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The Sukari Gold Mine, Eastern Desert—Egypt: structural setting, mineralogy

and fluid inclusion study

Article in Mineralium Deposita · August 2004

DOI: 10.1007/s00126-004-0426-z


119 8,080

4 authors, including:

Hassan M. Helmy Reinhard Kaindl

Minia University Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH


Harald Fritz
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz


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Mineralium Deposita (2004) 39: 495–511
DOI 10.1007/s00126-004-0426-z


Hassan M. Helmy Æ Reinhard Kaindl Æ Harald Fritz

Jürgen Loizenbauer

The Sukari Gold Mine, Eastern Desert—Egypt: structural setting,

mineralogy and fluid inclusion study

Received: 28 July 2003 / Accepted: 27 May 2004 / Published online: 24 June 2004
 Springer-Verlag 2004

Abstract The Sukari gold mine (18.8 Mt @ 2.14 g/t Au) ogical features and is responsible for the predicted gold
is located 15 km west of the Red Sea coast in the reserves of the Sukari deposits. A characteristic feature
southern central Eastern Desert of Egypt. The vein-type of the Sukari gold mineralization is the co-precipitation
deposit is hosted in Late Neoproterozoic granite that of gold and arsenic in pyrite and arsenopyrite.
intruded island-arc and ophiolite rock assemblages. The
vein-forming process is related to overall late Pan-Afri- Keywords Gold deposits Æ Sukari mine Æ Central
can shear and extension tectonics. At Sukari, bulk NE– Eastern Desert Æ Egypt Æ Arsenian pyrite Æ Arsenopyrite
SW strike-slip deformation was accommodated by a
local flower structure and extensional faults with veins
that formed initially at conditions of about 300 C and
1.5–2 kbar. Gold is associated with sulfides in quartz Introduction
veins and in alteration zones. Pyrite and arsenopyrite
dominate the sulfide ore beside minor sphalerite, chal- More than 110 gold deposits and occurrences are known
copyrite and galena. Gold occurs in three distinct posi- from the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Ancient Egyptians
tions: (1) anhedral grains (GI) at the contact between (4,000 years B.C.) discovered most of these deposits and
As-rich zones within the arsenian pyrite; (2) randomly exploited the topmost part in many of them. In all big
distributed anhedral grains (GII) and along cracks in gold mines, simple Pharaonic tools of gold sieving and
arsenian pyrite and arsenopyrite, and (3) large gold separation are found. Gold exploitation from major
grains (GIII) interstitial to fine-grained pyrite and arse- gold deposits lasted from Pharaonic times, Roman
nopyrite. Fluid inclusion studies yield minimum vein- through Islamic and recent times. During the recent
formation temperatures and pressures between 96 and active period of gold mining (1902 to 1958) a total of 7 t
188 C, 210 and 1,890 bar, respectively, which is in the of gold were produced (Kochin and Bassyuni 1968). All
range of epi- to mesothermal hydrothermal ore deposits. mining activities terminated in 1958, due to political
The structural evolution of the area suggests a long- reasons (nationalization of big foreign companies), not
term, cyclic process of repeated veining and leaching because of exhaustion of the ore reserves. Figure 1
followed by sealing, initiated by the intrusion of shows the distribution of major gold deposits in the
granodiorite. This cyclic process explains the mineral- central Eastern Desert of Egypt. Considering the spatial
distribution of these deposits, some important facts are
noted. (1) Gold deposits never occur inside the gneissic
Editorial handling: H. Frimmel
domes. (2) The vast majority of gold deposits occur
R. Kaindl (&) within, and in vicinity to plutons that intruded ophiolites
Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology, and related volcano-sedimentary strata of the Pan-
Universitätsplatz 2, 8010 Graz, Austria African Nappes. (3) Gold occurrences are typically
Tel.: +43-316-3805522 linked with ductile to brittle faults related to the Najd
Fax: +43-316-3809865 Fault System.
H. M. Helmy
Many authors have reviewed gold deposits in Egypt
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, (e.g., Sabet et al. 1976; Sabet and Bordonosov 1984;
Minia University, Minia, Egypt Botros 2002). Almost all authors related the gold min-
H. Fritz Æ J. Loizenbauer
eralizations in the Eastern Desert to emplacement of
Institute of Geology and Paleontology, granitoid rocks that intruded mafic to ultramafic host
Heinrichstrasse 26, 8010 Graz, Austria rocks (Hume 1937; Amin 1955; El Shazly 1957), or to

emplacement of subduction-related calc-alkaline grani- Metamorphism in these units is of greenschist meta-

toids (El Gaby et al. 1988). Loizenbauer et al. (2002) morphic grade (Neumayr et al. 1998).
have recently recognized the relations between shear Exhumation of previously buried high-grade struc-
tectonics and gold mineralization. On a mineralogical tural basement units was achieved by combined sinistral
basis, Sabet and Bordonosov (1984) distinguished three strike-slip faults and related north- and south-dipping,
gold-bearing ‘formations’, i.e., gold sulfide, gold-ferru- NE-trending normal faults. This orogen-scale fault sys-
ginous quartzite and gold-quartz vein formations, the tem is known as the Najd Fault System (Stern 1985) that
latter being the most important target, and the only accommodated bulk NW–SE extension in the Arabian
source of gold in Egypt. In all gold-bearing quartz veins, Nubian Shield (Stern et al. 1994; Burke and Sengör
gold is either associated with pyrite or pyrite+arseno- 1986; Wallbrecher et al. 1993; Greiling et al. 1994; Fritz
pyrite. The major gold deposits belong to the pyrite- et al. 1996). Overall NW–SE extension exposed ‘‘gneissic
arsenopyrite type, i.e., Barramiya, Um Rus, El Sid, domes’’ namely the Meatiq-Sibai- and Hafafit Domes
Atud, Sukari mines and many others. This type occurs in (Fig. 1). Some of these domes have been interpreted as
and around a granitoid (mainly granodiorite) host usu- core complexes (Sturchio et al. 1983; Fritz et al. 1996;
ally in direct contact with mafic-ultramafic rocks (Takla 2002; Blasband et al. 2000). Simultaneously with exhu-
et al. 1990) and along shear-zones, as in the Sukari gold mation of basement rocks, intramontane molasse basins
deposit. with sediments delivered from basement domes and Pan-
During the last few years, the Pharonia Gold Mining African Nappes were deposited (Grothaus et al. 1979;
Company reconsidered the Sukari gold mine for further Fritz and Messner 1999). In addition, various syn-tec-
exploration and exploitation. Underground mapping, tonic and post-tectonic granitoids have been emplaced
core drilling, and geochemical studies of quartz veins during late Pan-African extension (Greenberg 1981;
and alteration zones led to the discovery of large ore Bregar et al. 2002) that softened the crust by enhanced
reserves of 18.8 Mt @ 2.14 g/t of gold (Hellman and advective heat supply (Bregar et al. 2002).
Schofield 2002), making this mine one of the major gold
deposits in Egypt. The Sukari mine is in a developmental
stage for further gold exploitation. Geology of the Sukari gold mine area
In this contribution, we integrate structural, petro-
graphical and fluid inclusions data to characterize the The Sukari gold mine is located approximately 15 km to
tectonic setting and mechanisms relevant for gold min- the southwest of Marsa Alam, between the Red Sea
eralization at Sukari. Relationships between deforma- coast and the Hafafit Gneiss Dome (Figs. 1, 2A). The
tion phases, fluid evolution and precipitation of large mine occurs within a Late Neoproterozoic granitoid
amounts of sulfides and gold are elaborated. The study (Arslan 1989; Harraz 1991) that intruded older volca-
expands on previous work on mineralization (Botros nosedimentary successions and an ophiolitic assemblage,
2002; Hassaan et al. 1990, Harraz 1991; Morsy et al. both known as Wadi Ghadir mélange (El Sharkawi and
1989) and regional geology (Fritz et al. 1996, 2002; El Bayoumi 1979). The volcanosedimentary succession
Greiling et al. 1994; Loizenbauer et al. 2001) from the is composed of andesites, dacites, rhyodacites, tuffs and
Eastern Desert of Egypt. pyroclastics. Magmatic rocks are of calc-alkaline affinity
(Akaad et al. 1995) and were formed in an island-arc
setting (El Gaby et al. 1990). The dismembered ophio-
General geology of the central Eastern Desert litic succession is represented by a serpentinite at the
base, followed upwards by a metagabbro-diorite com-
The Neoproterozoic crust in NE Africa was consoli- plex and sheeted dykes. Metagabbro-diorite rocks and
dated by accretion of intra-oceanic island arcs, conti- serpentinites form lenticular bodies (1–3 km2) as well as
nental micro-plates and oceanic plateaus (e.g. Gass small bodies occur conformably scattered in the volca-
1982; Stern 1994; Kröner et al. 1994; Abdelsalam and nosedimentary arc assemblage (Harraz 1991). All rocks
Stern 1996). As a result of convergent tectonics, a nappe are weakly metamorphosed (lower greenschist meta-
assembly with two major tectonostratigraphic units was morphic facies), intensely sheared and transformed into
established within the central Eastern Desert of Egypt: various schists along shear zones. Mineralized quartz
The structural basement, referred to as ‘‘infrastructure’’ veins and talc-carbonate veinlets are common.
by Egyptian geologists (for an overview of Egyptian The Sukari granitoid is elongated in a NNE direction
geology see: El Gaby et al. 1990 and reference therein), and bounded from west and east by two steep shear
consists of orthogneisses, psammitic schists and am- zones (Fig. 2B, C), covering an area of ca. 10 km2. The
phibolites that suffered amphibolite grade, polyphase fresh rock is leucocratic, coarse-grained and pink in
metamorphic conditions (Neumayr et al. 1996, 1998; color. It has a heterogeneous mineralogical composition
Loizenbauer et al. 2001). Structural cover units sum- and ranges from monzogranite to granodiorite with
marized here as Pan-African Nappes and referred to as dominant quartz, plagioclase and potash feldspars and
‘‘suprastructure’’ include ophiolites, mélange-like sedi- less abundant biotite. The Sukari granitoid has a tron-
ments of accretionary-wedge type and calc-alkaline dhjemitic affinity (Arslan 1989) and belongs to the
volcanics similar to igneous rocks at modern arcs. ‘‘Younger Granite Suite’’ of Akaad and Nowier (1980).

Harraz (1991) argued for a transitional tectonic envi- almost completely altered and transected by a large
ronment between within-plate, volcanic-arc and syn- amount of quartz veins (Fig. 2B).
collision granite fields. The age of the Sukari granitoid
body is poorly constrained (630–580 Ma, Harraz 1991)
but documents Late Pan-African magmatic activity in Structural setting of the Sukari area
the area.
In the vicinity of shear zones the granite is foliated, The structural study at Sukari focused on orientation,
elsewhere, however, it has sharp intrusive contacts relative timing and kinematics of shear zones, faults and
against the older rocks. Along those shear zones ser- tension gashes. Standard techniques (orientation statis-
pentinite and andesite is altered to listvenite rock tics, kinematic analyses, paleo-stress analyses) were per-
(Khalaf and Oweiss 1993) that attains up to 70 m in formed using the computer code GEFUEGE7
thickness and extends for several kilometers. At the (Wallbrecher and Unzog, following largely algorithms
intersection of the two shear zones, where the gold published in Wallbrecher 1986). The focus was to corre-
mineralization is concentrated, the Sukari granite is late fluid infiltration zones (alteration zones) and different

Fig. 1 General geology and

location of gold deposits of the
central Eastern Desert. Note
concentration of metal
occurrences close to major
faults. Location of the Najd
Fault System (NFS) is marked
in the inset
b 1. Thrusting within the Pan-African Nappe assembly, in
Fig. 2 A Simplified geology and structural frame of the Sukari this area known as Wadi Ghadir mélange, was gen-
mine area. The system of NW-trending sinistral strike-slip faults erally NW to W-directed (Greiling et al. 1988, 1994;
(lateral ramps and tear faults) and thrusts (frontal ramps) forming
the arc-shaped structure developed during NW-directed tectonic Fritz et al. 1996). Structures related to this event are
thrust (black arrow). The Sukari granite body intruded the system south- to southeast-dipping thrusts and NW-trending
of NE-trending sinistral shear zones with locally developed flower shear zones (Fig. 2A). The contact between the Ha-
structures. Inset: Flower structure block model of the Sukari area fafit Gneiss Dome and the westerly adjacent Wadi
looking northeast. Steep thrust faults, strike-slip faults and
orientation of major quartz veins (qu) are indicated. A antithetic
Ghadir mélange sedimentary rocks of the Pan-African
shear, T tension gash. B Map of the Sukari mine area including Nappes, previously interpreted as a thrust (Nugrus
shear zones and quartz veins. C NW–SE section (1–2) across the Thrust, Greiling et al. 1988) has been recognized as
Sukari granite close to the mine. Shear zones are indicated left-lateral ductile shear zone (Nugrus Fault, Fritz
(modified from Khalaf and Oweiss 1993) et al. 1996; Unzog and Kurz 2000; Makroum 2003).
The NW-trending Nugrus Shear Zone represents a
gold-bearing vein systems with specific deformation lateral ramp during northwestward displacement of
increments and to provide the basis for the sampling. Pan-African Nappes. Second-order sinistral shear
The area between Hafafit Dome and the Red Sea zones developed within the Wadi Ghadir mélange
coast, which includes the Sukari mining district, displays sedimentary rocks to the east of the Hafafit. The NE-
an arc structure with NW–SE trend of main structural trending thrust slices of Pan-African Nappes are
elements in the west and NE–SW trend close to the Red interpreted as frontal thrust fan (Makroum 2003).
Sea (Fig. 2A). Three deformation increments are rec- Close to the Sukari mine, the tectonic transport
ognized in these areas that are responsible for the direction during thrusting is constrained from shallow
geometry of this domain: to steeply southeast dipping shear planes and consis-
tently NW-trending stretching lineations associated
Fig. 3 A Widely spaced S-C fabric documenting NW-directed with a widely spaced S-C fabrics (Fig. 3A). Although
thrust displacement (west of the Sukari granite body); B View from quartz veins developed in the course of this defor-
northeast towards the Sukari granitoid with a listvenite shear zone mation increment, none of them is mineralized.
defining the Sukari west margin ( foreground) and brittle faults
within the granitoid (background ); C Vertical shear zone (listve- 2. The subsequent localized deformation is related to
nite); D Positive flower structure within the Wadi Ghadir mélange ongoing NNW- to N-shortening and includes a
zone west to the Sukari granitoid

conjugate set of steep NE-trending sinistral and NW- the Sukari granitoid and the highly altered host rocks
trending dextral fault zones that evolved at brittle to are transected by several generations of quartz veins.
ductile conditions. The NE-trending shear zones de- The majority of gold quartz veins trend N–S and
fine the western and eastern margins of the Sukari opened within the tensional segment during sinistral
granitoid (Figs. 2B, 3B). Locally developed, steeply shear (Fig. 4D). However, we emphasize that several
southeast- and northwest-dipping reverse and normal stages of quartz vein formation are preserved; some
faults are interpreted as negative and positive flower early formed veins are folded and co-rotated during
structures that developed during strike-slip faulting sinistral shear; late veins are straight and occupy high
and accommodated variable displacement of indi- angles to the shear foliation.
vidual blocks (Fig. 2A inset, 3D). Fabrics related to 3. Finally, discordant ENE-trending dikes and, on a
shear-zone formation include vertical, NE-trending large scale, the Wadi Igla molasse basin to the north
shear planes (Fig. 4A). Mineral-stretching lineations of the arc document a late stage of approximately N–
from ductile fabrics within highly altered shear zones S extension.
(e.g. quartz lineation rods, stretched minerals) docu-
From structural data we conclude that:
ment a combination of strike-slip (horizontal linea-
tions in Fig. 4B) and vertical components of motion 1. NW-directed thrusting and stacking of Pan-African
(vertical lineations in Fig. 4B) as typically observed in Nappes predated gold mineralization, since neither
flower structures. Associated shear-sense indicators gold quartz veins nor alteration zones are related to
form strike-slip zones (vein offset, S-C fabrics) and this tectonic event.
document sinistral sense of shear. Similar deforma- 2. The sinistral strike-slip faults provided pathways for
tion geometry with a combination of strike-slip and emplacement of the elongated Sukari pluton, which is
normal faults is also obtained from fault-plane and entirely bordered by shear zones.
slickenside data (Fig. 4C) suggesting that this defor- 3. Intrusion together with shear-zone formation served
mation geometry persisted at brittle conditions. Both, enhanced fluid flow and alteration of pluton and host

Fig. 4 Structural data of the

Sukari mine area plotted in
Schmidt projection. Contour
intervals are 1, 1.8, 3.5, 6.5 and
12 multiples of random.
A Horizontal lineations evolved
during ductile strike-slip
shearing, vertical lineations
during exhumation of rocks
along steep thrust and normal
faults; B Foliation poles of
steeply dipping shear zones
within the granite and host
rock; C Orientation of
mineralized and non-
mineralized quartz veins;
D Fault planes and slickensides
during brittle faulting. Arrows
indicate movement of hanging-
wall block

rocks. Alteration during sinistral shear deformation three zones of alteration, albitized granite (around
formed mainly phyllosilicates that caused significant quartz veins), muscovitized granite (in the central part of
weakening of the host-rock rheology and ductile flow the granite body), and chloritized granite in the lower
(e.g. Kolb et al. 2004). levels of the mine. The thickness of alteration zones
4. Shear deformation persisted at brittle conditions and varies considerably from tens of meters to a few centi-
facilitated opening of tension gashes and precipita- meters and correlates negatively with thickness of asso-
tion of ore fluids. ciated quartz veins. Thin veins and veinlets (stockwork)
are surrounded by thick alteration zones and vice versa.
Time brackets for the deformation increments men-
Khalaf and Oweiss (1993) identified ten ‘‘zones’’ of
tioned above include the ca. 585 Ma 40Ar/39Ar cooling
alteration within the altered granitoid; these ‘‘zones’’
ages from the Hafafit Dome that are interpreted to
most probably belong to one big alteration zone that is
closely date the late activity of the Nugrus Fault System
displaced by faults (Fig. 2C). The modal composition of
(Fritz et al. 2002). An upper age limit is given from the
the altered granite varies with distance from the quartz
molasse sedimentation within the Wadi Igla Basin,
veins and veinlets. Close to veins and small veinlets,
which is considered to be of Late Neoproterozoic age
quartz, sericite and muscovite dominate beside dissemi-
(approximately 580 Ma, Rice et al. 1993).
nated or massive pyrite and arsenopyrite. With
increasing distance to the veins, the rock gradually turns
Mineralized quartz veins and alteration zones into fresh granodiorite. Harraz (1991), Khalaf and
Oweiss (1993) and Sharara (1999) studied the geo-
Quartz veins are concentrated around the above-men- chemistry of alteration zones. High contents of gold (an
tioned NE-trending sinistral shear zones bordering the average of 2.57 ppm in borehole no. 1, and 1.35 ppm in
Sukari granitoid. They are steeply dipping and occupy borehole no. 2) were recorded in alteration zones (using
variable orientations (see also Harraz 1991) but gener- fire assay analysis, Khalaf and Oweiss 1993). These high
ally trend N–S, NNE–SSW (gold-bearing veins) and gold contents are accompanied by high contents of As
NW–SE (non-mineralized quartz veins) (Fig. 2B, C). (0.3 wt%), Ag (20 ppm), Ba (40 ppm) and Sr
One big and many small-mineralized quartz veins are (300 ppm).
observed at surface in the western slope of the Sukari Two main zones of listvenite (altered serpentinite and
pluton. The main quartz vein (main lode) is located close andesite) with gradual contact to country rocks devel-
to the contact between the foliated metavolcanic rocks oped along the two major shear zones bordering the
and the granitic body (Fig. 2C). It is traced on the sur- Sukari granitoid. This rock type was also found in two
face for more than 40 m in a NNE direction. At the boreholes within the mine at 250 and 262 m in depth
surface, it is less than 50 cm thick, and pinches to less (Khalaf and Oweiss 1993). Thin quartz veins and lenses
than 30 cm at 50 m down from the entrance of the main of graphite schist sometimes occur within the listvenites.
shaft. At a depth of 105 m, where it was completely These veins and lenses are oriented parallel to the NE-
excavated during previous exploitation, the vein be- trending shear foliation within the listvenite. In the
comes very thick (up to 3 m). In some parts, the main vicinity of the listvenites, the country rocks contain
lode splits into a net of small quartz veinlets (stockwork) small patches of quartz and carbonates. Fe, Mg and Ca
very rich in sulfides. carbonates, quartz, albite and sericite, in decreasing or-
Based on crosscutting relationships and texture der of abundance, are the most important phases within
variations, different generations of quartz are recognized the listvenites. Hassaan et al. (1990) and Khalaf and
within the same mineralized vein. Milky, coarse-grained Oweiss (1993) reported high Au (up to 2 ppm), As
quartz (type Q1) dominates in the center of the vein (400 ppm), Ni (500 ppm), Cu (300 ppm), Zn (400 ppm),
while close to margins, where the vein is intensely Sr (1,000 ppm) and Ba (400 ppm) contents.
sheared, smoky fine-grained, mineralized quartz is more
abundant (type Q2). Veinlets of the smoky quartz were
also observed cutting through the milky quartz. A later Ore petrography
generation of veins (type Q3) is dominated by grey
quartz, calcite and albite. The veins were checked by Representative samples of the different generations of
Raman-spectroscopy for dolomite-ankerite but none quartz veins and alteration zones were collected includ-
was found. Beside sulfides, the gold-bearing quartz veins ing samples from the main shaft and lower levels of the
contain quartz, calcite, albite and minor muscovite. Sukari mine. Petrographical work as well as sulfide and
Zircon and monazite are common accessory minerals. gold analyses were performed on 26 polished thin sec-
Quartz veins in the southern and eastern portions of tions, using a JEOL JSM-6310 scanning electron
the Sukari granitoid body, where the two shear zones microprobe with attached energy dispersive system
intersect and the mine is located, are commonly sur- (EDX) and MICROSPEC wavelength dispersive system
rounded by alteration zones. Granite is altered to fine- (WDX) at the Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology,
grained rock composed of quartz, albite, sericite and University of Graz, Austria. The accelerating voltage
muscovite with minor pyrite. Harraz (1991) identified was 20 KeV for the analysis of sulfides and gold at a

probe current of 5 nA. Standards for sulfides were

chalcopyrite for Cu, pyrite for S and Fe, arsenopyrite for
As, sphalerite for Zn, tellurobismuthite (Bi2Te3) for Bi
and Te, (AuTe2) for Au and native silver for Ag.
Field and microscopic observations show different
generations of sulfides:
1. Disseminated sulfides: Individual crystals of pyrite
and arsenopyrite occur in quartz veins (and veinlets)
and in the alteration zones. Sulfide crystals in the
undeformed parts of the veins are commonly coarse-
grained (>0.5 mm) while those in deformed veins are
always fine-grained (<0.2 mm). Close to quartz veins,
the disseminated sulfides are also coarse-grained.
2. Thin massive sulfide veinlets (2–3 mm) occur most
frequently along quartz vein-host rock interfaces but,
less frequent, also in veins and adjacent country rock.
The majority of sulfide veinlets are oriented parallel
to the quartz-vein margins; in few cases they intersect
the quartz veins. The mineralogy of the sulfide ore is
rather simple and dominated by pyrite and arseno-
pyrite (>95% of the sulfide mineral assemblage)
beside sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, magnetite and
traces of gold. Cross-cutting veinlets suggest more
than one phase of sulfide vein-formation; veinlets of
chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena are younger than
the pyrite-arsenopyrite veinlets.

Pyrite and pyrite zoning

Pyrite is a major component of the sulfide ore at Sukari

mine. It occurs either euhedral, subhedral, or anhedral
in association with arsenopyrite. Large subhedral to
anhedral pyrite crystals (PI) are present in the alteration
zones and in the undeformed quartz veins of type Q1.
The subhedral pyrite commonly hosts inclusions of
quartz and plagioclase and is sometimes overgrown by
arsenian pyrite (Fig. 5A). Pyrite crystals are large
(>0.5 mm) and euhedral in the undeformed milky
quartz veins and in their vicinity (PII). This contrasts
with the appearance of small (<0.1 mm) and deformed
grains in the sheared milky quartz veins (type Q2) and
sulfide veinlets (PIII). Inclusions of pyrite in arsenopy-
rite and vice versa are present but uncommon.
Spectacular pyrite zoning generally reflects variation
in arsenic content. Based on back-scattered electron
(BSE) images (Fig. 5A, B) and electron microprobe step
scans (Fig. 6A), two types of pyrite zoning are distin-
1. As-poor pyrite (PI) is surrounded by an As-rich
pyrite rim (Fig. 5A, B). Pyrite showing this simple Fig. 5 Back-scattered electron image of pyrite grains from the
Sukari mine, showing different generations of pyrite and types of
zoning occurs in type Q1 veins and is commonly zoning. Light areas are As-rich and dark areas are As-poor. Scale
anhedral or subhedral. The contacts between the As- bar is 200 lm. A, B As-poor pyrite (PI) surrounded by an As-rich
poor and As-rich zones are either gradual or sharp pyrite rim. C Oscillatory zoned, coarse-grained and euhedral pyrite
(Fig. 5A, B), respectively. In the former case, steady (PII)
increase in As content towards the margins is
encountered. In the latter case, the As-rich pyrite

Alternating As-rich and As-poor growth zones sur-

round cores of As-poor pyrite. The thickness of these
zones varies from 80 to <20 lm. Coarse-grained
pyrite shows thicker and a smaller number of As-
bearing zones (Fig. 5C), while fine-grained pyrite
shows fluctuation in As content over a short distance.
Chemically, and as revealed by back-scattered elec-
tron images, two types of pyrite, As-poor and As-rich
can be distinguished (Table 1). In the As-poor varieties
arsenic contents were below the microprobe detection
limit. High As contents (up to 2.3 wt%) were detected in
some arsenic-rich zones in PII pyrite. Microprobe step
scans across zoned pyrite grains are illustrated in
Fig. 6A. Gold contents were generally below the
microprobe detection limit in As-rich and As-poor pyr-
ite, even in grains containing inclusions of electrum.
Sharara (1999), however, reported high Au contents (up
to 0.14 wt%) in pyrite. Harraz (1991) also demonstrated
a positive correlation between gold and arsenic in pyrite
(Fig. 6B).


Arsenopyrite forms idiomorphic, single crystals dis-

persed in the quartz veins and veinlets and in their
vicinity. Sometimes aggregates in the massive sulfide
veinlets occur. Arsenopyrite in the undeformed quartz
veins (type Q1) and in alteration zones is usually coarse-
grained (>0.5 mm), in sheared quartz (type Q2) fine-
grained (<0.2 mm). Individual grains are lath-shaped
with lack of preferred orientation. No optical or com-
positional zoning was observed.
Electron microprobe analysis of arsenopyrite
(Table 1) showed As contents ranging from 33.7 to
48.9 wt%. As-poor compositions (33–37 wt%) charac-
terize arsenopyrite from the sulfide veinlets in the de-
formed and sheared smoky quartz (type Q2) and
arsenopyrite inclusions in pyrite. The As-rich composi-
tions (>40 wt%) were found in the disseminated sul-
fides in undeformed quartz (type Q1) and alteration
zones. No other elements were detected in arsenopyrite;
however, Harraz demonstrated positive correlation be-
tween As and Au in arsenopyrite (Fig. 6C).
The textures of pyrite and arsenopyrite in the differ-
ent types of sulfide ore (disseminated and vein-sulfides)
suggest various degree of equilibrium and disequilibrium
growth of both minerals. Pyrite-arsenopyrite equilib-
Fig. 6 A Three profiles (1, 2, 3) displaying the arsenic variation
rium is indicated by the euhedral pyrite intergrown with
across the concentrically zoned pyrite grains shown in Figs. 5A, B arsenopyrite. Non-equilibrium growth is indicated by
and C, respectively. B, C Plot of As content in pyrite (B) and the subhedral, zoned (arsenian) pyrite included in
arsenopyrite (C) against concentration of ‘‘invisible gold’’ from the euhedral arsenopyrite.
Sukari mine (analyzed by atomic absorption of mineral separates,
data from Harraz 1991)

zones are homogeneous, which is observed when Sphalerite

pyrite is surrounded by arsenopyrite (Fig. 5B).
2. Pyrite from Q1 veins showing oscillatory zoning Sphalerite represents less than 10 modal-% of the mas-
(Fig. 5C) is always coarse-grained and euhedral (PII). sive sulfide veinlets found at the contact of quartz veins

Table 1 Representative electron microprobe analyses (wt%) of selected sulfides and gold from the Sukari mine

Mineral Pyrite Arsenopyrite Sphalerite Gold


Sample no. Sk14 Sk14 Sk14 Sk10 Sk4 Sk4 Sk5 Sk12 Sk10 Sk11 Sk13 Sk14 Sk5 Sk10 Sk15 Sk12

S 55.93 54.51 54.39 53.19 55.42 29.42 20.48 21.97 24.13 32.49 32.41
Fe 44.42 43.98 43.99 43.79 44.16 35.69 33.68 35.14 23.49 1.44 1.27 2.12 0.75 1.45 0.28
Au 86.95 86.86 86.70 86.58 87.11
Cu 0.19
Zn 66.11 65.57
As 1.02 1.31 1.91 34.19 46.40 42.41 52.13 0.67
Ag 11.35 12.38 12.38 13.15 12.60
S 100.35 99.51 99.69 98.89 99.58 99.30 100.56 99.52 99.75 100.04 99.44 100.42 99.99 100.53 99.73 99.99
Atomic proportions
S 0.687 0.680 0.678 0.672 0.686 0.364 0.403 0.403 0.456 0.494 0.496
Fe 0.313 0.315 0.315 0.318 0.314 0.355 0.225 0.225 0.317 0.013 0.011 0.065 0.023 0.045 0.009
Au 0.755 0.763 0.758 0.783 0.784
Zn 0.493 0.492
As 0.005 0.007 0.010 0.301 0.372 0.372 0.227 0.015
Ag 0.180 0.199 0.198 0.217 0.207

with the alteration zones. Generally small (<100 lm) measurements were corrected by linear interpolation
single crystals host small anhedral chalcopyrite crystals. between temperature deviations at the calibration tem-
Sphalerite from the Sukari mine contains low contents peratures (Macdonald and Spooner 1981). The accuracy
of Fe (<1.5 wt%) and traces of Zn (<0.20 wt%). Its of measurements was ±0.2 C at 56.6 C and 0 C at
chemical composition approaches the stoichiometric a heating rate of 1 C/min and ±1 C at 374 C and a
formula (Zn,Fe)S. heating rate of 5 C/min. Molar volumes, compositions
and isochores were calculated with the software package
‘‘FLUIDS’’ (Bakker 2003). A crushing stage (Diamond
Gold and Marshall 1990) was used to check the CO2 content
of investigated fluid inclusions.
Gold occurs in two textural positions and three gener- Raman spectroscopy was done with a LabRAM-HR
ations in quartz veins or veinlets: (1) as inclusions in 800 (JOBIN-YVON) spectrometer. The LabRAM-HR
pyrite and arsenopyrite (GI and GII) and (2) as inter- was used with a He-Ne laser (633 nm) and a He-Cd UV
stitial grains between pyrite and other sulfides (GIII). laser (325 nm). Different excitation wavelengths gave
Gold inclusions (2–20 lm) in pyrite are either located at identical results within the analytical error. The system is
the surfaces of As-rich zones (GI) as revealed by BSE equipped with an Olympus microscope and with 40·
images (Fig. 7A) or randomly distributed. Gold inclu- UV-, 80· ULWD and 100· objective lenses. The Raman
sions in arsenopyrite are randomly distributed or located signal is detected with a CCD camera cooled by liquid-
along deformational cracks (GII, Fig. 7A). Interstitial N2 and the spectra are recorded using the ‘‘SCM’’
gold grains (GIII, Fig. 7B) are usually associated with technique as described by Knoll et al. (1990). The beam
deformed pyrite and arsenopyrite in the deformed and intensity on the sample surface was about 5 mW.
sheared smoky quartz (type Q2). In this textural posi-
tion, gold grains range from 2 to 80 lm and sometimes
host small arsenopyrite and pyrite crystals. Inclusion petrography
Electron microprobe analysis (Table 1) revealed that
gold is always electrum (12–14 wt% silver). No sys- Fluid inclusions occur within coarse-grained (type Q1)
tematic compositional difference between inclusion and and fine-grained quartz (type Q2) generations described
interstitial gold were detected. above. The observed fluid-inclusion assemblages were
classified by their principal phase content into H2O-CO2,
CO2 and H2O-NaCl inclusions:
Fluid inclusions
1. Type 1 H2O-CO2 inclusions are the most frequent
Fluid-inclusion microthermometric measurements were type and occur in intragranular trails and clusters in
done on a LINKAM THSMG600 heating and freezing coarse-grained quartz and in coarse-grained frag-
stage equipped with an OLYMPUS 80· ULWD objec- ments within fine-grained, recrystallized quartz (type
tive. Temperatures were calibrated by the melting of Q1) (Fig. 8A). The volume fraction of the CO2-phase
CO2 of synthetic H2O-CO2 inclusions ( 56.6 C), (F CO2) varies widely between 0.1 and 0.9 at the
melting of water ice (0 C) and critical homogenization cluster or trail scale. They can occur together with
(374.1 C) of synthetic H2O inclusions in quartz. All Type 2 (CO2) and Type 3 (H2O-NaCl) inclusions

Fig. 7 Back-scattered electron

images showing different
textural positions and
generations of gold (white) in
the Sukari mine; A Gold (GI)
grains located at the contact
between two zones of As-
enrichment in arsenian pyrite
(light gray areas) and GII gold
along fracture, sample SK10;
B Gold (GIII) interstitial to
pyrite (dark gray) and
arsenopyrite (lighter gray) in a
matrix of quartz (black), sample
SK104. Scale bar =50 lm

within one grain (Fig. 8B). The diameters of these leaking and decrepitation occurred prior to total
idiomorphic to rounded and irregular inclusions homogenization (Th). Densities range between 0.81
reach 19 lm. At room temperature they contain a and 0.99 g/cm3.
liquid (H2O) and one or two gas bubbles (supercrit- 2. Type 2 isolated CO2 inclusions and intragranular trails
ical CO2 or CO2-liquid plus vapor). CO2-melting occur either in coarse-grained quartz and quartz
between 57.3 and 56.6 C indicates almost pure fragments (type Q1) (subtype 2a) or in recrystallized
CO2. Qualitative Raman spectroscopy yielded small smoky quartz (type Q2) close to or within the sulfide
amounts of CH4 beside CO2. Clathrate melting tem- mineralization (subtype 2b; Fig. 8C). Within coarse-
peratures between +7.1 and +9.2 C correspond to grained quartz and in the fragments they are associated
an equivalent NaCl content between 1.6 to 5.5 wt% with Type 1 H2O-CO2 inclusions, within recrystallized
(Bakker 2003). The CO2-phase homogenizes between quartz with Type 3 H2O-NaCl inclusions. Recrystal-
6.6 and 26.6 C (Th CO2). During the heating run, lized veins clearly crosscut coarse-grained quartz

b inclusions is heterogeneous trapping of an unmixed

Fig. 8 A Photomicrograph of Type 1 H2O-CO2 and Type 3 H2O- H2O-CO2-NaCl vein fluid and ‘‘local’’ homogeneous
NaCl inclusions in coarse-grained quartz. B Photomicrograph trapping of CO2- and H2O-NaCl-rich end-member fluids
shots at different focus levels and combined into one image to
illustrate textural relations of the three inclusion assemblages. (Fig. 5a in Diamond 2001). In that case, at least some
C Idiomorphic Type 2b CO2 inclusions (arrows) together with fine- CO2 should be present in Type 3 H2O-NaCl inclusions
grained, opaque ore mineral inclusions in quartz. D Type 3 and some water should wet the inclusion walls in Type 2
idiomorphic and irregular H2O-NaCl inclusions (arrows) within CO2 inclusions. However, no evidence for water in Type
transparent quartz included in opaque pyrite
2 or CO2 in Type 3 inclusions, respectively, was found.
which indicates that Type 2b inclusions postdate Type Alternatively, the large number of chemically and
1 H2O-CO2 and Type 2a CO2 inclusions. Textures and texturally very different inclusions within single quartz
microthermometry of both subtypes are very similar grains (Fig. 8B) results from several chemically and/or
and therefore described together. They are idiomor- physically different fluids interacting with existing
phic to rounded and reach a maximum elongation of inclusions. Stable-isotope data indicate at least two dif-
about 10 lm. At room temperature, either a super- ferent fluids (Sharara 1999): (1) vein fluids derived from
critical fluid or a liquid and a vapor phase are present. the surrounding metavolcanic rocks and (2) local
CO2 triple point melting reduction from 57 to involvement of meteoric water. Type 1 H2O-CO2-NaCl
58 C and semi-quantitative Raman spectroscopy inclusions are absent in the recrystallized, younger
indicate maximum CH4-contents of about 5%. smoky quartz, suggesting an earlier fluid generation.
Clathrate melting or the typical water bend in the Higher densities up to 0.99 g/cm3 and steep isochores of
Raman spectrum around 3,400 cm 1, which would be Type 1 inclusions indicate increased pressure conditions
indicative for water wetting the inclusion walls, were at deeper crustal levels. If we assume lower-greenschist-
not observed. Volume fraction of the vapor phase facies trapping temperatures above 200 C, minimum
(FVAP) (0.1 to 0.5) and Th CO2 (9.2 to 28.2 C) are formation pressures between 1,700 and 3,600 bar can be
variable but uniform at the trail scale. Low densities calculated from the isochores.
between 0.65 and 0.87 g/cm3 are calculated (Bakker Type 2 CO2 and Type 3 H2O-NaCl inclusions occur
2003). within coarse-grained (Q1) and recrystallized, quartz
3. Type 3 H2O-NaCl inclusions are the least frequent veins (Q2). Uniform degree of fill at the trail scale
type and occur isolated or in intragranular clusters indicates a homogeneous fluid phase at that stage.
and trails in the coarse-grained (type Q1) and the Consequently, the homogenisation temperatures Th of
recrystallized, smoky parts of the quartz veins (type Type 3 H2O-NaCl (96–188 C) equal minimum vein-
Q2) and within quartz included in sulfides. Type 3 formation temperatures, which is in the range of epi- to
aqueous inclusions are elongated, idiomorphic to mesothermal hydrothermal ore deposits (Wilkinson
round and irregular, and reach a maximum size of 2001). At these temperatures, isochores of Type 2 CO2-
6 lm (Fig. 8D). At room temperature they contain inclusions provide minimum vein formation pressures
either both a liquid and a vapor phase or are single- between 210 and 1,890 bar.
phase liquid or vapor inclusions. Metastable absence
of a vapor bubble is typical of low salinity aqueous
inclusions homogenizing below 150 C (Kerkhof and Mechanism of metal transport and deposition
Hein 2001). No evidence for CO2, checked by
crushing-stage, Raman spectroscopy and the absence The close association between gold and arsenic in gen-
of clathrate melting, was found. eral and in arsenian pyrite, in particular, may suggest a
similar mechanism of transport and deposition from the
The volume fraction of the vapor phase is constant hydrothermal fluids. As indicated by the fluid-inclusion
around 0.1, indicating homogeneous trapping. Eutectic studies, the ore-forming fluids were of low salinity and
melting occurs around 20 C, indicating H2O-NaCl as CO2-bearing. Under such conditions gold was probably
the dominant components. Ice melts between 6 and transported as chloride complexes, although the high
0.2 C, corresponding to salinities from 0.4 to 9.2 wt% concentration of As, may also stabilize arsenothio-
NaClequiv. Th range between 96 and 188 C. Density complexes as important gold transporting ligands
calculations with the program package of Bakker (2003) (Seward 1991; Sharara 1999).
yielded 0.88 to 1.01 g/cm3. The oscillatory zoning in arsenian pyrite reflects epi-
sodic fluctuation in fluid composition as revealed by
fluid-inclusion studies and the structural history. The
Discussion close association of As and Au in arsenian pyrite and
arsenopyrite is well established (Cook and Chryssoulis
Fluid evolution 1990). Significant amounts of invisible gold in pyrite
(and marcasite) correlate with As content and in arse-
The observed inclusion assemblages indicate a complex nopyrite only with As-excess compositions (Fleet et al.
fluid history. One possible explanation for the highly 1993). Therefore it is commonly accepted that both
variable degree of fill of Type 1 H2O-CO2-NaCl elements were deposited simultaneously from the same

fluid. Three alternatives can explain the co-deposition of fluids served alteration along shear zones, and during
Au and As: (1) both elements were transported by the rock exhumation these fluids were mixed with meteoric
same complex (Clark 1960), (2) the As-rich zones in water. Quartz veins formed continuously during strike-
arsenian pyrite make the lattice of pyrite more amenable slip deformation and final exhumation of rocks leading
to host gold (Simon et al. 1999), and (3) gold is deposited to sets of folded and unfolded veins. Many Au deposits
on the surfaces of growing arsenian pyrite which act as are situated within such low-grade shear zones (Craw
galvanic cells (Möller et al. 1997). According to (3), the et al. 1999) and late orogenic vein systems (Dugdale and
different As-bearing zones are thought to represent Hagemann 2001; Kolb et al. 2004; Robl et al. 2004). Such
electrochemically active sites on arsenian pyrite surfaces. zones are usually characterized by massive alteration
In all cases, the understanding of As behavior in the zones, which testify to the infiltration and circulation of
environment is vital to understand the mechanism of fluids (Seward and Barnes 1997). The fluctuation of ar-
gold deposition. senic concentration in arsenopyrite and different gener-
The first type (GI) gold was most probably deposited ations of gold suggest a long-term cyclic process of gold
directly from the mineralizing fluids where it was incor- mineralization. The cyclic process with periodically
porated in the structure (structurally-bound or invisible changing fluid regime is best explained by periodically
gold) of arsenian pyrite. The randomly distributed (GII) changing deformation mechanisms from ductile to brittle
gold grains and gold along cracks were probably formed regimes (e.g. Kolb et al. 2004; Robl et al. 2004). Ductile
due to secondary processes. Mumin et al. (1994) suggest structures occur along highly altered NE-trending shear
that gold inclusions in arsenian pyrite result from the zones. Brittle structures including fault planes and
remobilization of structurally bound gold due to meta- slickenside striations as well as variably rotated quartz
morphism or reequilibration. The Au-rich electrum veins developed in the same kinematic regime. Alteration
supports the mechanism of remobilization of ‘‘invisible’’ of the host rocks during shear deformation formed
gold to form ‘‘visible’’ gold grains along cracks. Gold mainly phyllosilicates that caused significant weakening
interstitial to other sulfides (GIII) was most probably of the host-rock rheology and ductile flow (Kolb et al.
formed from solutions saturated in gold in a later stage 2004). The porosities created by microfracturing during
after or contemporaneous to deformation. ductile deformation are small and, additionally, were
reduced by neomineralization (carbonate veinlets). The
main fluid flow occurred repeatedly during seismic frac-
Tectonic control on gold transport and deposition
turing and by a fault-valve mechanism. This crack-seal-
slip mechanism is characteristic for the formation of
The structural evolution within the mine district suggests
large vein systems (e.g. Petit et al. 1999; Sibson 2001).
an ore-forming process after NW-directed Pan-African
thrusting. During late stages of the Pan-African evolu-
tion (ca. 580 Ma) extension and strike-slip tectonics
dominated, and large volumes of granitoid rocks in- Model
truded the mafic-ultramafic host along shear zones. In
the area of discussion combined strike-slip and vertical In our opinion, the following model most probably ex-
motion along shear zones (flower structures) triggered plains the long-term cyclic process of host-rock alter-
exhumation of rocks close to surface. Early CO2-rich ation and precipitation of sulfides and gold (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9 Proposed model for the

Sukari gold mineralization. The
long-term cyclic process of
leaching and precipitation was
initiated when the Sukari
granodiorite intruded. This
process was finally responsible
for the large ore reserves
predicted for the Sukari mine
(see text for further

Intrusion, veining and leaching shear-zones and resulted probably from a similar for-
mation process.
1. The granodiorite intruded a fault system and crys-
tallized. It delivered the thermal energy and fluids Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Austrian Sci-
necessary to initiate a hydrothermal convection sys- ence Foundation (P13029 and P11583). Georg Hoinkes is thanked
for offering the analytical facilities and Karl Ettinger for the
tem. The early fluid was CO2-H2O dominated and of technical help during microprobe work (Institute of Mineralogy
low salinity. and Petrology, University of Graz). Discussions with colleagues
2. At conditions close to the brittle-ductile transition the from the Geology Department, Minia University, and H. Harraz,
first open veins developed. A local pressure gradient Tanta University, are greatly appreciated. L. Diamond and an
anonymous reviewer are kindly acknowledged for their comments
was set up, alteration and leaching of metals from the and suggestions.
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