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Thursday 18th November, 2021.

English Language

1. It refers to lands that are far away and what occurred in

December is that “The cold winds prick and blow and the
gaunt trees take on their canopy of snow” 0
2. The literary device that was used in the line “Poinsettia spilled
her rich bright blood” is personification. 1
3. Poinsettia spilled a white substance, which refers to “her rich
bright blood” 0
4. I think this poem is set in a Westernized country because it has
winter season. 0
5. It was impossible for the persona to think “of cold winds and
ice and snow” because he was far way from the snowy lands. 1
6. The persona describeS the coralita plant for someone who
does not know what it looks like hanging low along the
wayside trellises. 1
7. 0
8.[7.] The two metaphors are “the gaunt trees” and “wayside
trellises.” 0
9.[8.] The theme of the poem is about Christmas 1

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