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J. THARAKAN, Suncor Energy Products,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Flare header failure: An investigation

A 60-in. flare header suffered three identical failures with be associated with a bending of the pipe in the vertical plane.
buckling and cracking at the circumferential weld at the bottom The pipe is designed to move in the horizontal plane during
of the pipe. The failures are believed to have originated during thermal growth. Why should it move in the vertical plane?
hot reliefs. Movement of the pipe in the vertical direction can result
The flare header handles liquid, vapor and gas intermittently if there is a temperature difference between the top and bot-
relieved from various process units. The flare header runs hori- tom of the pipe. Therefore, it was suspected that there could be
zontally for a length of 3 km and has a built slope of 1 in 500 for some insulating deposit at the bottom of the flare header near
free draining. The hottest relief is from the coker unit, which the sulfur lateral.
could be at a maximum temperature of 815°F.
The flare header was designed to ASME B 31.3, non-severe Onstream inspections. Gamma ray scanning ruled out the
cyclic service with a design pressure of 50 psig at 815°F. It was presence of internal deposits in the flare header. Scanning re-
fabricated using 0.375-in. thick carbon steel plate with non- sults from the welds and the pipe near the sulfur lateral elimi-
post-weld-heat-treated welds. The header was also heat traced nated environmental cracking and thinning.
and insulated. Visual inspection of the 60-in. header revealed:
FIG. 1 depicts the failure locations. All failures were with- • The pipe developed an ovality due to a support reaction
in about 60 ft on either side of the tie-in from the sulfur unit at the vicinity of the saddle supports
(sulfur lateral).
FIG. 2 shows a typical buckling and cracking failure at the bot-
tom of the circumferential weld on the flare header.

Points to ponder. At the time of investigation, the failed areas

were enclosed with leak containment devices (LCDs) installed
to arrest leaks on a temporary basis. Therefore, closer observa-
tion of the failure wasn’t possible.
Buckling occurs due to compressive stress (or compressive
strain) and cracking is caused by tensile stress. Therefore, it ap-
peared strange how both could occur at the same location. An-
other boggling question was which occurred first, the buckling
or the cracking?
The welds are, in general, stronger than the pipe. Why would FIG. 2. Typical buckling and cracking failure at the bottom of the
the girth weld area buckle, as opposed to the pipe itself? circumferential weld on the flare header.
Why were all the failures occurring at the vicinity of the sul-
fur lateral? The buckling at the bottom section of the pipe could
Sliding Axial relief Vertical
support (typ.) restraint restraint Guide

110 ft


60-in. flare
header From coker
To flare unit
knockout pot

FIG. 1. Failure locations: All failures were within about 60 ft on either

side of the tie-in from the sulfur unit (sulfur lateral). FIG. 3. Evidence of vertical movement of the pipe.

Hydrocarbon Processing | MAY 2013105

Facts At Your Fingertips
Process Hazard Identification Methods
Department Editor: Scott Jenkins

rocess hazards analyses will be no hazard if the plant is oper- lected top event.
(PHAs) are structured reviews ated within design parameters, and Quantitative risk assessment (QRA).
during the engineering design analyzes deviations of the design vari- QRA is the systematic development
process intended to detect potential ables that might lead to undesirable of numerical estimates of the ex-
hazards that were not addressed by consequences for people, equip- pected frequency and consequence
the design team. This one-page refer- ment, environment, plant operations of potential accidents based on engi-
ence describes commonly employed or company image. If a deviation neering evaluation and mathematical
PHA methods. is plausible, its consequences and techniques. The numerical estimates
probability of occurrence are then can vary from simple values of prob-
PHA methods studied by the HAZOP team. Usually, ability or frequency of an event occur-
PHAs are often conducted or moder- an external company is hired to inter- ring (based on relevant historical data),
ated by a specialist, with participation act with the operator company and to very detailed frequency modeling
by the design team, owner’s employ- the engineering company performs techniques. The events studied are
ees or experienced operators. Sev- this study. Evaluating risk involves the release of hazardous or toxic ma-
eral PHA methodologies exist, each multiplying the consequence level by terials, explosions or boiling liquid ex-
suitable for specific purposes and for the frequency of occurrence. panded vapor explosion (BLEVE). The
certain phases of project develop- Layer-of-protection analysis results of this study are usually shown
ment and plant lifecycle (Figure 1). (LOPA). This method analyzes the on top of the plot plan.
Consequence analysis. This meth- probability of failure of indepen- Failure mode and effects analysis
od quantitatively assesses the con- dent protection layers in the event (FMEA). This method evaluates the
sequences of hazardous material re- of a scenario previously studied in ways in which equipment fails and the
leases. Release rates are calculated a quantitative hazard evaluation like system’s response to the failure. The
for the worst-case and alternative HAZOP. It is used when a plant uses focus of the FMEA is on single equip-
scenarios. Toxic points are defined instrumentation independent from ment failures and system failures.
and release duration is determined. operation (safety instrumented sys-
Hazard identification analysis (HAZ- tems to assure a certain safety integ- Timing
ID). HAZID is a preliminary study per- rity level (SIL)). The study uses a fault Methods have more impact in some
formed in early project stages when tree to study the probability of failure design phases than others. For ex-
hazardous material, process informa- on demand (PFD) and assigns a re- ample, if a consequence analysis
tion, flow diagrams and plant location quired SIL to a specific instrumen- is not performed in a conceptual or
are known. It is generally used later on tation node. For example in petro- pre-FEED (front-end engineering and
to design the preliminary piping and leum refineries, most companies will design) phase, important plot-plan
instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs). maintain a SIL equal to or less than considerations can be missed. Oth-
What-if. This is a brainstorming 2 (average PFD ≥10−3 to <10−2), and ers, like HAZOP, cannot be devel-
method that uses questions starting a nuclear plant will tolerate a SIL 4 oped without a control philosophy or
with “What if . . . ?,” such as “What if (average PFD ≥10−5 to <10−4). P&IDs, and are performed at the end
the pump stops running?” or “What if Fault-tree analysis. Fault-tree anal- of FEED or detailed engineering (or
the operator opens or closes a certain ysis is a deductive technique that both) to define and validate pressure
valve?” Participation by experienced uses Boolean logic symbols (that is, safety valve locations and other pro-
staff is important to foresee possible AND or OR gates) to break down cess controls and instrument safety
failures and identify design alterna- the causes of a top event into basic requirements. QRA or LOPA (or both)
tives to avoid them. equipment failures or human errors. are done after HAZOP to validate sit-
Hazard and operability study The immediate causes of the top ing and define SIL levels and meet
(HAZOP). This technique has been event are called “fault causes.” The the level required by the plant. n
a standard since the 1960s in the resulting fault-tree model displays
Editor’s note: This column was adapted from the following article:
chemical process industries. It is the logical relationship between the Giardinella, S., Baumeister A. and Marchetti, M. Engineering for Plant
based on the assumption that there underlying basic events and the se- Safety, Chem. Eng. August 2015, pp. 50–58.

Studies Scope definition Engineering, procurement & construction

Visualization Conceptual Basic Detail Precomm.,

engineering engineering engineering Construction comm & startup Operations Decommissioning

• Expert judgement • HAZID • HAZOP • HAZOP • Inspections • Preventive and corrective • HAZID
• High level risk • What-if • LOPA • Constructability • Materials and maintenance checks
identification • Consequence analysis • QRA review equipment tests • Periodically check instrument
• FAT & SAT and relief-valve calibration
FIGURE 1. Typical hazards analyses that are used throughout a CPI project lifecycle • Hydrostatic tests • Periodic hazards analysis


Special Focus Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery
Covestro LLC, Baytown, Texas

Use a simple vapor equation

for sizing two-phase pressure relief valves
Pressure relief valves (PRVs) protect process equipment from lidity of Eq. 1 may diminish when the reduced volume of the
the hazards of excessive over-pressure. A simple liquid equation fluid is less than 2 at the valve inlet pressure:
is widely used as a standard method for sizing incompressible
fluids. A simple vapor equation is also widely used when sizing (1) W T ×Z
A = ×
for ideal vapors. For non-ideal vapors, an isentropic expansion C × K d × P0 × K b × K c M
coefficient typically evaluated at the relief conditions is used. where,
Alternatively, API 520 Part 1 suggests averaging the isentropic A = the required discharge area of the device, in.2
expansion coefficients calculated at the upstream pressure and W = the required flow through the device, lb/hr
the pressure in the throat of the valve nozzle.1 Using the average C = a function of the ratio of the ideal gas-specific heats
isentropic expansion coefficient with a simple vapor equation at the inlet relieving temperature
can result in undersized PRVs due to the assumption of an ideal Kd = the coefficient of discharge
vapor in the simple vapor equation. P0 = the inlet relieving pressure, psia
This article proposes an alternative solution for a constant Kb = the capacity correction factor due to backpressure
isentropic expansion coefficient. For two-phases, the Leung Kc = the combination correction factor for installations
Omega method—often referred to as a two-point method—is with a rupture disk upstream of PRV
widely used. In addition, the homogeneous direct integration T = the relieving temperature of the inlet vapor, °R
(HDI) method requires significant computational efforts but is Z = the compressibility factor at inlet relieving conditions
considered the most rigorous and accurate method. M = the molecular weight of the vapor at inlet relieving
No standardized PRV specification sheet is in use for non- conditions.
ideal vapors and two-phases because no simple unified meth- For real gases, API 520 Part 1 recommends using an isen-
odology exists for compressible fluids (non-ideal vapors and tropic expansion coefficient evaluated at the relief conditions.
two-phases). For two-phases, the mass flux and the basis for the Note: A real gas-specific heat ratio does not provide a good
calculations are specified in accordance with the API 520 Part representation of the isentropic expansion coefficient.1 Alterna-
1, Annex D.1 However, no guidelines are available for non-ideal tively, an average isentropic expansion coefficient between the
vapors. This article introduces a new method for sizing any com- upstream pressure and the pressure in the throat of the nozzle is
pressible fluid PRV using a simple vapor equation. The proposed recommended.1 However, the isentropic expansion coefficient
approach generates rigorous results validated against the exist- is not used in the API 520 PRV specification sheets.
ing rigorous HDI method. This method is applicable to vapors
and two-phases, including slightly subcooled liquids if the three- Numerical integration method. API 520 Part 1 contains the
point data is available from isentropic flash calculations. In addi- most rigorous method for calculating the mass flux for PRVs.
tion, it significantly reduces the computational efforts necessary The method applicable to all phases is known as the HDI meth-
for the numerical integration method. The new method using a od, evaluated numerically by direct summation over small pres-
simple vapor equation will improve the communication between sure intervals using an appropriate technique (e.g., Simpson’s
the valve manufacturer and the relief system engineer for non- method).2 The HDI method can be used for any homogeneous
ideal vapors and two-phases, including slightly subcooled liquids. fluid provided fluid property data at constant entropy is avail-
able. The critical mass flux can be estimated by integrating (as
A simple vapor equation. For vapors, the critical flow shown in Eq. 2) until the mass flux reaches a maximum mass
through a PRV is represented by Eq. 1, which assumes the va- flux. If the fluid is subcritical, the subcritical mass flux can be
por behaves ideally when a compressible vapor expands across estimated by integrating until the actual backpressure on the
a PRV nozzle. The simple vapor equation provides satisfactory nozzle is reached, as shown in Eq. 3:
sizing results over a wide range of applications. However, to
ensure the appropriate sizing results, the vapor compressibility 2
⎡ −2 × ∫ pp v × dp ⎤
G =⎢ 0
⎥ (2)
factor should be no less than approximately 0.8 or greater than  c ⎢ v 2
⎣ t
approximately 1.1.1 Recently, API 520 Part 1 noted that the va-
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 2022 23
Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

Kim, et al. proposed Eqs. 7–9, which are based on Eq. 6.3 A com-
⎡ −2 × ∫ pp v × dp ⎤
G2 = ⎢ 0
⎥ pressible fluid reaches a condition of maximum flow when the
⎣⎢ v t ⎦⎥ velocity at the nozzle reaches the speed of sound. The isentro-
pic maximum mass flux for Eq. 2 is given by Eq. 7. Eqs. 7 and 8
where, are in an identical derivative form.
G = the mass flux through the nozzle, lb/sec-ft2 An identical and simple equation form for both critical mass
P = the pressure of the fluid, psia flux and subcritical mass flux is preferred to simplify the calcula-
v = the specific volume of the fluid, ft3/lb tion method. This allows for an analytical solution for mass flux
t = the throat of the nozzle. calculations to make the numerical integration easier. Eqs. 2 and
The calculation precision associated with the HDI method 3 are in an identical integral form rather than derivative. The
is determined by the size of the pressure intervals, with small- integral form does not allow the analytical solution for mass flux
er pressure intervals providing better results. Some cases may calculations. Eq. 9 is derived from Eqs. 3 and 8, and has been
require many data sets for acceptable sizing results. The HDI upgraded here to handle slightly subcooled liquids. Eq. 9 sim-
method requires intensive computational efforts; however, the plifies the numerical integration and provides rigorous results.
numerical integral result can also be obtained accurately and Both Eqs. 7 and 8 provide the results of P-v equation-based in-
quickly if evaluated analytically with pressure-specific volume tegration. This new method is applicable to compressible fluids
(P-v) models or employed P-v models. (vapors and two-phases, including slightly subcooled liquids):
β +1
Reduced P-v models. The equation of state (EOS) typically ⎛ −∂P ⎞ pec−max
Gc = ⎜ ⎟ = 68.07 ×
involves four variables. Simpson presented a total of six reduced (7) ⎝ ∂v ⎠ s α × β × p0β × v0
P-v models involving only two variables.2 The reduced P-v
model is obtained by a few constant entropy flash calculations,
for which the specific volume reflects changes in the compress- (8) pecβ +1
G = 68.07 ×
ibility factor, pressure and temperature. The reduced P-v model α × β × p0β × v0
based on the homogeneous equilibrium model (HEM) well 1
represents the pressure expansion processes in the PRV. ⎡ ⎡ β ⎤ ⎤ β +1
⎢ −2 × α × β × P × ⎢α ×
β ⎛ p ⎞ ⎥
This article evaluates two out of the six P-v models and a 0
⎜⎝ p ⎟⎠ − α + 1 ⎥ ×
conventional model in a simple vapor equation to select the ⎢ 0
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
best P-v model for isentropic expansion flow. Eq. 4 is good Pec = ⎢⎛ β ⎥

for ideal vapors, but not suitable for flashing liquids. Eq. 5, the ⎢ ( p0 − psc ) + α × p0 × p1−β − p1−
( β
) + ⎟ ⎥
⎢ ⎜ 1− β

Omega method, is good for flashing liquids, but not so suitable (9)
⎢⎜⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎣⎢⎝ (1− α ) × ( p − p0 )
for vapors. The two-point Omega method is most widely used ⎟⎠
for sizing two-phases. Eq. 6 is a combination of Eqs. 4 and 5, so ⎦⎥
it should be suitable for both vapors and two-phases. Simpson where,
noted that Eq. 6 is the only reduced P-v model that gave consis- ec–max = the critical pressure (Pc ), maximum
tently outstanding fits of the data. equivalent pressure
ec = the equivalent critical pressure at the calculated mass flux
⎛ p ⎞n
sc = the subcooled liquid.
v = v0 × ⎜ 0 ⎟
(4) Eq. 10 has been developed to determine if a subcooled liq-
⎝ p⎠ uid is compressible or incompressible. Eq. 10 is similar to the
API 520 Part 1 Equation (C.32), but easier to follow. If the sub-
v P
− 1 = ω × ⎡⎢ 0 − 1⎤⎥
(5) cooled pressure is greater than the calculated Pec–max , the fluid is
v0 ⎣P ⎦ incompressible; the fluid is not considered a slightly subcooled
liquid because there is no change in density during the expan-
 v − 1 = α × ⎡⎛ P0 ⎞ −1⎤ (6) sion process. In this case, the fluid should be sized using a liquid
⎢⎝ ⎠ ⎥
v0 ⎣ P ⎦ equation and the fluid chokes at the saturated pressure. If the
subcooled pressure is not greater than the calculated Pec–max , the
where, fluid is compressible. In this case, the fluid should be sized as a
n,ω,α,β = the P-v model constants. two-phase fluid:
For subcooled liquids, the initial pressure (P0 ) shall be at the p0
saturated pressure, ignoring subcooled conditions. Eq. 5, a two- Psc−max = p0 +
2×α ×β
point method, uses two data sets at initial pressure and typically
90% of the initial pressure. Eq. 6, a three-point method, uses For subcritical mass flux, use Eqs. 8 and 9. The Pec in Eq. 8 is
three data sets at initial pressure, a middle pressure and 50% of calculated using Eq. 9 at P (typically at backpressure) without
the initial pressure (not greater than the critical pressure). iteration. For critical mass flux, use Eqs. 7 and 9. The Pec–max in
Eq. 7 is also calculated using Eq. 9 at P (initially at backpressure)
Upgrading the numerical integration method. A new with iteration until Pec is equal to P. The calculated Pec replaces
approach to make the rigorous HDI method more convenient P in the next trial. The maximum Pec value (Pec–max ) is obtained
is discussed here. To reduce significant computational efforts, when Pec is equal to P.
24 JULY 2022 |
Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

Critical pressure can also be obtained from the following non-ideal vapors at the relief conditions is often used because
approximations (Eqs. 11 and 12) developed based on the it is readily available. A constant isentropic expansion coeffi-
Omega method. cient can be easily back-calculated using Eq. 14 if the C value
is known. Eq. 14 can be expressed in terms of two-parameters
pc = ncβ
× p0 + 1− ncβ(× p0 ×
) in a P-v model, critical pressure and initial relief pressure, as
shown in Eq. 15. The C value can be calculated by other meth-
⎛ p0 ods if the mass flux result is validated. Eq. 15 is recommended
1− 2 × α × β + × (1 + 2 × α × β ) × ⎞ as the calculation method of choice as a result of the reduced
⎜ psc ⎟
⎜ ⎟ P-v model evaluation.
⎜ ⎡ psc ⎛ 2 × α × β −1 ⎞ ⎤ ⎟ Cp
⎜ ⎢1− 1− × ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ⎟ v ⎛ ∂p⎞
p0 ⎝ 2×α ×β ⎦ ⎠ n = −
(13) × ⎜ ⎟ ×
⎜ 1− ⎣ ⎟ P ⎝ ∂v ⎠ T C v
⎜ 1− 2 × α × β + (1 + 2 × α × β ) × ⎟
⎜ ⎟ n+1
⎜ ⎡ 1 ⎤ ⎟ 2 ⎞ n−1
⎜ ⎢1−
× α × β ⎥ ⎟ C = 520 × n × ⎛
⎜ ⎣ 2 ⎦ ⎟ ⎝ n +1 ⎠
⎝ ⎠
β +1
1 ⎛p ⎞
⎡1 + 1.0446 − 0.0093431 × α 0.5 × ⎤ ) ( −0.70356 +
0.014685 × ln α ) C = 520 ×
(15) α ×β
× ⎜ c ⎟
⎝ p0 ⎠
nc = ⎢ ⎥
(12)⎢⎣α −0.56261 ⎥⎦ Kim proposed Eqs. 15–17 at the API SCPRC Meeting.4
Eq. 15 is derived from Eqs. 1 and 7.
All values of nozzle pressure and Pec , along with mass flux, The polynomial Eqs. 16 and 17 are used to estimate the
are plotted in FIG. 1 to tangibly illustrate the relations among constant isentropic expansion coefficient for two different C
nozzle pressure, Pec , Pc and mass flux for API 520 Part 1, Ex- ranges. The C value is a result of the most rigorous calculation
ample B.3.3. The green line shows the subcritical mass flux method. This may be an outstanding solution for constant is-
calculations for a known backpressure (at P, greater than the entropic expansion coefficients. This approach allows a sim-
critical pressure). In subcritical flow, there is no iteration. Be- ple vapor equation to be extended to any compressible fluid,
cause Eq.9 provides a result of equivalent critical pressure at including slightly subcooled liquids because Eq. 1 is based on
the integrated mass flux from initial pressure to the backpres- Eq. 4. Therefore, a simple vapor equation can be applied to
sure, the calculated Pec is directly used for the mass flux calcu- any compressible fluid, not only to ideal vapors.
lation. The calculated Pec value shall be less than the known However, n should be a constant isentropic expansion coef-
backpressure (P). ficient obtained from Eq. 14 to be compatible with a simple
The red line shows the critical mass flux calculations for a vapor equation. The constant isentropic expansion coefficient
known backpressure (at initial P, the backpressure is not great- reflects the assumption of ideal vapor relationship in Eq. 14
er than the critical pressure). In critical flow, the calculations since it is simplified for ideal vapors with the ratio of the ideal
are repeated until the calculated Pec is equal to P. The mass gas-specific heats; therefore, the constant isentropic expansion
flux and Pec are maximized at the critical pressure (Pc ). In the coefficient is different from the average isentropic expansion
critical flow region, the maximum mass flux is taken at Pc be- coefficient. For a non-ideal vapor, an average isentropic expan-
cause a further decrease in nozzle pressure does not affect the sion coefficient can result in undersized PRVs. For an ideal va-
mass flux. The calculated Pec also decreases as the P is further por, an ideal gas-specific heat ratio at the relief inlet conditions
decreased below the critical pressure. can be used as a constant isentropic expansion coefficient.
The HDI method uses only one blue graph. The upgrad-
ed integration method uses two graphs (blue graph and gold
graph). The two graphs intersect at Pc . Using the two graphs
significantly improves obtaining the critical pressure point
quickly and accurately. Eq. 9 is used to calculate both the Pec
for subcritical mass flux and the Pec–max (Pc ) for critical mass
flux. The upgraded integration method quickly determines if
the flow is critical or subcritical. However, the HDI method
should complement the Eq. 2 calculations to determine if the
flow is critical or subcritical.

Isentropic expansion coefficient. Estimating the isen-

tropic expansion coefficient during the expansion process is
not simple because it is a function of pressure, volume and
the ratio of real gas-specific heats, as shown in Eq. 13. It also
varies throughout the expansion process, during which con-
FIG. 1. Plot of nozzle pressure, Pec and mass flux.
densation may occur. The isentropic expansion coefficient for
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 2022 25
Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

For 12 < C ≤ 160: (not greater than the critical pressure)

n = 2.5343E-11 × C 4–8.3347E-10 × C 3 + 7.4632E-6 × • Higher P2 would improve the calculation accuracy
C 2–2.433E-6 × C + 3.3047E-5 (16) • P1 is the average pressure of P0 and P2
• Use a goal seek feature or a simple macro program.
For C > 160: 2. Calculate the C value in Eq. 15:
n = 3.8459E-13 × C 5 – 3.7986E-10 × C 4 + 1.7953E-7 × • For subcooled liquids, determine if the fluid
C 3–3.3542E-5 × C 2 + 4.6767E-3 × C – 2.1238E-1 (17) is compressible or incompressible using Eq. 10;
do not use this method for incompressible fluids
A new method for sizing compressible fluids. Sizing • Psc = P0 if the fluid is not subcooled
methods for significantly non-ideal vapors and two-phases— • Specify the Psc if the fluid is slightly subcooled
including slightly subcooled liquids—have not yet been stan- (Psc ≤ Psc–max )
dardized. However, many effective new methods have been • Calculate the Pc (Pec–max ) iteratively using Eq. 9
developed over the last few decades. A new method for sizing until the Pec is equal to P; alternatively, Eq. 11
compressible fluids using a simple vapor equation is proposed can be used to avoid iteration
here to be a standard sizing method. All equations required for • For a subcritical flow with conventional valves,
the new method are summarized here based on the standard calculate the Pec without iteration; use the
steps in a work procedure (Eqs. 1, 6, 9, 10, 15, 16 and 17 ): Pec instead of Pc (Pec–max ) and use Kb = 1, or calculate
the Pc (Pec–max ) using Eq. 9 until the Pec is equal
W T ×Z to P and use Kb = Cat Pec /Cat Pc
A = ×
(1)C × K d × P0 × K b × K c M • For a subcritical flow with balanced valves, use the
Pc (Pec–max ), and apply the backpressure correction
v ⎡⎛ P0 ⎞ β ⎤ factor (Kb ) supplied by valve manufacturers
v − 1 = α × ⎢⎝ ⎠ −1⎥ (6) • Use a goal seek feature or a simple macro program.
0 ⎣ P ⎦ 3. Calculate the n using Eqs. 16 and 17:
1 • n (constant isentropic expansion coefficient)
⎡ ⎡ β ⎤ ⎤ β +1 is specified on the PRV specification sheet.
⎢ −2 × α × β × P × ⎢α ×
β ⎛ p ⎞ ⎥
⎜⎝ p ⎟⎠ − α + 1 ⎥ × 4. As usual , size PRVs using Eq. 1:
⎢ 0
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ ⎥ • Eq. 1 can size vapors and two-phases, including
⎢ ⎥
Pec = ⎢⎛ β ⎥ slightly subcooled liquids.

⎢ ( p0 − psc ) + α × p0 × p1−β − p1−
( β
)+ ⎟ ⎥
⎢ ⎜ 1− β

(9) Validation of new method. This section is included to vali-
⎢⎜⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎢⎣⎝ (1− α ) × ( p − p0 )
⎟⎠ date the proposed method by comparing it with the existing
HDI and Omega methods using readily available example
p0 problems from API 520 Part 1—API 520 Part 1 does not
Psc−max = p0 +
(10) cite an example for slightly subcooled liquids. Case 1 is from
2×α ×β Simpson’s Example 1.2 TABLE 1 shows comparisons with differ-
β +1
ent sizing method results for the following four cases.
1 ⎛p ⎞
C = 520 × × ⎜ c ⎟ Case 1 : Simpson’s Example 1
(15) α ×β ⎝ p0 ⎠ Fluid: Subcooled water at 66 psia and 298°F (148°C),
saturated at 65 psi
For 12 < C ≤ 160: HDI: Used 12-point data at 0.2 psi constant
n = 2.5343E-11 × C 4–8.3347E-10 × C 3 + 7.4632E-6 × pressure intervals
C 2–2.433E-6 × C + 3.3047E-5 (16) Omega: Used two-point data at 65 psia (0.017433 ft3/lb)
For C > 160: and 58.5 psia (0.074177 ft3/lb)
New: Used three-point data at 65 psia (0.017433 ft3/lb),
n = 3.8459E-13 × C 5 – 3.7986E-10 × C 4 + 1.7953E-7 × 48 psia (0.205211 ft3/lb), and 32 psia (0.612741 ft3/lb)
C 3–3.3542E-5 × C 2 + 4.6767E-3 × C – 2.1238E-1 (17)
Case 2: API 520 Part 1, Example Problem C.2.1.2
Detailed standard steps in a work procedure. The follow- Fluid: Two-phase containing a significant amount of
ing procedure can be used for sizing compressible fluids (includ- hydrogen at 2,168.5 psia and 80.3°F (27°C)
ing slightly subcooled liquids) using a simple vapor equation: HDI: Used 14-point data at 86.7 psi constant
1. Calculate the two parameters, α and β, in Eq. 6 using pressure intervals
three pressure-specific volume data: Omega: Used two-point data at 2,168.5 psia (5.18 lb/ft3)
• Two flash calculations should be carried out and 1,908.3 psia (4.77 lb/ft3)
at constant entropy New: Used three-point data at 2,168.5 psia (5.18 lb/ft3),
• P0 is at the PRV inlet 1,648.1 psia (4.28 lb/ft3) and 1,040.9 psia (2.96 lb/ft3)
• P0 is at the saturated pressure for slightly subcooled
liquids; do not include the subcooled region Case 3: API 520 Part 1, Example Problem B.1.3
• P2 is at the backpressure or 50% of P0 Fluid: Supercritical ethylene at 797.7 psia and 80.33°F (27°C)

26 JULY 2022 |

Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

HDI: Used 44-point data at 7.8 psi constant

TABLE 1. Comparisons with different sizing method results
pressure intervals
Omega: Used two-point data at 797.7 psia (0.152 ft3/lb) HDI Omega New method
and 719.4 psia (0.165 ft3/lb) Case 1 Mass flux, lb/sec-ft2 751.76 748.25 751.87
New: Used three-point data at 797.7 psia (0.152 ft3/lb), Critical pressure, psia 63.4 63.21 63.33
625.4 psia (0.185 ft3/lb) and 445.3 psia (0.248 ft3/lb)
π or α/β N/A 29.294583 21.279825 /
Case 4: API 520 Part 1, Example Problem B.3.3 1.350907
Fluid: Low-pressure air at 114.7 psia and 80.33°F (27°C) C/n N/A N/A 94.1 / 0.0671
HDI: Used 60-point data at 1 psi constant pressure intervals Case 2 Mass flux, lb/sec-ft 2
4,830.8 4,960.50 4,852.1
Omega: Used two-point data at 114.7 psia (1.741 ft3/lb) Critical pressure, psia 1,214.4 1,183.8 1,227.1
and 103.7 psia (1.870 ft3/lb)
New: Used three-point data at 114.7 psia (1.741 ft3/lb), π or α/β N/A 0.630383 0.57015 /
85.7 psia (2.141 ft3/lb) and 55.7 psia (2.907 ft3/lb)
C/n N/A N/A 349.7 / 1.3296
A simple vapor equation satisfactorily sizes PRVs for all
Case 3 Mass flux, lb/sec-ft2 3,201 3,199 3,184.8
four cases. Red color values in TABLE 1 represent the devia-
tion in mass flux of > 2% and the deviation in critical pres- Critical pressure, psia 468.8 458.7 463.6
sure more than the constant pressure interval from the HDI π or α/β N/A 0.785794 0.733619 /
method. The new method is in excellent agreement with the 1.065312
HDI method for all four cases. Blue color values in TABLE 1 rep- C/n N/A N/A 335.8 / 1.1863
resent calculated C values and constant isentropic expansion Case 4 Mass flux, lb/sec-ft2 379.1 369.9 379.2
coefficients for all four cases. Critical pressure, psia 60.7 64.2 60.4
For Case 1 (slightly subcooled water), a commercial pro-
cess simulator using the ASME steam property package pro- π or α/β N/A 0.698517 0.99802 /
vides the average isentropic expansion coefficient of 0.0729.
The ASME steam specific volume data is in good agreement C/n N/A N/A 356.8 / 1.4091
with the Case 1 data. The new method predicts the constant
isentropic expansion coefficient of 0.0671. The average isen- standing approach. The new method is based on the classical
tropic expansion coefficient with a simple vapor equation re- homogeneous equilibrium model chosen by API 520 Part 1
sults in undersized PRVs. This fluid is compressible because and AIChE/DIERS for emergency pressure relief system de-
Psc , 66 psia ≤ calculated Psc–max , 66.13 psia. The C value and signs. Most pressure relief system engineers are familiar with
constant isentropic expansion coefficient are much less than the simple vapor equation.
the other cases. The new method predicts better critical pres- For non-ideal vapors, an average isentropic expansion coef-
sure than the HDI method because Simpson used specific vol- ficient does not give the corresponding correct mass flux be-
ume data from the same P-v model and numerically integrated cause Eq. 14 assumes ideal vapor. Generally, using the average
at a constant pressure interval of 0.2 psi. isentropic expansion coefficient with a simple vapor equation
For Case 2 (two-phase containing hydrogen), there is no can result in undersized PRVs. The new method provides the
composition information available to evaluate the constant is- most practical solution for a constant isentropic expansion co-
entropic expansion coefficient. efficient that is compatible with a simple vapor equation. For
For Case 3 (supercritical ethylene), a commercial process ideal vapors, an ideal gas-specific heat ratio at the relief inlet
simulator using the SRK (Soave-Redlich-Kwong) property conditions can be used as a constant isentropic expansion coef-
package provides the average isentropic expansion coefficient ficient. The proposed method allows a simple vapor equation
of 1.2424. The SRK specific volume data agrees well with the to size compressible fluids (vapors and two-phases including
Case 3 data. The new method predicts a constant isentropic slightly subcooled liquids) if the three-point data is available
expansion coefficient of 1.1863. The average isentropic ex- from isentropic flash calculations. This approach produces
pansion coefficient with a simple vapor equation results in rigorous results validated against the existing rigorous HDI
slightly undersized PRVs. method, while significantly reducing computational efforts
For Case 4 (low-pressure air), a commercial process simula- necessary for the numerical integration method.
tor using the SRK (Soave-Redlich-Kwong) property package Presently, there is no standardized PRV specification sheet
gives the average isentropic expansion coefficient of 1.4203. for non-ideal vapors and two-phases. The proposed method
The SRK specific volume data is in good agreement with the using a simple vapor equation will improve the communica-
Case 4 data. The new method predicts the constant isentro- tion between the valve manufacturer and the relief system de-
pic expansion coefficient of 1.4091. This is an acceptable dif- signer for non-ideal vapors and two-phases, including slightly
ference in two isentropic expansion coefficients for air. This subcooled liquids. The proposed method using a simple vapor
confirms that Eq. 14 is acceptable for ideal vapors or relatively equation is recommended as the standard sizing methodology
constant isentropic expansion coefficients. for compressible fluids, including slightly subcooled liquids.

Takeaways. The above proposed method for sizing com- LITERATURE CITED
pressible fluid PRVs using a simple vapor equation is an out- Complete literature cited available online at

Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 2022 27

Environment A. RASTOGI
and Safety Fluor Daniel India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India

Gas flaring: Necessary, or a waste of resources

and a source of greenhouse gases?
Flaring is the controlled burning of
hydrocarbons at oil refineries, gas pro-
cessing plants and petrochemical plants.
It is required for plant safety by burn-
ing all reliefs of the plant in emergency
condition—this is called “safety flaring.”
However, many upstream and down-
stream facilities use flaring to destroy
unwanted gases produced along with
the main product—such flaring is called
“routine flaring.” Typical examples are
oil refineries and petrochemical plants
(FIG. 1), gas processing plants and crude
oil production facilities. Both of these
methods of flaring involve the waste of
natural resources and produce harmful
emissions to the environment.
Routine flaring involves the burning FIG. 1. Routine flaring in refineries and petrochemical plants involves the burning of all unwanted
of all unwanted and uneconomical gases and uneconomical gases that cannot be sold to local markets or exported to wider markets.
that cannot be sold to local markets or
exported to wider markets. This flaring
generates maximum pollutants by waste- CO2 e emissions. The CH4 emissions It is a specialized compression
fully burning valuable natural resources resulting from the inefficiency of flare system to recover gases that would
and emitting large amounts of carbon di- combustion contribute significantly otherwise be burned during the
oxide (CO2 ), methane (CH4 ), black soot to global warming. This is particularly flaring process. This system utilizes
and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) that true in the short to medium term as, a liquid ring compressor and
significantly impact the environment. according to the Intergovernmental three-phase separator to capture
It is estimated that if even half of the Panel on Climate Change, CH4 is > 80 gases from the flare header. The
gas burned in routine flaring is used for times more powerful than CO2 as a recovered gases can be reused
power generation, it could provide ap- warming gas over a 20-yr period. On within the facility’s fuel gas
proximately 400 BkWh (billion kilowatt this basis, the annual CO2 e emissions system. An example of an FGRS
hours) of electricity. are increased by nearly 100 MMt.” is shown in FIG. 2.
• On-demand flaring—This
Zero flaring: An initiative from the To mitigate this global pollution issue, methodology utilizes a high-
World Bank. As per a World Bank report: the World Bank instituted an initiative in pressure ballistic ignition system
2015 to end routine flaring by 2030. to ignite the flame at the flare tip
“Thousands of gas flares at oil on an on-demand basis when
production sites worldwide Achieving zero flaring. A few techni- flammable gas is present. Emissions
burned approximately 142 Bm3 of cal solutions to reduce the extent of gases are minimized by eliminating
gas in 2020. Assuming a ‘typical’ to be flared are listed here. Some of them the need for continuous flaring
associated gas composition—a flare are already utilized by oil, gas and petro- operation, as it involves burning a
combustion efficiency of 98% and a chemical companies with the aim of zero predetermined minimum amount
global warming potential for CH4 of flaring by 2030: of fuel gas. This ignition system is
25—each cubic meter of associated • Flare gas recovery system used where flare gas is recovered
gas flared results in about 2.8 kg of (FGRS)—This is one of the and recycled, as with an FGRS.
CO2 equivalent (CO2 e) emissions, cleanest solutions to minimize or • Gas-powered electricity generation
resulting in more than 400 MMtpy of eliminate gas flaring in refineries. plants—These facilities utilize a
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 2022 17
Environment and Safety

FIG. 2. A typical flare gas recovery system.

gas-turbine generator running on alternative can be economically

the field gas to generate electricity. viable if unwanted gas is produced

Electricity generated can be stored at mass scale by a plant or by many
and transmitted to other facilities to gas-producing facilities that are

meet their daily operational needs, in close vicinity. Unwanted gas
or it can be sold to other users and produced in all facilities can be
FOR HYDROGEN to generate revenue. The amount
of gas to be flared is reduced, as
stored and cooled at a common
“gas-to-liquid conversion plant”
SOLUTIONS electricity is generated by using
site-produced gas that otherwise
and then transported to other local
and international market for sale.
would have been flared, resulting in
↘ PROCESS GAS GHG emissions reductions. Takeaway. While these strategies will
• Gas-powered e-frac fleets— not completely eliminate gas flaring,
COMPRESSORS This system utilizes modular gas they provide viable paths to reduce the
turbine generators that run on extent of gases to be flared and means to
↘ HEAT EXCHANGERS site-produced gas rather than diesel utilize them more effectively. Compa-
used in a conventional system. nies should utilize flaring strictly for the
↘ MEMBRANE Electricity generated is used to safety of plants in upset or emergency
power pressure pumps and other conditions. Routine flaring should be
TECHNOLOGY electrical items onsite. diminished progressively to zero flaring
• Gas-powered onsite equipment— by applying strict regulations. Govern-
Some companies manufacture ment and companies should collaborate
heavy machines or equipment that and support each other for effective utilize gas as fuel. They also offer monetization of such hydrocarbon re-
the service to modify the existing sources and unwanted gases to eliminate
Phone: + 49 (0)30 4301-01
machineries and heavy vehicles to routine flaring.
Fax: + 49 (0)30 4301-2236 run on gas against conventional fuel
ANUJ RASTOGI is a Mechanical
E-mail: diesel. Utilizing the site-produced Engineer with Fluor Daniel India
Egellsstrasse 21 gas in these machines can save fuel Private Ltd. New Delhi and has been
13507 Berlin with the company for 11 yr. He has
costs and reduce gas flaring.
more than 16 yr of experience in
• Small-scale gas-to-liquid packaged equipment and holds a BE
conversion plants—This degree in mechanical engineering.

18JULY 2022 |

and Safety
Fluor, New Delhi, India

Raising the alarm: Understanding the operator’s

perspective on refinery process alarms
As refineries and petrochemical complexes worldwide are open art unit, the FEED package should clearly define the re-
moving toward more automated operations, plant operators are quired alarms. Further additions or deletions of alarms typi-
increasingly becoming dependent on process alarms for safe, cally happen during safety reviews, such as in a hazard and
smooth and continuous operation. Process alarms also play an operability (HAZOP) analysis. Finally, all the alarms defined
important role in mitigating the risks during plant upsets. in the design phase are reviewed and verified for implementa-
During the early stages of a project, typically the front-end tion in the design.
engineering design (FEED) stage, the client’s operations team During the alarm review phase, the inputs provided by the
and the design engineering contractor outline the preliminary operators are of immense importance. The operator is expect-
alarm requirements to assess the vital process parameters that ed to make an assessment and to verify all alarms to ensure that
require significant monitoring during plant operations. The the plant is operating within safe limits at all possible operating
definition of an alarm not only includes the proper setting of conditions. This requires the operators to participate in alarm
the alarm, but also consists of defining the correct priority and management studies, and the outcome of these studies should
operator actions for the respective alarm. To confirm these pa- be documented. The final step in the design phase is to test
rameters, an alarm management study is typically done in the the alarms during the pre-commissioning stage of the project.
engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) phase of the The following aspects are critical from an operator’s stand-
project. A proper study provides the operator with an appropri- point during the discussion of process alarms in an alarm man-
ate action plan after an alarm has been enunciated. This plan agement review meeting.
includes steps to be taken, as alarm verification and safeguard-
ing actions, to mitigate the possibility of any subsequent hazard. Ownership of the process alarm. Since plant operations are
Various design practices are followed when determining run by different teams in a refinery, it is essential to define the
and defining process alarms for essential process parameters. scope of ownership for a particular process alarm. For routine
The guidelines outlined in these design practices explain the flow, pressure, level and temperature alarms, ownership is usu-
steps involved in defining a process alarm. These design prac- ally assigned to the refinery process team, which is responsible
tices also provide the necessary documentation needed for de- for addressing the same. For the alarms associated with rotat-
fining the alarms, and typically vary from project to project, as ing equipment, along with their auxiliary systems and machine
defined by the client. monitoring systems, ownership is assigned to the mechanical
Once a process alarm goes off, it is the responsibility of the team. Interface alarms are usually the responsibility of the shift
operator to take corrective actions in a timely manner to miti- supervisor, who should consult with the unit operators and
gate a potential hazard. This requires a well-coordinated effort make an informed decision with the refinery leader to over-
between the panel operator and the field operator to address come the challenges arising out of that alarm situation.
an alarm successfully without tripping the plant. Therefore, The following example is a unique case of an alarm on a pres-
understanding an operator’s perspective is of utmost impor- sure transmitter. The pressure transmitter is located on the bat-
tance while developing alarm management documents during tery limit interface, and it measures the pressure of the incoming
the detailed engineering phase. It is beneficial to organize an acid gas feed to the sulfur recovery units (SRUs) from the up-
alarm management review meeting with plant operations per- stream amine regeneration units (ARUs). The pressure trans-
sonnel to understand the operational and maintenance aspects mitter is a common instrument used for all trains of an SRU. It is
of a particular process unit. Such meetings may be conducted equipped with high and low alarms to notify of any abnormali-
over a few weeks, depending upon the number of alarms in ties in the overall system. Since the necessary and immediate
that specific process unit. modifications in operation must be done at the SRU, this alarm
The lifecycle of an alarm begins with a proper definition is owned by the SRU’s operating team, so that the plant load
of the alarm. In the case of a licensed unit, this definition is may be varied accordingly to compensate for the fluctuations in
provided by the licensor in the process design package. For an the upstream ARU (FIG. 1).
70 APRIL 2022 |
Environment and Safety

Avoidance of nuisance alarms. During the FEED stage, following example of a typical low-pressure alarm on a cooling-
the team develops the alarm documentation, considering every water main header in a process unit is used for explanation of
single possibility where process alarms are needed to monitor alarm priority (FIG. 2). Alarm priority for a low-pressure alarm
the behavior of a particular process unit. During the detailed on a cooling-water header should be defined as high priority.
engineering phase, the client’s operations team may recom- In the event this alarm goes off, it is very important for the op-
mend that nuisance alarms be removed from the list of process erator to acknowledge it and to take corrective action immedi-
alarms where they may be redundant or not significant for the ately by identifying the cause of the alarm. Low pressure would
operator to monitor during plant operations. A typical example result in a low flow, leading to starvation on the cooling-water
would be a pressure alarm on the potable water line inside the exchangers and to high temperatures inside the process units,
unit. Operations typically advises that the interconnecting subsequently leading to an upset of the process unit. Therefore,
units should have alarms on their headers to avoid multiple it is defined as a high-priority alarm that can notify the operator
monitoring within the process unit, as well. The rationalization about the severity of the upset.
of alarms should take place under the guidance of the client
operations team and streamlined to keep only those process Time for the operator to act on an alarm. This is an impor-
alarms that are vital for proper plant operation. tant aspect that needs significant attention. The primary objective
of a process alarm is to alert the operator about a possible devia-
Prioritizing process alarms. Prioritizing a process alarm tion from the normal operating range. The alarm provides the op-
means assessing a risk associated with a process alarm and ad- erator a chance to take predefined corrective actions to mitigate a
vising the operator about the magnitude of impact on plant potential trip scenario. The emergency shutdown of a process unit
operations—especially with respect to process safety—if the can lead to production losses and negatively impact the plant life
alarm goes unattended. An emphasis should be placed on de- due to the sudden fluctuation in the operating conditions caused
fining the priority for an alarm. There can be cases where some by an abrupt shutdown. Importance should be given during the
process alarms are initially labeled as high-priority alarms, but, design phase to ensure that sufficient response time is available
after a detailed analysis and discussion, the priority is lessened. for the operator should an alarm go off. Alarms with very little
The same is true for low-priority alarms that can be upgrad- operator response time are seldom useful and contribute to the
ed to high-priority levels. Too much conservatism should be overall alarm count without adding much value. Consideration
avoided in defining the priorities for alarms. The number of should be given to categorize such alarms with a lower priority.
high-priority alarms should be optimized to ensure that the op-
erator is not overburdened in case of an emergency.
Alarms are typically categorized into high, medium and low
priority, although the exact nomenclature may vary as defined
by the specific design practice applicable for that project. The
Battery limit Pressure signal
Pressure signal
To SRU train 1

Pressure signal

To SRU – other trains

L Acid gas

Acid gas To SRU train 1

From ARU Listen to

Acid gas
Hydrocarbon Processing’s
To SRU – other trains podcast for the latest
technologies in the
FIG. 1. Pressure alarm for acid gas to SRU. downstream industry.


Cooling water
From supply header

FIG. 2. Low-pressure alarm for cooling-water header.

Hydrocarbon Processing | APRIL 2022 71

Environment and Safety

H or equipment maintenance. Alarms with a suppression require-
L ment should be identified and documented to make the unit
operator aware of the suppression aspect of a process alarm.
The automation contractor should devise a methodology to
suppress alarms that will go off during a particular mode of op-
eration. For example, in a typical process unit, when the feed is
cut in, the low-level alarms will go off in most of the vessels in
the unit, especially in the feed knockout drum, leading to con-
Feed heater H fusion during the startup. Such alarms are suppressed until a
steady-state operation is achieved. The operator can change the
status of such alarms from a suppressed state to a normal state
AT SS in the distributed control system once the unit is stabilized and
Feed + hydrogen normal liquid levels are achieved.
Hydrotreater Sulfur absorber
Clearly defined operator actions. The corrective actions
FIG. 3. Sulfur slippage from hydrodesulfurization reactors. to be performed by an operator in case of the activation of an
alarm should be clear, specific and realistic in nature. The ac-
Mode-dependent alarms (alarms during normal opera- tions for panel operators and for field operators should be seg-
tion, startup or shutdown). Mode dependency is another regated and documented. If possible, actions may be outlined
vital aspect to be defined during the alarm management study. in a sequential manner in order of importance. The response
The client’s operations team should advise to clearly define the time available for the operators is usually minimal; therefore, it
alarms that are mode dependent (i.e., to categorize based upon is important to avoid assigning any unnecessary and irrelevant
startup, shutdown and normal operation). This provides a deep actions. Clearly defined actions provide a clear path forward
insight to operators to understand the applicability of the alarm for the operators, allowing them to revive the process to avoid
during a particular phase of operation of a process unit. a plant upset or trip. Obtaining a clear understanding and agree-
ment from operators is essential.
Alarm verification. It is not uncommon to have spurious
alarms in a refinery. It is always useful if the alarm can be verified Takeaway. Alarms play an important role in normal plant opera-
with the help of another independent instrument reading. It is tions, as well as during startup and shutdown scenarios. Proper
advisable to consider a realistic alarm verification. For example, configuration and definition of alarms are of prime importance.
a pressure alarm in a process stream should be verified against A prime concept that is often neglected involves considering the
another independent pressure instrument (such as a pressure inputs from the end users of these alarms, i.e., the plant operators.
gauge), and an indirect verification (e.g., flowrate) should be During the design phase for alarm configurations, it is important
avoided. However, there may be certain instances where an indi- to consider the operators’ perspectives and provide the best pa-
rect verification cannot be avoided. The following example from rameters for configuring them as defined in this article. This also
a hydrogen production unit explains the difference between a ensures that the proper priorities and corrective actions are con-
direct and an indirect verification. sidered against each alarm. Therefore, it is important to configure
The hydrodesulfurization section of a hydrogen production alarms by taking into consideration the operators’ perspectives
unit typically consists of a hydrotreater and a sulfur absorber. for a safe, continuous and optimum operation of the facility.
The mixture of the hydrocarbon feed and hydrogen is heated to
the desired inlet temperature before entering the hydrotreater. NOTE
The sulfur compounds present in the hydrocarbon feed are con- The conclusions presented in this article are solely those of the authors and can-
verted to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the hydrotreater and are sub- not be ascribed to Fluor Corporation and/or any of its subsidiaries.
sequently absorbed in the sulfur absorber. Inefficient operation DEBOPAM CHAUDHURI is a Senior Process Engineer with Fluor
of the hydrodesulfurization section may cause sulfur slippage, New Delhi. He has more than 20 yr of experience in petroleum
which can damage the steam reformer catalyst located down- refining, petrochemicals and upstream projects. He earned Bch
stream. For this purpose, an online analyzer with a high sulfur degrees in chemistry and chemical engineering from the
University of Calcutta, India.
alarm is usually provided at the outlet of the sulfur absorber to
alert the operator. A manual sampling station provided at the
same location is considered a reliable direct verification for the PRANAY VEER SINGH is a Process Engineer with Fluor New
Delhi. He has more than 12 yr of experience in petroleum
high sulfur alarm; however, lab analysis may take some time be- refining, petrochemicals and fertilizer projects. He earned an MS
fore the results are made available. Since a low hydrotreater inlet degree in chemical engineering from the Indian Institute of
temperature causes sulfur slippage due to poor conversion, the Technology in Kharagpur, India.
low-temperature alarm available at the inlet of the hydrotreater
may be considered a credible indirect verification that can be VENKATA SRAVAN KUMAR is a Process Engineer with Fluor
verified instantly (FIG. 3). New Delhi. He has more than 14 yr of experience in petroleum
refining, petrochemicals and fertilizer projects. He earned a Bch
degree in chemical engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru
Suppression of alarms. Provision for alarm suppression Technological University in India.
may be required for some alarms, such as during unit startup
72 APRIL 2022 |
Feature Report
Health, Safety and
Environmental Considerations
for Process Synthesis
Following this approach to assessing health, safety and environmental risks can steer engineers
to consider more inherently safe process options earlier in process synthesis

Thane Brown uring process synthesis in the ing all major process steps and flow streams
Proctor & Gamble (ret.) chemical process industries (CPI), • Process operating conditions
engineers make decisions that • Material specifications for raw materials,
determine the inherent health, catalysts, solvents, processing aids, pack-
safety and environmental (HSE) risk level of aging materials and so on
IN BRIEF a process. This article proposes a simple • Material and energy balances
WHAT IS PROCESS approach for identifying and assessing the • Required materials of construction
SYNTHESIS? major HSE hazards during synthesis. • Process design data, such as reaction ki-
Understanding the risk level during synthe- netics and physical properties
sis enables the engineer to consider inher- • Scale-up criteria
ently safer designs (ISD) while developing the • Major HSE hazards
METHODOLOGY flow sheet. If risk levels are not considered
during synthesis, higher risk processes will How to think about HSE
result, because decisions are hard to change HSE is a broad topic dealing with the safety
UNADDRESSED RISKS once the flow sheet has been finalized. Most of plant employees, of the physical plant, of
AND HAZARDS of the resistance to process design changes the community and of the environment. Each
CONCLUDING REMARKS comes from trying to avoid the need to re- of these constituencies is affected in its own
peat expensive research and development way by a production process.
work, as well as avoiding schedule delays. • Plant employees may be affected by
To understand the value of ISD, consider chemical exposure, fire, explosion, noise and
the Bhopal, India incident where, in 1984, injuries
an accidental release of the chemical methyl • The physical plant may be affected by fire,
isocyanate (MIC) occurred at a facility for explosion and overpressure situations
manufacturing the insecticide Sevin. MIC, an • The community may be affected by acci-
intermediate in the production process for dental releases of substances, fires, explo-
Sevin, is a highly toxic chemical. A National sions, noise, pollution, landfills and the dis-
Research Council (Washington, D.C.; www. posal of hazardous chemicals study stated that • The surrounding environment may be
more than 40 tons of MIC were released, kill- affected by planned emissions and dis-
ing close to 3,800 people and seriously injur- charges, toxic wastes, accidental releases
ing between 100,000 and 200,000 [1]. Had and fugitive emissions
there been an inherently safer process at the In the previous definition of process syn-
Bhopal plant, the accident might have been thesis, the phrase “appropriate level of HSE
prevented, or its severity greatly reduced. risk” requires further explanation. Generally,
risk is thought of as the following:
What is process synthesis?
Process synthesis is the creation of a pro- Risk = (Severity of Incident) × (Likelihood of
cess for manufacturing a product that meets Occurrance)
customer-based quality specifications, has
an appropriate level of HSE risk, and meets or
business and economic requirements [2].
When complete, process synthesis will have Risk = (Human and/or Economic Loss
defined the following: Potential) × (Probability of an Incident)
• A block flow diagram of the process, show-
The definition of acceptable risk sidered along with TABLE 1*. TYPES OF CHEMICAL PLANT INCIDENTS
varies from company to company. other factors.” Type of Probability Fatality Economic
Each organization must define When thinking incident potential loss potential
what is appropriate for it, which is about risk, engi- Fire High Low Intermediate
a difficult task at best. If the ques- neers should also Explosion Intermediate Intermediate High
tion were simply financial, such as consider the infor- Toxic release Low High Low
weighing the cost of risk reduction mation shown in *Adapted from Table 1-6 in Crowl and Louvar, Chemical Process Safety, 3rd ed. [9]
against the monetary loss of an in- Tables 1 and 2, as
cident, it would be fairly straightfor- well as their own TABLE 2. COMPARATIVE FATALITY DATA
ward to answer. The difficulty arises company’s data Fatality cause Deaths per 100,000
when one has to consider the loss and practice.
of life or personal injury. What is a life Smokers who smoke ≥15/d ( 2005–2009)a 1,000
or severe injury worth? What is an Methodology Car travel (2019) b 12
acceptable fatality rate? These are The methodology U.S. Manufacturing (2018) c 2.2
hard questions to answer. presented here will Chemical Manufacturing (2018) c 1.2
In a recent article about COVID-19, help to find and d
Being struck by lightning (2006-2019) 0.07
Alex Berezow discussed the value of assess HSE haz-
Source data:
life [3]. Although he wrote the article ards during pro- ª 2014 Surgeon General’s Report, Table 12.4, p. 660
from a geopolitical perspective, his cess synthesis. For b National Safety Council
remarks apply equally to HSE. He hazards that could cd Bureau of Labor Statistics
National Weather Service
states there are three ways to view result in serious or
the value of life: morally/philosophi- catastrophic incidents, the engi- ents. One needs to consider
cally, economically and a blend of neer should consider changing the health, flammability, instability
the two. basic process to make it inherently and special hazards. An exam-
“Many people say that one cannot safer. Because synthesis is the time ple of a material having a special
put a price tag on human life. This when the process is being created, hazard is MIC, which reacts vio-
is true from a moral or philosophi- it is the ideal time to explore options lently with water. This is believed
cal perspective. … In the eyes of an for hazard elimination or mitigation. to be the initiating cause of the
economist, however, we are neither During synthesis, one need not Bhopal incident mentioned pre-
equal nor invaluable. work on routine safety issues, such viously. Usually, the National Fire
“How does one begin to put a as pressure relief. Later on, detailed Protection Association (NFPA;
price tag on a human life? A simple studies, such as HAZOP (hazard Quincy, Mass.;
thought experiment demonstrates and operability analyses), will iden- or the U.S. Hazardous Materi-
how easy it is. Pretend that you’re tify these issues. als Identification System (HMIS)
the mayor of a small town. There’s The steps in the methodology are ratings are sufficient sources
a dangerous intersection that results the following: of information to determine the
in one car crash fatality every year. • Identify the hazards hazard level of a chemical. Both
A company approaches you with a • Estimate the potential for loss systems have five rating levels.
solution: By redesigning and rebuild- • Estimate the probability of having Table 3 explains the NFPA levels.
ing the intersection, it can guarantee an incident HMIS is similar.
no more car crashes. The only prob- • Identify the major risks • Process-related hazards. Some
lem is that the infrastructure project • Consider inherently safer designs operating features and equip-
costs $100 million. Considering that Step 1: Identify process hazards. ment in a process may be haz-
your small town’s budget is far less Begin by looking for toxic release, ex- ardous. The most common are
than that, the city couldn’t afford it plosion and fire hazards, as follows: runaway reactions, high tem-
without a massive tax increase. You • Hazardous materials. For each peratures, high pressures (or
propose that tax increase to your flow stream in the process, list vacuum) and large inventories of
citizens, who reject it overwhelm- the composition, materials and hazardous materials.
ingly. The citizens have spoken: The amounts of each stream. This ❍ Runaway reactions. Runaway
lives of those who will be killed in ac- should include intermediates reactions are a fairly common
cidents at the intersection are not and impurities. Consider feed problem. High heats of reac-
worth $100 million. streams, products, byproducts, tion and large reactor vol-
“… For what it’s worth, various U.S. recycle streams, purge, cata- umes increase the probability
government agencies value a life be- lysts and solvents, as well as of an incident. If a reaction
tween $9 million and $10 million. planned discharges to sewers, is exothermic, assess the
“The key is to remember that we the atmosphere, landfills, recy- chances that it could get out
are talking about economic value clers and waste disposal firms. of control. This usually occurs
rather than moral value. There is al- For each substance, determine when there is a problem,
ways space for a moral consideration whether it is hazardous; and if
such as a cooling system
in geopolitics, but it too must be con- so, the degree of hazard it pres-
or power failure. An assess-
ment of the system requires could cause TABLE 4. HARDWARE RELATED TO INCIDENTS FOR THE REFINERY
knowing the reactor volume, an incident. AND PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRIES, 1974–2019
the heat capacity of the reac- ❍ Hazardous Hardware % of Incidents
tion mix, the heat of reaction material
Piping, including valves 33
and the reaction rate. If the inventories.
The issue Towers 14
last three pieces of informa-
tion are unknown, the data here is the Reactors 12
can be obtained via reaction possibility Storage tanks 7
calorimetry experiments. of an ac- Unknown 4
❍ High-pressure or high-tem- cidental Instruments 3
perature operations. These release. The
Heat exchangers 3
are innately more hazardous larger the
Pumps 3
than lower-pressure and low- inventory of
hazardous Compressors 2
er-temperature operations.
High pressures increase the materials, Other 19
odds of having an equipment the higher Source data: Marsh, The 100 Largest Losses in the Hydrocarbon Industry 1974–2019,
or piping leak. When a pro- the chance
cess stream is within or near of having a catastrophic are only useful during synthesis.
its flammability range, or near incident. Inventory was a They do not take the place of the
or above its flash or auto-ig- major contributor to the large exacting safety studies done later
nition temperature, leaks may number of deaths in Bho- during detailed design.
result in a fire or explosion. pal. Inventories include both Referring back to Table 1, note
The same is true of leaks in-storage and in-process that toxic releases and explosions
of flammable heat-transfer material. When considering have the greatest potential for fatali-
fluids. A special category of in-process inventory, keep in ties and economic loss. To estimate
high-temperature operations mind that batch reactors gen- each hazard’s potential for loss,
is furnaces. By their nature, erally have higher volumes place each into one of the following
furnaces are risky. If a furnace than continuous reactors, broad loss categories:
standard distillation columns • Catastrophic — Those resulting
is used to heat a process or a
heat transfer fluid that is flam- arranged in sequence contain in deaths or permanent disabilities,
major community damage, or major
mable, tube leaks could result more liquid than a divided-
plant damage
in a fire or explosion. Also, wall column does, and plate
• Major — Those resulting in hos-
high-temperature operation towers hold more liquid than
pitalizations, significant community
weakens the strength of the packed towers do. damage, or significant plant damage
tube materials increasing the Step 2: Estimate loss potential. • Moderate — Those resulting in
probability of leaks. Once the hazards in the process injuries needing medical treatment,
❍ Vacuum operation. While have been identified, engineers minor community damage, or mod-
vacuum operations are usu- should assess the potential for loss erate plant damage
ally safer than high-pressure for each hazard. Because there • Minor — Those resulting in minor
operations, air leaks into are few design details at this point, injuries, no community damage, or
a process stream that will these assessments will be “order- minor plant damage
oxidize or that is combustible of-magnitude” quality. As such, they When assessing the loss poten-
tial of materials, one can use NFPA
TABLE 3. THE NFPA RATING SYSTEM or HMIS ratings to define the sever-
Adapted from Figure 3-8 in Crowl and Louvar, Chemical Process Safety, 4th Ed. [5]
ity of health, flammability or instabil-
ity hazards. If these are not avail-
4 3 2 1 0
able, use the Materials Safety Data
Health rating Can be lethal Can cause Can cause Can cause Not Sheets (MSDS) for each substance
permanent or temporary in- significant hazardous
serious injury capacitation or irritation
or PubChem’s Compound Summary
residual injury database [4]. If a material has an
Flammability Rapidly Ignites easily at Ignites when Must be Will not NFPA or HMIS rating of 4, assign its
rating vaporizes and ambient moderately heated preheated to burn potential for loss as Catastrophic. A
burns at room temperatures ignite 3-rating should be assigned the loss
temperature category of Major, and so on. To il-
Instability May detonate Shock and heat Violent Unstable if Stable lustrate, MIC, the toxic intermediate
rating may detonate chemical change heated
at elevated
in the Bhopal Sevin process, has an
temperatures NFPA health rating of 4. Thus, its loss
Special hazards W: Violent reaction with water
potential would be Catastrophic. Its
OX: Oxidizer SA: Simple asphyxiant release was clearly that.
the guidelines are not as Event probability Very likely, Probable, Every Possible, Every Unlikely,
clear cut. The Marsh 100 Loss potential Every 0– 10 years 10– 30 years 30 – 100 years >100 years
Largest Losses Report Catastrophic:
provides perspective. • Deaths or permanent disabilities
Marsh, an insurance- •• Major community damage
Major plant damage
brokerage and risk-man-
agement firm, regularly • Hospitalizations
publishes global incident • Significant community damage
data. As this report only • Significant plant damage
reports the largest global Moderate:
losses, it represents only • Injuries needing medical treatment
the tip of the loss ice- • Minor community damage
• Moderate plant damage
berg. Property losses
follow a similar pattern Minor:
• Minor injuries
to deaths and injuries. • No community damage
Crowl and Louvar sug- • Minor plant damage
gest that for every 1 to
2 fatalities resulting from Fifty eight of those came from the toxic releases
an incident, there are 10 to 20 seri- petrochemical and petroleum re- • 39 (67%) began with an explosion
ous injuries, 100 to 200 minor inju- finery segments. These resulted in • 19 (33%) began with a fire
ries, and 1,000 to 2,000 near misses losses totaling $23 billion, as well as Table 4 summarizes the hardware
[5]. the following: and equipment associated with the
The March 2020 Marsh report • Losses averaged $500 million/yr 58 incidents from the petrochemical
covers the 46-year period from 1974 • The average cost of an incident and refining sectors.
to 2019. It describes the 100 largest was $397 million Step 3: Estimate the probability
global hydrocarbon industry losses. • Three incidents (5%) resulted in of an incident. As was the case

For details visit For details visit


with loss potential, it is impossible to ties of them, and use of less hazard- • Controlling the reaction rate via the
make detailed estimates, so order- ous operating conditions. order of chemical addition or by
of-magnitude quality has to suffice at Substitution. This focuses on sub- catalyst choices
this point. Assign each hazard to one stituting non-hazardous or less- • ­Adding inert materials to flamma-
of four levels of probability, which are hazardous materials for hazardous ble mixtures
the following: ones. Consider the following: • Reducing process operating tem-
• Very Likely — occurring every 0–10 • ­Using a reaction chain that doesn’t peratures to eliminate the need
years use hazardous materials (raw for furnaces
• Probable — occurring every 10–30 materials or catalysts) or that
years doesn’t produce hazardous in- Example
• Possible— occurring every 30–100 termediates or byproducts The following discussion about Bho-
years •­ Pretreating the feed to eliminate pal and MIC illustrates substitution
• Unlikely — occurring once every impurities that react to form haz- and minimization.
100 years or more ardous materials With an NFPA health rating of 4,
As previously mentioned, larger • Using materials with higher flash- MIC is very hazardous. As such, it
losses occur less often; smaller points, boiling points and other would be placed in one of the red
losses are much more frequent. The properties that are well away cells of the Risk Rating Matrix (Table
synthesis engineer, when assigning from the operating conditions of 5). Thus, the reaction that produces
one of the four probability levels to the process it would be a prime candidate for
the hazards, should consult with ex- • Using different solvents, heat- ISD. As understood today, substitu-
perienced process safety experts and transfer fluids or refrigerants to tion is possible, because there are
refer to company incident history. eliminate those that may be toxic two accepted routes for making car-
Step 4: Identifying major risks. Risk or flammable baryl (Sevin) [7]:
is the combination of loss potential Minimization (intensification). The • The MIC route (used in Bhopal):
and probability. When assessing risk focus here is to minimize the amount
during synthesis, use the Risk Rating of hazardous material in the system. 1. Methylamine + Phosgene ➔
Matrix (Table 5). First, enter the loss Consider the following: MIC + 2 HCl
potential and probability estimates • Continuous or semi-batch sys- 2. MIC + α-Naphthol ➔ Carbaryl
into the figure. If a material or other tems, which usually hold smaller
hazard falls into one of the red cells, volumes of material compared • The non-MIC route. This route uses
it is important to work to eliminate, or to batch systems the same feedstocks, but reacts
greatly reduce, risk by applying ISD. • Changing reactor conditions — them in a different order.
Hazards falling into the yellow cells catalyst, temperature, pressure
are borderline candidates for ISD. — to increase the reaction rate 1. α-Naphthol + Phosgene ➔
Step 5: Consider inherently safer and make the reactor smaller Naphthol chloroformate + HCl
designs. The activities of hazard and • Using a column sequence that 2. Naphthol chloroformate + Methyl-
risk identification lead directly to the minimizes the amount of hazard- amine ➔ Carbaryl + HCl
question of what to do about high- ous material held in the process
risk hazards. In general, there are •­ Using equipment having less Had the non-MIC route been used
two options: use ISD principles or holdup. A few examples are: at the Bhopal, India facility, there
add safeguards to the process. Of divided-wall distillation columns, would have been no incident — no
the two, ISD is generally preferred packed versus tray columns, deaths and no injuries. Even safer
because it focuses on the elimina- thermosiphon versus kettle re- routes might be possible if some-
tion or lessening of the hazard. It boilers, plate versus shell-and- thing less hazardous could be sub-
also delivers simpler, more straight- tube exchangers, and tubular stituted for phosgene, which has an
forward designs. Kletz and Amyotte versus pot reactors NFPA Health rating of 4 [8].
state, “Traditional plant designs try to Attenuation (moderation). Attenu- There are also minimization op-
reduce the risk by adding protective ation stresses the use of less haz- tions. Had the amount of MIC stored
equipment and following safe meth- ardous operating conditions when been small, far fewer people would
ods of working. Inherently safer and handling hazardous materials and have died or been injured. Recall,
friendlier plants remove or reduce the situations. Consider the following: over 40 tons of MIC were released.
hazards” [6]. Protective equipment •­ Processing flammable materials It was this large release that caused
and safe practices will eventually re- well below their flash points and the high number of deaths and inju-
sult in an incident as equipment fails boiling points ries. Crowl and Louvar refer to a re-
or people make mistakes. • ­Handling explosive dusts as slurries designed process that could reduce
Three pillars of ISD apply to pro- •­ Reducing the risks of a runaway the MIC inventory to less than 20
cess synthesis: substitution, minimi- reaction lb [9]. In addition, the National Re-
zation and attenuation. These pillars • Using a smaller reactor (for exam- search Council in their report “The
involve elimination of hazardous ma- ple, a continuous versus batch Use and Storage of Methyl Isocya-
terials, use of much smaller quanti- reactor) nate (MIC) at Bayer CropScience,”
refers to a process that produces gaseous MIC, which
is consumed immediately [10].

Unaddressed risks/hazards
If significant hazards/risks exist that are not dealt with,
they should be flagged so they will not be forgotten
in the future. This helps ensure someone will design
safeguards into the process to manage those risks
and mitigate outcomes. For example, one of the senior
chemical engineering design projects at the University
of Cincinnati involved designing a greener process for
making dimethyl carbonate [11]. The process uses a
catalyst (methyl iodide) with an NFPA health rating of
3. The Safety and Hazard Section of PubChem’s Com-
pound Summary for methyl iodide states that storing
amounts greater than or equal to 7,500 lb “presents a
potential for a catastrophic event …” [12]. This is the
type of item one would flag, because storage systems
are not dealt with during process synthesis.

Concluding remarks
The decisions made during synthesis set the HSE
features of a process. Thus, it is imperative HSE be
integrated into the process design. Especially with
chemical processes, it is the only way HSE risk can
be adequately dealt with. The approach in this article
enables the synthesis engineer to identify and man-
age the major HSE hazards and risks in a process. n
Edited by Scott Jenkins

1. National Research Council, The Use and Storage of Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) at Bayer Crop-
Science, Washington DC, 2012, p. 32.
2. Brown, T.R., Cost Engineering: Integrating Technology and Economics, Chem. Eng., December
1, 2017, pp. 35–36.
3. Berezow, Alex, Four Coronavirus Lessons That We Will (or Won’t) Learn, Geopolitical Futures,
May 1, 2020.
4. Cameo Chemicals MSDS, available at:
5. Crowl, D.A. and Louvar, J.F., “Chemical Process Safety,” 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2019.
6. Kletz, T.A, and Amyotte, P., “Process Plants: A Handbook for Inherently Safer Design,” 2nd Edition,
CRC Press, 2010.
7. Crowl, D.A. and Louvar, J.F., “Chemical Process Safety,” 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002, p. 26.
8. Cameo Chemicals MSDS,
9. Crowl, D.A. and Louvar, J.F., “Chemical Process Safety,” 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2011.
10. National Research Council, The Use and Storage of Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) at Bayer Crop-
Science, Washington, D.C., 2012, p. 114.
11. An unpublished report by: Ballachino, K., Barr, C., Brown, N., Gunther, A., and Vennefron, Evalua-
tion of the Production of Dimethyl Carbonate (DMC) through a Catalytic Reaction, March 2020.
12. PubChem Compound Summary, available at:

Thane Brown (Email: worked for more
than 36 years for Procter & Gamble in a variety of engineering
and manufacturing roles, primarily in the food-and-beverage
business and in health, safety and environmental engineering.
In his last position there, Brown was director of North Ameri-
can engineering. After retiring, he taught engineering eco-
nomics at the University of Cincinnati, and plant design at the
University of Dayton. Brown is presently a member of the
Chemical Engineering Advisory Committees at the University
of Dayton, at Miami University (Oxford, Ohio), at the University
of Louisville and at the University of Cincinnati. He also works as a SCORE coun-
selor, providing free assistance to small businesses in the Cincinnati area. Brown
authored the book “Engineering Economics and Economic Design for Process En-
gineers” [1], as well as a number of articles on engineering economics, batch pres-
sure filtration and heat transfer. He is a registered professional engineer in Ohio
(inactive), and holds a B.S.Ch.E. from Oregon State University.



Considerations for not providing

a dedicated spare pressure-relief device
P. K. NAMILAKONDA, Samsung Engineering, Houston, Texas

Pressure-relief devices (PRDs) play a critical role in the hy- installing a dedicated spare PRD. The following will review
drocarbon processing industry. They act as the last line of de- the three options in further detail.
fense in protecting plant equipment from overpressure and are
mandated by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Option 1. Providing an installed spare PRD is generally the
(ASME). This article provides some key factors that process preferred way to provide adequate overpressure protection
engineers and plant operators must consider to determine if an to the process equipment. While this option involves initial
installed spare PRD is necessary. capital expenditure for the PRD and associated piping, it also
Like many other plant components, relief devices require provides the safest way to keep the protected equipment in
routine maintenance to ensure safe and reliable plant operation. continuous operation for the duration of the maintenance.
While most of the PRDs in hydrocarbon processing plants can Plant operators are required to follow stringent administrative
be taken out for maintenance during plant turnarounds, cer- procedures for isolating the PRD requiring maintenance.
tain PRDs may require more frequent maintenance while the In the absence of an installed spare PRD, other creative
plant is in operation (onstream). The term “onstream” refers to ways are available to achieve the same purpose. This includes
the overall plant operation. Reasons for more frequent main- utilizing PRDs on nearby equipment to provide the necessary
tenance could include safety requirements or possibly because protection by means of utilizing an existing pipe routing for
the PRD is installed in a fluid service where fouling, corrosion a temporary relief path. However, process engineers should
or plugging could potentially impact PRD operation. perform a thorough analysis to ensure that such a temporary
Onstream maintenance of a specific PRD in the plant can and alternate relief path is adequate in terms of hydraulic re-
be achieved by one of the following options: quirements (inlet pipe pressure loss), PRD flow area and fluid
1. Providing an alternate and adequate relief service compatibility.
protection to the protected equipment
(e.g., a spare PRD, or an alternate and adequate Option 2. This option is best suited for equipment that can be
flow path to another PRD) taken out of service while onstream plant production is main-
2. Isolating, draining and depressurizing the protected tained. A spare PRD may not be required if the entire pro-
equipment from all possible overpressure sources tected system can be isolated during normal plant operation.
(taking the equipment out of service) Equipment operating in intermittent service also may not re-
3. Eliminating as many overpressure sources as feasible, quire a spare PRD. For example, consider a hydrocarbon sys-
and implementing administrative controls tem containing multiple catalyst bed vessels in parallel, where
for monitoring the protected equipment at least one vessel is always isolated for catalyst regeneration
for the duration of the PRD maintenance. and is in standby mode for a prolonged duration. A spare PRD
Process engineers are required to review these options may not be provided for protecting such vessels, as mainte-
during the front-end design development step, with input nance can be performed when the vessel is in standby mode.
from the plant operations team, to make an appropriate deci- In such cases, the duration of the maintenance should be given
sion. PRDs requiring onstream maintenance are, in general, careful consideration, as the vessel cannot be returned to ser-
provided with isolation valves on inlet and outlet (if appli- vice without code-compliant relief protection. Plant operators
cable) pipelines. ASME code requires administrative controls generally rely on administrative procedures to open and close
to be in place for proper operation of the isolation valves in several valves for placing equipment back in service. Failure
the relief path so the equipment’s overpressure protection to properly follow these administrative procedures can com-
is not compromised. These requirements include provid- promise the overpressure protection mandated by the ASME
ing locks or car seals in addition to administrative controls code. One such safety incident was the ruptured heat exchang-
to prevent accidental closure (for more information, refer to er in June 2008 that killed one worker and injured six others at
ASME BPVC Section XIII Non-Mandatory Appendix B). the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. in Houston, Texas.1 One of
Process engineers and plant operators must be familiar with the root causes of this accident was failure to properly follow
the ASME code requirements, and Appendix B provides valu- the procedure of opening the PRD inlet piping isolation valve
able guidance and requirements for determining a need for before placing the heat exchanger into service.
Gas Processing & LNG | MAY/JUNE 2022 19

PRDs requiring onstream pressure due to an external pool fire is a well-known scenario
that is applicable for process equipment at grade level. Ad-
maintenance are, in general, ditional overpressure scenarios include blocked outlets and
auto-control failures, among others (see API 521 for more
provided with isolation valves information). The process engineer should review all appli-
on inlet and outlet (if applicable) cable overpressure scenarios when determining the need for
a spare PRD.
pipelines. ASME code requires It is a generally accepted industry practice not to provide
administrative controls to be in spare PRDs in the following applications, as the PRD main-
tenance interval typically aligns with the protected system
place for proper operation of the maintenance interval:
isolation valves in the relief path • PRDs installed exclusively for protecting equipment from
external fire (fire-only PRD)
so the equipment’s overpressure • PRDs installed in cooling water service exclusively
for protecting the equipment from thermal expansion
protection is not compromised. (cooling water thermal).

Option 3. This is the least preferred option, as it involves Multiple PRDs. Multiple PRDs are often provided when a
operating the process equipment without overpressure pro- single PRD is inadequate to handle the required relief flowrate.
tection under administrative controls. One of the first things The ASME code allows staggering the PRD set pressures in
that the plant operator is required to do in this option is to this case. For multiple PRDs:
identify all potential overpressure sources beforehand and at- • A single spare PRD may be installed with the basis
tempt to eliminate or minimize the likelihood of overpressure that administrative controls are in place to perform
from such sources for the duration of the PRD maintenance. maintenance on one PRD at a time. When a single spare
In this option, assuming that isolation valves are in place, the PRD is installed, performing maintenance on multiple
PRD must first be isolated by closing the inlet and outlet iso- PRDs would result in inadequate relief protection,
lation valves before the maintenance can begin. Closure of the which is a possible code violation.
isolation valves would lead to blocking the relief path and to • The spare PRD should have an orifice flow area
operating the protected equipment with a risk of overpres- identical to the operating PRD with the largest area.
sure. Plant operators are required to stay in compliance with • When the spare PRD is put into operation, at least
the ASME code for proper implementation of administrative one PRD should have a set pressure at 100% of the
controls. ASME BPVC-XIII Appendix B-7(d) states: maximum allowable working pressure.

“Procedures are in place to provide pressure relief Takeaway. The ASME code does not mandate installing a
protection during the time when the system is spare PRD. However, in the absence of an alternate and ad-
isolated from its pressure relief path. These procedures equate relief path, the ASME code mandates the implemen-
should ensure that, when the system is isolated from tation of proper administrative controls for safe isolation and
its pressure relief path, an authorized person should subsequent monitoring of the protected system for the du-
continuously monitor the pressure conditions of the ration of PRD maintenance. Administrative controls play a
vessel and should be capable of responding promptly critical role in the safe operation of any plant, and many plant
with documented, pre‐defined actions, either stopping operators prefer to install a spare PRD to provide an adequate
the source of overpressure or opening alternative and equivalent overpressure protection. Process engineers
means of pressure relief. This authorized person and plant operators must be conversant with the applicable
should be dedicated to this task and should have regulatory requirements and must review all PRDs on a case-
no other duties when performing this task.” by-case basis to determine whether an installed spare PRD is,
or is not, necessary.
Plant operators should consider several factors to safely
rely on administrative controls for monitoring unprotected LITERATURE CITED
equipment. One such factor is the duration of maintenance. 1
U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, “Goodyear heat
Can the relief device be returned to service in a reasonable exchanger rupture,” January 2011 (report released), online: https://www.csb.
amount of time? Another factor is training. What kind of 2
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XIII-2021, “Rules for over-
training would be required for authorized persons to respond pressure protection.”
promptly in an event of pressure excursion in the process ser-
vice? If possible, process engineers and plant operators should PRANAY K. NAMILAKONDA is a Process Engineer with Samsung Engineering
steer away from this option, as this involves several factors America, a global EPC firm based in Houston, Texas. He is a licensed Professional
Engineer and has more than 15 yr of experience in front-end engineering
that cannot be fully accounted for during the plant design. execution of various hydrocarbon projects. He also leads the process engineering
group, with an emphasis on engineering automation. Mr. Namilakonda earned
Multiple overpressure scenarios. There can be more than an MS degree in chemical engineering from Oklahoma State University, and a
one overpressure scenario that is applicable for a PRD. Over- BTech degree in chemical engineering from Osmania University, India.

20 MAY/JUNE 2022 |


Lessons learned to optimize flare gas recovery

systems in gas plant operations
Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

There are more than 100 flares spread sive engineering standard for real-time situation has changed. In the current in-
across many operating facilities in the measuring, monitoring, reporting and dustry environment, the primary drivers
upstream and downstream oil and gas minimizing flaring was developed. Part favoring FGRS projects include:
processing plants of Saudi Aramco. Flare of this minimization plan was to study • Stricter global environmental
systems are designed to provide the safe the leakage rate to the flare system and regulations governing the emissions
disposal of hydrocarbons that are either to determine purge optimization. These of GHGs, such as CO2
automatically vented or manually vented two analyses play major roles in reduc- • Environmental impacts and health
from process units. Flare systems gather ing facility emissions. Furthermore, the effects of harmful emissions,
vented gases and combust them to pre- company’s Process and Control Systems such as nitric oxide (NOx ), sulfur
vent release directly to the atmosphere. department issued design guidelines for oxide (SOx ) and volatile organic
Since Saudi Arabia started produc- FGRSs to give clear direction for select- compounds (VOCs)
ing oil, associated gas has been flared. In ing and applying new FGRS projects in • Improved economic returns in
the 1970s, the Kingdom recognized the all Saudi Aramco operating facilities. This recovered flared gas to the value
value of the associated gas produced with guideline is in line with the Saudi Aramco chain, thus saving on plant fuel gas
crude oil. Major investments in building corporate decarbonization strategy to re- and steam consumption
a sizable master gas system resulted in duce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. • World Bank carbon credits for
capturing and utilizing all the associated The company has had several tech- uneconomic FGRS projects,
gas instead of burning it in gas flares. As nologies in operation for a few years. specifically for the elimination of
a result, the Kingdom’s annual flaring has Therefore, Saudi Aramco has updated CO2 emissions, which can be traded
been considerably reduced to facilities’ its best practices with lessons learned for monetary gains—thus helping
routine and emergency flaring only. The from the startup and commissioning of to improve returns on investment
environmental regulations from Saudi compressor and ejector technologies at (ROIs) for projects
Arabia’s Presidency of Meteorology and its facilities. This compilation of informa- • Increased raw gas production
Environment require controls for smoke- tion provides additional insights that will costs, which makes FGRSs more
less flaring only from industrial activities, enhance designs and proactively address attractive, since these systems
and there are no penalties for carbon di- common issues that can arise during the recover flared gas and recycle it
oxide (CO2 ) emissions. startup and operation of FGRSs at Saudi back to the process
These standards apply just to routine Aramco facilities. • Rising sales gas costs, making FGRS
emissions, and not to emergency, startup recovery projects more viable
or shutdown events. Most Saudi Aramco FGRSs. Corporate management has rec- • Shortage of natural gas
facilities meet the environmental standard ognized the need to approve a flaring in the country
for smokeless flaring. The corporate road- roadmap, which calls for considering an • FGRSs improve the reliability
map on flaring was initiated as a response FGRS if any facility is flaring more than of main flare tips (important for
to the escalating cost of the new project 1 MMsft3d of gas after implementing all larger-diameter flares that are prone
proposals to make flares smokeless for flaring reduction measures. An FGRS will to damage from operation at low
routine operations in all of the company’s eliminate flaring as required for plant safe- daily flaring rates), enabling the
facilities. The key element of this roadmap ty, provide routine process reliefs and re- main flare to stay in standby mode,
is to minimize flaring by implementing turn gases back to the process to prevent which improves its reliability and
site-specific flaring minimization plans any leakages. Although FGRS technology life, and minimizes the recurring
(FMPs) and installing a flare gas recovery is proven in industry, it was not adopted cost of flare tip replacement.
system (FGRS) wherever feasible. by the authors’ organization in the past Additionally, one of Saudi Aramco’s
An FMP was initiated to reduce flaring because, during that time, there were no key values is citizenship, where the orga-
from all Saudi Aramco facilities over a de- compliance requirements for CO2 emis- nization has a positive influence in com-
fined period by minimizing the frequency sions and there was a very low price to pay munities and requires a demonstration
and magnitude of flaring. A comprehen- for sales gas. In recent years, however, the of social responsibility. An FRGS pro-
Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 2022 13

vides an excellent platform to reflect this tween the knockout drum and the staging to move toward it and mix with motive
company image. device and pulls flare gas from the header fluid in the mixing chamber. The mixed
whenever flow is detected. Basically, the fluid will enter the diverging portion of
FGRS components. A flare gas recovery staging devices enable safe operation of the ejector, where its velocity energy is
installation at an existing plant will con- the entire system through sealing the el- converted into pressure energy (FIG. 2).
sist of four main components. Brief de- evated flares and providing backpressure The authors’ company has patented
scriptions of these component are below: in the flare header, allowing the flare gases this technology to be utilized in a flare
1. Compression technology is to be routed to the FGRS. system to recover the wasted gas for
designed to recover flare gases further treatment or to generate energy.
for reuse in the existing Types of compression equipment. The team conducted several feasibility
processing facilities. The choice of compression equipment studies that approved the applicability of
2. Staging devices safely divert will greatly influence the configuration this technology to recover flare gas either
routine flared gases to the of an FGRS. A detailed survey of existing by using a gas/gas or liquid/gas ejector.
FGRS, but not the emergency technologies revealed that the compres- This technology was applied in oil-pro-
or abnormal relief loads. FIG. 1 sor types widely used for FGRS applica- ducing facilities and refineries, and it has
illustrates the integration of an tions include: successfully been used in gas-operation
FGRS into the flare system. • Liquid-ring compressors with a facilities by using amine solution as a
3. A nitrogen-generation package is variety of service fluids (such as motive liquid. When gas at sufficient
included to supplement existing water or diesel) pressures is available onsite, gas-motive
nitrogen-generation capacity. • Multi-staged screw compressors. ejectors could be an economical com-
Nitrogen will be used as a purge gas The major advantages of these compres- pression solution. Eductors or liquid-
downstream of the staging device. sor types include: motive ejectors can also be considered
4. A control system within the • They can handle a wide range and may use a closed-loop liquid circula-
package interfaces with the plant’s of gases with varying molecular tion to provide the needed liquid-motive
distributed control system. weights, with no effect on their pressure. Eductors can also be used for
As shown in FIG. 1, the flare gas recov- performance. gas sweetening purposes.
ery unit ties into the flare gas header be- • They can handle flow from zero Recovering flare gas was not stopped
to full capacity with a robust by these compression types. The feasibil-
Flare gas Recovered gas to process recycling system. ity of flare gas recovery is considered the
• They can tolerate liquid in the feed process philosophy for each facility. For
Knockout drum
vs. any other type of compressors. example, each facility can recover flare gas
MMscfd by using an atmospheric compressor. As
Ejectors. An ejector is a well-known a result, hydraulic analysis was required
technology for pressurizing gas by using to install a jump-over line from the flare
a high motive source. The operating prin- header to the compressor suction pipe.
N2 purge
ciple of the ejector is the pressure energy
in the motive fluid, which is converted to Challenges. Since Saudi Aramco started
device velocity energy by an adiabatic expansion recovering flare gas, there have been major
Existing flares in the converging/diverging nozzle. Due challenges. However, without these experi-
INLET to the pressure drop of the motive fluid, ences, the authors would not be able to list
it will create a low-pressure zone before all the lessons learned to overcome them.
FIG. 1. The integration of an FGRS into the the mixing chamber. Due to this low- One of the major challenges experi-
flare system. pressure zone, the suction fluid will start enced in FGRSs is the oxygen ingress
that resulted in the formation of solid
Nozzle Mixing chamber particulates. As a result, these solid par-
Diffuser Mixing fluid
ticulates blocked the suction strainers of
outlet the compressors. A sample was collected
and sent to the research and development
center for detailed analysis. It was discov-
ered that elemental sulfur composition
exceeded 99%.
Normally, elemental sulfur can be
found in natural gas processing plants
for two reasons: as part of the natural gas
Motive fluid mixture coming from the source reser-
voir, or because of sulfur compounds re-
Suction fluid acting with oxygen, resulting in sulfur in
its elemental form.
FIG. 2. An ejector schematic.
In natural gas, elemental sulfur is usu-
14MARCH/APRIL 2022 |

ally found in the vapor phase. Due to the headers, which would affect the limit on
increased carrying capacity that hydro- PZVs allowable backpressures. Having
gen sulfide (H2S) provides to natural gas, the FGRS could also develop new criti-
its presence in the transported gas mix- cal overpressure scenarios that would
ture helps with transporting elemental need to be addressed. Further, in many
sulfur. Compared to methane, H2S can applications, processes are equipped
carry more sulfur by three or four more with continuous vent-to-flare systems,
orders of magnitude. Consequently, the either in the process equipment or in
probability of sulfur deposition in oil and the seal gas of the compression systems.
gas processing facilities is increased. Even small changes in operating pres-
The desublimation of elemental sulfur sures of the flare headers could lead to
at certain pressure and temperature con- process interruptions from these ser-
ditions is a major cause for deposition. vices. Overall, any proposed changes in
Usually, the low concentration of elemen- flare and relief system operations should
tal sulfur—within the parts-per-billion be first assessed with appropriate studies
range—makes it more challenging to de- on these systems. GP
tect. In some cases, elemental sulfur de-
sublimates intermittently at certain loca- ABDULAZIZ H. AL-TIJANI is an
tions within the plant, causing difficulties
in tracking the root causes of the problem.
Engineering Specialist at Saudi
Aramco’s Process and Control
In addition to elemental sulfur solu-
Systems Department in Dhahran,
Saudi Arabia. He supports company INTELLIGENCE
bility, the oxidation of sulfur compounds
could also be a major cause for elemental
operations and project design,
mainly in flare and relief systems for the Downstream
sulfur deposition. Testing of the demin-
and in flare gas recovery applications. Mr. Al-Tijani
also supports Saudi Aramco and JV oil and gas Industry
eralized water (in a liquid-ring compres- operational facilities, pipelines and process
sor) indicates that the dissolved oxygen simulations, as well as various phases of projects. He
is within the acceptable parts-per-million earned a BS degree in chemical engineering from
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
range. Normally, oxidation of sulfur com-
pounds like H2S leads to the production
(KFUPM), and an MS degree in oil and gas surface
facilities from KFUPM (in partnership with IFP).
of sulfur in the elemental form at certain /Subscribe
MAHDI ALDAJANI is a Flare and
pressure and temperature conditions. Relief Systems Engineer at Saudi
However, the source of oxygen is not Aramco. He has 10 yr of experience
limited to that in the demineralized wa- with Saudi Aramco, working in
several Saudi Aramco facilities in
ter, as it could be air entering the system support of operations and on
through leaks, or it could involve the detailed design and construction
availability of oxygen within the gas mix- activities on several projects. Mr. Aldajani earned a BS
degree in chemical engineering from KFUPM.
ture transported to the FGRS. Operating
the purge gas below the minimum safety ABDULLMAJEED AL-SANAD is a
requirements can be a major contributor Process Engineer at Saudi Aramco’s
of exposing oxygen in the system. Process and Control Systems
Department, within the Flare and
Also, part of enhancing FGRS reliabil- Relief Systems Group. He has 6 yr
ity is to segregate flare headers with pow- of experience, which includes
er operated emergency isolation valves company operations and project T
support. Mr. Al-Sanad has also participated in a flaring
(ZVs) should any upset occur in the fa-
cility. The FGRS is designed to recover
minimization program that included several aspects
such as purge gas optimization studies and FGRS
the normal continued flaring; during an evaluations. He earned a BS degree in chemical
engineering from KFUPM.
upset, the FGRS will be interrupted, re-
sulting in a trip. Therefore, as part of reli- MOHAMMED AL-MAHMOOD
ability enhancement, the team proposed is a Process Engineer at Saudi
segregating feed ZV to the FGRS, along Aramco’s Process and Control
Systems Department, within the
with sending a signal to close it in case Energy Transition Engineering
the pressure in one of the flare headers Group. He has 6 yr of experience
increases near to the tipping point. with Saudi Aramco, which includes Hydrocar
bonP roce
ssing .com

company operations and project support. Mr.

Prior to any change in the flare and re- Al-Mahmood has also participated in the
lief systems, such as installing a flare gas commissioning and process stabilization of an FGRS
recovery package, a study of full flare and in one of the company’s gas operation facilities. He
relief systems should be carried out. In- has also helped to evaluate FGRS feasibility and
energy consumption to identify reliable FGRS
stalling a flare gas recovery system could applications. Mr. Al-Mahmood earned a BS degree in
change the constant backpressure in the chemical engineering from Oklahoma State University.

Gas Processing & LNG | MARCH/APRIL 2022 15

Special Focus Plant Safety and Environment
S.-G. LU, CTCI Corp., Taipei, Taiwan

Optimize flare gas recovery system design

to reduce emissions
Emissions from flares worsen air quality and produce waste flare for treatment. The elevated flare does not meet the new
gas. A flare gas recovery system (FGRS) is designed to facilitate regulations and will require engineering improvements.
CO2 reduction. Before the exhaust gas enters the flare stack, exhaust gas re-
In a recent project, an engineering and construction compa- covery and compression equipment must be put into place to
ny optimized an FGRS design by utilizing a high-performance recover the flare gas, which will be desulfurized and then intro-
ejector as a compressor, a three-phase separation tank, a self- duced into the fuel gas system for use in the process. After this
purification loop of sour water, a software simulationa of the project is completed, it must meet statutory regulations that
amine scrubber and a dynamic simulation of flare gas discharge. prohibit the exhaust gas from being treated using the flare stack.
The law stipulates that the concentration of hydrogen sulfide
Flaring regulation background. The flame of a continuously (H2S) in the recovered gas shall not exceed 80 ppmv to meet the
combusting flare stack is an eye-catching but unwelcome signa- requirements of stack sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) emission control.
ture of a refinery. The flare stack is also one of the main sources To meet the amended air pollution standards, flare gas dis-
of refinery odors and subsequent complaints from nearby resi- charge must be minimized. A refinery sought to implement an
dents. On February 1, 2011, Taiwan’s Environmental Protection EPC project for an FGRS, as shown in FIG. 1, to minimize air
Agency amended its volatile organic compounds air pollution pollution from the refinery. The engineering project team pro-
control and emission standards. Article 4 of the amendment or- posed an optimization to the design, which received positive
dered, “Exhaust gases emitted under normal operation in public feedback and was subsequently selected as the best design.
and private premises shall not be treated with a flare stack.”
The amendment became effective on July 1, 2014, direct- Process scheme. The FGRS is located in Zones C and F of
ing refineries to follow regulations and make suitable improve- the refinery. Two sets of flare gas recovery systems were de-
ments within a specified time frame. If improvements are not signed. The No. 2 and No. 3 flare stacks share one set, and the
made within this time frame, in severe cases, the refinery can No. 4 and No. 5 flares share the other. The throughput design of
be shut down. In Taiwan’s refineries, the exhaust gas generated each system is 9,600 Nm3/hr.
under normal operating conditions is discharged to the ground Setting up the FGSR required changes to the existing flare
flare for treatment, and the excess exhaust gas generated dur- gas system. The flare gas flow sequence consists of the flare gas
ing abnormal operating conditions is discharged to the elevated recovery system, a ground flare and an elevated flare, as shown

FIG. 1. Location of the FGRS in the refinery.

Hydrocarbon Processing | OCTOBER 2020 41

Plant Safety and Environment

in FIG. 2. Considering that the flare stack is the last pollution- flare gas recovery and compression equipment on the market. It
controlling equipment in the refinery, the water-sealing height has been used for more than 10 yr without maintenance. The
of the flare gas system seal drum needed to be modified. equipment also has the advantages of high stability, high durabil-
The engineering techniques adopted and the optimization ity, simple construction and lower maintenance costs. It can also
achieved with the project are discussed in the following sections. handle aerosol-containing gases without affecting performance,
shortens the time from start to full load and has no lubricant
Ejector as compressor. Advanced and highly durable flare gas contamination problems.
recovery and compression equipment (high-performance ejec- Unlike other compressors, high-performance ejectors have
tor) was used for the FGRS. The concept is to use high-pressure the following characteristics:
water to drive the flare gas into the recovery system and process it. • Not sensitive to changes in the suction gas load
In the past, most flare gas recovery systems used liquid ring • Not sensitive to changes in the molecular weight
compressors. These compressors have disadvantages, such as of the incoming gas
complicated maintenance procedures and high maintenance • Works with a closed suction gas valve, with a load ratio
costs, large equipment and relatively long delivery times. For of 0%–100%
these reasons, a high-performance ejector was selected as the • Controls the upstream side pressure with a suction
flare gas recovery compression equipment instead of the con- pressure control valve
ventional method using complicated, large compressors (FIG. 3). • Easy to start and stop
Rapid injection of high-pressure water is used in this equip- • Only moving parts consist of the shaft and the impeller
ment to drive the flare gas through the ejector, after which it is of the centrifugal pump
mixed with water and then enters the FGRS. The high-perfor- • Only parts that require maintenance are the bearings
mance ejector flare gas compression system is the most advanced and seals of the centrifugal pump
• Zero-maintenance solution
Hydrocarbon flare header • As an absorption tower, any particle in the feed gas
can be cleaned by a motive fluid
KOD • Ability to handle feed gases containing solids, particles
Sour flare header FI or mists/liquids without compromising performance
• At low molecular weight, there is no loss of incoming
KOD Ground flare Ground gas capacity, unlike liquid ring compressors
seal drum flare • At high molecular weights, there is no cavitation
flare problem, unlike liquid ring compressors that can cause
Waste gas
heavy loads and vibrations on the shaft and coupler
Ejector • Faster startup time to full load, unlike liquid ring
Fuel gas compressors
separator • Faster gas supply than all other compressors
Lean amine • No lubrication problems, unlike screw compressors
Cooler Rich amine • No moving parts inside the compression chamber
• No metal-to-metal contact.
Waste oil
Design of three-phase separation tank. The three-phase
separator tank functions as a separator of water, oil and gas, with
FIG. 2. Process flow diagram for the FGRS in the refinery. an internal diverter to disperse the gas-liquid and minimize the
impact on the gas-liquid separation tank. The calming baffle is
set to reduce level fluctuations. The double baffle is used for liq-
uid and gas three-phase separation, as shown in FIG. 4.

Ejector Waste gas


Waste oil
FIG. 3. High-performance ejector for flare gas compression. FIG. 4. Process sketch for high-performance three-phase separation tank.

42OCTOBER 2020 |

Plant Safety and Environment

A gas demister is installed at the outlet to reduce the drop- water circulation loop.
lets brought out, and another tank is built with oil-water two- Sour water self-purification circulation has the following
phase liquid-level control functions. Oil-water separation uses advantages:
an oil-water-gas three-phase gas separation tank and an oil-water 1. Decreases the amount of blowdown/makeup
separation tank to accomplish a two-step separation procedure; water required. TABLE 1 shows that sour water
it separates oil and water effectively and reduces waste oil and self-purification circulation can remove approximately
wastewater at the outlet. 80%–90% of hydrocarbons, which significantly
enhances oil-water separation efficiency, improves
Self-purification sour water loop. A self-purification loop for the quality of process water and reduces the amount
sour water is incorporated to improve the circulating water qual- of blowdown/makeup water.
ity, thereby reducing wastewater discharge, as shown in FIG. 5. 2. Decreases H2S concentration, which reduces
The benefits of establishing a sour water self-purification loop corrosiveness and extends equipment service life
include reductions in emissions, supplemented water consump- 3. Increases the amount of recovered fuel gas
tion, H2S concentration and corrosion, as well as extending the 4. Reduces the impact of emulsion.
equipment life. It also increases fuel gas recovery and reduces Although the cost savings from water reduction (18 m3/hr)
the impact of emulsification caused by the recovery system. and fuel gas recovery are not significant, the benefits of decreas-
To maintain the quality of process water in a three-phase ing wastewater are great.
separator for the FGRS, the typical design includes discharging
part of the process water and adding the equivalent amount of Optimization of amine liquid dosage design. Proprietary
supplemented water, which maintains the overall quality of the software is used to simulate and control the temperature of the
process water. However, using sour water self-purification circu- exhaust gas into the amine washing tower, so that the volume
lation brings many advantages, such as a reduction in the amount concentration of H2S in the exhaust gas is less than 80 ppm. Ad-
of sour water blowdown/supplemented water, less corrosion, an ditionally, about 20% of the amount of amine liquid is saved, as
extension of equipment service life, an increase in fuel gas recov- shown in FIG. 7.
ery and a reduction in the impact of emulsion phenomenon. Amine liquid absorption tower design. The refinery re-
In the flare gas recovery system, the refinery’s requirement quires the installation of two sets of FGRSs. According to this
of recovered fuel gas pressure is a minimum of 4.5 kg/cm2g, requirement, the processing capacity of each set of recovery
and the separator’s operating pressure must be at least 6 kg/
cm2g in the front process. These operating conditions would
increase the water solubility of the hydrocarbon and reduce the
separation efficiency.
To maintain the quality of the process water, the typical de-
sign is to blow down part of the process water (approximately
1%–2%) and add the equivalent makeup water. Sour water self-
purification circulation (FIG. 6) would route a portion of the
sour water into a low-pressure flash drum. The water solubil-
ity of hydrocarbon decreases immediately due to a reduction in
pressure, and a portion of the sour water flashes into vapor. The
flash gas is then sent to the flare header, and the residual liquid
is sent to the separator by a circulation pump, creating a sour
FIG. 5. Process sketch for circulation of water self-purification loop.
TABLE 1. Sour water self-purification circulation benefits
Mass flow Stream 1, kg/hr Stream 2, kg/hr Removal % Flash gas
H2 0.00612 0.00075 87.8
Sour water flash drum
C1 0.19248 0.0313 83.74 OPI 0.2 kg/cm2g
C2 0.46093 0.08297 82 Flare gas header Flare gas
Three-phase separator
OPI 6 kg/cm2g
C3 0.4071 0.05901 85.51
iC4 0.10173 0.00974 90.42
Oil level
nC4 0.1655 0.02275 86.26 Sour water level
iC5 0.06229 0.00471 92.44 Makeup water Oil
nC5 0.05995 0.00547 90.87 1 2
Sour water
C6 0.05017 0.00275 94.51
Sour water
CO 0.04737 0.00588 87.58 circulation pump
CO2 1.3133 1.04683 20.29
H2S 1.8489 1.71026 7.5
Water 8,827.29 8,827.21 0 FIG. 6. Sour water self-purification circulation flow scheme.

Hydrocarbon Processing | OCTOBER 2020 43

Plant Safety and Environment

equipment is 9,600 Nm3/hr. The treated exhaust gas must have Design considerations. The following items are considered as
an H2S volume concentration below 80 ppm. parameters for the design of the amine liquid absorption tower:
Each FGRS comprises two sets of amine liquid absorption • Amine liquid circulation flowrate
towers, and the H2S in the exhaust gas is removed by a 27 wt% • Lean amine inlet temperature
solution of diisopropanolamine (DIPA). • Absorption tower retention time
Thermodynamic mode and simulation tools. The soft- • Amine liquid circulation flow.
warea used for simulating the amine liquid absorption tower has Using the software to simulate amine absorption, the lean
a rigorous electrolyte mode and an accurate liquid phase-activ- and rich approaches can be adopted to determine the closeness
ity coefficient mode, which is suitable for amine liquid absorp- of the operating state and the equilibrium state of the system.
tion systems. Other commercial process simulation software Conceptually, the lean approach indicates the ratio of equilib-
programs, which use the amine thermodynamic model, consid- rium H2S content to operation H2S content at the absorber
er the electrolytic properties of the amine absorption system; overhead, and the rich approach indicates the ratio of operation
however, the basis is regression, not electrolyte calculation. amine loading to equilibrium amine loading at the bottom of
The amine liquid-absorption system contains a chemical re- the absorption tower for the rich amine solution.
action of H2S and CO2 with amine. The reaction rate of H2S In an example of the lean approach, FIG. 8 shows the ratio
with amines is very fast and can be considered as equilibrium, of H2S content of the sour gas when the amine/sour gas feed
while CO2 is not. If CO2 is present in the system, it will signifi- reaches equilibrium (point B, Ye) to the H2S content of the
cantly affect the absorption of H2S. overhead gas under operation (Point A, Y1 ).
The software has a reaction kinetics model for CO2 to simu- In an example of the rich approach, FIG. 9 shows the ratio of
late selective absorption of H2S by amines in the presence of H2S content of the bottom rich amine solution (Point A, X2 ) to
CO2 and H2S. It calculates the lean and rich approaches for the the H2S content of the rich amine/acid gas feed at equilibrium
amine absorption tower, which engineers use to determine the (Point B, Xe ).
efficiency and space of the absorption tower. These approaches FIGS. 8 and 9 show that the slope of the operating curve is the
are the two most important indicators for the absorption tower. ratio of the circulating amount of amine liquid to the flowrate of
the acid gas. If the ratio of the circulation flowrate of amine liquid
to acid gas flowrate (L/V) decreases, then the appeal of the rich
approach increases. The value of the rich approach helps quickly
determine the appropriate amine circulation flow. As a rule of
thumb, the rich approach should be between 70% and 80%.
A rich approach above 80% indicates low volume circula-
tion; for a typical 15–20-tray absorption tower, the amine liquid
generally does not absorb a higher proportion of H2S. Under
abnormal conditions, such as an increase in the concentration
of H2S in the imported acid gas or a sudden increase in the
amount of imported acid gas, the concentration of H2S in the
outlet gas may be out of specification.
If the rich approach is less than 70%, it suggests excess circula-
tion; at this stage, even if the quantity of amine liquid is increased,
the concentration of H2S at the overhead gas outlet is low.
FIG. 7. Process sketch of amine scrubber. Dynamic simulation of flare gas discharge. A dynamic
simulation softwareb calculates the levels of exhaust gas emis-

Vapor phase H2S composition Vapor phase H2S composition

Absorber bottom Absorber bottom

Y2 Y2 Point A Point B
Operation line Operation line

Absorber top Lmax/V Absorber top Lmin /V

Equilibrium line Equilibrium line
Y1 Y1
Point A

Point B
Liquid phase H2S composition Liquid phase H2S composition
X1 X2 X1 X2 Xe
Lean approach = Ye/Y1 Rich approach = X2 / Xe

FIG. 8. The lean approach. FIG. 9. The rich approach.

44 OCTOBER 2020 |

Plant Safety and Environment

sions (FIG. 10) and helps determine the circulation pump start/ lines, pipe racks, concrete and others. A three-in-one design
stop settings and the water seal isolation tank’s water sealing is used to integrate two liquid separation tanks and one amine
height. The goal is to obtain the best control parameters and scrubber into one vessel to save space.
reach the target of zero emissions. Equipment backup system. The two train systems are de-
Sour flare gas backflow prevention. Anti-backflow facili- signed for both Sections C and F. When the first train equip-
ties were added to prevent sour flare gas from flowing back into ment is under inspection or maintenance, the other train can
the hydrocarbon flare header facility. continue the flare gas recovery operation.
An exhaust gas recovery backflow prevention facility prevents Multistage automatic start/stop. The process system safety
sour flare gas from flowing back into the hydrocarbon flare head- control design included multistage control start/stop for the flare
er and discharging from the ground flare, causing air pollution. gas recovery unit to save power and improve efficiency. Comput-
This design also allows the exhaust gas recovery system to pri- er simulation software was used to calculate the best setpoint to
oritize the recovery of acid waste gas to clean the air near the re- achieve the highest system efficiency, safety and reliability.
finery, thereby improving the value of investment in this system. Finally, the dual-feeder power supply system is designed to
Low consumption for utility system. The temperature dif- improve system stability and reliability.
ference between the cooling water inlet and outlet is 13°C, and
the cooling water consumption is the most economical. As the Takeaway. After the completion of the project, the improve-
amount of exhaust gas recovery is ever-changing, the amount of ment in overall environmental quality in the city is quantifiable.
water supplement for the oil-water-gas three-phase separation Calculations show that each train in Sections C and F can re-
tank can be proportionally adjusted according to the quantity cover up to 9,600 m3/hr of flare gas. The flare gas recovered in
of exhaust gas recovery needed to save water. one day is equivalent to the amount of CO2 absorbed by Daan
Since the energy consumption of the ejector circulation Forest Park in Taiwan in an entire year.
water pumps is high, energy-saving designs have been incorpo- The project was highly praised by the jury members in the
rated. Four circulation water pumps—two BB3 high-efficiency Golden Quality Award of the National Public Construction
(80.2%) pumps and two BB2 pumps (efficiency 69.5%)—were Commission of Taiwan for technology innovation and opti-
added in two trains in Section C of the refinery. mized design. This recycling technology should be promoted
The two BB3 high-efficiency pumps are prioritized for ac- to increase environmental protection.
tivation during operation, and when the demand is high, the
other two BB2 pumps are also activated to improve energy ef- a
ficiency and reduce operating costs. b
Optimization of plant plot arrangement. Due to the limit-
ed space in the existing plant, in addition to optimizing process SHIN-GEE LU is Assistant Chief Engineer for CTCI Corp. in Taipei, Taiwan, specializing
in process and system design. He has 31 yr of experience in petroleum refining,
technology, the project optimized plant layout by symmetrical petrochemical production and utilities/offsites, as well as basic and detailed design.
arrangement to reduce the materials required, including pipe- He holds a BS degree in chemical engineering from Chung Yuan University in Taiwan.

FIG. 10. Dynamic simulation for exhaust gas emissions from flare main header.

Hydrocarbon Processing | OCTOBER 2020 45

Valves, Pumps and
J. YOUNAS, EFERT, Daharki, Pakistan

Aging pressure relief valves:

Are you managing history well?
The risks associated with the mal- Therefore, it is vital to establish a ro- Inaccurate design and process
function or blockage of pressure safety bust mechanism onsite to ensure that data. Maintaining accurate and updated
valves (PSVs) are significant, and oper- clean and reliable data is obtained from process and design data (FIG. 1) of all
ating facilities invest heavily in preven- inspection reports of PSVs. Regular au- assets—particularly PSVs—is the fore-
tive maintenance (PM) programs to dits of records and proper training of most requirement of any process safety
mitigate the risks and ensure that PSVs workers can help keep the system alive. management (PSM) system. A central-
are functioning exactly as per design re- ized database link should be provided to
quirements. Significant resources are al- Extracting data from checklists all involved in the PM of safety valves so
located to isolate, remove and transport and forms. Large amounts of data that information can be accessed readily.
PSVs to a workshop so that they can be kept in printed or hand-written forms This information should be always
returned to service as soon as possible require significant time and effort later kept updated. To ensure this is done, the
after inspection, testing and overhauling. to visualize the data and observe trends. inspector for each PM incident should
All field activities are controlled under Rather than writing reports by hand, it is be held responsible to verify this design
strict PM programs; however, one thing preferred that all reports and checklists data and note remarks for action, if any.
that is sometimes overlooked is the prep- related to PSVs are filed directly into If records cannot be updated immediate-
aration of traceable historical records, the site digital database by each inter- ly, then such recommendations should
which is important to continuously opti- face involved, and printed certificates or be tracked by IDMS or any other suit-
mize and improve the program. reports are generated through that par- able tracking mechanism used at the site.
Troubleshooting and finding solu- ticular database itself, if required. This
tions to some notable challenges of PSV will assist later in retrieving, filtering Missing operating history and ven-
data management will not only increase and analyzing the data frequently and dor data. As per API-576 Section 6.2.4,
confidence in maintaining the integrity in making strong and accurate business the operating history of each PSV since
of PSVs, but will also help to reduce PM, decisions based upon technical inputs to its last inspection should be obtained
saving cost and efforts associated with reduce cost and risk. and should include pertinent informa-
their testing program. Some sites manage such records in tion. The following updated records are
centralized MS Access or Excel data important for proper PM execution and
Collecting clean and reliable data. bases, while others are using different to conduct studies related to reliability
During root cause analysis (RCA) and inspection data management software or process safety:
frequency review exercises, important (IDMS) for this purpose. Other mainte- • Vendor/manufacturer
observations and findings are often ei- nance applications like Maximo or SAP maintenance manuals
ther overlooked or not recorded proper- may also have such databases designed • Spring range catalogues
ly. A report of a pressure vessel, piping or for PSVs. • Information on upsets and their
a storage tank handling a non-critical ser-
vice is usually comprehensive (supported
by checklists and pictures) and approved
by the most-experienced site inspectors;
however, the report of a vacuum relief
valve installed on top of the same tank
may lack important observations and
might have been signed off by someone
less experienced in the group with insuf-
FIG. 1. Sample process design data table for PRDs.
ficient training.
Hydrocarbon Processing | DECEMBER 2021 73
Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

spection interval should be decreased

or suitable modifications made to im-
prove the performance. If the PSV is
dismantled, then all internals should be
checked as per vendor guidelines. PSV
internal component failures follow the
typical bathtub curve pattern shown in
FIG. 2. A sudden increase in failure rates
can help the inspector determine the
equipment’s useful life.
The precise recording and reporting
format in a PSV testing program depends
FIG. 2. Typical bathtub curve for PSV internal component failures. on each individual company’s methodol-
ogies; however, as a guideline, key points
mentioned in FIG. 2 and API-576 should
effect on the valve ence of internal deposits, and records be recorded clearly in the test certificate.
• The extent of any leakage should be kept of their condition and
while in service cleaning. If necessary, piping should be Final testing, test results review
• Any other evidence of radiographed or dismantled for inspec- and record update. Before sending
malfunctioning tion and any cleaning to be performed.” the PSV to the plant or warehouse, a fi-
• Whether any rupture disks under The type of deposits, degree of restric- nal test should be conducted. Refer to
the PSV have been replaced tion due to deposits, and the reason for API-576 for key points to be recorded
• Management of Change PSV removal should be recorded. during this final test.
(MoC) records and current If such data is recorded properly with The improper shipment and trans-
status of actions evidence, it can help significantly in ad- portation of PSVs can have detrimental
• Record of any frequency review justing accurate inspection intervals. effects on device operation. Refer to
exercises (increase/decrease), API-576 for detailed guidelines regard-
along with justification As-received inspection of PSV in ing transportation.
• RCA related to PSVs workshop. After a PSV is removed from Once inspections are completed, the
• Drawings of pressure relief service, a visual inspection is carried out results should be updated in the site
devices (PRDs) before cleaning and then it is usually tak- inspection management software and
• Historical records of failure/ en to the shop for inspection and repair. approved by the inspection supervisor.
popped or leaked in field An important phase of maintenance is Any pending actions should be recorded
• Inspection recommendations testing to determine the set pressure and and tracked until implementation. Risk
record/status tightness of the valve. This testing is usu- assessment should be carried out by a
• Test certificates ally performed on a test block in facilities team if critical recommendations cannot
• Repair record/parts replacement for applying pressure to a valve and indi- be implemented immediately. The du-
record cating the pressure applied. This activity ties and responsibilities for all involved
• Spare parts list. is termed as “as-received” inspection. in an inspection and testing program for
It has been observed at multiple sites PSVs should be clearly defined.
Initial visual inspection. Many types that experienced inspectors are involved
of deposits or corrosion products in only in the final test of the PSV, while Takeaway. The inspection of PSVs pro-
a PSV may be loose and may drop out as-received inspection activity is left for vides data that can be evaluated to deter-
during transportation of the valve to valve shop technicians who are not fully mine a safe and economical frequency
the shop for inspection, testing, mainte- aware or trained. A qualified inspector of scheduled inspections. Historical re-
nance and resetting. As soon as a valve must attend the as-received inspection cords reflecting periodic test results and
is removed from the system, a visual in- event—this is the heart of an efficient service experiences for each relief device
spection should be made. Visual inspec- and cost-effective PM program. This should be recorded in full details, as
tion of a PSV immediately after removal inspection activity provides clues about these are valuable leading indicators of
from service provides important infor- the actual PSV performance during op- asset integrity.
mation about operating conditions. To eration and suggests what actions or
minimize errors in the testing and han- steps should be taken to improve its per- JABRAN YOUNAS is the Senior
dling of a PSV, each PSV should carry at formance in the future. Inspection Supervisor at EFERT.
He has more than 17 yr of hands-on
least two identification marks to show Intervals between PSV testing should experience in the field of non-
its company equipment, such as iden- be determined by the performance of destructive testing and inspection
tifying tag, stencil on flanges, plate or the valves in the particular service. If of plant static equipment. He holds
various API , ASNT and NCNDT
other means. the as-received test results are erratic certifications and has worked in different fertilizer and
As per API-576, “Inlet and outlet pip- or vary significantly from the cold dif- petrochemical units in Pakistan and the Middle East
ing should also be inspected for the pres- ferential test pressure (CDTP), the in- as a Senior Inspection Supervisor.

74DECEMBER 2021 |

Fluid Flow and
Rotating Equipment
B. TAYLOR, Anvil Corp., Bellingham, Washington

Understand API and ASME standards

to prevent oversizing PSVs
If you have ever sized or selected a a limited working knowledge of how the not reviewed in detail here. With regard
pressure safety relief valve (PSV) us- ASME BPVC comes into play. to PSVs, BPVC basically says that a PSV
ing vendor sizing programs or hand cal- The main roles that API and ASME must be capable of relieving the required
culations, you have probably run into a play on this subject must be clarified first, load, and it must be tested in a specific
strange anomaly: Why does a PSV orifice along with how the standards are intend- manner to be certified to do so. If a valve
size change between American Petroleum ed to be used: is tested per the specific directions in the
Institute (API) and American Society of 1. API 526 provides basic design BPVC, it will be ASME-certified and re-
Mechanical Engineers (ASME) datas- criteria for PSVs, and is aimed at ceive an ASME Pressure Vessel Pressure
ets? What is an “effective” orifice area? manufacturers Relief Valves (ASME UV) stamp.
How can you know which standard to use 2. API 520 provides detailed Note: When specifying a PSV for a
when selecting a PSV? methods to determine specific pressure vessel, it is important to always
Usually, this issue is one of curiosity required relief loads and to select specify that the UV stamp is required. A
and does not affect the result of which preliminary, generic valve sizes non-code PSV is acceptable in certain
valve is chosen. Common practice is to 3. ASME BPVC governs testing and instances, but that is outside the scope of
default to API sizing equations and pa- certification of valves. this article.
rameters, and use only ASME datasets Too often, we leave the third part out
for situations outside of API letter des- of the process and simply calculate relief API 526: Standardized valve design.
ignations. However, this approach is loads and select valves using API tech- API first attempts to standardize physical
likely causing you to oversize some of niques, without ever checking our selec- PSV sizes and design, and it does so with
your PSVs and their respective piping tion against certified ASME data. Proper API RP 526, which is targeted at PSV
systems. Standards referenced in this ar- application of these standards is the first manufacturers. API provides predefined
ticlea include: key point of this article: Initial sizing and valve sizes, with letter designations
• ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel valve selection is done using API equa- D through T (API 526). It also defines
Code (BPVC), Section VIII tions, and final valve selection and certifi- other details directed toward valve man-
• API Recommended Practice cation is done using ASME-certified coef- ufacturers, such as temperature ratings.
(RP) 520 ficients and capacities. These specifications are intended as min-
• API Recommended Practice When sizing a PSV, the sizing equations imum design standards, and manufactur-
(RP) 526. are always API 520. When a PSV is certi- ers are free to exceed these parameters.
fied, it is always certified to ASME BPVC,
ASME and API standards for PSVs: regardless of whether ASME certification API 520: PSV sizing equations. The
To size or not to size? Most of the is selected. It is important to remember second thing API does is provide stan-
time, simply using API datasets is ad- that the ASME BPVC is the “code,” the dardized equations and parameters for
equate. Note: This is a conservative ap- standard to which we must design. API discerning what size of PSV is needed
proach, so you will not make a mistake 520 and API 526 are “recommended prac- for a specific scenario. The equations ac-
in doing this. Did you know, however, tices” developed to give engineers a tool count for design parameters that ASME
that PSVs are certified to ASME capaci- to meet the ASME requirements. Another does not address, such as specific fluid
ties—not API? Did you also know that way to look at it: ASME BPVC sets the properties, backpressures, critical flow,
those ASME capacities are nearly always goal, API 520/API 526 provide the in- two-phase flow and other aspects of fluid
higher than the API capacities? Very few structions and ASME has the final say. dynamics that affect the ability of a valve
available resources speak to this topic. It to relieve a required load.
is common for engineers to understand ASME BPVC: What are the rules? API sizing equations are by nature the-
API 520 quite well, but they often have The BPVC is an enormous code, and is oretical and standardized, and use default
Hydrocarbon Processing | NOVEMBER 2018 79
Fluid Flow and Rotating Equipment

stops here and a required area of 4.66 in.2

TABLE 1. Example scenario API vs. ASME values
is obtained. When selecting a valve, that
API N-orifice 4.34 in.2 number is compared to the API effec-
API calculated required area 4.667 in.2 tive (actual) area of an N-orifice of 4.34
ASME calculated required area 4.624 in.2
in.2—this is too small, and logically re-
quires a step up to a P-orifice. However,
ASME certification for brand X* 4N6 4.9 in.2
it is important to remember that the API
*Note: This data is from a real case; the specific PSV make/model is omitted. N-orifice area is just the benchmark, a
minimum requirement, and likely does
or “dummy” values for several sizing pa- If one selects the API dataset on the not reflect the actual area of a real PSV.
rameters that may or may not reflect the sizing software in this example, it will Once a valve is selected, all K values and
actual values for a specific valve. automatically eliminate N-orifice valves capacities should be replaced with ac-
API RP 520 addresses these theo- as an option and bump up the user to a tual ASME-certified K values, also de-
retical parameters and emphasizes that P-orifice. However, if one simply selects termined by testing, that are specific to
the intended use of equations is to de- the ASME dataset, then the N-orifice each valve model, and the calculations
termine a preliminary valve size, which valve suddenly reappears as an option. should be performed again.
should be verified with actual data. PSV How can this be? Will the N-orifice Normally, ASME-certified K-values
sizing is a two-step process in API RP work, or not? The short answer is yes, are smaller than the API dummy values,
520, but this is not obvious if the full because it is certified to an actual area of driving up the required orifice area. This
standard is not read, or if vendor sizing 4.90 in.2 Therefore, the N-orifice for this means that valve manufacturers must
software that hides the iteration is used. specific PSV will work, and is certified over-design their valves to make up for
See API 520, Part 1, Section 5.2 for fur- to do so, in this application. Remember: this discrepancy, resulting in ASME-cer-
ther explanation. Use API to get close, and use ASME to tified areas and capacities that typically
confirm the final answer. exceed the benchmark API ones. The
Pressure vessel PRVs. When valves Digest that for a moment. If you have result is that the ASME-certified capacity
are built, they are built to the API RP sized and purchased more than a dozen of any given valve will nearly always ex-
526 standard; however, as one might PSVs, chances are that you have inadver- ceed its API capacity.
imagine, when valves are tested and tently selected a PSV a full size larger than All this boils down to one sneaky sen-
certified, the results do not match up you needed to, in a situation much like tence in the ASME BPVC that mandates
identically to the theoretical values that our example, simply because you chose a 10% safety factor on the empirically de-
were calculated. This is where API and a PSV based on its API “rating” rather termined Kd that “de-rates” the valve (see
ASME intersect; we switch from calcu- than its real, certified, stamped ASME ASME BPVC Section VIII, UG-131.e.2).
lations (API) that were used as a basis rating. If it was a small valve, the impact This little-known fact is key to correct
to design the valve, to actual empirical was probably insignificant—but what if PSV sizing and selection; as engineers,
data (ASME) to certify the valve. When this happened on a valve that resulted in we often pile safety factors upon each
a valve manufacturer obtains the UV selecting an 8 × 10 PSV when a 6 × 8 PSV other and oversize our equipment. By se-
code stamp that certifies the valve orifice could have been used? lecting an ASME dataset at the final itera-
size and capacity, it is based on actual That answer may not be very satisfy- tion of valve selection, a 10% safety factor
test results, not on API sizing standards. ing. How can you simply hit a button on is automatically included in your design.
ASME, which came first, does not have the sizing program and make a different As mentioned, ASME K values are
tiered letter designations. The typical size of valve suddenly acceptable? The nearly always lower than API values, due
D, E, F, etc. sizes are strictly an API tool, key lies in how the main coefficient of dis- to this 10% de-rating. The PSV in the ex-
and ASME’s capacity certifications are charge, Kd, is handled, and how capacities ample scenario has a determined Kd of
completely independent of them. are determined. Several K values are used 0.73, which is adjusted by 10% for a final
An example scenario explaining this in API calculations. All these values have AMSE Kd of 0.66, slightly higher than
conundrum is as follows: ABC Valve Co. generic values defined in API 520 that can the dummy API value. The discrepancy
builds a valve, aiming at the design specs be used for preliminary sizing. These are means that the flow on this valve can do
for an API N-orifice, which API says is an the numbers used in initial sizing calcu- approximately 11% better than the mini-
effective area of 4.34 in.2 The company lations to get us close, and then replaced mum theoretical flow calculated by API
tests the final product according to ASME with the actual/tested/empirical/ASME when it was tested. For the valve in ques-
BPVC, and achieves a result that equates values when a certified valve is obtained. tion, the required ASME area is slightly
to an effective orifice area of 4.9 in.2—i.e., Remember: Anytime you hear “certified” less than the API area. This is atypical
its ASME effective area. A third-party en- or “stamped,” think ASME. (but not unheard of), and points to the
gineer (you), trying to select a PSV, runs Let us consider the numbers from the importance of checking the ASME rat-
a sizing calculation using API 520 equa- example above, which came from an at- ings of any valve selected and comparing
tions on ABC Valve Co.’s sizing software, tempt to size a valve for liquid relief. API it against API benchmarks.
gets a result that requires 4.66 in.2 to re- says to use a value of Kd = 0.65 for liq- For our example, the net effect of the
lieve the load, and is now thoroughly con- uid relief. If one uses the API dataset on ASME Kd is basically nothing; therefore,
fused on what size valve to select. the vendor software, then the calculation how is the ASME capacity higher? This
80 NOVEMBER 2018 |
Fluid Flow and Rotating Equipment

brings us to the last key concept: When the as in the example case, it will allow use of the minimum design conditions
ASME data is used for a specific valve, it is a valve with an API letter designation that for its API letter designation.
not just the Kd sizing factor that changes; did not appear large enough based on its 2. A required orifice area that is
the actual orifice area and, therefore, the API effective area. This can save time greater than the one calculated
capacity of the valve also adjusts to em- and money by preventing over-sizing of by API. This is usually due to
pirical, certified values. Both values can be valves, leading to smaller piping systems the 10% de-rating on Kd that
generally expected to increase over the API to support them. Remember: The ASME ASME requires.
values. The simple reason is that any given values are empirical and have a 10% safe- PSV sizing and selection is a wide
real-world valve is usually over-designed ty factor built in, so we do not need to topic, and this article addresses only one
so that it will meet and exceed the required worry about cutting the design too close; issue. Specific code references and quota-
minimum capacity of its corresponding the conservatism is already built in to the tions have been omitted to create a gen-
API size. This is a simple concept, but one method. We can choose the Brand X N- eral guideline that is useful for most engi-
that is often overlooked by engineers. orifice valve and sleep well at night. neers, rather than an interpretation of the
Back to our example scenario: Even codes. Anytime you are selecting a PSV
though the ASME Kd (and, therefore, the Recommendations. Avoid simply de- that is near its API capacity limits, a flag
required area) adjustment had a negligi- faulting to the API dataset for the final should go off in your head: Remember to
ble effect, the actual ASME orifice area “rating” or datasheet when selecting a check the ASME capacity!
(and, therefore, capacity) is significantly PSV. Use API sizing calculations as they
higher than the listed API area and capac- are intended—for preliminary valve se- a
This article is written for an audience that is familiar
ity for an N-orifice. TABLE 1 shows a sum- lection. Then, switch to the ASME datas- with PSVs, PSV sizing, and API and ASME standards
mary of these calculations. et. This will often (but not always) result at a basic level.
With this adjusted orifice area, we in two differences:
can compare to the ASME certified area 1. An actual orifice area greater than BENJAMIN TAYLOR is Project Manager at Anvil
(which will always be larger than the API the standard API letter-designated Corporation in Bellingham, Washington. His
background is in control systems and instrumentation.
area), and we have our final answer for the orifice area. This means that the He holds a BS degree in chemical engineering from
valve size. Often, this will not result in a PSV selected performs slightly Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana, and a
different choice of valve, but sometimes, better, or is slightly larger, than PE in control systems engineering in Washington state.

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Hydrocarbon Processing | NOVEMBER 2018 81

Safety/Loss Prevention

• The pipe was not touching one of the bottom supports (1- Design observations. Several design features were observed
in. gap), due to a permanent deformation in the vertical plane during the investigation. The saddle support for the 60-in. flare
• The lone Y- stop that prevented upward movement of the header had an angle of contact of 72°. This is less than the mini-
line was forced open (see FIG. 3) mum angle of contact of 120° for saddles for horizontal pressure
• There was no ovalization at the long radius bends vessels. The flare header was not designed for hydro-fill condi-
• There was no sign of excessive axial or lateral movement tions. Some pipe spans that exceeded 40 ft, coupled with defi-
• There were no fretting marks on supports, that could be ciency in saddle design, caused high local stress and ovalization
associated with vibration. of the pipe near supports, as confirmed with stress analysis.
The first three observations led to the conclusion that the The pipe thickness (t) was too thin for its outside diameter
flare header must have undergone thermal movement in the (D), i.e., it had a large D/t ratio of 160, as against the industry
vertical plane. norm of ≤120. In FIG. 4, it can be seen that when the D/t ratio
increases, the allowable strain limit decreases.

0.06000 Strain limit. When a pipe is bent by the application of an ex-

ternal moment, it tends to develop changes in cross-section.
The outer radius develops flattening and inner radius kinks
0.04000 inward (buckling).
0.03000 Strain limit is often used to assess the bending capability of

pipe. As shown in FIG. 4, the strain limit decreases with an increase

0.02000 in the D/t ratio. The strain referred to here is the mechanical
0.01000 strain that produces stresses. Free thermal expansion produces
thermal strain without stressing the material. In a piping system,
restraints always limit free thermal expansion; therefore, some
-0.01000 mechanical strain is also induced during thermal expansion.
0 50 100 150 200
D/t ratio Gresnigt’s equations are the basis of FIG. 4.1
Єc = 0.5 ⫻ t/(D-t) – 0.0025 for (D-t)/t < 120
FIG. 4. D/t ratio vs. strain limit, Єc. Єc= 0.2 ⫻ t/(D-t) for a (D-t)/t ≥ 120





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Select 175 at

106MAY 2013 |
Safety/Loss Prevention

D/t is not the lone parameter limiting the bending capacity The cracking occurred after the buckling damage. For crack-
of pipe. The other factors are: ing, tensile stress is required, and this must have resulted dur-
• Nonhomogeneity or the presence of imperfections in the ing straightening of the pipe when thermal gradients receded
material or when reversed.
• Initial out-of-roundness About 150 ft on either side of the sulfur lateral was deemed
• Loading conditions as the only area where all the following conditions required for
• Residual stress local buckling co-existed:
• Strength of the material in the longitudinal and circum- • High temperature due to downstream coker unit relief
ferential directions • Restraints that opposed thermal bowing
• Shape of the stress–strain diagram. • Large D/t ratio
• Pre-existing ovality due to large local stresses near saddle
Thermal bowing. The flare header is designed for flexibil- supports.
ity at 815°F. As per the design, it is expected to move only in
the horizontal plane while undergoing thermal expansion. A Repairs carried out. After thorough evaluation, repair strat-
movement in the vertical plane has to counter the gravity loads; egy improvement began. Key improvements included:
however, the several conditions have led to thermal bowing of
the flare header in the vertical plane:

• Occasional temperature difference between the top and
bottom half of the horizontal flare header
Cold side–tensile stress
• Ovalization of the pipe, which reduced the stiffness of the
pipe in the vertical direction, compared to the horizontal direction
• To accommodate growth, the pipe tends to bend in the di-
rection of least stiffness.
Hot side–compressive stress
The reason for the circumferential thermal gradient is not
well understood. Within the horizontal flare header, there could Sliding support
be a two-phase flow of hot fluid, with the film-heat transfer co-
efficient being different for the liquid flow and the vapor flow. FIG. 5. Thermal bowing of pipe due to circumferential thermal gradient.
This difference can cause a temperature gradient between the
bottom and top of the pipe. Another possibility is the intermit-
tent and partial flow of liquid, hotter or colder than the mean line
temperature; it could create a circumferential thermal gradient.
FIG. 5 shows thermal bowing of a pipe due to circumferential
thermal gradient. The pipe will bend with outer curvature at
the hotter region. The nature and extent of stresses generated
is dependent on the boundary condition. In this example, the
vertical restraint opposes free thermal bowing. The region of
the pipe where actual displacement is less than needed for free
thermal expansion would be in compression and if reversed,
in tension. Therefore, the hotter half of the pipe will be under
compression and the colder half in tension.

Initial conclusions. The preliminary investigation conclud-

ed that the failure was initiated by local buckling at zones of
compressive strain when thermal bowing occurred in the flare
header. The vertical restraint amplified the stresses at the re-
gion of Failure 1. At failure locations 2 and 3, the sulfur lateral
restrained the rotation and lifting of the 60-in. header, thereby
increasing the stresses.
The large pipe D/t ratio is the root cause of local buckling.
From FIG. 4, the strain limit = 0.00126 for the flare header with
a D/t ratio of 160. This translates to a stress of 35.3 ksi (1 ksi
= 1,000 psi), which is lower than a yield stress of 38 ksi. Imper-
fections and residual stress at the circumferential weld lower
the strain limit, thus explaining how all three failures occurred
at the circumferential welds.
Hoop tensile stress opposes inward buckling of the pipe.
The flare header operating pressure does not exceed 10 psig
and this low value added negligible hoop tensile stress to
counter buckling.
Select 173 at
Safety/Loss Prevention

• A 300-ft section encompassing the failure was replaced

with a thicker pipe
• The D/t ratio for the replacement section was 96
• The saddle supports for the replaced section were rede-
signed with an angle of contact of 120°
• The vertical restraint was modified to a sliding support
• Skin thermocouples were installed at the top and bottom
of the pipe
• The new welds were post-weld-heat-treated to reduce re-
sidual stress and to safeguard against environmental cracking.

Metallurgical examination. A close inspection of the flare

header section removed for metallurgical inspection is shown
in FIG. 6. Metallurgical observations included:
• Metallurgy of the pipe and weld were verified and found
to match with the original design specification
• No weld defects were detected; two of the failures were
on shop welds and one was on a field weld
• No sign of fatigue or environmental cracking was found
on the specimens examined
• The bottom portion of the pipe, at the weld, buckled in-
ward and the cracks originated at the buckled area
• The cracking was due to ductile overload
• The crack originated at the toe of the weld from the OD
surface of the pipe at the buckled region.
Skin temperature readings taken from the top and bottom
FIG. 6. Failed section of 60-in. flare header. of the pipe after replacement revealed a circumferential ther-

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108 MAY 2013 |
Safety/Loss Prevention

mal gradient of 150°F. In general, the pipe is hotter at the bot- treat pipe as a beam and cannot predict local buckling of the
tom; however, in some instances, the temperature gradient is shell elements.
reversed, with the top of the pipe being hotter. Large D/t ratio also increases susceptibility to failures due
to acoustic induced vibration (AIV). AIV is caused by high
Discussions. Vertical movement of the pipe causing lift-off sound pressure levels inside flare headers during significant
from support will add gravity loads to the pipe. Thermal bow- relief scenarios. AIV failures typically develop at small bore tie-
ing will negate the free draining capability of the line, leading to ins to the flare header.
localized liquid pooling and associated issues. Thermal bowing
is not common with process plant piping, and when it occurs, Findings. If the D/t ratio of the pipe exceeds 100, these pre-
it is a difficult problem to correct. Most failures due to thermal cautions apply:
bowing are fatigue cracking at the circumferential welds. Buck- • When the pipeline is subjected to large bending mo-
ling due to thermal bowing is extremely rare due to installing ments, external pressure or axial compression, strain-based de-
pipes with favorable D/t ratio. The 60-in. flare header had both sign/buckling assessment using finite element analysis (FEA)
a very large D/t ratio and a loading/displacement condition should be performed
that increased vulnerability to buckling. • Equations for stress intensity factors given in ASME
When large lateral displacements are imposed on piping, B31.3 are valid only for D/t ≤ 100
failure generally manifests as localized buckling. Buckling is • During flexibility analysis, corrected stress intensity fac-
a failure due to instability and it causes process of achieving tors estimated through FEA should be used
equilibrium between external loads, internal resistance and • Flare headers should be designed with a dead load that
boundary restraint. Strain-based design is typically adopted for includes one quarter full of liquid
displacement controlled designs. Examples are subsea piping • Saddle supports for piping with a large D/t ratio require
or buried lines with large ground movements. design considerations like pressure vessel saddles (Zick analysis)
In a piping flexibility analysis, the displacement stress range • The D/t ratio for flare headers should be less than 120.
is compared with the allowable stress range. This is essentially
a check against potential fatigue failure due to cyclic tensile 1
Gresnigt, A. M. and R. J. Van Foeken, “Local buckling of UOE and seamless steel
stress. Compressive stress or strain limit checks are not part pipes,” 11th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Stavanger,
of a piping flexibility analysis. Piping stress analysis softwares Norway, June 2011.

JULY 30–31, 2013

Norris Conference Centers – CityCentre Houston, Texas

Hydrocarbon Processing Introduces the Inaugural

Gas-to-Liquids Technology Forum
Gulf Publishing Company’s inaugural Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) Technology Forum will investigate the technology and
trends at work as GTL usage and projects become increasingly popular. The two-day technology conference will
feature industry keynotes and presentations from GTL technology experts.
GTL is poised to become an increasingly important part of the North American energy industry. As the natural
gas boom in North America continues and new technologies emerge to reduce costs, company interest is
increasing—and so is investment. Project announcements and planning from industry innovators like Sasol, Shell
and BP are beginning to ramp up in this energy niche.
GTL Technology Forum is your chance to connect with top operators and technology leaders from across the
global hydrocarbon processing industry. Sponsorship at this event will benefit the following types of companies
active in the GTL sector: GTL technology providers, GTL engineering companies, major and independent
operators, catalyst companies, specialized equipment manufacturers, turbine specialists and others.
For more information, contact your local Hydrocarbon Processing sales representative or Bret Ronk,
publisher, at +1 (713) 520-4421 or
Hydrocarbon Processing | MAY 2013109

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