes your profile. It does not process the form.
This is the state in which you will find the task Create Profile. You shall
return to your profile and submit it for processing.

4 Submit Saves the changes and sends your profile to the RM for processing.
This button shall always be actioned when you have completed your

5 Cancel Deletes any changes you have made to your profile during its current

6 Export CV Allows you to export your profile data to the standard Intertek format.

Figure 10 GRM Profile Action Icons

 The fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Resource Status
You will land on the Resource Status tab, which consists of the following information:

• Intertek Entity and Business Unit you are allocated to

• Start Date with Intertek
• Employment Status

1 Business Information Comments Enter a message to send to the RM when you submit
your profile.

2 Comments History Report Click hyperlink to access messages that the RM may
have sent you with the task.

3 Action Defaults to Send to RC/RM because the final step

after updating your profile is to submit your revisions
to the RM for approval and confirmation.

4 Last Modified By Informs you which RM updated your profile last

indicating who sent you the task.

Figure 11 GRM Profile Resource Status

 Resource Status is in read‐only format; therefore you cannot make any changes to this tab.

Contact Info
The Contact Info tab is comprised of the following data:

• Address
• Phone number and email
• Emergency contact information
• Driver’s license & passport numbers and expiration dates
• TS Extranet credentials created by the RM
• Extranet Password Security Question & Answer

Figure 12 GRM Profile Contact Info

Pay Rate
The Pay Rate tab displays the following details:

• Pay Schedule(s) – General or Customer and/or Project Specific

• Pay Rates – Time, Reimbursable Expenses and Travel

Figure 13 GRM Profile Pay Rate

 Pay Rate is in read‐only format; therefore you cannot make any changes to this tab.

Taxonomy & Other Details
The Taxonomy & Other Details tab consists of the following data:

• Approved Taxonomy ‐ Taxonomy that you have been approved for as a result of your
interview with a Technical Manager.
• Internal Training Details ‐ Training courses provided by Intertek that you have completed.
• Competency Details – Intertek training courses that include DVA’s.
• Customer Approved Details ‐ Customers that you are approved to work for says those
Customers have special requirements, such as Dow, Chevron, Aramco, and Bechtel.

1 Add Row Click to add a new entry under a section.

2 Delete Last Row Click to delete the last item in a section.

Please note: If you have multiple pages, clicking this button will first take
you to the last page where you will have to click it again to remove the
last row.
This button does not delete the last row of the page you are currently on,
but the last row of the entire section.

3 Delete Row Click to delete an item that is not the last row and click the Submit

Figure 14 GRM Profile Taxonomy & Other Details

 Customer Approval Details is the only section that you can edit under the Taxonomy & Other
Details tab.

Professional/Education Details
The Professional and Education Details tab contains the following information:

• Professional Summary – Affiliations that you are familiar with, Summary of Work Experience
and Copies of your CV.
• Work History Details ‐ Current and past work experience, excluding Intertek projects and
• Educational Summary ‐ Achievements, such as Diplomas and Degrees.

Figure 15 GRM Profile Professional/Education Details

Resource Capability & Certification
The Resource Capability & Certification tab is comprised of the following details:

• Codes & Standards that you are familiar with

• Computer & Electronic Knowledge
• Language Capabilities ‐ Languages that you speak, write and/or comprehend
• Certificate Details ‐ Certifications you have obtained
• Commodity & Equipment Knowledge
• Training Details ‐ External Training you have taken
• Intertek Work History Report ‐ Displays your Intertek assignments automatically by the GRM
system when your Coordinator sets them up in Evolution.

Figure 16 GRM Profile Resource Capability & Certification

Submit your Profile
When you are finished updating your profile, click the Submit button to send it to the RM.

You will receive a message that your profile was submitted successfully. Click the Continue button to
return to your InfoCenter.

The Profile Created/Modified task is no longer under your My Tasks toolbar.

Points to Remember
Key items to keep in mind when using GRM are as follows:

 GRM is a global directory that shared throughout the organization to maximize the capacity and
utilization of employees and contractors.
 Coordinators use the search tools in order to source qualified Resources for Customer
 Resources manage their assignment schedules by utilizing the calendar.

InfoCenter & InfoPorts

 My Tasks appear as Profile Created/Modified if a Resource Manager has sent you a task or
Create Profile if you have started to update your profile and saved it.
 Action Reminders lists all your documents that are near their expiration date.
 Manage is where you access your profile.
 Create allows you to submit a Time‐off Request and Reset your Extranet Password.
 Reports allow you to generate different calendar reports based on visit status.

Your Profile
 Resource Status: Company & Business Unit you are allocated to, Start Date, Employment
Status; this tab cannot be edited.
 Contact Info: Contact details, including your TS Extranet credentials.
 Pay Rate: Pay schedules and rates; this tab cannot be edited.
 Taxonomy & Other Details: Approved taxonomy and training provided by Intertek; the other
section that you may edit is Client Approval Details.
 Professional/Education Details: Past and current Work History and Education achievements.
 Resource Capability & Certification: Certifications and training you have obtained on your own
and Commodity & Equipment Knowledge.

 Shows your current and upcoming visits and statuses, which allows you to better manage your
 Displays any time‐off that you request which blocks you from appearing available to


TS Extranet 3
Topics for the TS Extranet
 Access and Log‐In
 Different sections/modules of the system
 Locate your projects and assignments
 Enter your timesheets and upload your reports
 Create your next visit
 Submit your visit to your Coordinator for processing

Access & Log‐In

A s discussed in Section 1: GRM, to access the TS Extranet, go to the following link:

Log‐In Page
Once you have accessed the Extranet, you will land on the Log‐In Page where you will be required to
enter and submit your assigned Username and Password.

 If you do not know your credentials, please contact your local Resource Manager(s).

1 Remember me next time Tick this box to save your credentials, but this is only
recommended if you are using your personal computer.

2 Forgotten your password? If you have forgotten your password, click this link to answer your
Click here. security question. Your password will be emailed to you if
answered correctly.

3 Intertek Home Page Click this link to view the Intertek webpage.

The Home Page is your main landing page when you log in. The Home hyperlink allows you to return to
the Home page from any other part of the Extranet.

1 Home Click this hyperlink to return to the Home page from any other page.

2 Logout Click this hyperlink to end your session in the Extranet.

3 Company Message Important messages that your management wants you to be aware of.

4 Section Headers Portals that allow you to navigate to other sections of the Extranet.

5 Expansion Arrows Allows you to expand or hide each section.

My Profile
The My Profile section contains a link to the Global Resource Management system or GRM.

When you click on the hyperlink for Profile and Pay Rates, you will be directed to your GRM
InfoCenter. From your InfoCenter, you have the ability to view and edit your profile.

Figure 17 TS Extranet My Profile

My Schedule
The My Schedule section contains the same link to GRM as My Profile, but takes you to a different
part of your InfoCenter.

When you click on the hyperlink for Schedule, you will be directed to your GRM Calendar, which
details all of your TBA, Tentative and Confirmed Visits. This Calendar is updated as you create your
next visits, submit current visits to your Coordinator or your Coordinator allocates you to new

Figure 18 TS Extranet My Schedule

My Learning Systems
The My Learning Systems section contains a hyperlink to your iLearn account, which allows easy
access to Intertek's internal training courses, such as the TS Charter, eReporting Pro, and other
various DVA's.

Employees vs. Contractors

There are separate websites for Technical Staff that are considered Employees vs. Contractors.
Please be sure to click on the correct link when you are trying to access your iLearn account.

 If you forget your credentials for iLearn, please see contact information below:
 Employees: Contact Intertek IT (itservicedesk@intertek.com or 1‐877‐694‐8573)
 Contractors: Contact Suzanne Shaaban (suzanne.shaaban@intertek.com)

User Guide
The Operational Systems Manual is also available for download by clicking on the Technical
Specialist Userguide hyperlink.

 To view the user guide, you will need Adobe Reader on your computer. We have provided the
link to download the latest version for your convenience if required.

Figure 19 TS Extranet My Learning Systems

My Assignments
My Assignments expand to list all your open, Active Intertek assignments which you have been
awarded. You may use the search functionality to view All your assignments.

1 Customer Name of Customer as entered in Evolution.

2 Suppliers Name(s) of Supplier(s) selected in Evo assignment, i.e.

Main and Sub-Suppliers.

3 Supplier PO Displays PO of Supplier as entered in Evolution.

4 Customer/Contract/Project/Assignment Intertek's internal job number. Displays the Customer

Code/Contract No. /Project No. /Assignment No.

5 Click here to use search criteria Click this hyperlink to search ALL assignments.

Figure 20 TS Extranet My Assignments

Assignment Search
When you click the Search Criteria hyperlink, you can search for Active or Inactive Assignments.

1 Assignment Number Enter the Assignment No. as displayed under My Assignments, i.e.
Please note: All 5-digits shall be entered.

2 Customer Name Enter the Customer Name as displayed under My Assignments, i.e.
Tullow Oil.

3 Include Inactive Tick this box to include Inactive Assignments in your search.
Please note: If this box is not ticked, only Active Assignments will
return in search results.

4 Show all active Click this link if you want to see a list of only Active Assignments and
assignments avoid going page to page.

5 Hide Click this button when you are done searching and this will hide the
search criteria box.

Figure 21 TS Extranet Assignment Search

 Only the Assignment Number OR Customer Name needs to be entered to perform a search, not

Intertek Company Documents
Intertek Company Documents stores Intertek specific documents, such as report forms, corporate
policies, payroll dates, and training references. These are uploaded directly in Evolution by
management; therefore, are only in view‐only form to you.

1 Name Name of the document as saved by Intertek.

2 Document Type Indicates the type of document, i.e. Report Form, Specification.

3 Size Displays the size of the document.

4 Created Date Date the document was uploaded in Evolution.

5 Document Hyperlink Click on the blue hyperlink to open and download the document
to your local computer.

6 Page Numbers Indicates if there are more pages of documents. Click the page
numbers to see additional documents.

 You can click on any header to sort the data in ABC or ZYX order.

Figure 22 TS Extranet Intertek Company Documents

 Other sections of the Extranet have similar headers and functions, so we will only highlight the
differences, if applicable.

When you click on the Customer/Contract/Project/Assignment hyperlink under My Assignments, you
will be directed to the Assignments Page. This page provides you with important details required to
contact the Supplier and perform inspection or another type of service per our Customer instructions.

1 Assignment Details Section contains the basic information of the assignment.

2 Suppliers Displays all Suppliers related to the assignment.

3 Assignment Instructions Hyperlink to download the Evo generated assignment instructions.

4 Supplier Purchase Order Hyperlink to download all the Supplier documents.

5 Project Documents Hyperlink to download all the project specific documents.

6 Assignment Documents Hyperlink to the download the remaining documents.

7 Visits Displays all your completed, current and future visits.

Figure 23 TS Extranet Assignment Details

Assignment Details
The Assignment Details section provides basic information at a glimpse, such as Customer Name,
Assignment Number, First Visit Date, Supplier PO Number, and the Material to be inspected.

All Suppliers related to the assignment will be listed here and indicated whether they are the Main
or a Sub‐Supplier.

Figure 24 TS Extranet Suppliers

Assignment Instructions
The Assignment Instructions generated based on information provided by your Coordinator when a
new assignment is set up in Evolution can be accessed by clicking on the Report Name hyperlink.

Figure 25 TS Extranet Assignment Instructions

Supplier Purchase Order Documents
This section contains all the Supplier Documents relevant to the assignment that have been
uploaded into Evolution by your Coordinator. Examples include, but are not limited to the Purchase
Order and any revisions, Drawings, Datasheets and Requisitions.

Figure 26 TS Extranet Supplier PO Documents

Project Documents
This section contains all the Project Documents relevant to the assignment that are specific to the
Customer’s Project. Examples include Project‐specific Report Forms & Specifications and Customer

Figure 27 TS Extranet Project Documents

Assignment Documents
This section contains the remainder of the documents relevant to the assignment, such as the
Customer Assignment Instructions, ITP, Notifications and General Specifications.

Figure 28 TS Extranet Assignment Documents

This section lists all your Visits (reports & timesheets) for an assignment. These visits may be
completed (approved or pending approval by your Coordinator), your current visit or future visits.

Figure 29 TS Extranet Visits

 Typically, one visit equates to one report.

Visits is the most important section in the Extranet. This is where you will not only enter your
time/expenses/travel for a visit that you just performed, but you will also use this as a tool to monitor
your upcoming visits and schedule your next visits.

 When a Coordinator sets up a new assignment for you, the First Visit is automatically created and
will appear in your Visits section. Also, depending on the information provided to your Coordinator,
they will set the status of the visit to Tentative‐Pending Approval, Confirmed‐Awaiting Approval or TBA‐
Date Unknown. Please see Section Status Types for the definitions of each of these, as it is your
responsibility to contact the Supplier to confirm your attendance for upcoming visits.

1 Report No. Report Number as indicated on Report and Visit Details.

2 Date Date of Visit; displays the From Date.

3 Supplier The actual location of the visit; this may be the Main or a Sub Supplier.

4 Specialist The name of the TS who made the Visit.

Please note: If there are multiple TS on an assignment, but not allocated to the
same visit, the TS will be able to view each other's reports, but not their

5 Status Status of the Visit.

6 Period Displays the Visit From and To Dates.

7 Final Visit This box will be ticked if the TS has indicated that the Visit was the Final Visit.
Please note: Once a Final Visit is approved by the Coordinator, the assignment
will be closed and will no longer appear in your My Assignments section.

Visit Page
When you click on the Date hyperlink under Visits, you will be directed to the Visits Page. This is
where you will enter your Current Visit information, Next Visit Dates (if applicable), upload your
documents and submit to your Coordinator.

1 Schedule Click the View/Amend Visit button to navigate to your GRM Scheduling
Please see Section: Schedule below for more details.

2 Visit Details Contains the basic information of the Visit.

3 Time Enter your Time allocated to a specific visit.

4 Expenses Enter your reimbursable Expenses allocated to a specific visit.

5 Travel Enter your Mileage allocated to a specific visit.

6 Notes/Comments Include a specific note to your Coordinator relating to a specific visit.

7 Documents Upload all the relevant documents to a specific visit.

Visit Details – Current
Whether this is a First Visit that has been automatically generated or a Next Visit that you
previously created, it is your responsibility to review the information in Visit Details for accuracy
and revise as required before submitting to your Coordinator.

 The data below refers only to fields relating to This Visit.

1 Report Number Enter the Report Number as displayed in your actual report.

2 Date From & To Dates will already be selected by either your Coordinator (1st visit) or you (next
visit). To change the dates, click on the calendar icon. If only one day was
made, then the From and To fields will be the same.

3 Visit Date Period Enter the Date Period of the Current Visit in the free-text-field.

4 Final Visit Tick this box if the Current Visit is the Final Visit for this assignment.
Please note: Next Visit Dates are not required if this box is ticked.

5 Visit Status (This Visit) Status will already be selected. You will only need to change this field if the
status is TBA-Date Unknown. Please see more details under Special Cases.

6 Percentage Complete Enter how much of the Assignment is complete after the Current Visit.
Please note: Do not include the % sign, as this will result in an error.

7 Expected Completed Date Select the date in which you expect the assignment to be complete.

8 Select Technical Specialist This field will be pre-populated with your name.
Please note: Supervisors have the ability to select each TS from the drop-
down if there are multiple TS on the assignment.

Figure 30 TS Extranet Current Visit Details

Visit Details ‐ Next Visit
As previously mentioned, it is very important for you to manage your own schedules as you are
usually the first to know when you will be needed for a next visit to the Supplier.

 In the Extranet, you are REQUIRED to create your Next Visit Date IF the Assignment does not
already have a Next Visit and/or the Current visit is not the Final Visit.

 The data below refers only to fields relating to the Next Visit.
1 Next Visit Date From & To Select your Next From and To Visit Dates from the calendar.

2 Next Visit Status Select the Status of your Next Visit from the drop-down box.

3 Next Visit Message This message informs you that if you plan to only Save the current visit, any
dates entered in the Next Visit fields will be deleted. Dates may need to be
updated if returning to the visit, so they only need to be entered when you are
ready to Submit.

4 Save All Changes Saves your current changes and allows you to return to the visit to enter more
information at a later time. This is useful if you are working several days in a
row for one visit.

5 Save & Submit Changes to Saves your current changes and sends your visit to your Coordinator.
Coordinator Please note: This button shall only be clicked when all your data has been
entered and documents uploaded. Once the visit is submitted, further
changes cannot be made.

6 This visit has not yet been Message notifying you that the current visit has not been submitted to your
submitted to the MI Coordinator yet.

Figure 31 TS Extranet Next Visit Details

 If you don’t know the Next Visit, please select the date 14 days from the time of creating the next

Once you have completed the Visit Details section, you will enter your applicable Time, Expenses
and Travel.

 The date(s) that was created by your Coordinator (if the First Visit) or you (if the Next Visit) will
automatically be populated under Time, Expenses and Travel.


1 Date Date of Visit. If a Visit Period was entered in the placeholder

visit, then all dates in the visit range will be listed.
Please note: If you had to revise your visit date in the Visit
Details, the date will not automatically update at this time. You
will have to use the Delete and Add New Row functions.
Please see next page.

2 Type The type of Time that you are paid, i.e. Hours, Days.

3 Work/Travel/Wait/Report Break-down the units of your time as indicated.

4 Total Units This field automatically calculates when you click Save All

5 Rate A view-only field of your pay rate of each Type.

Reminder: Supervisors have the ability to see this information,
but other TS on assignments cannot see sensitive data, only
each other's documents.

6 Description Enter a brief description for the purpose of your time, i.e. Initial
Visit or Final Inspection.
7 Delete Click this link to remove an unwanted entry.

Figure 32 TS Extranet Time


1 Units Enter the number of items or units in which payment shall be made.

2 Net/Unit Enter the net amount of each item (unit).

For example: Per diem is 75/day. 2 days of Per Diem.
Units = 2, Net/Unit = 75

3 Tax Enter the tax for each item if applicable.

4 Gross This field automatically calculates the net + tax when you click Save All

5 Description Enter a brief description of the expense, i.e. Overnight Stay or RT


6 Currency Select the Currency in which the receipt is in from the drop-down box.

7 Exchange Rate This field automatically calculates when you click Save All Changes.

Figure 33 TS Extranet Expenses


1 Units Enter the number of miles or kilometers that you made for the visit.
2 Rate A view-only field of your pay rate of each Type.
3 Description Enter a brief description of the travel, i.e. Roundtrip or One-Way.

Figure 34 TS Extranet Travel

Add New Row(s)
If you need to add more entries to Time, Expenses or Travel, please follow the steps below.

1 Date(s) Select the From Date from the calendar icon.

Please note: The To Date is optional, but if you have multiple
days to add, it is recommended to select the To Date, so all days
are added at once.

2 Of type The 'Of type' will automatically populate to what has been set-up
as your Default Type, but if there are multiple Types, you can
select from the drop-down box.

3 Add New Row(s) Click this link to add the new entry rows for the selected dates.

 If you do not see an option that you need in the 'Of type' drop‐down box, please contact your
local Resource Coordinator/Manager(s).

Figure 35 TS Extranet Add New Row

A brief note can be included that your Coordinator will see when you submit your visit. Please be
sure to click Save under the Notes/Comments section to save the note to the visit.

Figure 36 TS Extranet Notes/Comments

 If your Coordinator Rejects a visit, the reason will also be noted in this section.

All Documents relevant to the visit shall be uploaded including, reports, supporting documentation,
signed releases and expense receipts.

To upload documents, please follow the steps below.

1 Document Type Select the Type of document from the drop-down box.

2 Browse Click the Browse button to search for the document on your computer.

3 Choose file to Upload Select the document from the applicable folder and click Open.

4 Additional field Another field will appear so that multiple documents can be uploaded at
once. If more than one document needs to be uploaded, repeat the
5 Upload Click the Upload link once you have added all your documents and they
will appear under Documents.

Figure 37 TS Extranet Documents

 If you use eReporting, your report and other documents shall already be uploaded here. All you
have to do it complete you timesheet before submitting to your Coordinator.

Export Timesheet
Once you begin entering data under Time, Expenses or Travel, the Export Timesheet functionality
becomes available under the Documents section. You have the ability to save and print it directly
from the Extranet during any stage, even after you have submitted your visit to your Coordinator
and they have approved it.

However, in order to capture all the details you have entered under Time, Expenses and Travel, you
shall click the Save All Changes button before exporting.

Figure 38 TS Extranet Export Timesheet

Click the Export Timesheet hyperlink to export your timesheet to Excel.

 The rates for Time and Travel are not shown, only the rates that you have manually entered for

Submit your Visit
As previously mentioned, when all your information has been entered and all the relevant
documents have been uploaded, you may submit your visit to your Coordinator. However, if you
are not ready to submit your visit, you may click Save All Changes and return to the visit at a later

To complete your visit click the Save & Submit Changes to Coordinator button.

When you click the Save & Submit button, you will be asked to confirm you want to proceed.

Figure 39 TS Extranet Submit Visit

Once the OK button is clicked, the Visit Page is greyed out and the message changes to 'This visit has
been submitted and is Awaiting Approval by a MI Coordinator and therefore cannot be edited.'

If you find that you need to make revisions, you shall contact your Coordinator.

Return to Visits
When you return to Visits, you will notice that the status of your Current Visit has changed and the
Next Visit that you created is visible.

1 Current Visit The visit that you currently submitted to your Coordinator has a status of
Awaiting Approval. Once approved, the status will change to Approved by

2 Next Visit The visit created by selecting the Next Visit Dates and Status. This shall
always be used to submit your next report/timesheet.

Special Cases
There are special functionalities relating to Next Visit Dates and Visit Statuses that you shall be
aware of.

Next Visits Not Required

As mentioned before, you do not have to create a Next Visit if there is already one in the

What does this look like? When you open a visit with a date prior to the latest visit in your Visit
section, then the Next Visit From and To Date fields, as well as the Next Visit Status field is not

Figure 40 TS Extranet Next Visit Not Required

TBA‐Date Unknown
You will notice that TBA‐Date Unknown visits have a few differences than visits with the other

1. The Percentage Complete and Expected Completed Date fields are greyed out.
2. There is not a Save & Submit button.
3. All the other sections are collapsed.

When a visit has a status of TBA‐Date Unknown, you SHALL do the following before proceeding:

1. Change the status for the Visit Status (This Visit) field to either Tentative‐Pending
Approval or Confirmed‐Awaiting Visit AND
2. Click the Save All Changes button

 Changing the status and saving the page enables the fields and expands the other sections.

Figure 41 TS Extranet TBA‐Date Unknown Visit

In Evolution, there is a difference between Visits and Timesheets.

Visits require a Supplier/Purchase Order and the output is typically a report.

Timesheets do not require a Supplier/Purchase Order and the output is a record of time, travel and

If you have been set up with a Timesheet assignment, you will notice the difference under your My
Assignments section. A Supplier and Supplier PO will not be listed.

Add Timesheet
When you click on the Customer/Contract/Project/Assignment hyperlink under My Assignments,
you will be directed to Timesheets.

Similar to Visits, you will see the details of all your approved and/or current timesheets; however, if
you need to submit a new timesheet to your Coordinator, you will click on the Add Timesheet
hyperlink. This is not like creating the Next Visit Dates in Visit Details.

Figure 42 TS Extranet Timesheets

Create Timesheet

1 Date From & Date To Select the From and To Dates from the calendar icons. If only one
day was made, then the From and To fields will have the same date.

2 Period Enter the Date Period of the new timesheet in the free-text-field.

3 Description Enter a brief description of the timesheet.

4 Select Technical Specialist Highlight your name in this field.

5 Percentage Complete Enter how much of the Assignment is complete after the Current
Please note: Do not include the % sign, as this will result in an error.

6 Expected Completed Date Select the date in which you expect the assignment to be complete
from the calendar icon.

7 Save Click the Save button to proceed to the next screen once all the
information has been entered.

Figure 43 TS Extranet Create Timesheet

Timesheet Page
When you click on the Description or Date hyperlink under Timesheets, you will be directed to the
Timesheet Page.

The fields are the same as the Visit Page, but a Timesheet does have differences worth highlighting.

 Timesheets have only one status prior to being submitted to a Coordinator – Not
 You have the ability Add Next Timesheet from here; however, you will not be returned to
your current timesheet in order to Save or Submit. Please be sure to save all your
changes before adding a new timesheet from here. If you are submitting your current
timesheet, it is recommended that you create your next timesheet from the Add
Timesheet hyperlink.

 Since the Timesheet Page is similar to the Visit Page, we will not discuss this in detail again.
Please refer to the Visit Section.

The View/Amend Visit (Timesheet) on Schedule button will direct you to the Allocate & Schedule form
in GRM, which displays the Evolution assignment details and your Visit Details in view‐only format.

The purpose of the Allocate & Schedule form, as opposed to your GRM Calendar, is to schedule yourself
to specific times for a visit.

To view your scheduling details, click the Allocate Resource button.

Figure 44 TS Extranet Allocate & Schedule Form

Your Scheduling View Calendar will open, which shows your status as opposed to the visit status;
however, by default, your status will be the same as the visit until you change it.

To update your status, click on the colored visit details box.

Figure 45 GRM Scheduling View Calendar

Update Schedule
The Update Schedule box will open.

1 Forenoon/Afternoon Untick boxes to schedule morning or afternoon. Keep both ticked for
full day.

2 Time per day Automatically changes based on Forenoon or Afternoon being ticked.

3 Resource Status Change your status from the drop-down box, indicating your availability
for a specific visit. This field is mainly to be used if a Coordinator has
created the visit for you. Your status may be updated to notify him/her
of your true availability.
4 Description Enter notes in the free-text field, which are visible to the Coordinators.

5 Continue Allocation? Tick this box if you have multiple days in a visit period that you want to
update. This will allow you to remain in the Update Schedule box after
you click Schedule after each day.

6 Schedule Click when you are ready to update your changes.

7 Exit Click to close the Update Schedule box and return to the form.

Figure 46 GRM Update Schedule

The changes that you made will be reflected in the Scheduling view calendar. Click the Submit
button when you are finished updating your schedule.

 You will be directed to your GRM InfoCenter, so you will be required to open the Extranet page
again after submitting the Allocate & Schedule form.

Status Types
There are different Visit & Timesheet Status types and Approvals that help you manage your schedule,
as well as check the status of visits & timesheets that you have submitted to your Coordinator.

Tentative‐Pending Approval
This status is used when a visit date is required and has been provided, but the Supplier and/or
Customer have not confirmed the date.

 This shall prompt you to follow up with your Coordinator or Supplier to confirm the first or
next visit date.

TBA‐ Date Unknown

This status is used when a further visit is required, but no date is known as yet.

 When creating a TBA visit, best practice is to set the date 14 days from the date you are
creating it.
 Data cannot be entered in a TBA visit; the status shall be changed first.

Confirmed‐Awaiting Visit
This status is used when a visit date has been confirmed by the Supplier and/or Customer.

 If there is a Tentative‐Pending Approval or TBA visit already created, then you shall change
the status to Confirmed.

Not Submitted
This status is used when a timesheet has not been submitted by the TS to the Coordinator for

Awaiting Approval
A visit/timesheet has been entered and submitted for approval.

 If you notice that a visit/timesheet has been this status for a while, you shall follow up with
your Coordinator to ensure that it is processed in time for payroll.

***Once a visit is in this status, no further changes can be made via the Extranet.

Approved by Operator
This status only applies to Intercompany Assignments. The Operating Coordinator has approved the
visit/timesheet for your payroll.

Approved by Contract Holder

This status applies to Domestic and Intercompany Assignments. For Domestic, the visit/timesheet
has been approved for Customer invoicing and your payroll. For Intercompany, the Contract
Holding Coordinator has approved the visit/timesheet for Customer invoicing after it has been
approved by the Operating Coordinator (above).

Rejected by Operator
This status indicates that a visit/timesheet has been rejected due to an error. You will receive an
email notification as to the reason of rejection.

 To make corrections, open the Rejected visit/timesheet and revise. Do not create a new

Rejected by Contract Holder

If an Intercompany Assignment, this status indicates that a visit/timesheet has been rejected due to
an error made or missed by the Operator. The Operator shall follow up with you if necessary.

Points to Remember
Key items to keep in mind when using the TS Extranet are as follows:

The Extranet is a website that provides you access to your:
 Open and closed Intertek assignments.
 Current and future visits and timesheets, as well those have been approved by your
 Your Intranet (iLearn) and GRM.

Home Page
 My Profile provides you the link to your GRM InfoCenter.
 My Schedule navigates you directly to your GRM Calendar.
 My Learning Systems contains two different links based on employment status that will direct
you to iLearn.
 My Assignments lists your active assignments you are allocated to; however, you may use the
Search function to see your closed assignments as well.
 Intertek Company Documents house documents specific to Intertek, such as report forms and

My Assignments
Information regarding your active assignments includes:
 Assignment Details
 Suppliers
 Intertek Assignment Instructions
 Supplier Purchase Order Documents
 Project Documents
 Assignment Documents
 Visits

Visits & Timesheets

 Visits contain a Supplier and Supplier PO, whereas Timesheets do not.
 Before you can submit your Visit to your coordinator, you shall create the next visit if the Final
Visit box is not ticked or the assignment does not already have a next visit. Timesheets have the
Add Timesheet functionality but does not require a new timesheet to be created before the
current timesheet is submitted.
 Timesheets only have one Status prior to submittal, whereas Visits have three options. It is
important to remember that when a TBA‐Date Unknown status is selected for a visit, the status
shall be changed to Tentative or Confirmed and Save all Changes clicked before any data may
be entered.
 Supervisors have the ability to enter time, expenses and travel on behalf of all Technical
Specialists allocated on the same Visits and Timesheets, but they do not have visibility to their
pay rates.

There may be times that you receive an error in the Extranet.
Please see the following issues that you may experience and the solution to correcting them.

Error Screen flashes when trying to expand a

portal, specifically Active Assignments.

Solution Reset your computer’s compatibility.

Instructions 1. Go to the Extranet log-in page, but

don’t log in yet.

2. Go to Tools or click on the Tools icon.

If you don’t see either, press Alt + T.

3. Click on Compatibility View Settings.

Instructions 4. Under Add this Website it shall say


5. Click the Add button.

6. Make sure Display intranet sites in

Compatibility View is checked.

7. Click the Close button.

8. Close your browser and reopen. Log-

in the Extranet.

Error Error message received when trying to upload
or open documents.

Solution Delete your computer’s cookies.

Instructions 1. Go to Tools or click on the Tools icon. If you

don’t see either, press Alt + T.

2. Select Internet Options.

Instructions 3. Tick Delete browsing history on exit box

then click the Delete button.

Instructions 4. Make sure Cookies and website data boxes
are ticked, and then click the Delete button.

5. Once you click Delete you will be taken

back to the previous screen, then click the
OK button.

Error Save & Submit button do not appear to work;
page flickers when button is clicked and does
not prompt confirmation to proceed.

Solution Add Extranet site to your Trusted Sites.

Instructions 1. Go to Tools or click on the Tools icon. If you

don’t see either, press Alt + T.

2. Select Internet Options.

Instructions 3. Go to Security tab.

4. Click on Trusted Sites.

5. Click the Sites button.

Instructions 6. Under Add this Website to the zone it shall

say https://evo.moodyint.com

7. Click the Add button.

8. Click the Close button.

9. You will return to the Security tab. Click the

OK button.


eReporting Pro 4
Topics for eReporting Pro
 Installation and Log‐In
 Visit List
 Report Types
 Create a report
 Generate a report
 Complete Visit

Installation & Log‐in

W hen installing eReporting Pro on your desktop or laptop, please be sure to follow the instructions
according to Windows 7 or Windows 8 and 10, as they are different.

Windows 7 (and previous versions)

Click the following link to install eReporting Pro on your device:


The landing page is TAAP Field Force. TAAP is the company that developed the eReporting
application for Intertek.

Click the Install button located in bottom right‐hand corner.

Figure 47 eReporting Install Windows 7

 Microsoft Silverlight is a program that is installed prior to eReporting Pro and shall install
automatically before the TAAP Field Force screen opens; however, if you are prompted to install
Silverlight, please do so as requested. This is also the name under your Installed Programs.

When the Install button is clicked, a Security Warning box appears. Click Install to proceed and wait
until installation is complete.

Log‐In Page
Once installation is complete, the Log‐In Page will open immediately, but it is recommended that
you close and restart the application. You will find eReporting Pro under All Programs with the
name of Field Force. The desktop icon will also say Field Force.

1 Customer Id Required to enter INTERTEK during first log-in only.

2 Username Enter the username provided to you.

Please note: Once you log-in the first time, your username will be saved and you will
not have to enter it thereafter.

3 Password Enter the password provided to you.

Please note: Your password will be required at each log-in attempt.

4 Reset This button will become visible after you log-in the first time. Deletes your credentials
and removes all your saved data, so it shall never be used unless directed.

5 Login Click to access your eReporting account and navigate to your Visit List.

6 Version Indicates what version of the application you are using. If there is a more recent
version available, you will be prompted to close and restart eReporting when you
click Login.

Figure 48 eReporting Log‐In Page Windows 7

 If you forget your credentials, please contact the eReporting team or your Local Country Expert.

Windows 8 & 10
Access the Windows Store by clicking on the Tile in your Programs List. Search for ‘eReporting Pro’
and click the Application Icon.

Click the Install button.

Once installation is complete, the screen will say ‘This app is installed on your PC.’

Figure 49 eReporting Install Windows 8&10

Find the eReporting Pro App on your desktop to open the application.

When the Log‐in Page opens, you will be prompted to enter the Client ID and your credentials. The
Client ID is INTERTEK and will only be required during your first log‐in.

Figure 50 eReporting Log‐In Page Windows 8&10

Visit List
Once you are logged in the application, you will land on your Visit List, which shows all your current and
upcoming visits for assignments that you have been allocated to.

When it is your first time in eReporting, it is important to allow all your visits to download
completely. It is also recommended to use a good internet connection for this process.

Click on the Flag icon in the top, right‐hand corner to open the Notification screen, which provides
your activity data.

Figure 51 eReporting Configuration Windows 7

In Windows 8 & 10, the word ‘Notification’ is included with the Flag icon.

Figure 52 eReporting Configuration Windows 8&10

When you click the Flag icon, you can see the status of each Visit download under Binary Transfers.
1 Transferring Indicates that the visit is in the process of being downloaded.

2 Paused Indicates that the visit is waiting to be downloaded; looks for differences
between it and the visits that have already been loaded.

3 Play Starts download of Paused visits.

Please note: Play shall not be clicked as this will slow down the loading

4 Complete Indicates that the visit is finished downloading; all visits shall have this
status before using the application.

5 Close Returns TS to their Visit List.

Figure 53 eReporting Binary Transfers Windows 7

In Windows 8 & 10, to return to your Visit List, you will click the Back Arrow.

Figure 54 eReporting Binary Transfers Windows 8&10

Help (?)
The Help button gives the user access to two sources.

 Extranet: You will be navigated directly to the TS Extranet.

 Training: You will be navigated to the eReporting Training environment.

Figure 55 eReporting Help

TS Extranet
Extranet provides easy access to the TS Extranet if you need to refer to your assignment instructions
or documents while you are working on your report.

The link to the TS Extranet is: https://evo.moodyint.com/Live/Extranet/Login.aspx

Training Environment
Training opens another screen to the eReporting Training environment where you can create
practice visits.

1 Template Select the Report Template you want to create from drop-down list.

2 Generate Click to create the selected report template.

3 Home Click to return to your Visit List.

Figure 56 eReporting Training

Your Report Template will then appear at the end of your Visit List indicated by a Graduation Cap

 When you complete your Training Visit, your reports will not be sent to the Extranet, as they are
with Live Visits.

1 Filter Allows TS to filter their Visit List based on current or live visits, calendar entries,
training visits or all visits.

2 Sort Allows TS to place their visits in a specific order. Sort by Visit Date, Customer
Name or a Specific Contact, Supplier or Sub-Supplier Name, PO Number,
Coordinator Name, Material Description or Visit Number.

3 Sync Refreshes Visit List, showing any new visits that have become available since
you have been logged in.
Please note: You shall have an internet connection for the Sync button to work.

Figure 57 eReporting Visit List Navigation

Types of Visits
You may have different types of Visits in your Visit List.

Live (Current) Visits are the first available Visit Number in the sequential order for a given
assignment and shall always be used first. There are two types of Live Visits – Unopened and

Unopened Live Visits are editable, but have yet to be clicked on (opened). They are indicated by a
Closed Folder icon.

Opened Live Visits have been edited and saved. Once you edit an Unopened Visit, the icon changes
to an Opened Folder.

Calendar Entries
Calendar Entries, or Placeholders, are your next and future visits. These are in view‐only format
until the first available Visit Number in the assignment has been completed. They are indicated by a
Calendar icon.

When you open a Live Visit, the format consists of Tabs on the left‐hand side of the page and
Navigation buttons on the bottom of the page.

Report Forms
The forms used in eReporting are either the Intertek format or Customer‐specific. Customer forms
are mapped to the applicable Evolution Project No.

The Tabs represent Sections that will appear in your main Inspection report or specific Report Types
other than Inspection Report. Based on the forms required for your assignment, the Tabs on the
left‐hand side of the page will change and the data requested to be filled out will be different.

1 Evolution No. Intertek’s internal Project and Assignment Numbers.

2 Action Expands the page that you are currently working on, hiding the tabs on the left-hand
side of the page.

3 Home Returns you to your Visit List at any time.

4 Preview Allows you to view the selected report type in the current saved state; once you are
satisfied with all the inputted data, the report shall be generated in the Reports tab.

5 Complete Sends your visit to the Extranet and removes it from the application. This shall be the
Visit final task performed after you have uploaded your supporting documents and generated
all of your reports.

6 Cancel Permanently deletes a visit from your Visit List.

Figure 58 eReporting Visit Navigation

Create Reports
To create your Report in eReporting begin with the First Tab and work your way down, completing all
the tabs applicable to your current visit.

Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment is your landing tab when you open a visit from your Visit List.

Risk Assessments are used to capture any risks or hazards that you have identified during your visit
to a Supplier.

This form shall be completed during your first visit to a Supplier for all assignments, as well as in
special cases.

Figure 59 eReporting Risk Assessment

 Please refer to the latest version of QP‐10: Risk Assessment Procedure for details and specific
instructions. A copy of the document may be obtained by contacting your Coordinator.

 As you begin filling in a tab, new items will be become visible/enabled.

1 Save Saves the entire Visit at once.

2 Discard Allows you to delete changes you make after the last save.

The Visit tab contains the main details of the assignment and visit that was entered into Evolution
by your Coordinator. Generally, this data makes up the first page of most Inspection report forms.

Figure 60 eReporting Visit

 If the project uses the Intertek forms, there will be a statement at the top of the page.

If a report form has fields for your Time and Travel, there will be a place to enter the information
under the Visit tab; however, there are two important points regarding Inspection Time and

1. Your Time and Travel shall be noted only in numeric format.

2. This does not send your Coordinator a timesheet; it only displays your time and mileage
on the report.

Figure 61 eReporting Inspection Time

 In the eReporting application there are two forms of Selection Lists – Drop‐Down and Multi‐item.
The items are noted as check‐boxes on the report and if selected, the boxes will be marked with a ‘X.’

In a Drop‐Down List, you may select only one item.

Figure 62 eReporting Drop‐Down List

In a Multi‐Item List, you may select one or more than one item.

1 Select All Selects all items in the list at one time.

2 Un-Select All Un-selects all items in the list at one time.

Figure 63 eReporting Multi‐Item List

The Attendees tab allows you to record all the individuals that were present during your visit.

The TS(s) allocated to the visit by your Coordinator and the Supplier Contact(s) will automatically be
included in the Attendees List.

Figure 64 eReporting Attendees

 Once Attendees are added to a visit, they will be copied to all subsequent visits for the same
assignment, which can then be edited if required.

Format Tools
1 Tab Number Indicates the quantity of items in each tab. This will update automatically
as you add items to the tabs.

2 Excel Import Import multiple items at one time from an Excel spreadsheet.

3 Delete All Removes ALL previous visit data from a tab.

4 Add Create individual records one at a time.

5 Edit Click on line item to edit an individual record.

6 Add To Place line items in a certain order that will be reflected on your report.

7 Delete Removes an individual record from your current and next visits.

Figure 65 eReporting Format Tools

 Many of the tabs have the same functionalities, such as Add, Edit, Delete, etc., so these
will not be discussed in each section. They will only be covered if there are different in a
specific tab.

Excel Import
To use the Excel Import functionality to add multiple Attendees at one time, click the Excel Import
button. An Excel template will open with pre‐populated headers, but please do not alter the format
in any way.

Fill out the form manually or copy and paste the information directly into the template. After you
have completed the form, click the Save button and Close the document.

Figure 66 eReporting Excel Import

Click the Continue button when prompted.

Click the Close button when prompted.

 The Excel Import function will take Windows 8 and 10 users out of eReporting; therefore, to
return to the application, either (1) swipe the eReporting app from the left, using the hot corners, (2)
use the desktop shortcut or (3) click on the tile in your Start menu.

 Excel Import is available under Attendees, Materials Inspected, Documents Used, Instruments Used
and Punchlist. The template headers are different for each tab and shall not be altered.

Generic Materials
Generic Materials shall be used for any Materials that are being inspected for higher‐level
equipment, such as a Skid Package.

 This tab is optional and does not require you to enter a Generic Material to proceed.

Format Tools
1 Search Filter items by a specific key word in the Description

Figure 67 eReporting Generic Materials

 The Search functionality is available only under Generic Materials, Materials Inspected and
Inspection Details.

Materials Inspected
Materials are all the items that were inspected during your visit per the supplier’s PO.

 At least one Material shall be added to proceed to the Inspection Details tab as these items shall
be selected to allocate the Scope of Work. You will not be able to enter data under Inspections Details
until you have added your materials.

Figure 68 eReporting Materials Inspected

When you click the Add button to create individual Material records, you will be required to
complete the data table provided.

The Equipment field is a drop‐down list providing several Equipment Types for you to choose from.

 If there is not a Material in the list that you require, you may type the item name, as this field has
autocomplete functionality.

Documents Used
Documents Used allows you to add all the Documents you referred to during your visit.

Examples include, but are not limited to, Codes & Standards, Customer Specifications, and Vendor
Approved Documents.

Figure 69 eReporting Documents Used

 Once Documents are added to a visit, they will be copied to all subsequent visits for the same
assignment, which can then be edited if required.

Instruments Used
Instruments Used allows you to add all the Instruments or Equipment that you used to perform your

 TS are prohibited from using their own instruments, except in certain cases that require specific
activities such as AIM, NDT and Surveying services. Please be sure you are using instruments, gauges
and meters that are provided by the supplier with a current calibration certificate.

 Please refer to your Intertek Assignment Instructions for more details regarding these

Figure 70 eReporting Instruments Used

Expiry Dates
You have two options for Date Selection.

Select Expiry Month & Year:

1 N/A Select if a date is not required.

2 Blank field Select to delete a Month and Year from a previous report.

Select Month/Date/Year from Calendar:

 Once Instruments are added to a visit, they will be copied to all subsequent visits for the same
assignment, which can then be edited if required.

Inspection Details
The Inspection Details tab is where you will describe all your Visit Activities or Scope of Work.

Figure 71 eReporting Inspection Details

When adding a new Scope of Work, you will be required to complete the data table provided.

1 Inspection Step Select Scope of Work from drop-down box.

2 Acceptance Criteria Required if Additional Inspection Step is selected for Inspection Step.

3 ITP Line No. Enter line item number from ITP that matches the Scope of Work.

4 ITP Activity Description Enter line item description from ITP that matches the Scope of Work.

5 Select Material(s) below Contains the items previously created under Materials Inspected; select
the items that are applicable to the Scope of Work.

6 Result Select the result of the inspection from the drop-down box, i.e. Pass or

7 ITP Clause Specific to the Intertek report form; Reference paragraph number for
Inspection Details.

Figure 72 eReporting Add Scope of Work

The Inspection Step field is a drop‐down list providing several Scopes of Work for you to choose

If there is an Inspection Step that you require but is not in the list, select Additional Inspection Step.
You will have the ability to add the Acceptance Criteria in the box provided and this field will appear
on your report.

When you select an option from the list, such as Pressure Testing, the Acceptance Criteria field

The Edit function is different in the Inspection Details tab. In the other tabs, you highlight and click
on the item name, but for Scope of Work, you click on the Pencil icon.

1 Edit Edit a Scope of Work

Figure 73 eReporting Edit Scope of Work

After you are finished creating your Scope of Work, you will be required to add the details of each
one. In eReporting, these details are called Observations.

1 Scope of Work Highlight and select Scope of Work to add an Observation.

2 Scope of Work Selected Scope of Work appears under Inspection Details tab.

3 Inspection Steps Inspection Steps pertaining to selected Scope of Work appear under
Inspection Details tab. Select applicable Inspection Step to go to
Observation screen.

Figure 74 eReporting Inspection Steps

When you Add an Observation, the Observation List opens.

Figure 75 eReporting Add Observations

Types of Observations
There are three (3) Types of Observations that can be created in the eReporting application.

 Pre‐Generated Narratives and Tables

 Snippet Control Tests
 Your own observation

Pre‐Generated Narratives
Observation Lists are based on two factors – Material Inspected and Inspection Step, so there are
100s of pre‐generated narrative data that only require you to complete the missing fields.

Select an appropriate Observation by clicking on the line item. Based on the Observation you select,
the information requested from you will change; however, all Observations are basically set up in
the same manner.

1 Observation Details Select and complete each Observation Detail to complete the
Observation Statement.
2 Observation Detail Type Select a detail from either a drop-down box, multi-item list, or fill in a
free-text field.
3 Statement Completion Automatically populates the blank fields in the Observation
Statement with what you select or fill in for the Observation Details.

4 Edit Ability for TS to edit the Observation Statement.

5 OK Click to add Observation Statement.
6 Cancel Click to delete Observation Statement.

Figure 76 eReporting Pre‐Generated Observation

 New observations can be added into the application by contacting the eReporting team or your
Local Country Expert (details are provided at the end of this guide).

Snippet Control Tests
Snippet Control Tests allow you to copy and paste an Excel table, Photos or any other Snippets
directly into the Inspection Details section of your report.

Select Snippet Control Test from the Observation List. Click the Add button when the Snippet box

Figure 77 eReporting Snippet Control Test

Microsoft Word will open, providing a yellow box where you will insert your Photos or Excel table.

 Your table or photo shall be pasted in the white area of the yellow box. Images inserted here will
appear in your report under the Inspection Details section.

Once you have added everything, click the Save button and Close the document.

Your Own Observation
You have the ability to Create Your Own Observation directly in the eReporting application.

From the Observation List, click the Pencil icon or Edit button.

Figure 78 eReporting Create Own Observation

A free‐text field opens where you can type a statement or Copy & Paste text in this space.

 In Windows 7 (and previous versions), please use ‘Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V functions on your keyboard to
Copy and Paste text, not your mouse.

Generate Reports
There is one feature in Inspection Details that none of the other tabs has ‐ the ability to Generate
Reports. You can create a Non‐Conformance Report, Punch List or Flash Activity Report from any

Click on the Add To button and select the type of report that you want to create.

Figure 79 eReporting Generate Report from Observation

eReporting is a great tool for uploading Photos to your report.
 Automatic photo compression.
 Automatic table format at the end of the report.

When adding and uploading Photos please be sure to follow the instructions according to Windows
7 or Windows 8 and 10, as the process is different.

Figure 80 eReporting Photos

 Photos shall be in jpeg format to upload in eReporting.

Windows 7 (and previous versions)
When you click the Add button, another screen opens to upload your Photos and select what
reports they will be visible in.
1 Camera icon Click to browse, select and upload a photo from your computer.

2 Description Enter a brief mandatory caption for the photo.

3 Show in Report(s) - On Photos will appear in the report types that are indicated by a BLUE bar.

4 Show in Report(s) - Off Photos will not appear in the report types that are indicated by a GREY bar.

 Photos will automatically appear in ALL Report Types unless you click the Show in Report switch
to GREY (Off).

After you upload a Photo, you will have additional options.

1 Delete Click to delete the current photo and upload a new one.

2 Rotate Clockwise Click to rotate the current photo clockwise.

3 Rotate Counter-Clockwise Click to rotate the current photo counter-clockwise.

Windows 8 & 10
Similar to Windows 7, when you click the Add button, another screen opens, but there are two
options to add photos – Attach and Capture.

Attach Photos
The Attach functionality, indicated by a Paperclip icon, allows you to browse for photos on your

You are navigated to OneDrive, where you will choose the folder and photo and click Select.

Capture Photos
The Capture functionality, indicated by a Camera icon, allows you to take a photo using your
computer’s camera.

The first time you click the Camera icon you will receive a message asking if eReporting can use your
webcam and microphone. You will only have to select Allow once, as the application will save this

 It is recommended that you do not select Block, as it is difficult to reset eReporting to allow the
use of your webcam and microphone.

Once you click Allow, your camera will turn on and you can take a photo directly from your tablet.

Add a mandatory caption in the Description field and click the OK button to upload your photo to

When you click the Home button, you will be asked if you want to save your changes.

Other Report Types
Intertek has many different Report Forms available, as required by our Customers. As mentioned
before, depending on the Customer that you are performing work for, the types of report forms will

The next several sections discuss and illustrate the specific Intertek forms besides the Inspection

Pre‐Inspection Meeting
Required information:
 Vendor Data
 Purchase Order Documents
 Vendor Document Status
 Quality Assurance System
 Review of Sub‐Vendors
 Fabrication and Inspection Schedule
 Review of Inspection Documents
 Confirmation of ITP
 Inspection Document Flow
 Communication Channels
 Shop Tour

Figure 81 eReporting Pre‐Inspection Meeting

Expediting Details
Similar to the Inspection Report, the Expediting Details tab contains the Visit Data that is entered in
Evolution by your project Coordinator.

Additional information that is required is:

 Details including Purpose of Visit, Highlights, Open Issues and Actions
 Engineering Documents

Figure 82 eReporting Expediting Details

Audit Details
Required information:
 Purpose
 Recommendations

Figure 83 eReporting Audit Details

Non‐Conformances record items that do not meet the specifications. They can be created from the
Non‐Conformance tab or directly from an Observation, as shown above.

Figure 84 eReporting Non‐Conformances

When you add a new Non‐Conformance using the Add button, you will be required to complete the
data table provided.

Figure 85 eReporting Add Non‐Conformance

Generate Reports
A Non‐Conformance Report can be generated directly from the created Non‐Conformance or from
an Observation as shown above.

Click the Add To button and select Generate Document.

Figure 86 eReporting Generate Document Non‐Conformance

Microsoft Word will open in eReporting, where you can view, edit and save the document directly in
the application. Just close the document to return to your work.

The Punchlist tab allows you to record any items that are outstanding from your visit and still
require action.

1 Date Cleared Date that outstanding work was completed. This field shall remain
blank until items have been actioned.

2 Report Attached Select Yes or No from the drop-down list. This will tick a box on the
front page of the Inspection Report, indicating whether a Punchlist
is included.

Figure 87 eReporting Punchlist

Inspection Release Note

The Inspection Release Note tab shall be used per Customer requirements and when items are
ready for shipment.

Figure 88 eReporting Inspection Release Note

When you add a new Release Note using the Add button, you will be required to select the
Items/Tag No. and Materials that are complete and fill in the Quantity fields in the data table

Flash Report Activity

Flash Report Activity shall be used to send brief updates during or immediately after your visit to
the Customer/Coordinator.

1 Created Automatically generates system timestamp when new Flash

Report is added.

2 Details Enter brief statement of your visit.

3 Recommended Actions Enter additional notes in this field that will print on your Flash

Figure 89 eReporting Flash Report Activity

Once you have completed all the required tabs in creating your Reports, you will go to the Reports tab.

Figure 90 eReporting Reports

 If you generated a NCR from the Non‐Conformances tab, it will already be included in you Reports

Attach Reports
One task that can be performed from the Reports tab is uploading reports and other documents
from your computer to send with your main Inspection report.

To add documents that pertain to your visit, click the Attach Report button and select either a
specific Report Type or Other Attachment.

Figure 91 eReporting Attach Report

Browse, select and upload the document to eReporting.

The Document will appear in your Reports List.

 The name of the file that is saved on your computer will be the Document Name that appears
under the Attachments section of your Inspection report. Because of this, it is very important that you
attach all your additional documents before generating your report. If your Inspection Report is
generated before you attach the documents, the filenames will not appear on the report automatically.

Generate Report
When you are ready to generate a hard copy of your reports, click the Generate Report button and
select the Report Type.

 This is a crucial step that shall not be missed. In order to obtain a physical copy of any of your
reports, the Generate Report function shall be actioned. If you Complete your Visit without generating
your reports, the data you entered will be lost and you will have to manually recreate your reports.

Figure 92 eReporting Generate Report

Microsoft Word will open directly in eReporting, where you can view all the details that you entered
in the tabs – Attendees, Materials Inspected, Inspection Details, Photos, etc.

Flash Activity Reports
Generating a Flash Report from the Reports tab is different than the other reports. You have the
ability to select specific Observations that you want to include on the report.

Figure 93 eReporting Generate Flash Report

 Even if you select one or multiple observations for your current visit, those same activities will
appear under the Generate Report section in all subsequent visits; however, the automated time stamp
remains as the original time and date of when the Flash Report Activity was created.

Report Naming Convention

After you close your Report and return to your work, the Report will appear in the Reports List.

The Default Report Name is the Report Type, Date that you generated the report and the Time
stamp of the report generation time.

Figure 94 eReporting Report Naming

To reopen a report for additional Editing, highlight and click on the item in the Reports List. The
document will open directly in eReporting.

Figure 95 eReporting Edit Reports

 If you make revisions to any tabs AFTER a report has been generated, those changes will not be
reflected in the report shown in the Reports List. You will be required to delete the original report and
generate a new one.

Send Documents
There are critical documents which you may be required to quickly send to the Customer and/or
Coordinator before finalizing your Inspection Report, such as a Non‐Conformance Report, a Flash
Activity Report or Release Note.

eReporting has two Send functionalities – (1) send only one document or (2) send multiple
documents at the same time.

Send Individual Documents

You may choose between two delivery options to send individual documents.

1. Send to Evo Extranet: Sends document directly to the TS Extranet and Evolution.

 Once a document is sent this way it cannot be deleted from the Reports List. Also, even though
this function will send the report to Evolution your Coordinator will not be aware it is there until you
submit your visit from the TS Extranet. Due to this, you shall only use Send to Evo Extranet when
directed by your Coordinator.

2. Send as Email: Prompted to enter one or multiple email addresses to send document.

 As mentioned above, if you have a document that urgently needs to be sent to your Coordinator,
please use the Send as Email delivery option, as opposed to Send to Evo Extranet, as they will not know
the document has arrived in Evolution.

Figure 96 eReporting Send Individual Documents

Send Multiple Documents
This option allows you to select more than one document at a time to send to the Customer and/or

Figure 97 eReporting Send Multiple Documents

 The Send Multiple Documents function shall only be used if you have not sent the document via
Send as Email as described under Send Individual Documents.

Complete Visit
When you have generated all your reports and attached the required documents then you are ready to
Complete your Visit.

Click the Complete Visit button to send all your documents to your TS Extranet account, where you will
finish your timesheet and submit all your documents to your Coordinator.

Figure 98 eReporting Complete Visit

 If you have sent an individual document using the Send to Evo Extranet function, then that
document will not be sent again when you click Complete Visit, but if you used either Send as Email
functions, then the document will be sent along with all your other documents to the Extranet when you
complete your visit.

When you click Complete Visit, you will be asked if you are sure if you want to proceed.

 Once you complete your visit, no further changes can be made in the eReporting application. You
shall access your documents from the Extranet or contact your Coordinator if any revisions are required.

Return to Visit List
After you click Yes, you will automatically be returned to your Visit List.

1 Sending… Indicates that your current visit is being sent to the TS Extranet. Once it is
complete, it will change to Visit List again and the Visit is removed from
eReporting Pro permanently.

2 Sync Click to refresh your Visit List, especially if you need to work on another report.

3 Flag icon Click to check your Notifications to verify that all your files have transferred

4 Next Visit What was your Next visit is now your Current visit.

Figure 99 eReporting Return to Visit List

 The data from your Current Visit will be copied to the Next Visits in your list, except for certain
fields, such as Visit Dates and your Time & Mileage.

Points to Remember
Key items to keep in mind when using eReporting are as follows:

 Users with Windows 7 or previous versions will install eReporting Pro by going to
http://ereportingpro.intertek.com/install and log‐in by accessing the desktop icon that says Field
 Users with Windows 8 or 10 will go to the Windows Store to install the eReporting Pro app on
their computer. Once installed the eReporting Pro logo will appear in the Applications List and
can be moved to the Desktop/Home screen as necessary.

Visit List
 Your Visit List contains all your current and future visits for assignments that you are allocated
to, as well as any visits that you created in the training environment.
 Current or Live Visits may be indicated by an Opened or Closed Folder icon and is the first visit
number is sequential order for a particular assignment.
 Calendar Entries, indicated by a Calendar icon are your future or next visits for the same
assignment. These are in view‐only format, as you have to complete the Live Visit first.

 The Visit tab contains all the data that your Coordinator has entered into Evolution when they
set up the assignment and for most inspection reports this data appears on the first page.
 Technical Specialists shall review this tab, completing any fields that are not filled in. If a field is
not applicable, enter N/A, with the exception of Dates and Sub‐Suppliers which will
automatically default to N/A if nothing is filled in.
 Data that was entered in a previous visit always copies to subsequent visits for the same
assignment, allowing you to just edit the required information.

Generic Materials
 Although Generic Materials is not a mandatory tab, you shall complete it if you are inspecting
materials that are part of high‐level equipment, such a skid package.

Materials Inspected
 You shall add at least one item under Materials Inspected before you can proceed to the
Inspection Details tab. You will not be able to add Scope of Work if the inspected items have
not been added first.

Inspection Details
There are many steps and functions under Inspection Details.
 First you shall create your Scope of Work. If there is not an option you see from the list, you
may select Additional Inspection Step, prompting you to enter the Acceptance Criteria.
 After creating Scopes of Work, you shall add Observations. There are 3 ways to present details –
(1) select from the list of Pre‐generated Observations & Tables and complete the blanks in the
statements, (2) create a Snippet Control Test or (3) add your own Observation in a free‐text
 A different functionality under Inspection Details is that 3 report types can be generated directly
from a specific observation – a NCR, Punchlist or Flash Report Activity.

 System compresses the photos.
 Places photos in a table 2x2 and for some Customer reports, 3x3.
 Select the report types you want the photos to appear in.

 NCR’s are the only report that can be generated from an Observation and directly from the Non‐
Conformance tab using the Generate Document function.
 NCR’s cannot be generated from the Reports tab.

Flash Report Activity

 eReporting automatically generates a time stamp when you create a Flash Report.
 All Flash Activities copy to subsequent visits that can be selected; however, the original time
stamp remains.

Under the Reports tab, you can:
 Attach other documents directly from your computer, which will automatically include the
saved filename under the Attachments section of your Inspection report.
 Generate all your reports for review and editing directly in the application.
 Send individual reports to the TS Extranet or to the Customer and Coordinator if required or
send multiple documents at one time via email.

Complete Visit
 Once all your reports are generated, you are ready to complete your visit, which will send all
your documents to the TS Extranet in order for you to complete your timesheet and submit your
visit to your Coordinator for processing.
 No further changes can be made in the eReporting application. You shall make all future
revisions in the Extranet.

Common Functionalities
In eReporting, there are some tabs that share the same functionalities.

 Excel Import
• Attendees
• Materials Inspected
• Documents Used
• Instruments Used
• Punchlist

 Search field
• Generic Materials
• Materials Inspected
• Inspection Details

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Question: I was asked to install Microsoft Silverlight but when I tried to install it, it says that it is
already installed. What shall I do?

Answer: You need to uninstall Microsoft Silverlight and reinstall.

To uninstall program:
Control Panel
Search for Microsoft Silver Light

2. Question: Why cannot I login if I am using the correct credentials?

Answer: You may have the incorrect Customer ID entered in the Login Page. Please verify that
is says ‘Intertek.’

3. Question: Why do I receive a ‘transfer’ error message when trying to access a visit?
Answer: The Configuration Package has not completed the transfer process. Click on the Flag
icon and wait until the transfer status shows as ‘Complete’.

Note: The first time that a TS access the application, it may take more than 10 minutes to
transfer all the packages.

4. Question: The visits that are on the list currently are jobs that I reported through the Extranet.
Do I need to do something to those in order for those reports to be valid?
Answer: The Visits List displays all visits labeled as “Tentative – Pending Approval” and
“Confirmed – Awaiting Visit” in Evolution. If the report has been submitted through the
Extranet, you shall open the visit and click the Cancel button to delete it from your Visit List.

5. Question: Why cannot I see my visits?

Answer: If your Tentative or Confirmed visits are over 60 days from the date that eReporting is
accessed they will automatically be removed from you Visit List.

6. Question: How can I change a visit date?

Answer: Dates may be modified in the Extranet. Open the visit, modify the date, and click Save
All Changes.

• If you cannot find the visit record in the Extranet it may have been deleted or submitted
previously. If this is the case, create a new visit in the Extranet and Cancel the old visit in

• Canceling old visits may also be used to remove duplicate entries.

7. Question: Will my reports be transferred to Evolution?

Answer: After you generate your report and click Complete Visit, your reports and attachments
will be transferred to Evolution and the Extranet.

8. Question: Why was my report not transferred to the Extranet?
(1) You closed eReporting before your report was completely transferred. Next time you access
the application, your visit will be transferred. In order to avoid this is the future, click on the
Flag icon and wait until the report shows as ‘Transferred’.
(2) You did not generate your report before completing visit. You shall follow these steps:

1. After entering all the information and photos, click the Save button.
2. Click the Reports tab.
3. Click Generate Report button. Your report will open in Microsoft Word.
4. Make modifications to the report if necessary and click Save and Close the document.
5. Click Complete Visit.

9. Question: Can I make modifications to the report after it is generated through eReporting? How
can I save a copy?
Answer: Modifications can be made when report opens in the Word document. You shall click
Save before closing the document. In order to save the report to the desktop, you need to use
Save As in the Word document. This action is recommended after all the modifications have
been made and you have saved. Otherwise, the report in eReporting will not include them.

10. Question: Can I work on the report without submitting it?

Answer: Yes, you need click Save button and then click the Home button. Next time the visit is
accessed the information previously entered will be visible.

11. Question: What do we use the Extranet for?

Answer: You shall access the Extranet to enter your time, expenses, and mileage. Reports and
other documentation generated and attached through eReporting will be transferred to the
Extranet after you complete your visit. You will then submit your timesheet and
reports/documents via the Extranet to your Coordinator.

12. Question: Why did my photos not appear on the report?

Answer: When uploading your photos, be sure the ‘Show in Report’ button is switched to blue,
indicating the photo will appear in that specific report. Application includes photos in all report
types by default.

13. Question: Why am I getting this exception error message?

Answer: This is due to selecting ‘No’ instead of ‘Yes’ when asked if you want to update to the
latest version of eReporting. New templates are not compatible with the old configuration
packages. You need to perform a simple application reset.

1. Open up the eReporting (Field Force) application.

2. Click Reset button.
3. Select ‘Yes’ when prompted; when asked again, select ‘Yes’.
4. Your Login Page will be reset, prompted you to enter your Username and Password.
5. Once logged in, click the Flag icon and wait until all your configuration packages download
completely again.


Problem Solving & Assistance 5

Log‐In Assistance
If you have forgotten your Username or Password to log‐in the TS Extranet, please contact your
local Resource Manager provided below.

Country Contact Email Country Contact Email

Abu Dhabi Dhanish Sasi dhanish.sasi@intertek.com Japan Kazusa Uchida kazusa.uchdia@intertek.com

Mounir Guergour mounir.guergour@intertek.com Kazakhstan Saida Zhexembieva saida.zhexembieva@intertek.com

Argentina Analia Barreto analia.barreto@intertek.com Korea Chung Gyo Lee chung.lee@intertek.com
& Uruguay)
Australia Loretta Flannery loretta.flannery@intertek.com Malaysia Zafrul Osman zafrul.osman@intertek.com
Razizad Mrasip razizad.mrasip@intertek.com
Azerbaijan Dmitriy Ushankov dmitriy.ushankov@intertek.com Mexico Maria Romo maria.romo@intertek.com
Brasil Julio Santos julio.santos@interterk.com Poland Tomas Sedlacek tomas.sedlacek@intertek.com

Bulgaria Dimitar Bahchedzhiev dimitar.bahchedzhiev@intertek.com Qatar Reynaldo Cristobal reynaldo.cristobal@intertek.com

Canada Carrie Ann Rogers carrieann.rogers@intertek.com Romania Dejan Zizic dejan.zizic@intertek.com

Henry Cardenas henry.cardenas@intertek.com
Chile Sebastian Maurutto sebastian.maurutto@intertek.com Russia Elena Rastopshina elena.rastopshina@intertek.com
(Bolivia &
China Nicky Wang nicky.wang@intertek.com Saudi Syed Riyaz syed.riyaz@intertek.com
(Shanghai) Arabia Mohd Saleem mohammed.saleem@intertek.com
(Bahrain) Reem Nerva reem.nerva@intertek.com
Colombia Diana Vasquez diana.vasquez@intertek.com Scandinavia Thomas Boerresen thomas.boerresen@intertek.com
(Venezuela) Hugoberto Alcazar hugoberto.alcazar@intertek.com

Czech Tomas Sedlacek tomas.sedlacek@intertek.com Singapore Hamidah Kadir hamidah.kadir@intertek.com

Republic Laurence Lim laurence.lim@intertek.com
Egypt Marwa Emad Eldin Gabr marwa.emad@intertek.com South Lydia Hattingh lydia.hattingh@intertek.com

France Zahara Iltaf zahara.iltaf@intertek.com Spain Raul Rebollo raul.rebollo@intertek.com

Ghana Philip Akpakli philip.akpakli@intertek.com Thailand Surasak surasak.th@intertek.com
Thanabodeethamjaree wanchai.suppattranont@intertek.com
Wanchai Suppattranont
Germany Sonja Doehlinger sonja.doehlinger@intertek.com Turkey Ersin Korkmaz ersin.korkmaz@intertek.com

Holland Sonja Doehlinger sonja.doehlinger@intertek.com UAE Gopal Rao gopal.rao@intertek.com

Shallafa Sawalha shallafa.sawalha@intertek.com
India Amit Kadam amit.kadam@intertek.com UK Leigh Davidson leigh.davidson@intertek.com

Indonesia Reny Handahayani reny.handahayani@intertek.com USA Rachel Jordan (TIS) rachel.jordan@intertek.com

Kristyn Johnson (TSS) kristyn.johnson@intertek.com
Carl Gros (Amelia) carl.gros@intertek.com
Paul Kompf (Pipe) paul.kompf@intertek.com
Italy Claudio Mignatti claudio.mignatti@intertek.com

Technical Assistance
TS Extranet
If you need assistance using the TS Extranet or have any questions, please contact your Local
Country Expert provided below.

Country Contact Email Country Contact Email

Abu Dhabi Dhanish Sasi dhanish.sasi@intertek.com Japan Kazusa Uchida kazusa.uchdia@intertek.com

Mounir Guergour mounir.guergour@intertek.com Kazakhstan Salima Kaliyeva salima.kaliyeva@intertek.com

Argentina Analia Barreto analia.barreto@intertek.com Korea Chung Gyo Lee chung.lee@intertek.com
& Uruguay)
Australia Loretta Flannery loretta.flannery@intertek.com Malaysia Zafrul Osman zafrul.osman@intertek.com

Azerbaijan Dmitriy Ushankov dmitriy.ushankov@intertek.com Mexico Rodolfo Gallardo rodolfo.gallardo@intertek.com

Brasil Alessander Estacio alessander.estacio@interterk.com Poland Petr Kalkant petr.kalkant@intertek.com

Bulgaria Dimitar Bahchedzhiev dimitar.bahchedzhiev@intertek.com Qatar Remia Freejo remia.freejo@intertek.com

Canada Henry Cardenas henry.cardenas@intertek.com Romania Dejan Zizic dejan.zizic@intertek.com

Chile Sebastian Maurutto sebastian.maurutto@intertek.com Russia Andrey Nebylitcyn andrey.nebylitcyn@intertek.com

(Bolivia &
China Nicky Wang nicky.wang@intertek.com Saudi Rolando Lopez rolando.lopez@intertek.com
(Shanghai) Arabia
Colombia Diana Vasquez diana.vasquez@intertek.com Scandinavia Thomas Boerresen thomas.boerresen@intertek.com
(Venezuela) Hugoberto Alcazar hugoberto.alcazar@intertek.com

Czech Petr Kalkant petr.kalkant@intertek.com Singapore Laurence Lim laurence.lim@intertek.com

Egypt Marwa Emad Eldin Gabr marwa.emad@intertek.com South Marlize Koekemoer marlize.koekemoer@intertek.com

France Zahara Iltaf zahara.iltaf@intertek.com Spain Ainhoa Alonso ainho.alonso@intertek.com

Ghana Philip Akpakli philip.akpakli@intertek.com Thailand Surasak surasak.th@intertek.com
Thanabodeethamjaree wanchai.suppattranont@intertek.com
Wanchai Suppattranont
Germany Thomas Lissek thomas.lissek@intertek.com Turkey Onur Igret onur.igret@intertek.com

Holland Thomas Lissek thomas.lissek@intertek.com UAE Jane Abraham jane.abraham@intertek.com

India Naresh Kumar naresh.kumar@intertek.com UK Hugh McDonagh hugh.mcdonagh@intertek.com

Indonesia Reny Handahayani reny.handahayani@intertek.com USA Erin Donahue (TIS) erin.donahue@intertek.com

Chuck Parker (TSS) chuck.parker@intertek.com
Carl Gros (Amelia) carl.gros@intertek.com
Paul Kompf (Pipe) paul.kompf@intertek.com
Italy Simona Pennati simona.pennati@intertek.com

eReporting Pro
If you need assistance using eReporting Pro or have any questions, please contact your Local
Country Expert provided below.

Country Contact Email Country Contact Email

Argentina Analia Barreto analia.barreto@intertek.com Korea Chung Gyo Lee chung.lee@intertek.com
& Uruguay)
Australia Maryam Safarzadeh maryam.safarzadeh@intertek.com Malaysia Zafrul Osman zafrul.osman@intertek.com
Razizad Mrasip razizad.mrasip@intertek.com
Azerbaijan Dmitriy Ushankov dmitriy.ushankov@intertek.com Mexico Rodolfo Gallardo rodolfo.gallardo@intertek.com
Brasil Alessander Estacio alessander.estacio@interterk.com Poland Tomas Sedlacek tomas.sedlacek@intertek.com

Bulgaria Dimitar Bahchedzhiev dimitar.bahchedzhiev@intertek.com Qatar Joseph Thomas joesph.thomas@intertek.com

Canada Henry Cardenas henry.cardenas@intertek.com Romania Dejan Zizic dejan.zizic@intertek.com

Chile Sebastian Maurutto sebastian.maurutto@intertek.com Saudi K.M. Joseph joseph.manuel@intertek.com

(Bolivia & Mariano Laico ariano.laico@intertek.com Arabia Richard Alappat richard.alappat@intertek.com
Peru) (Bahrain)
China Nicky Wang nicky.wang@intertek.com Scandinavia Thomas Boerresen thomas.boerresen@intertek.com
Colombia Hugoberto Alcazar hugoberto.alcazar@intertek.com Singapore Edward Chow edward.chow@intertek.com
(Venezuela) Garry Tanner garry.tanner@intertek.com

Czech Tomas Sedlacek tomas.sedlacek@intertek.com South Pieter Ebertsohn pieter.ebertsohn@intertek.com

Republic Africa

France Zahara Iltaf zahara.iltaf@intertek.com Spain Ainhoa Alonso ainho.alonso@intertek.com

Germany Sven Hillekamps Sven.hillekamps@intertek.com Thailand Surasak surasak.th@intertek.com

Wanchai Suppattranont wanchai.suppattranont@intertek.com
Holland Sven Hillekamps Sven.hillekamps@intertek.com Turkey Askin Tohumcu askin.tohumco@intertek.com
India Naresh Kumar naresh.kumar@intertek.com UAE Jane Abraham jane.abraham@intertek.com
Indonesia Reny Handahayani reny.handahayani@intertek.com UK Hugh McDonagh hugh.mcdonagh@intertek.com
Italy Alessandro Faini alessandro.faini@intertek.com USA Rachel Jordan (TIS) rachel.jordan@intertek.com
Scott Metzger (TIS) scott.metzger@intertek.com
Japan Etsuko Horikoshi etsuko.horikoshi@intertek.com

eReporting Pro Team

James Canham
Jackie Grace
Tom Peacock

To contact the team, please send an email to ereporting_coordination@intertek.com

Regional Experts

Africa & Middle East

Ehtibar Balametov

Australia & Far East

Nicky Wang

Europe & UK
Priya Sivanandam

North & South America

Erin Donahue

Sapna Kapoor



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