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(a) Mistakes made by the teacher and improvements that should be made:

(I) Instructions:
The teacher made the mistake of relying solely on verbal instructions to explain the experiment's procedure. This can lead to confusion and
misunderstandings. To improve, the teacher should provide clear, written instructions or a visual demonstration to ensure that students have a
clear understanding of the experiment's steps.

(ii) Teaching methods:

The teacher did not employ effective teaching methods. Instead of actively engaging the students, the teacher simply asked them to carry out the
experiment without proper guidance or supervision. To improve, the teacher should utilize interactive teaching methods, such as demonstrations,
hands-on activities, and group discussions. This would enhance student engagement and understanding.

(iii) Safety:
The teacher failed to prioritize safety in the experiment. Allowing a student to place a large piece of sodium metal in water without proper
precautions resulted in a dangerous explosion, causing panic and activating the fire detector. The teacher should have emphasized safety
measures, such as wearing protective goggles, using small quantities of sodium metal, and providing clear instructions on handling hazardous

(iv) Reaction during an accident:

The teacher's immediate response of screaming "run for your life" during the accident was inappropriate and did not promote a calm and
controlled environment. In such situations, the teacher should remain calm, quickly assess the situation, and provide clear instructions to ensure
the safety of the students. Evacuation procedures and emergency protocols should be in place and known to both the teacher and the students.
(v) General assessment of the teacher's lesson plan:
Based on the information provided, the teacher's lesson plan was inadequate. It lacked proper safety considerations, effective teaching methods,
and clear instructions. The teacher's failure to actively engage and supervise the students resulted in confusion, accidents, and panic.

(vi) Factors to consider when selecting a suitable teaching method:

When selecting a teaching method, it is important to consider factor such as their learning styles and preferences.

2 Learning theories have been applied in the field of science inorder to improve the process of teaching and learning.
(a) Pavlov`s theory on learning process
Pavlov`s Theory of classical conditioning: Pavlov`s theory of classical conditioning is based on the process that occurs through
associations between stimuli and responses.It emphasizes the role of external stimuli in shaping behavior.According to pavlov, learning
takes place when a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a meaningful or significant stimulus,leading to a learned response.Through
repeated pairings of the neutral stimulus (conditioned stimulus), with the meaningful stimulus (unconditioned stimulus), the neutral
stimulus alone can elicit the learned response(conditioned reponse).Pavlov`s theory focuses on the process of stimulus-response
associations and how new behaviors are acquired through conditioning.

(b) Piaget`s theory on learning process

Piaget`s Theory of cognitive Development:Piaget`s theory of cognitive development s based on the learning process that occurs through
construction of knowledge and the development of cognitive abilities.It emphasizes the active role of the learner in comstructing their
understanding of the world.Piaget proposed that children go through distinct stages of cognitive development as they grow,and each stage
is characterized by specific cognitive abilities and ways of thinking.Piaget`s theory highlights the importance of hand-on expriences,
interactions with the environment, and opportunities for discovery and problem-solving in promoting cognitive development.Learning
according to Piaget, occurs through the active construction and restructuring of mental schemas, assimilation(incorporating new
information into existing schemas), and accomodation(modifying existing schemas to fit new information).Piaget`s theory focuses on the
cognitive processes involved in learning and how children develop their understanding of the world over time.
2 b(i) Example of an application of the Pavlov`s theory in a science lesson.

Pavlov`s theory of classical conditioning can be applied to teach students about taste aversion or food preferences.For example ,by
repeatedly pairing a specific taste with an aversive stimulus like electric shock or nauseating substance, students can learn to associate
that taste with negative response.This helps them understand how our preferences or aversions to certain foods can be learned through

(ii) Example of an application of the piaget`s theory in science lesson

Piaget`s theory of cognitive development can be applied to teach students about conservation. For example, by demonstrating how amount of
water remains the same when it is poured into a different-shaped container,students can learn to understand that certain properties of objects stay
constant despite changes in appearence,This helps to develop their cognitive abilities and grasp the concept of conservation.




General Objectives

Learners should be able to:

7.1.1 know the nature of blood and its functions.

7. I .2 understand the functions and problems of the circulatory system.

7. I .3 understand the process of breathing.

7.2. I know and understand human organs responsible for removing waste materials from the body.

8. l . 1 understand simple phenomenon of magnetism.

8.1.2 understand the concept of electric charge.

8. I .3 know different ways of generating electricity.

8. I .4 be aware that electricity has heating, chemical and magnetic effects.

8. I .5 understand the costing of electricity consumption and use mains electricity sustainably.

8.1.6 acquire knowledge of the safe use of electricity in the home.

9.1.1 understand the interactions among the main spheres of the Earth.

1.3. I appreciate the significance of genetic engineering to their way of life.

I .3.2 know the potential benefits and limitations of gene technology.

2. I .5 understand adaptation of organisms to their environments and how human activity may offset that.

2.4.1 understand the interaction of living things with each other and with their environment.

2.4.2 recognise the importance of plants as food producers.

2.5. I know the reproductive parts of a flowering plant.

2.5.3 understand the importance of seed dispersal.

3.1.5 understand the process of dissolution.

3.1.6 develop skills to apply techniques for making solutions.

3.3. I understand the preparation, properties and uses of carbon dioxide.

3.3.2 understand the preparation, properties and uses of oxygen.

3.4. I associate structural designs with local conditions and available materials.

3.4.2 choose and recognise appropriate materials and designs for insulating buildings.

4.4.1 understand the various stages of pre-natal development.

4.4.2 show the appropriate attitudes and skills towards child-care

Week and Topic and Period Learning Materials and Learning Activities Teaching Methods
Dates Sub-topic Teaching aids
Substances in
the Human
14/05/202 Blood 2  Charts Exposition Questions and
4  Board answers

Stating functions of blood.
 Listing the different components
of blood.
 Describing the functions of the
different components of blood.
Blood 1 Blood group chart  Stating the different blood Discussion
 Discussing the uses of blood
groups in medicine
 Describing safety measures
taken during blood
The Heart 2  Poster paper  Describing the heart structure and Class discussion
and Human its functions.
Circulatory  Heart anatomy  Describing the structure and
Problems  Chalk Board functions of the blood vessels.
20/05/2024 The Heart and 1 Posters of common Stating common diseases of the Questions and answers
- Circulatory diseases of circulatory circulatory system. Discussing
24/05/2024 Problems system. causes of diseases of the circulatory
Discussing the methods of prevention of
diseases of the circulatory system
Breathing 2  Jumping rope  Describing the process of
 Balloons breathing.  Demonstration
 Pair scissors  Describing the role of the lungs in  Questions and answers
 Clear plastic the exchange 6f gases
Breathing 1  Investigating the level of carbon
dioxide in inhaled and exhaled
 Investigating the effects of
physical activity on the rate and
depth of breathing.
 Explaining the effects of smoking
on lungs
The Excretory 1 • Excretory system  Discussing common problems of  Discussion
System. Chart paper the excretory system and how
they can be prevented.
 Distinguishing between excretion
and egestion.
27/05/2024 The Excretory 2  Excretory Defining the term excretion.  Class discussion
- System. system Chart  Identifying organs responsible for  Questions and answers
31/05/2024 paper excretion. Classifying excretory
 Worksheet products according to organs
excreting them.
Magnetism 2  Magnets  Demonstrating the phenomenon Demonstration
 Pins of induced magnetism.
 Money clip  Describing different methods of
magnetism. Distinguishing
between the magnetic properties
of iron and steel.
Magnetism 1 Magnets  Identifying uses of magnetic Demonstration
 Demonstrating proper care for
03/06/2024 Electric 2 Iron nail Demonstrating the phenomenon of Experiment Experime
- Charge Copper wire electrostatic charging.
07/06/2024 Duracell batter Stating the two types of charges.
9v Stating SI units for charge
Demonstrating repulsion and
attraction between charges
Effects of 1 Insulated copper Demonstrating the magnetic effect Demonstration
electricity wire of electric current
Compass Identifying applications of the
Cell batteries magnetic effects of electricity
Identifying applications of the
chemical effect of electricity
10/06/2024 Effects of 2 Heater Demonstrating the heating effect of Experiment
- electricity Iron electricity Discussion
14/06/2024 Element Demonstrating the chemical effect
of electricity
Identifying applications of the
heating effect of electricity
Electrical 1 Bulb Relating the power rating of an Class discussion
Power electrical appliance to its electrical Experiment
Consumption energy consumption
Electrical 2 Home energy Performing calculations involving Discussion
Power use worksheet the power rating of an appliance and
Consumption Small electrical the period of usage to determine
appliance cost
(toaster or hair Devising means of reducing the cost
dryer) of electricity
17/06/2024 Safe use of 2 Fuse Using fuses appropriately according Discussion
- electricity in Main plugs to their rating Demonstration
21/06/2024 the home Explaining the needs for Earthing
metal cases and for double
insulation of electrical appliances
Defining the terms :live,
neutral ,earth in the context of
Wiring main plugs correctly
Safe use of 1 Charts of Investigating why switches and
electricity in electrical fuses are connected to the live wire
the home circuits Describing the necessary diagnostic
steps to be followed when there is
an electrical fault in a circuit
Earth Systems
Earth spheres 2 Globe Defining the term geo-science Discussion
Stating the four main spheres that
make up the Earth(atmosphere
Describing the features of each of
the Earths spheres
24/06/2024 Earth sphere 1 Charts of water Identifying processes of sphere Discussion
- cycle interaction
28/06/2024 Identifying at least three careers that
are related to the study of geo-
Genetic 2 Genetic Define a gene Discussion
Engineering engineering Describing the technology of
flow chart genetic engineering
Discussing the significance of
genetic engineering to
medicine,agriculture forensic
science and energy generation
Application of 2 Activity sheets Investigating the potential benefits Group work
genetic of genetic engineering Discussion
engineering Discussing limitations of genetic
Debating the ethical and moral
issues of gene technology
Living Matter
01/07/2024 Adaptation 1 Pictures of Discussing the adaptation of plants Class discussion
- animals with and animals species to their
05/07/2024 structural and environment
Adaptation 2 Charts of Identifying human activities that Discussion
overpopulation, may impact negatively on the plant
pollution,burnin and animal adaptations
g fossil fuels Predicting the possible effects of
and human activities on the adaptation
deforestation of plants and animal species in an
Characteristics 2 Work sheet Describing an ecosystem Explosition
of ecosystem Charts Describing characteristics of an
Studying the structure and make up
of an ecosystem in their locality
Inferring the relationship among the
organisms found in the ecosystem in
their locality
08/07/2024 Feeding 2 pictures Describing effects of changes in Group work
- relationships food supply on population size of
12/07/2024 of organisms animals and plants
Describing energy flow through
living things using food chain, food
web, food pyramids
Construct a food pyramid to show
the numbers of organisms consumed
at each feeding level
Explaining concentration of
pollutants through food chain and
food web
in flowering
Reproductive 1 Charts of Identifying the different parts of s Discussion
parts of a different parts of flower
plants a flower Identifying the reproductive parts of
a flower
Pollination 2 Fresh flowers Describing the process of Class discussion
and Activity sheet pollination Individual work
fertilization Distinguishing between wind and
insect pollinated flowers
Describing fertilization in flowering
Describing changes in a flower leading to
seed and fruit formation
19/07/2024 BREAK
22/07/2024 Reproductive 1 Plain papers Drawing and labelling the Discussion
- parts of a Charts of reproductive parts of a flower Individual work
26/07/2024 flower reproductive Stating the functions of the
parts of a flower reproductive parts of a flower
Seed dispersal 2 Large seeds Classifying fruits and seeds Discussion
Seeds with according to their methods of Demonstration
hooks dispersal
Sycamore seeds Discussing the different methods of
Dandelion seed seed dispersal
head Explaining the importance of seed
dispersal to plant life
The nature of
Dissolution of 2 Water Defining the terms solute, solvent Discussion
matter Glass and solution Experiment
Sugar Defining the concept ” universal
Salt solvent
29/07/2024 Types of 2 Glass Preparing different concentration of Experiment
- solution Water common solution in the laboratory Discussion
02/08/2024 Salt Carrying out investigations to
distinguish between
and supersaturated
Discussing applications of saturated
and supersaturated
of Air

Carbondioxide 2 Calcium carbonate Exposition

Hydrochloric acid Producing carbon dioxide from reacting Experiment
Lime water acid with carbonate
Testing for carbon dioxide
Stating the properties of carbon dioxide
Identifying the common use of carbon
05/08/2024 oxygen 1 Hydrogen peroxide Conducting an experiment to Experimentation
- Manganese oxide produce oxygen
09/08/2024 Glowing splint Testing for oxygen
1 Posters of common use Stating the properties of oxygen Discussion
of oxygen
Building 2 Charts with pictures of Identifying building materials available Question and answer
material building materials in their locality Discussion
Describing properties of different
construction materials
Relating properties of building materials
to their uses
Evaluating the selection of different
material for constructing different
- Insulation 2 Posters of different roof Investigating the effect of of window Discussion
materials positioning, type of roofing material, roof
Posters of different hang and colour on controlling heat
structural building radiation in and out of a building
12/08/2024 Pregnany 2 Pregnancy visual Describing the process of fertilization Question and answer
- pictures Identifying signs of pregnancy
16/08/2024 Describing development of the embryo in
terms of zygote, ball cells
Pregnancy 2 Posters showing Identifying placenta, amnion and Discussion
placenta, amnion and umblical cord Question and answer
umblical cord Describe the function of the placenta,
amnion, umblical cord
Stating condition leading to multiple birth
Pregnancy 1 Diagrams of various Discussing ante-natal care of a pregnant Discussion
stages of prenatal woman development of the baby
19/08/2024- Pregnancy Pregnancy visuals Question and
23/08/2024 pictures. Describing the process of fertilization. Answer
Identifying signs of pregnancy.
Describing development of the embryo in
terms of zygote, ball of cells (blastula or
morula) and foetus.
Pregnancy Posters showing the Identifying placenta, amnion and Discussion
placenta, amnion and umbilical cord. Question and answer.
umbilical cord Describing the functions of the placenta,
amnion and umbilical cord.
Stating conditions leading to multiple
Pregnancy Diagrams of various Discussing ante-natal care of a pregnant • Discussion
stages of prenatal woman which contributes towards a
development healthy development of the baby.

At the end of the lesson students should able to
-List all states of matter
-Describe changes of state matter
Worksheet State of matter and Energy
1. List the 3 states of matter
2. In a ……………………………. Particles are tightly compact.
3. How do particles move in solid?
4. solids have a ……………………………………………… shape and a …………………………………………..
5 In a ………………………………………. Particles are tightly compact, but able to move around
6. In a …………………………………. Particles can easily spread out or move close together.
7. How do particles move in a gas ?
8 Gases have a …………………………………………………. Shape and ……………………. Volume
9. Draw the molecules for each state of matter
Solid Liquid Gas
10 write the changing states of matter

NAME…………………………………………………………………. CLASS…………………………………………………………………


Answer all questions in the space provided using the word bank below
Definite Solid Liquid Indefinite Gas

11 List the three states of matter



12 In a …………………………………. Particles are tightly compact and unable to move around

13 Solid have a ……………………………………………. Shape and a …………………….. volume

14 In a ………………………….. particles are tightly compact, but able to move around

15 In a ……………………………… particles can easily spread out or move close together.

16 Gases have a ………………………………….. shape and a …………………….. volume

17 Draw the molecules for each state of matter

solid liquid gas

18 Write the changing states of matter


(iii) Provided instructions

Included pictures
Included a word bank

(iv) provided instructions to guide leaners on what to do

Included pictures to make the worksheet interesting and suitable for visual learners
Included word bank to make it easy since is not a test

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