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Building a storage/warming shed

The best part of my senior project was putting up the vinyl siding because when you get

the siding up it makes everything look a lot better and you know you are towards the finish of the

project. The worst part of the project was trying to get all the measurements to perfection so

everything looked good and not uneven boards. Something I learned from my project is how to

crown boards, also how to put up siding I have never done that before and it was a good thing to

learn and how to shingle, shingles are not fun to put up because there is fiberglass in them and

that stuff gets in your hands so it is not that fun but it was a good thing to learn. I have not had an

interest in carpentry, but getting the opportunity to do it for the community was a great

accomplishment to do. I will now have skills that I can use in the future to build some little

projects and help some people who might need help. Carpentry has not been a career I thought

about after high school and this experience made me realize that there is a possibility I might do

it when I graduate. If I were to do this project differently I would sheetrock the inside instead of

putting plywood up. The advice I would give to upcoming seniors is do not slack on your senior

project and enjoy your final year of high school it goes by fast. I would give myself an A because

this project will be used in the community for a long time and I took my time to make sure it is


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