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RORISQ ‘A bulk carrior that is carrying grain cargo ~ the cargo space: had been fumigated at least once in the last 12 months. ction | Total of 390 Items : Approaching and Boarding the Vessel (18) : Document with Master (103) Navigation Bridge & Communication Equipment (44) External Accommodation (18) Deck (45) : Moorings (17) : Ship Structures (6) : Ship’ s Office (56) 9: Engine Control Room (59) 10 : Steering Gear Compartment (9) 11 : Internal Accommodation, Galley and Store (15) 1 2 3 4 5: Me 6 7 8 SEC 1: APPROACHING AND BOARDING THE VESSEL, 14.2 Hull Markings ~ visible and painted in contrasting color (Ships Name, Port of Registry, Load Lines, Draft Marks, Thruster Warning, Tug Push Point, IMO Number and Bulbous Bow Mark) 14.1. Ship’ s Hull - clean, no significant corrosion extensive ‘coating breakdown and marine growth, 14.7 Superstructure ~ satisfactory cosmetic appearance 10.4 HMPE mooring lines fitted with mooring tails. Mooring lines 100-105% ship design MBL: Mooring Tails at 125%— 130% of ships design MBL. at 11 meters length; inspected before every use and replaced once residual strength reaches 75% of ships designed MBL. Tails can be attached direct to HMSF via cow hitch. 10.10 Mooring tales are used, connected properly to mooring lines; eye of mooring pendants (tails) covered with chafe protection. 10.8 Mooring lines, correctly deployed and tended 10.19 Anchors tightly secured in hawse pipe 435 Safe means of access (bottom steps securing pins + lighting + lifebuoys + position at wharf and safety net) 436 Accommodation and Gangway (Condition; Marking SWL, No of People; Working Angle; SWL Lower Platform; and Inspection Annual and 5Yrs Load Test) 442 Lifebuoys, related equipment, and Pyrotechnics in good ‘order. (100m>8; 100 to 150m ~10; 150 to 200m ~12; 200m and over ~14. 4337 Pilot ladder ~ not fake, maintained, secured with rolling hitch knot and in place as per SOLAS V/23 12.1 Security Access maintained adequately. Visitors aware in ‘event of an emergency 4,40 Muster list ship specific and displayed; and Fire Control Plan updated 152 Accommodation Space ~ regularly inspected by Master (health, hygiene, ventilation, noise, heating, lighting, and sanitation). Random check to conduct. 441 Crew Training for Helicopter Operation; Shipboard Helicopter Operation Checklist; and Risk Assessment € July 2022 4.39 Helicopter Landing Area with fixed handrails, steps, and platform: required markings in place with MTOW Certificate issued by Class. Provide 360-degrees photos of landing site 14.17 Elevator ~ inspected, tested in good order. (Inspection 12mos but not exceed 18mos interval, maintenance, responsibilities, and safety barrier part of SMS. Permit to work and risk assessment related to maintenance available, 4,1 PPE Matrix and Use SEC 2: DOCUMENTATION WITH MASTER 1.1 Certificate of Registry 1.2. Vessel’ s IMO Number 13. Flag 14. IOPP Certificate 1.5 Date of Layup, if greater than 3 months 1.6 Max assigned Deadweight 1.7 Vessel Type 1.8 Hull Type 1.9 Vessel’ ¢ Operation at the Time of Inspection 1.10 Shippers Declaration or MSDS 1.11 PSC Inspection Report (last 2 Years) incl RCA/CPA 1.12 Class Certificate 1.13 Expiry Date of Class Certificate 1.14 Class Survey Status Report (issued date) 1.15 Dry Dock Record | Dry Dock Report 1,16 Date of Unschedule Repair 1,17 International Energy Efficiency Certif (Details EEDI) 1.18 Flag State Inspection (Summary of Deficiency) 1.19 Document of Compliance (Name of Ship Managers) 1,20 Continuous Synopsis Record 1.20 Continuous Synopsis Record 1.21 Date of last 2 ship visit : 1.28 P&l Certificate of Entry 2.1 Class Survey Status Report (less than 14 Days/COC) 63 Enhances Survey Report maintained, and actual condition ‘confirms fitness (Record Tank Condition in Comment) 5.22 IEE Certificate provided onboard 2.2 Certificate of Financial Security 2.3. SMS Procedure (Working Language) + Ships Logbook 24 Minimum Safe Manning Certificate + Crew List (check related docs: Safe Navigation; Mooring Ops; Drills; Record of Rest Hours) | Record the Actual and Required Manning 10.7 Mooring lines, check and attended at regularly 25 Record of Rest Hours (Two or more violation; Vessel manager informed; Work hours record ILO Format) 2.6 Ship Handling Training (Master) 2.7 Crew Training Hazmat 28 Crew Training Specialized Cargo 92 Master/Chief Officer undergone Hatch Cover Inspection and Maintenance Training (conducted by Makers Representative). Training record to be identified 2.14 Generic ECDIS + Type-Specific Familiarization | Record how familiarization was carried out 88.24 Master informed the authorities/country of destination about the fumigation. SEC 3: NAV. BRIDGE & COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 3.1 Procedures for Safety Navigation, ECDIS & Anchoring. ECDIS primary means/how to deal if ECDIS fails 32 Masters Standing Order (Record details of Visi Criteria; Calling the Master; Min CPA and TCPA, ECDIS Display Layer) 33 Maneuvering Bridge Order Book or Night Order Book RADAR Perf. (Change of Watch Checklist, Handiing/Stopping Dist,; Nav Record Activities/Inoident. 94 Pre-Arrival and Departure Checklist 35. Daily Test of Bridge Equipment 36 Pilot Card + Master/Pilot Information Exchange 3.7 UKG Policy and Air Draft Clearance Calculation | Verify the accuracy of UKC 38 Record of Fire and Safety Rounds 39. Poster (Bridge Manning Matrix) 3.10 Checklist for Nav Equipment; Maintenance Record of Magnetron; and Makers Guide Magnetron Exchange 3,11 Daily check of nav lights, emergency lights and signalin ‘equipment (Aldis 3 Spare Bulb + Battery Pack) 3,12 BNWAS Operation and Maintenance Guide, incl Operation Condition Check (1st Alarm/ 2nd Alarm) 3.13 Compass Adjustment Certificate, Gyro Compass Service Report and GPS Maintenance | Record NC if gyrocompass not serviced as per manufacturers recommendation 3.14 Logbook/Bellbook Entry when engaging hand to auto: auto to hand steering. 3.15 VDR Procedure (Retrieval/Playback) + Annual Test. 3,16 Shore-Based Company Provider Nev.Support Services; Weekly Notice to Mariners No.___; NP133C Avai 12.4 Charts end Publications provided when transiting a high risk piracy area. 3,17 Up-to-date charts and pubs for voyage + NP231 + NP5012 and AHP20 3,18 Demo Familiarity with use of ECDIS (Deck Officer) Safety Setting, Set/Check Voyplan, Chart Updates, ENC Symbol, ‘Manual Posn Fixing (NP5012/NP232), AIS/RADAR ‘Overlay, Limitation of RCDS, SCAMIN Display, CATZOCs, In Case ECDIS Failure, Setting Safety Frame/Zone, Parallel Index, Route Check/Management Alarms, Handling Unresolve ENG Update Errors 3.19 ECDIS Type Approval, Back-Up and IHO Version 3.20 T&P NMs and Navigation Warnings (in ECDIS); DVD Updates and/or E-mail updates. Check System if installed and verify if relevant noticed effectively managed 3.21 Voyage Charts application of safe navigation; Safety Contour + Manual Alarms Displayed 9,22 Echo-sounder recorded; switch on with date/time written when switching (landfall, coastal, pilotage and shallow water). 3.23 Passage Plan + Route Validation + Anchoring Operation and Risk Assessment (Marked on Chart: No~Go Aree, Course Alter, Wheel Over, Parallel Index, Abort & Contingencies, Change in Engine Status, Minimum UKC, Use of Echo sounder, Safe Speed, Air Draft, Reporting Points, Considerations, Marine Environment Protection, Strong Tides and Current, Look~Ahead Zone. 125 Risk Assessment provided prior transit high risk area 3.24 Parallel Indexing Technique Applied Monitoring Passage Plan (Coastal/Restristed Visibility and at Night) 3.25 Track of Ship Monitored + Position Plotting + Cross Cheok recorded on ECDIS Data Log 3.28 GPS Geodetic Datum and Value of HDOP Checked 3.27 Weather Routing Service 3.28 Procedure for use of Mobile Phone, Internet, and Email 4.29 Portable Fire Extinguisher, good order + maintenance condition; Annual Serviced as per maker + 1 least 1 discharge per 5 yre,; and hydraulically tested 10 yrs. Spare Charge Available. 4.14 Water Ingress Detector System + Alarm Test + Maintenance Condition 4.26 Test Record of Fixed Fire Detection System 4.21 Immersion Suit + Donning Instruction, Maintenance Contition (Air Pressure 3 Years + more frequent more than 10 years) 442 Lifebuoys, related equipment, and Pyrotechnios in good order. (100m>8; 100 to 150m -10; 150 to 200m ~12, 200m and over ~14+% 111 Qualified Person for GMDSS Operation (Distress, Safety and Radio Communication) 112 Safety Radio Certificate valid; and GMDSS Logbook with daily, weekly, monthly test maintained (incl ON/OFF Load Battory Test) 11.3 EPIRB tested annually; and shore-based maintenance not exceeding five years. 114 List of Radio Signals, available and updated 11.5 Two-way UHF Radio sufficient for onboard operation: GMDSS Portable Radio only for emergency, 116 SART in good order and tested 11.7 Survival Graft Portable VHF Radio in good order and charged 11.8 AIS static, dynamic and voyage data updated: annual test/record available on board. 11.89 Shore Based Management Agreement GMDSS onboard ‘SEC 4; EXTERNAL ACCOMMODATION 4.11 PPE Matrix and Use #* 4.42 Lifebuoys, related equipment, and Pyrotechnics in good ‘order. (100m>8; 100 to 150m ~10; 150 to 200m ~12; 200m and over ~14.6#* 145 Watertight/Weathertight Doors, Portholes and Wheelhouse Windows in good order. 14.13. Stores (Inside Accommodation and Weather Deck) ~ clean and tidy. 14.19 Walkways, Access Ladders (Steps and Handrails) ~ maintained in good condition 4,17 Welding and Gas Burring equipment + Proper Stowage + Marked Empty and Store Away + Pressure gauge replaced every 6 years manufacturer’ s recommend). 4.18 Crew Familiarity with operation/launching procedure of Lifeboats + Rescue Boats and Davit Launched Liferaft *4 4.19 Liferaft. Condition + HRU + Sen-house Clip 4.20 Lifejacket and Donning Instructions 4.22 IMO Symbols in good condition (Photoluminescent) 4.24 Fire mains and appendages (operating condition) 10.12 Monkey fist free of any add on weight. Weight of monkey fist not exceed 0.5kg. 10.13 Mooring Deck marked with Snap~Back Hazard Zone. 10.14 Stoppers fitted around 50% of MBL first 2 turns direct to tthe first post before laid in figure of 8. Drum end not designed for securing ropes. 10.15 Winch Drum free of corrosion, pitting and rust scale 10.16 Fairleads and Rollers, well-greased and free to turn 10.17 Mooring Equipment (Fairleads, rollers, bitts, and chocks) clearly marked with SWL. 10.18 Windlass, anchor, locking bars, and cables maintained and incorporated as part of PMS. 10.20 Chain locker door battened down; bitter end inspected and tools for quick rel 10.22 Emergency Towing Booklet (Bridge, Festle, Ship Office) 10.23 Gapesize Vessel 120DWT meet Pilbara Port Authority requirement for towing #* SEC 7: SHIP STRUCTURE 6.1 Free of any repairs (visual or documented) that were not reported to class/no unauthorized hull repei 6.4 Ladders, rungs, and platform at cargo holds, ballast tanks and void spaces maintained in good order 65 Air pipes and sounding pipes for cargo holds and void ined/in good order fitted) with access, mechanical ventilation, adequate lighting and free of water 67. Structures, free of defect 55 Bulkhead in good order/no leakage SEC B: SHIP’ S OFFICE ‘88.1 Policy Statement or relevant publication safe carriage and handling of grain in bulk 8B.2 Cargo Information and its characteristics provided 88.3 Grain cargo examined/sampled during loading and meet requirement as per MSDS/Shippers Declaration with record of regular monitoring 8B.4 Approved Grain Loading Manual available 8B.5 If authorization not provided, Master demonstrate ‘compliance on ship stability and grain code 8B.6 Class Approved Loading Computer Programme + Test Record during Annual Survey 88.7 Cargo Operations ~ close monitoring of stress, stability information and any limitations. 88.8 Procedure for Ballast/De-ballasting of Ballast Hold 88.9 Hold Cleaning, Procedures and Guidelines. Plan/Inventory 88.10 Cargo Hold (grain or hospital cleaned), hold inspection certificate issued by 3rd party prior loading grain. 8.11 Crew familiar with the risk, hazard, and carriage requirement of cargo. Test sample available to crew. 88.12 Crew familiar with the risk, hazard, and carr requirement of cargo. 8B.13 Hatch Cover ~ ultrasonic test before loading 88.14 Fumigation ~ clear instruction given to Master before arrival load port (special attention to area/potential leak) 8,15 Fumigation of Cargo Hold ~ procedure and contingenci jded and known by crew (Master & Chief Officer) 8.B16 Fumigation of Cargo ~ Crew familiar with major problem when stowed onboard 88.17 Fumigation - on board safety requirement for fumigation complies to IMO recommendation on safe use of pesticides. 88.18 Representative of the Master for Fumigation ~ trained with regards to gas concentration checks (fumigant safety data sheet, instructions for fumigant use) 88.19 Pre~fumigation and post-fumigation statements ~ provided to the Master by Fumigator-in-charge (complete and sign the model checklist for in-transit furigation). 88.20 Warning Signs (identify fumigant/date & time of Fumigation) ~ posted in all entrance considered unsafe access 88.21 Fumigation during Voyage ~ Voyage Safety Plan (VSP) provided with checklist acknowledge and signed by Master prior sailing load port 88.22 Aircon Intake (Accommodation, ER and Other Spaces) ~ set to prevent drawing of fumigant gas. 88.23 Fumigation in Transit ~ Procedure for entry to hold space provided ‘88.24 Fumigation ~ country of destination and appropriate authorities informed (not less than 24 hrs). 88.25 Gas Free Certificate ~ provided before start discharging operation 88.26 Fumigation ~ record of operation maintained. 88.27 Wet & Dry Bulb Thermometers provided and well calibrated due determine dewpoint temperature. 88.28 Rules for Ventilation of Gargo Hold ~ Master/Chief Officer are familiar with Dew-point rule ~ Ventilate when dew point of outside air is lower the dew point inside ‘cargo hold; Three-Degree Rule ~ Ventilate when temperature of outside air is at least 3 deg Celsius below ‘of the cargo hold ion of Cargo Hold ~ done and record maintained in stability calculation - satisfactory with records 88.31 Cargo Loading/Unloading Plan provided, verified, and approved by Master 88.32 Hold Bilge and Opening ~ cleaned and grain tight 88.33 Cargo Hold Lights ~ verified if combustible/isolate before loading commenced 88.34 Cargo Operation Activities recorded (Start/Stop each hold; Tonnage loaded per hold; Weather Condition; Use of ‘Ships Crane; Movement of Shore Grane/loade Movement Barge alongside; Opening/Closing of Hatches; Period of Precipitation; Draft Reading, Delays cause ‘Temperature for Grain, Seed Cake and Coal. 8B.35 Oxygen Depletion (when laden with grains) ~ understood by officers and crew. 9.3 Procedure for hose/ultrasonic testing of hatch covers and test record (at least every 3 months) provided. Date of last hose test: 91.15 Hatch Cover (Hydraulic Oil) tested regularly. (Hydraulic ll change every 5 years; or after piping/oylinder change; Hydraulic oil filter change every 12 months or ‘as per makers guide) 9.16 Training and Familiarization of Officers/Personnel with emergency hatch cover operation (also incorporated as, part of ship’ s manual). Ship to carry an emergency Cylinder Cover; Pistons; Liners; Cross Head; Bottom End; Main Bearing; Turbo Charger; Governor ME 19.14 Aux Engine maintained and free of leak. Check condition of Fuel Valve; Fuel Pump; Cylinder Cover; Piston; Liner; 18.18 Emergency Escape Route clearly marked, no obstruction and wll it. Pad eye, shackle, single block, rope, and harness available to lift incapacitated person 19.16 Lighting at Engine Room is adequate 18.17 Emergency Equipment tested, in good order & recorded 19.18 Ventilation Fans (emergency stops: closing mechanism; exhaust ducts clearly marked and regulrly tested). 18.19 Engine Exhaust and Hot Surfaces (flange and connections) protected with guards and spray tape. Temperature less than 220 deg Celsius 19.20 Lagging and Insulation; free of oi 18.21 M/E Bearing Temp with temperature monitoring or crankcase oil mist detector working and regularly tested 18.22 Main Engine, Emergency Switch board and local starter panel provided with non-conducting mats or gratings. 18.23 Self-Closing Valve and Glass Gauge maintained 18.24 Sounding Pipes and Self-Closing sounding devices in good order and maintained 1825 Moving machinery with safety guards. 18.26 Engine Workshop Tools with protective guards, shields and emergency stops maintained in good order. 18.27 ER Crane maintained 12moe/Syrs a per flag requirement: and Portable lifting gear (chain blocks; strops; sings) inspected and maintained regular basis 18.28 Spare parts and loose gears; properly secured. 18.29 Machinery Spaces and Steering Gear; with good housekeeping, clean and free of cil leaks 13.30 ER Bilges clean and free of oil and sediments 13.31 Bilge High level , tested and record maintained. 19.82 Soa chost, soawater pump, and related sea water lines, free of hard rust and temporary repairs 18.33. Machinery/Equipment (Generator, Boiler, Compressor, Purfier, Aircon at ER; Stern Tube Sealing; Incinerator, ‘Sewage; Accommodation Service; Engine Control Console; Steering Gear); working and maintained 13.34 Pipe work in machinery spaces (Steam, FO, LO, ‘Sewage, Drain and Airlines) maintained & Free of Temporary Repai 13,35. Engineers Familiar with operation of M/E at local maneuvering control position. Last Dri 18.89 Earth fault monitoring equipment of main and ‘emergency switchboard; operational and free of fui. (Min 1 MOhm; Good Practice more than 5 MOhm for 440V and 2 MOhm for 220; Alarm setting 0.2 MOhm for 220V and 0.5 MOhm for 440V. SEC 10: STEERING GEAR COMPARTMENT 13,44 Steering Compartment: clear of obstructions & loose items secured 18.45 Steering Compartment; with suitable handrails, gratings and/or non-slip, 13.43 Emergency Steering (Rudder Indicator) clearly marked with Red and Green, 18.42 Steering Gear Room; heading indicator and ‘communication system in good order 13.41. Steering Gear System, emergency reserve tank fully charged (at least one power actuating system) 5.17 Steering Compartment Oily bilge discharge arrangement. with overboard valve, secured, pollution notice posted 4.29 Portable Fire Extinguisher, good order + maintenance condition; Annual Serviced as per maker + 1 least 1 discharge per 5 yrs.; and hydraulically tested 10 yrs. Spare Charge Available. 4.34 MSDS (Bunker, Chemical, Paint, Corrosive & Toxic Material) available + Crow Familiar with essential before use + PPE and working method. 4.28 Emergency Fire Pump condition and instruction posted SEC _11: INTERNAL ACCOMMODATIONM, GALLEY AND ‘STORE ROOMS 14.19 Stores (Inside Accommodation and Weather Deck) ~ clean and tidy. 14.15 Electrical Equipment at Accommodation (galley appliances and audio-visual equipment) in good order 14.16 Refrigerator Space ~ Door seals, catches and alarm system in good order (Gold Storage 5 Deg Celsius or colder; ~18 Deg Gelsius or colder for Chills Freezer.) 40 Fireman’ s Outfit including equipment/working order (SCBA, Suit, Helmet, Rubber Boots, Explosion Proof Light, Fireproof line with wire/nylon/hemp with safety hook, fire axed and fire safety belt. 4,82 EEBD Requirement; Maintenance and Crew Training with use of EBD, Spare available, Training Unit (Marked) 433 Fire Dampers (Operatic ings Close/Open: regular Testing and Maintenance)* 414.14 Dryer (Laundries) ~ clear of any build-up of lint 438 SOLAS Training Manual + Fire Safety Operations Booklet are maintained and ships specifick 420 Lifejacket and Donning Instructions 4.40 Muster list ship specific and displayed; and Fire Control Plan updated #* 14.18 Ship’ s Hospital ~ properly equipped, clean, hygienic and for medical use only. Medical Chest Certificate issued by competent authority (annually after supply of supply) 15.2 Accommodation Space ~ regularly inspected by Master (health, hygiene, ventilation, noise, heating, lighting, and sanitation), Random check to conduct *# 15.3 Recreational Facilities ~ Adequate and provided (incl free email and internet access). 155 Food and Water ~ free of charge and catering staff adequately trained. Food Budget per day____ 15.6 Medical and Health Promotion ~ available onboard (health ‘awareness material displayed at crew rest rooms/mess rooms; training films shown to crew).

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