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What is peace and order?

An occurrence of harmony characterized by the lack of violence, conflict behaviors and the freedom
from fear of violence.

What is the importance of peace and order?

There's peace and order to maintain the development of our nation and society. Peace and order is
essential within our society in order to have a peaceful community, peace and order brings out
solution in every problem that is being encountered in a community.

How does the peace of order affects the community?

Peace and order also takes a huge part to the community health. Let's relate it to our current
situation. When the pandemic happened, lots of citizens got affected and worst is that some even
faced death. Thus our government servants came up with a solution, wherein everyone should wear
face mask, limit going outside, and receive vaccination treatment. Therefore the cases slowly
decreases and we are now able to freely go outside, even wearing face mask is now only voluntarily.

What are the problems in community?

● Access to Clean Drinking Water

● Child Abuse and Neglect
● Crime
● Domestic Violence
● Drug Use
● Pollution
● Lack of Funding for Schools
● Ethnic Conflict
● Lack of Healthcare Programs
● Jobs
● Housing
● Poverty
● Violence
● Racism

There are 10 ways to maintain peace in our community

1. Treat all people with kindness, regardless of race, gender orientation, sexual orientation and
also religion
2. Attend a peace rally
3. Write to your government (local and federal)
4. Create a peaceful affirmation/mantra
5. Don't engage in violence of any kind
6. Don’t purchase weapons
7. Volunteer for the Peace Corps.
8. Respect your environment
9. Help the homeless
10. Develop meaningful relationships outside your own race

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