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With the fast development of mobile technology, many functions of desktop

computers have been transferred to mobile devices like Ipad and smartphone, which

is especially the case for game applications. Mobile video games refer to games

played by either single or multi players via online mobile devices. These games are

particularly popular when they can be downloaded for free (e.g., “freemium games,”

which are free but customers pay for extra features) (Su 2016). Because of

technology, new things were created ,one of these things are mobile games. Moblie

game are games played on a feature phone, smartphone, tablet, smartwatch,

portable media player or graphing calculator. One of the most played game these

days is Mobile Legends. Mobile Legends is created by China developer Moontoon

Technology. It is a game designed which is only for phone. This game has two

opposing teams to defend the fort so as not taken over the opponent.

Relatively few studies have examined the relationship between mobile game

addiction and mental health outcomes. This is because, so far, no measurement

especially designed for mobile game addiction has been developed. In literature,

problematic mobile video gaming has been defined as a phenomenon in which users

strongly rely on mobile games and cannot help playing them repeatedly over a

comparatively long period (Sun et al., 2015, p1-12).Specifically, mobile video games

are characterized by portability, immediacy, and accessibility (Lee&Kim,2017) which

can raise the possibility of addictive behavioral patterns and, consequently, more

serious mental health issues.

According to Benny(2018) playing mobile games can cause loss of productivity, one

may not play for hours in a row, but probably doing it several times a day, take a

couple of minutes just to check the game or complete a simple action instead of

concentrating on the task one is doing. It sounds inoffensive butthese dozens of

transactions add up over the day or week and cause a lot of wasted time. Since the

time mobile legend was released many teenagers were hook in playing this game.

Indeed the vast majority of psychological research on the effects of gaming has been

focused on its negative impact: the potential harm related to agression, addiction,

and depression.

It is likely that this focus will not diminish in the near future, in part because of the

enormous media attention garnered when mass killings are associated with youth

who play violent video games (Ferguson 2007). But on the other hand, according

to Pellis (2007) nueroscientific research with rats suggest specific brain mechanism

that help explain how play fighting in particular leads to the development of social

competence. Gottman(1986) proposed that by context tough which themes of power

and dominance, aggression, nurturance, anxiety, pain, and joy can be enacted


Dr. H. Takeuchi, from the Division of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience,

Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, at the Tohoku University, in Japan,

published in Molecular Psychiatry, their study showing that more hours of mobile

gaming are linked to lower verbal IQ and adverse changes in the brain’s white

matter. These effects are likely to lead to long-term maldevelopment of verbal

functions and other unfavorable changes in the dopamine-producing system of the

The researchers believed that studying the effects of Mobile Legends may help the

senior high school students to be aware of its health risks that come with its

prolonged use. They also want to develop programs that may help the students who

are playing mobile legends excessively to cope up with the negative effects in health

as a result of playing the said game. Therefore, researchers are eager to expand

their further study on that school.


Several theoretical frameworks have provided useful insights for

understanding negative mobile game effects on mental health . Three different

approaches are described in this section: (1) mood management theory,(2) general

aggression model and general learning model and (3) five dimensions of video game

effects perspective.

Mood management theory (MMT) proposes that the consumption of entertainment

content could alter an individual’s current mood state . Continuous playing with

mobile legends and the increase of time spent of playing (even late in the evening)

has a negative influence on teenagers’ health.Insufficient time for rest and sleep

affects the general condition of the child’s organism and disturbs the normal

psychological status (Koleva N, 2014).

The General Aggression Model is often used as a theoretical framework to describe

why exposure to violent video games would lead to increases in aggression.

According to this framework, repeated exposure to violent video games leads to the

learning, rehearsal and reinforcement of violence which in turns increases

aggressive cognition, aggressive attitudes, and physiological functioning associated

with aggression. Changes in these outcomes lead to increased aggressive

personality, which mediates the relation between violent video game exposure and

physical aggression in the real world (Anderson & Bushman, 2002). The general

learning model provides a useful framework for understanding how video games

exert short term and long terms effects on their users.This model shows that learning

does not simply mean acquiring information, but potentially changing behavior and

personality as well. Video games are clearly a powerful tool and,like any effective

tool,care should be take in how they are used (Anderson & Dill, 2000).

The GLM provides a useful

framework for
understanding how video games
exert short term
and long term effects on their
users. This model
shows that learning does not
simply mean acquir-
ing information, but potentially
changing behavior
and personality as well. Video
games are clearly
a powerful tool and, like any
effective tool, care
should be taken in how they are
The General Aggression Model indicates that long tem exposure to violent video
games increases aggression by altering players’ aggressive personality (Anderson &
Bushman, 2002). The General Aggression Model (GAM: Anderson & Bushman,
2002; Anderson & Dill, 2000) is often used as a theoretical framework to describe
why exposure to violent video games would lead to increases in aggression.
According to this framework, repeated exposure to violent video games leads to the
learning, rehearsal and reinforcement of violence which in turns increases
aggressive cognition, aggressive attitudes, and physiological functioning associated
with aggression. Changes in these outcomes lead to increased aggressive etween
violent and
The five dimensions of video game effects approach posits that video games can

affect players on at least five different dimensions amount of play, content,

context, structure, and mechanics. Each dimension can produce specific types

of effects. The amount of play can produce effects regardless of game content by

displacing time players spend in other activities (Anderson&Bushman, 2020 ). Due

to the constant interrelation between the game’s content, structure and the control

over it, the excessive use of games with aggressive content which are not structured

well enough could lead to negative psychological consequences for the players

(Koleva N, 2014 ).



Student’s profile
c.Strand / track
Effects of mobile games to


mental health of SHS


Figure 1.The Schematic Diagram of the study shows the Independent and

Dependent variable.


This study aims to know the mental health effects of Mobile Legends

toward Grade 12 HUMSS D students in Initao National Comprehensive High

School.Specifically,this study seeks to answer to the following questions:

1.What is the profile of respondents in terms of:


1.2 Age

1.3.Strand /track

1.4.Year level

2.How long the respondents use to play mobile games?

3.What are the possible effects of playing mobile games in SHS students in terms of:

3.1 Mental health


This study will be valuable and significant to the following:

Players: This study is primarily important to players, for it will give them relevant

information about the negative effects on mental health that they may acquire from

playing mobile legends.

Parents : This study will help the parents to have enough knowledge about the

negative effects on mental health of mobile legends among their children who are

playing the game.

Readers: This study will help the readers to have the understanding about the

negative effects on mental health of mobile legends and to recommend possible

solutions for those who are experiencing it.

Future Researchers: The result of this study will serve as a guide of other

researchers who would embark in conducting a study similar in nature.


This study aims to know the negative effects of playing mobile legends on mental

health among Senior High School students.This study is limited only to the the

players of mobile legends in Senior High school department.The respondent will be

the selected enrolled Grade 12 HUMSS D students of Initao National

Comprehensive High School.


There are following terms in this research that might new or unfamiliar, the

researchers also used some word but gave a new meaning. This section will

define those terms for clarification and better understanding.

Addiction - defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive

drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences .It is considered a brain

disorder, because it involves functional changes to brain circuits involved in reward,

stress, and self-control.

Mental health- includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It

affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress,

relate to others, and make healthy choices.

Mobile game- is a video game that is typically played on a mobile phone. The term

also refers to all games that are played on any portable device

Mobile Legends- Bang Bang is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game

designed for mobile phones. The game is free-to-play and is only monetized through

in-game purchases like characters and skins.

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