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“YOUR TOPIC”: Team Topic Selection, Input and Output Technologies

Group 7: Jami Eubanks, Carmen Quain, Ethan Hodge, Travis Limbaugh, Kyle Frank

Division of Computing Sciences, Arkansas Tech University

INFT-5413: Computer Systems and Architecture

Dr. Wendi Kappers

February 18, 2024

“YOUR TOPIC”: Team Topic Selection, Input and Output Technologies

For this week’s assignment, you have the choice as to what topic your team will investigate
throughout the remainder of the term. Please state it here with a definition.

According to the geeks for geeks website, “An input/output device, often known as an IO
device, is any hardware that allows a human operator or other systems to interface with
a computer. Input/output devices, as the name implies, are capable of delivering data
(output) to and receiving data from a computer (input). An input/output (I/O) device is
a piece of hardware that can take, output, or process data. It receives data as input and
provides it to a computer, as well as sends computer data to storage media as a storage
output.” (Jain, 2023)

Why did your team select this topic?

We chose this topic because as secondary computer science teachers we feel input and output
device technologies are of great interest for our programming students. Most of what we
teach on a daily basis involves the input of data and output of graphics for graphical user
interfaces. We teach our students about the hardware components of input and output
What is the importance of this topic to our classroom discussions/explorations?

Information technology students should have a firm grasp on the uses of input and output
device technologies. They should understand the security of input and output devices on
a network. They should understand the network demands of the devices connected to a
network they manage. They should be able to troubleshoot issues on input and output
devices they manage.

What is the relevance of this topic to the current literature of our research domain?

A number of important factors, including User Interaction, Data Processing, Output Display and
Presentation, Peripheral Connectivity, System Architecture Design, and User Experience
(UX), help to explain the relevance of input and output technologies to computer systems
and architecture. Input and output technologies play a crucial role in peripheral
connectivity, human engagement, data processing, system functionality, and computer
systems and architecture. Optimizing system performance, user experience, and overall
usefulness requires the effective design and execution of input and output systems.

Provide a BRIEF summary of the discussion your team had to arrive at this topic’s

The team 7 leader suggested this topic as imperative knowledge for graduates of an IT program
of study and the rest of the group agreed that input and output device technology
knowledge is important.

“YOUR TOPIC”: Team Topic Selection, Input and Output Technologies


Jain, S. (2023, November 1). Input and Output Devices. GeeksforGeeks. Retrieved February 12, 2024,


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