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The purpose of this study Is to examine the impact of romantic relationships on the academic

performance of Senior High School students. By investigating factors such as time management,

emotional well-being, and engagement in school-related activities, we aim to uncover how

romantic involvement may influence students’ ability to excel academically.

The transition to senior high school is a critical period in the lives of adolescents, marked by

numerous changes and challenges. One significant aspect of this phase is the emergence of

romantic relationships. While these relationships can bring joy, emotional support, and personal

growth, they may also have implications for students’ academic performance. Understanding the effect

of romantic relationships on academic achievement is essential for educators,

parents, and students themselves.

Previous research suggests that romantic relationships can have both positive and negative effects

on academic performance. On one hand, being in a supportive and healthy relationship can enhance

motivation, self-esteem, and overall well-being, which may positively impact academic outcomes. On

the other hand, the demands and distractions associated with romantic relationships can potentially

lead to decreased focus, increased stress, and reduced time and energy devoted to schoolwork.

By conducting this study, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the complex relationship

between romantic involvement and academic performance among senior high school students. The

findings will contribute to the existing body of knowledge and provide insights for educators, parents,

and students on how to navigate and balance these aspects of their lives effectively.

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