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John Dave Bercero


Episode 1 – Evolution of Firearms

- The evolution of firearms is quite interesting for some reasons. Thinking that
gunpowder or commonly know as black powder is the main content of it. As I
see in the video presentation, episode 1 was all about the origin of guns which
is part of firearms that customized the concept of fireworks that turn into
cannons and into hand cannon. As the time goes by, the concept of firearms
that consist of gunpowder travelled and reach the European country which is
continue to evolve. Aquabus is the first firearm produced in a large number
and the one who catch my attention. It was used in 16th century in the Italian
wars. If you compare Aquabus to the modern gun, the gap would be quite far
than you expected. It maybe had a faster rate of fire than the crossbow and
could be master quickly than longbow and even more powerful than both but
comparing it to the modern guns is bit too far. As for the conclusion, the video
was knowledgeable and interesting to watch. You can literally gain knowledge
about historical firearms and its origin.

Episode 2 – Evolution of Firearms

- Based on the 2nd episode of the Firearms evolution. I’ve noticed that rifles
before are the most commonly used firearms in terms of war. With the
consecutive war between these leading countries including American, French,
British and Germany and the rest, firearms like rifle continued to evolved due
to in demand usage of it. The battle of these leading countries are nothing
without the presence of firearms (rifle). Being a rifleman at that time is
seemingly difficult based on my point of view. Just imagine the situation,
putting your life at the frontline fighting for your beloved country with a rifle in
your hand that takes a minute or even longer for just one shot of a metallic
ball. The struggle and responsibilities that you’re carrying is on the another
level of braveness.
Episode 3 – Evolution of Firearms
- Based on the presentation, I’ve noticed that The American Civil War was also
the existence and innovation of revolver and Springfield musket. The M. 1842
Springfield musket with 69 calibre smoothbore with a precautions lock was the
first US army musket. Unlike to muzzle loading rifle, 1842 model Springfield
musket is quite fast at reloading but poor at range and accuracy. On the other
hand, 44 calibre 1860 colt army model was the most widely used revolver of
the American Civil war. With the consecutive war, a lot of firearms was also
manufactured. Over 125,000 were purchased from colts manufacturing
company by the Union allied. If you try to think the quantity of these firearms,
you can tell that war is on madness. Therefore, the Americans formed a
regiment with a troops of sharp shooter named Hiram Berdan’s
Sharpshooters with the use of enhanced sharp rifle guns. As time goes by, a
lot of rifle innovators were try to showed up their innovation, these includes
Henry rifles designed by Benjamin Tyler Henry and Spencer rifles designed
by Christopher Spencer. These remarkable men put a mark on civil war
contributing remarkable guns. As for the conclusion, the American Civil War
put some contribution in the evolution of firearms wherein due to the in
demand firearms, the manufacturer try to innovate or upgrade their product.

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