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(Secondary 2 Science-Chemistry)

Topic: Acid and Bases (II)

July 2022
Lesson Overview

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What you will learn
Last Week
● Acids and their properties
● Alkalis and their properties
● Reaction between acids and metals
● Reaction between acids and carbonates

This week
● Reaction with alkalis
● PH scale
● Other indicators
● Common uses of acids and alkalis

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Lesson Objective
● At the end of today’s lesson, students should be able to:

○ Explain what types of reactions with alkali

○ Explain the pH Scale and types of indicators
○ Understand the meaning of strong, weak, concentrated and diluted
○ State and identify the types of acids and bases according to the pH
○ Conduct simple test to using litmus paper and Universal paper to detect
acidic or alkaline solutions
○ Describe the common uses of Acids & Alkalis

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Reactions with Alkali
I) Neutralisation reaction
● Alkalis can react with acids to formed salts and water. This is known as
neutralization reaction.

Sodium Hydroxide + Acid Hydrochloric à Sodium Chloride + Water
NaOH + HCI à NaCl + H2O © 2020 TenofTen Pte. Ltd | 7

II) Reaction with Ammonium salts
● Alkalis can react with ammonium salts when heated to form salt, ammonia
gas and water.

Sodium Hydroxide + Ammonium chloride à Sodium Chloride + Water+ Ammonia (gas)
NaOH + NH4CI à NaCl + H2O +NH3
Colourless and pungent (smells like rotten egg) gas given off. The sodium hydroxide
remains colourless.
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pH Scale - pH scale ranges from 1-14 . pH measures the
strength of acid and alkali.
- pH 7 is the neutral pH which means it’s neither
acid nor alkali
- pH 1-6 is acidic, whereas pH 7-14 is alkaline
- Acid and alkali can be categorized to either
- pH 1-3 usually mean strong acid whereas pH 4-6
is weak acid
- It’s the opposite for alkali where pH 11-14 being
the strong alkali whereas pH 8-10 as weak alkali
- Acid and alkali can also be made into
concentrated and diluted solutions
- A strong acid (pH 1) can be a diluted acid if for
example water is being added into the acid to
dilute it. Hence it can have a low concentration.
- Not all strong acids and alkalis are concentrated
whereas not all weak acid and alkalis are diluted
- In fact strong and weak acids and alkalis both can
Helmenstine, A., 2021. The pH Scale of Common be concentrated or diluted.
Chemicals. [online] Science Notes and Projects. Available
at: <
© 2020 TenofTen Pte. Ltd | 9
chemicals/> [Accessed 17 July 2021].
-Use to differentiate between whether a substance / solution is acidic or alkaline.
- Some brightly coloured flowers, vegetables and berries can make good indicators.
- An indicator contains dye which changes colour when an acid or an alkali is added to it.
- Below is a table showing the coloured change of indicators when placed in acid or alkali.

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Litmus paper & Universal Indicator
1. The easiest indicator to use is the litmus paper. Two types of litmus paper
which are blue or red.
2. Blue litmus test for the presence of acid (blue to red color) whereas Red litmus
paper test for the presence of alkali (red to blue color).
3. Universal indicator is a mixture of several types of indicators.
4. Universal indicator can come in the form of liquid or paper. Each colour
corresponds to a pH value of 1 to 14.

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Quiz A
1. Alkalis can react with acids to formed salts and water. This is known
as _____________________ reaction.
A. Combination reaction
B. Neutralisation reaction
C. Halogenation
D. Substitution reaction

2. Alkalis can react with ammonium salts when heated to form _____
A. Acid , base and alkali
B. Ammonia, salt, water
C. Sodium chloride, Ammonia and water
D. Sodium chloride, Ammonia gas and water
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Quiz A
1. Alkalis can react with acids to formed salts and water. This is known
as _____________________ reaction.
A. Combination reaction
B. Neutralisation reaction
C. Halogenation
D. Substitution reaction
2. Alkalis can react with ammonium salts when heated to form _____
A. Acid , base and alkali
B. Ammonia, salt, water
C. Sodium chloride, Ammonia and water
D. Sodium chloride, Ammonia gas and water
D © 2020 TenofTen Pte. Ltd | 13
3. Give an example of a pH number that indicate strong acids and
strong base each.

4. State the use of indicators.

5. Name an indicator and briefly explain how to test it to know

whether the solution is acidic or alkaline ?

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3. Give an example of a pH number that indicate strong acids and
strong base each.
PH 1-3 & Ph 11-14

4. State the use of indicators.

To indicate what is the pH value and whether solution is acidic or

5. Name an indicator and briefly explain how to test it to know

whether the solution is acidic or alkaline ? Litmus paper / universal
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Common use of Acids and Alkalis
Uses of Acids

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Uses of Alkalis

Diagram from © 2020 TenofTen Pte. Ltd | 17

Quiz B
1. What does pH means?
A) Indication of strength of acid and alkali
B) Indication of concentration of acid and alkali
C) pH means providing heat
D) To explain the use of an acid and alkali

2. Which statement is FALSE?

A) pH test for how strong or weak an acid or alkali is.
B) Blue litmus paper test for presence of acid
C) Red litmus paper test for presence of acid
D) Universal indicator can come in the form of gel or paper

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Quiz B
1. What does pH means?
A) Indication of strength of acid and alkali
B) Indication of concentration of acid and alkali
C) pH means providing heat
D) To explain the use of an acid and alkali
2. Which statement is FALSE?
A) pH test for how strong or weak an acid or alkali is.
B) Blue litmus paper test for presence of acid
C) Red litmus paper test for presence of acid
D) Universal indicator can come in the form of gel or paper
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3. Universal indicator paper showing the colour yellow is pH ______.
A. pH 1
B. pH 7
C. pH 6
D. pH 14

4. Universal indicator paper showing the colour purple is pH ______.

A. pH 1
B. pH 7
C. pH 6
D. pH 14

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3. Universal indicator paper showing the colour yellow is pH ______.
A. pH 1
B. pH 7
C. pH 6
D. pH 14
4. Universal indicator paper showing the colour purple is pH ______.
A. pH 1
B. pH 7
C. pH 6
D. pH 14

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5. Sodium hydroxide + Acid hydrochloric à _____________

6. Sodium Hydroxide + Ammonium chloride à ________ +


7. Describe a test that can be carried out to test for the presence of an
acid and alkali .

8. State three common use of acids and alkalis.

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5. Sodium hydroxide + Acid hydrochloric à Sodium Chloride + Water

6. Sodium Hydroxide + Ammonium chloride àSodium Chloride +

Water+ Ammonia (gas)

7. Describe a test that can be carried out to test for the presence of an
acid and alkali . Universal indicator or litmus paper

8. State three common use of acids and alkalis. Refer slide 16

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