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2 News april 24, 2020

Positivity in the Light Proactive

of a Global Pandemic Programming Shana Huang
Gavin Fritz
As the world grinded to a complete stop last month, an During these times of a global pandemic, we often feel uncertain and unsure of
outpouring of negative news surrounding the Coronavirus the situation going on around us. hen the Covid- outbreak first occurred, so
occurred. eople were forced into their homes for an indefinite did the rampant spread of misinformation and outdated news, causing confusion
amount of time and told they were no longer able to see anyone and worry across the world. This sense of uncertainty fueled by lack of certain
but the people they live with, and many were faced with the resources and information prompted some Newport students to step up to the
reality that they could lose loved ones to a deadly virus circling plate.
the globe. For the past few weeks, Trevor Kwan (11) and Shrey Aeron (12) have been
Despite all this tragic news, global support and resilience developing websites to track worldwide coronavirus updates. wan’s first website,
emerged in an inspiring show of humanity. In various ways, is a “map-based tracker” which “displays information
people, countries, teams, states, and businesses sacrificed what about how many tests each country has conducted.” In addition, it calculates the
they could to help those in need. In northern Italy, a hotspot number of tests done per million people in each country. According to Kwan,
of coronavirus infections, a cry for help led an international Covidresponse uses a technique known as “web-scraping,” where a script based in
response of support. Doctors from China, Russia, Cuba bringing the Python coding language runs on a server and “looks through the html source
supplies arrived to help fight the growing crisis in taly. A also code of other webpages to gather data.” The data is then “parsed and combined
sent a plane full of medical supplies to Italy. Support in Italy also with population data from the CIA World Factbook to calculate the amount of
came from Lamborghini, who has begun using their factory to tests done per million people in each country.” After matching each country in
produce masks a day for healthcare workers, sacrificing correlation to longitude and latitude for display markers to be accurately shown on
their financial interests for the greater crisis at hand. the website’s map, the website then retrieves data from the script and projects it
Back in the USA, the New England Patriots’ plane delivered 1.2 onto the map which is updated every minute.
million N-95 masks from China to the state of Massachusetts. A driving factor for wan’s creation of was the di culty
According to CNN, dental o ces, small businesses, large he had in finding information on Covid- tests. hen searching for information
businesses, and factories are all donating goods or shifting on the pandemic, wan stated that he “had a hard time finding a source that
production to provide valuable supplies to medical facilities compared the US testing count to more than a handful of countries” and available
across the country. Goldman Sachs, a New York investment bank sources “weren’t updated regularly, didn’t represent the data in a visual manner,
donated 100,000 masks to the state of New York. Nurses across and didn’t have the testing per million metric [he] was looking for.” Furthermore,
the country came out of retirement and returning to the front through his online search, Kwan found that none of the other coronavirus tracking
lines to help relieve the stress on the American medical system. websites “aggregated testing data,” which “inspired [him] to try to create a website
These selfless acts reflect the compassionate nature of humanity that would aggregate testing counts for each country, calculate the testing per
that pushes us to help those in need. million metric, and display it in a visual manner.”
Another website Kwan created was, a project
dedicated towards sending notes of appreciation to healthcare workers and
others on the frontlines of the battle against Covid-19. On the homepage, the
three steps to sending a note are displayed, and users can easily click a button to
Images courtesy get started. The first step allows people to choose between sending their note to
of Google Images. either a healthcare or nursing home worker. Once a choice has been made, a list of
Coronavirus locations related to that profession (such as a hospital or assisted living facility) is
supplies arrive in shown on the site. After choosing a location, users can begin writing their note.
Africa. Coincidentally, while wan was working on his first website, he found out
that Aeron was working on his own website tackling a similar issue. Aeron’s
website,, was created to “help people see travel bans to/
from di erent countries around the world due to corona,” and was crafted with a
python program that “reads from news websites to calculate the number of bans
for di erent countries.” According to Aeron, motivation to create the website came
from his hope to make an impact with his skillset and the opportunity to “learn
new things as well.”
After discovering that both of them had made websites with similar goals in
mind, Kwan and Aeron partnered up for a joint project where they made the
website: When creating the website, Aeron recounted that
the duo’s overall goal was to “help people assess the situation of coronavirus in
their United States County,” and Kwan noted that the inspiration for their project
came from “the growing number of cities and states around the nation that are
setting Stay at Home Orders, and the uncertainty surrounding that.” Built from
web-scraping and the input of data from The Census Bureau, Johns Hopkins,
and the New York Times, their website, Safescore, provides people with a way to
“understand the severity of the current COVID situation and helps them make an
informed decision to benefit themselves and everyone around them” in order to
flatten the curve in the nited tates. Through a simple click of the button on the
website, users can view their current location and receive statistics on active cases,
the virus’ growth rate, and more, along with a “Safe Score” which ranges from 0 to
100, providing a summary of “the extent to which people should stay home.”
After completing their project together, Kwan and Aeron entered their website
into the COVID-19 Global Hackathon as a way to “showcase [their] work while
helping others,” and as Aeron stated, he “really enjoys doing these projects,”
which provide a way to have fun while staying at home, and help others during
these di cult times.

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