What Is The Purpose of Scanf

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What is the purpose of scanf() and printf() statement ?

What are keywords? List the rules for naming a variable in C?

Explain format specifiers used in scanf( ) function to read int, float, char, double
and longint datatypes.
List different datatypes available in C
What is type conversion? Explain two types of conversion
What is pointer ? Explain how the pointer variable declared and initialized?
What is structure? Explain the C syntax of structure declaration with example
What are actual parameters and formal parameters?

Give any two differences between call by value and call by

Explain the following operators in C language i) Relational ii) Logical iii) Assignment
Write a c program which takes as input P,T,R compute simple interest and
display the result
List the different decision making statements. Explain any 2 with their syntax
List all conditional control statements used in C. Explain any two with syntax

Explain the use of break & continue statements.

Write a ‘C’ program to calculate area of circle, rectangle and triangle using
switch statement. Area of circle = Area of rectangle = length * breadth,
Area of triangle = 0.5*base*height.
Write a ‘C’ program using function, to compute the sum of N numbers.
Describe the different ways of passing parameters to a function
Difference between Local and Global variable in C
What is a function? Describe with declaration syntax
Explain the difference between user defined and library
What is function? Write a function to find the sum of two numbers

Define string. How string is declared and initialized ?

What is array ? Explain the declaration and initialization of one dimensional and two
dimensional array with an example
Write a C program that takes from user an arithmetic operator („+‟, „-„, „*‟, or „/‟) and two
operands . Perform corresponding arithmetic operation on the operands using switch statement
Explain the initialization & declaration of C –strings.
Write a C-program to read an array of size ‘N’ & print the array elements
what is structure data type? Explain
What is file? Explain fopen() , fclose() functions

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