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Corrosion Modeling of Aluminum Alloys: A Brief Review

A. Ruiz-Garcia,[a] V. Esquivel-Peña,[b] F. A. Godínez,*[c] and R. Montoya*[a]

Corrosion remains a critical concern in various industries, Furthermore, the review delves into both bulk and atmospheric
particularly in applications involving aluminum alloys due to corrosion models. On the other hand, this work also emphasizes
their widespread usage as light structural materials. This work a clear differentiation between models designed for bare
provides a comprehensive overview of the recent advances in aluminum alloys and those tailored for coated ones. Addition-
modeling techniques for better understanding the corrosion ally, it addresses certain challenges associated with the
behavior of aluminum alloys. The present study encompasses experimental validation of such models. This review concludes
the state-of-the-art of computational approaches, highlighting with perspectives on both sophisticated transport models to
their strengths and limitations. Special attention is given to bridge the gap between industrial and academic investigations,
transport models, galvanic couples, localized corrosion, and the as well as the integration of machine learning and artificial
incorporation of different factors, such as pH variations, electro- intelligence techniques in corrosion modeling, offering promis-
lyte thicknesses and dynamic electrolytes into corrosion models. ing directions for future research in this field.

1. Introduction molecular modeling, etc. In this review, we present a compila-

tion and critical analysis of relevant work related to mathemat-
Corrosion is a highly complex phenomenon from a technical- ical modeling of aluminum corrosion and some of its alloys. It is
scientific point of view and costly from an economic perspec- important to emphasize that we will focus on deterministic
tive. The latter is evidenced by the high costs associated with continuum models, mainly those posed in terms of partial
corrosion problems in the transportation industry, one of the differential equations (PDE’s). Applying numerical methods for
most affected sectors by this issue. The aircraft sector estimated solving these types of equations has been a practice strongly
that in the United States, the annual fee of the impact of linked to the constant advances in computation; therefore, it is
corrosion is in the order of $ 2.2 billion; of this amount, the item not a new task, but with the advances in computational power,
that has the most significant effect is corrosion maintenance numerical methods are capable of handling increasingly
with $ 1.7 billion.[1] complex scenarios.
Many of the challenges in corrosion research are too The other modeling approaches cited above will be
complex to be addressed by a single approach. Under this discussed briefly. It is also worth mentioning that only models
scenario, computational corrosion analysis is increasingly where aluminum degrades in aqueous solutions have been
relevant, not as an isolated tool, but as an opportunity that considered. The articles analyzed in Section 2 have been
allows a deeper understanding of corrosion processes by classified into three main areas depending on the type/
promoting a synergy between numerical-theoretical research mechanism of corrosion. This categorization is detailed in
and electrochemical experimental techniques. Corrosion phe- Figure 1, which also highlights in red the main aspects
nomena can be described through different approaches, such addressed in this review.
as deterministic models, artificial intelligence, empirical models, The paper likewise summarizes the state-of-the-art of
models formulated in terms of Laplace and Nernst-Planck
equations, as well as the numerical methods commonly used
[a] A. Ruiz-Garcia, Dr. R. Montoya for their solution. These equations are briefly described below.[2]
Unidad de Investigación y Tecnología Aplicadas, Facultad de Química,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
Apodaca, 66629, Nuevo León México
E-mail: 1.1. Mathematical equations and physical principles to model
[b] Dr. V. Esquivel-Peña corrosion phenomena
Departamento de Química Analítica, Facultad de Química, Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México,
Corrosion modeling, in most cases, requires fulfilling two
Coyoacán, 04510, Ciudad de México
important fundamental principles: electric charge and mass
[c] Dr. F. A. Godínez
Unidad de Investigación y Tecnología Aplicadas, Instituto de Ingeniería, conservation. The first is described by Gauss law (Equation 1),
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, whereas the latter by the Nernst-Planck equations (Equations 2
Apodaca, 66629, Nuevo León México or 4, compact and expanded forms, respectively).
© 2024 The Authors. ChemElectroChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH. This
r � ðer�Þ ¼ 1 (1)
is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attri-
bution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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@Ci X

¼ r � Ni þ Ri (2) zi Ci ¼ 0 (5)
@t i¼1

Ni ¼ Di rCi zi ui Ci r� þ Ci n (3)
For a stationary study, where concentration gradients are
@Ci not considered, and the electroneutrality criterion is assumed
¼ Di r2 Ci þ zi ui Fr � ðCi r�Þ n � rCi þ Ri
@t |fflffl {zfflffl } |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflffl {zfflffl } |{z} (4) (i. e., 1 = 0), the Equation 1 takes the form of the Laplace
Diffusion Migration Convection Reaction

Where ɛ is the permittivity of the material (F/m), � is the r2 � ¼ 0 (6)

electric potential in the electrolyte (V), and 1 is the free charge
density (C/m3). In this approach, the electrolyte exhibits constant electrical
Under the assumption of a dilute solution and an incom- properties, i. e., a uniform ionic conductivity σs (S/m), and the
pressible electrolyte, the conservation of mass is defined current distribution in the electrolyte domain (i) obeys Ohm law
through (Equation 2). For a transient analysis, this equation in (Equation 7):
differential form relates the rate of change of the concentration
of species i (Ci) to the total flux of a dissolved species (Ni) and i¼ ss r� (7)
the homogeneous reactions (Ri). Ni include mass transport by
diffusion, convection, and migration (Equation 3). The other Thébault et al. classify the mathematical models for corro-
parameters for species i correspond to Di as the diffusion sion into two categories.[3] Potential models expressed in terms
coefficient (m2/s); zi as the charge number, ui as the mobility of of the Laplace equation (Equation 6) and transport models
the species (m2/V s) and ν as the fluid velocity (m/s). The formulated with the Nernst-Planck equations (Equation 2 to 4).
migration term within the Nernst-Planck equations introduces � For the first case, it is possible to calculate the distribution of
as an unknown variable in Equation 1. The additional equation the electric current and potential in the electrolyte. In contrast,
to complete the system is given by the electroneutrality for the second case, the concentration of the chemical species
assumption: involved in the system can be predicted in addition to the

In 2017, Allan Ruiz obtained his Bachelor’s Dr. Francisco A. Godínez obtained a degree in
degree in Materials Engineering from the mechanical engineering from the Faculty of
School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineer- Engineering of the Universidad Nacional
ing at UANL (Mexico). In March 2020, he Autónoma de México and completed his
received his Master’s degree in Chemical Doctoral studies in Engineering at the same
Engineering at the National Autonomous university. In his Ph.D. he studied the sonolu-
University of Mexico (UNAM). Currently, he is a minescence phenomenon from different per-
Ph.D. candidate at the same institution, focus- spectives. He did a postdoctoral stay at the
ing his research on mathematical simulation Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales
using the finite element method applied to developing studies of locomotion of magnetic
galvanic corrosion in the presence of alumi- robots in complex fluids to emulate the
num alloys. swimming of bacteria. He is currently working
on the development of bio-inspired robots to
Dr. Vicente Esquivel-Peña obtained his Ph.D.
produce cavitation to be used in various
in Chemical Sciences at the National Autono-
applications such as water disinfection, flow-
mous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 2020,
accelerated corrosion, and different mass
after which, in 2021, he joined the GRECCO
transfer processes.
group led by Prof. Montoya at UNITA-UNAM
as a postdoctoral researcher, developing a R. Montoya earned his Ph.D. in Engineering
low-cost method to detect aluminum in from the National Autonomous University of
galvanic pairs. Currently, he is an assistant Mexico (UNAM), after which, he got a post-
professor at the Analytical Chemistry Depart- doctoral position at the National Center for
ment in the Faculty of Chemistry, UNAM. His Metallurgical Research in Spain, where he
research focuses on designing sustainable combined mathematical simulation of electro-
nanomaterials based on cellulose for corrosion chemical processes with localized electro-
and environmental remediation applications. chemical techniques. In 2014, he secured a
postdoctoral position in the SURF research
group at the Free University of Brussels
modeling numerous electrochemical phenom-
ena. Currently, he holds the position of
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Chemistry
of the UNAM of Mexico, where he leads the
computational electrochemistry and corrosion
group (GRECCO).

ChemElectroChem 2024, e202300712 (2 of 11) © 2024 The Authors. ChemElectroChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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Figure 1. Classification of computational corrosion models according to the type of prediction and scale.

current and potential. This categorization is indicated in Fig- non-polarizable metal surface (�l,bnd) or setting the concentra-
ure 1. tion of a species (cj), such as fixing the oxygen concentration
In a typical corrosion cell, three distinct boundaries can be (c0,k) at the air-solution interface. On the other hand, Neumann
clearly identified: one between the electrolyte and the external boundary conditions are applied in electrochemistry to describe
enviroment (normally a gas), another between the electrolyte the current or species flux that are independent of both
and non-active solid borders, and the third one between the potential and concentration, respectively. In instances involving
electrolyte and the surface of an active electrode. From the insulated borders, these conditions are homogenous, as
perspective of a boundary value problem, these boundaries indicated in the second row of Table 1. The third type of
should be described from a mathematical point of view. Table 1 boundary condition aids in specifying electrochemical phenom-
presents a summary of the boundary conditions most com- ena occurring at the metal/solution interface through electrode
monly used with both Laplace and Nernst-Planck equations. kinetics. The Robin condition establishes a relationship between
The primary boundary conditions used in corrosion model- current density and overpotential (η) at the boundary, which is
ing are Dirichlet (Type I), Neumann (Type II), and Robin (Type III). typically non-linear. This relationship is obtained experimentally
The Dirichlet condition allows us to specify the value of a field and can be adjusted to the different expressions detailed in
in a segment of the border of the computational domain. Table 2 written as i1 and i2, depending on the specific physical
Examples include defining the electrolyte potential (�l) on a case. It is crucial to note that these equations apply to both
models, only with the difference that in transport models such
terms must be specified as molar flux through Faraday laws. Ni,
Table 1. Some commonly employed boundary conditions in corrosion is determined from the normal component (n) of the flux
modeling encompass in both the potential and transport based
vector, within this expression also involving the number of
participating electrons (n) and the stoichiometric coefficients, νj
Type Potential model Transport model
of the electrochemical reaction.
D� ¼ 0
@t ¼ Di r2 Ci þ zi ui Fr � ðCi r�Þ þ Ri The kinetic expressions outlined in Table 2 are defined by
I. Dirichlet �l ¼ �l;bnd �l ¼ �l;bnd ; cj ¼ c0;k
the following terms: i0 denotes the exchange current, βa and βc
@� represent the anodic and cathodic Tafel slopes, respectively. R
II. Neumann @n ¼0 n � Nj ¼ 0
@� nj i
is the universal gas constant and T stands for the temperature.
III. Robin s @n ¼ i n � Nj ¼ Nj ; Nj ¼ nF
Furthermore, α corresponds to the charge transfer coefficient,

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Table 2. Equations commonly used to describe the electrode kinetics of an electrochemically active surface.
Kinetics expression type Equation ilim
Anodic Tafel behavior i1 ¼ i0 � 10 ba

Cathodic Tafel behavior i1 ¼ i � 10b c

�0 �
Linearized Butler–Volmer i1 ¼ i0
ðaa þac ÞF
RT h * i2 ¼ i1 i
1þki k

aa Fh � ��
ac Fh

Butler–Volmer i1 ¼ i0 exp RT exp RT

aa Fh� ��
ac Fh
Concentration dependent i1 ¼ i0 CR exp RT CO exp RT

either anodic (αa) or cathodic (αc). Finally, the incorporation of ered in the aforementioned works. It was not until the mid-
the mass transport effect is achieved by considering the limiting 1960s that Klingert et al.[20] proposed a numerical solution for
current (ilim). This variable may or may not be considered in the the Laplace equation using FDM to calculate the current
local current, as illustrated in the third column of Table 2. distribution in a two-dimensional cell. Another notable attempt
at numerical simulation through numerical techniques was in
1964 when R. N. Fleck developed a potential model solved with
1.2. Different approaches in the application of model-solving FDM using the Fortran programming language, in which
algorithms nonlinear boundary conditions were considered.[21] Over the
following years, computational corrosion analysis using FDM
The recent decades of technological progress and the increas- was successfully implemented in different studies where the
ing power of central processing units (CPUs) have allowed the primary mechanism of action occurs in galvanic cells at the
simulation of more complex phenomena in less time and with macroscale level. This is demonstrated in the contributions of
better resolution. These advances and sophisticated computa- Smyrl and Newman, Doig and Flewitt, and Strommen.[22–24]
tional techniques such as the finite element method (FEM), In terms of numerical analysis of aluminum corrosion, the
allow for more realistic descriptions of corrosive phenomena. In pioneering efforts at modeling via Nernst-Planck equations the
parallel, other numerical procedures have been used for the degradation of this material were in the area of crevice
same purpose, among which the finite difference method corrosion, which will be discussed in detail in Section 2.2.2.
(FDM) and the boundary element method (BEM) stand out.[4–6] These models were solved with FDM and the Crank-Nicolson
Nevertheless, the notion of studying electrochemical sys- method.[25,26]
tems from a mathematical point of view is not new but has Over time, the progress of corrosion models goes hand in
been around for more than 80 years. In the 1940s, decades hand with the development and maturity of FEM and BEM.
before the emergence of numerical methods, Kasper, in his Since the 1980s, the advance of both techniques was roughly
remarkable work on electrodeposition laid the foundations of parallel to each other. However, it was until a decade later that
potential theory applied to electrochemical systems by analyti- the number of works using mathematical simulation to study
cally solving the Laplace’s equation for simple geometries.[7–11] corrosive systems involving aluminum increased. These models
Cathodic protection and electrodeposition were also were focused on the study of cathodic protection (CP) systems,
studied theoretically through the Laplace’s equation in Wagn- either by implementing FEM or BEM.[27,28] The latter method is
er’s work.[12,13] The conformal mapping transformation was used even used in relatively recent research to evaluate the perform-
to solve this equation. A significant result is the Wanger ance of aluminum anodes in a CP system.[29] It should be
dimensionless number, which relates the characteristic length pointed out that in this protection method, aluminum is the
of the system to the polarization in metal electrodeposition sacrificial material, so its representation in the model formula-
techniques. tion was very simplistic. Commonly, a constant polarization as a
Some years later, in a series of publications entitled boundary condition on the surface of this material was used.
Mathematical Studies of Galvanic Corrosion,[14–19] Waber et al. It should also be remarked that the BEM was the first
mathematically analyzed the galvanic corrosion phenomenon. successful technique to quantitatively predict the performance
They studied a coplanar electrochemical system where the of galvanic couples in the presence of aluminum alloys. One of
electrodes are aligned parallel at the base of the cell. Through the first approaches to studying this phenomenon dates back
the solution of the Laplace equation via Fourier series and to the late 1990s. In a study conducted by Bucaille et al., a
conformal mapping, they obtained the current distribution over galvanic couple with technological relevance in the aeronautical
the electrodes and the electric potential distribution within the industry was considered (Al-4 %Cu and pure aluminum).[30] In
electrolyte for different cases. The highlights of these works this work, the dissolution profiles at the anode were calculated
were the influence of the electrode length, the consideration of by solving the Laplace equation together with Butler–Volmer
linear and equal boundary conditions, as well as the analysis of kinetics as boundary conditions on the electrodes. In the 2000s,
the effect of the electrolyte thickness on the corrosion process. the transport models reached a certain degree of maturity and
Owing to the limitation of a primary current model, only sophistication, specifically those that are solved by FEM. In the
linearized polarization behaviors at the electrodes were consid- field of coatings with aerospace applications (to be treated in

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further detail in Section 2.1.2), Wang et al. studied the effect of

an inhibitor on a scratch in an AA2024-T3 aluminum alloy 2. Continuum modeling under aqueous
coated under atmospheric conditions.[31] solutions
In addition to the exhaustive bibliographic analysis carried
out in this section, a bibliometric analysis of the literature 2.1. Galvanic corrosion: microscopic and macroscopic
spanning the last decades was performed through network
maps using VOSviewer software. This map is shown in Figure 2. Fuel-saving needs in the transportation industry promote the
A database containing 114 documents from the last 20 years adoption of lightweight materials. This strategy has been used
extracted from Scopus was used for its construction. The since the 1970s by the aeronautical industry but has gained
database was meticulously adapted to the central subject of relevance in the automotive industry in recent years. The
the present review, employing search terms such as “modeling”, materials most commonly used in modern automobiles are
“simulation”, “aluminum”, “aluminum alloys”, “numerical meth- advanced high-strength steels and aluminum alloys. The
ods”, “FEM”, “FDM”, and “BEM”. A co-occurrence study analyzed application of such materials has brought new technological
both the keywords the authors provided and the index of challenges for this industry, among which galvanic corrosion
articles. Keywords that occur at least three times were selected stands out. This problem occurs when dissimilar materials with
as the most relevant, reducing keywords from 1531 to 137 different oxidation potentials are in contact with a common
when applying this selection criterion to create the correlation electrolyte, and the corrosion effect is exacerbated, to a greater
map. The network map shows clusters in which closely related or lesser extent, depending on the type of predominant
concepts congregate within the dataset, distinguished by atmosphere or meteorological circumstances (temperature,
various colors. As a prominent domain of study, the red color relative humidity, electrolyte concentration, dew point, and
cluster emphasizes the galvanic corrosion process studied pollutants).
through FEM, while blue, green, and purple are clusters mostly Specifically, this section will address the phenomenon of
related to localized corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, and galvanic corrosion from a numerical perspective.
aluminum corrosion present in the aircraft industry, respec- In this regard, our research group has focused on studying
tively. Other phenomena related to corrosion modeling of galvanic systems using both transport and potential models. In
aluminum alloys are also taken into account and will be Figure 3, a timeline illustrating our group scientific production
analyzed and classified in the following sections. is shown, highlighting the different strategies for modeling
aluminum corrosion that have been implemented. Initially
(Figure 3a), a potential model was employed to examine a tri-
galvanic system used in the automotive industry: Zn –

Figure 2. Visualization of networks in documents derived from co-ocurrence bibliometric analysis.

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Figure 3. A diagram illustrating the scientific production of our research group over the past five years. This timeline showcases the key and significant
milestones achieved in each research article, offering a panoramic view of our contributions to the evolving landscape of corrosion modeling in aluminum

Aluminum Alloy – Carbon Steel (Zn-AA-CS).[32] Due to the fact parallel work employed a mass transport model governed by
that the couple AA-CS promotes the dissolution of the Nernst-Planck equations. In this case, the thin electrolyte was
aluminum alloy, the automotive industry proposed the place- again assumed as non-dynamic, and Oxygen was considered
ment of a Zn washer between AA and CS to prevent AA abundant and constantly supplied from the atmosphere. In
corrosion. For thin electrolytes (with a thickness of less than such a study, a source term was formulated for both OH and
800 μm according to Liu et al.), a dimension reduction was Al3 + species. In this study, an innovative experimental system
conducted along the thickness of the electrolyte since the was utilized to validate the model (Figure 3b). A gel electrolyte
potential gradient was considered negligible. In the case of doped with thymol blue, coupled with a high-resolution
thick electrolytes (with thickness larger than 800 μm), the camera, facilitated the validation of alkaline fronts evolution
boundary conditions were of Robin type on the borders of the along the thin electrolyte (with a thickness of 50 μm) on the
electrolyte in contact with the metallic surfaces. These con- steel surface. In 2021, another modeling contribution was
ditions expressed the current density as a function of the published for the same galvanic system.[35] This time, thin films
potential by interpolating standard polarization curves.[33] In were not used, but instead, both dilute and concentrated
contrast, for thin electrolytes, polarization curves obtained from electrolytes were tested, and the system was again modeled by
a rotatory disk electrode were applied to define the cathodic using the Nernst-Planck equations. Although Nernst-Planck
behavior of each metallic material. In such a thin static approximations do not typically allow concentrated electrolytes,
electrolyte, Oxygen is constantly supplied by the atmosphere, the diffusion coefficients were expressed as empirical relations
and standard polarization curves cannot be applied. All dependent on the chloride concentration, and the results
boundaries were considered insulated, and the contribution of demonstrated their good applicability. While numerical results
the polarization curves was included in the governing equation were more accurate for dilute electrolytes, the predictions for
as a source term divided by the thickness of the electrolyte. concentrated cases were still reasonably close to reality. More-
Numerical simulations of both models yielded significant in- over, this time, the propagation of the acidic front on top of the
sights. Under thin films, the Zn washer provided temporary aluminum alloy was validated (Figure 3c). Both experiments and
protection for the aluminum alloy. Nevertheless, its high numerical predictions confirmed that the more diluted the
corrosion rate led to rapid dissolution, limiting the protective electrolyte, the more intense the acidification on the aluminum
effect. Conversely, in the presence of thick electrolyte films, the side, as chloride ions compete with hydroxides to combine with
system could not fully shield the AA. However, the corrosion the coordination complexes from aluminum hydrolysis. These
rate was notably lower than in the thin film case after the findings emphasized the significance of utilizing proper kinetic
washer dissolution. A related study focused on the AA7075-CS constants in the Nernst-Planck term of the homogeneous
galvanic couple also considered thin electrolyte films.[34] This chemical reactions. One year later, the galvanic study was

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conducted for a common couple extensively used in the serve as a starting point for many simulations. On the other
aerospace industry (AA2024/CFRP).[36] Similar to the previous hand, FEniCS is tightly integrated with Python, allowing users to
study, Nernst-Plank equations were employed to simulate the leverage the extensive palette of libraries and tools of Python.
electrochemical behavior of the system. However, this time, a Concerning the investigation of the microscopic scale, L. C.
dynamic droplet of electrolyte was considered to mimic the Abodi et al. simulated the corrosion of the different phases
evaporation and condensation phenomena occurring during present in the microstructure of aluminum alloy 2024. By
atmospheric corrosion (Figure 3d). These phenomena were applying the finite element method, it was possible to calculate
simulated by accounting for the environmental humidity and the potential in the electrolyte as well as the behavior of
temperature. One of the key assumptions was that the base of chemical species involved in the system. It was possible to
the droplet in contact with the metallic couple remained fixed numerically examine the pH distribution. In addition, the results
during the evaporation/condensation process. The droplet obtained were validated with the help of micropolarization
followed a mathematical expression of an oblate shape during curves.[39]
evaporation and a prolate shape during the condensation In recent years, there have been some studies focusing on
process. Regarding the numerical predictions, both the poten- the aircraft industry in order to avoid galvanic corrosion
tial distribution and the evaporation rate were validated using a between aluminum alloys and other materials such as steel or
Scanning Kelvin Probe (SKP) and a digital video camera. The magnesium alloys. In 2019, Snihirova et al. focused on the
findings revealed no acidification on top of the aluminum alloy development of a physico-chemical model based on mecha-
for tiny systems (galvanic couples with metallic surfaces smaller nistic and kinetics understanding of the corrosion process in
than 5 mm2). Finally, some months later, our most recent the galvanic couple.[40] The model was solved by FEM, and it
transport modeling work was published.[37] Once again, Butler– was validated using the Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique
Volmer-type boundary conditions were applied. The diffusion (SVET). In the simulation, the concentration of oxygen and pH
coefficient was considered as a function of the chloride were calculated and validated with experimental data. This
concentration, and a thick gel-electrolyte was utilized. Nonethe- model is able to reveal the localized corrosion related to the
less, this time, to study real-world scenarios relevant to the heterogeneity of the aluminum microstructure and also high-
automotive industry, the investigation was extended to include lights the major role of aluminum self-corrosion in galvanic
both a wrought aluminum alloy (AA7075-T6) and a cast assemblies.
aluminum alloy (A380.0) coupled with carbon steel. Two
innovative experimental methodologies were successfully
tested to validate the potential distribution on the metallic 2.1.1. Bare system
surfaces and the pH within the electrolyte (Figure 3e). The
numerical predictions showed excellent agreement with the Bulk conditions
experiments. These findings provide strong evidence for the
considerable potential that hydrogel technology offers in As already mentioned, potential models involves solving the
validating corrosion modeling works. Indeed, it was recently Laplace equation (Equation 6) with the appropriate boundary
proven that the evolution of aluminum ions (during the conditions, which generally represent the nonlinear electrode
corrosion of both wrought and cast aluminum alloys) can also kinetics. Their applications in the last ten years have been very
be visually tracked by incorporating appropriate chromophores diverse, involving areas such as the oil and gas industry,
into gel electrolytes (Figure 3f).[38] It is important to point out electrical, marine, automotive, aerospace, and materials science
that all the transport models discussed above shared common engineering. Among them, one of the most important has been
characteristics. Firstly, the boundary conditions were such that the automotive industry; where, numerical simulations have
only the anodic contribution of the corresponding Butler– been used to analyze and predict corrosion in automotive
Volmer expression was used on the aluminum alloy surfaces. components, especially those exposed to harsh environments,
Secondly, the convective term of the Nernst-Planck equation improving designs and materials to mitigate corrosion effects
was consistently neglected in all cases. Additionally, another on vehicles.[32,41]
shared characteristic is that the aluminum alloys consistently In certain studies, the acidification of the electrolyte has
acted as the anode in the galvanic system. Finally, it is worth been theoretically demonstrated when there is localized
noting that different software tools were used. Some of our corrosion of aluminum or its alloys.[4,42] In these mathematical
works involved the use of the commercial software COMSOL, models, homogeneous reactions have been considered, includ-
while others utilized a homemade code using both Python and ing all the relevant chemical species in this corrosive process.
the FEniCS platform. This diversity in software enables the The most important result of these works is that more realistic
expansion of capabilities in the field of modeling corrosion pH maps are obtained by taking into account the chemical
phenomena. Both platforms have several advantages that can reactions in the model approach. Additionally, the studies agree
be summarized as follows: On the one hand, COMSOL provides with the fact that the acidification process is due to the
a user-friendly graphical interface, making it accessible to users hydrolysis of the Al3 + ion and the consequent formation of
with less programming experience. It also excels in simulating intermediate aluminum compounds.
complex phenomena, where multiple physical processes inter- Recently, Kadowaki et al. investigated the effect of NaCl
act, and offers a wide range of pre-built models, which can concentration over the galvanic and self-corrosion of the

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AA6016/SM490 couple using experimental data and FEM 2.1.2. Coated systems
simulations performed on the COMSOL Multiphysics software.[43]
The Nernst-Planck equations were used, and the boundary Stewart’s Ph.D. dissertation led to a homemade code called
conditions were established with potentiodynamic polarization CREVICER, which uses FEM.[46] This program was subsequently
experiments. The study concluded that the corrosion behavior adapted in the early 2000s to study the behavior of corrosion
of the AA6016/SM490 couple changed with varying NaCl inhibitors contained in coatings of various kinds. These systems
concentrations. Galvanic corrosion was predominant at high are typically used in the aircraft industry to protect particular
concentrations, and pits appeared on both surfaces after aluminum alloy structures such as AA2024-T3. Once the coating
galvanic corrosion. In contrast, at lower concentrations, self- is damaged, the substrate is exposed and interacts galvanically
corrosion of SM490 played a more significant role due to with its environment. Mathematical models of transport and
changes in the anodic and cathodic reactions. These observa- potential have been proposed for the study of both organic,
tions are in good agreement with Scanning Electron Microscopy and metallic coatings.[31,47,48] For the three previous cases,
(SEM) and Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDXS) results. sodium chloride (NaCl) electrolytes of micrometric thickness
On the other hand, the results obtained by Montoya et al. (approximately 100 microns) are used, representing the atmos-
establish that at low NaCl concentration, the acidification over pheric corrosion conditions to which the structures are
the aluminum alloy surface is faster and more drastic because subjected under operating conditions.
the competition between the Cl and OH ions enhance the Wang and Presuel-Moreno developed transient models
hydrolysis of Al3 + ions in the electrolyte.[35] It is well known that involving 12 and 10 chemical species, respectively, including
pits appeared when the pH decreases; this may explain the those associated with the inhibitor chemical species. The
formation of pits over both surfaces of the galvanic couple and objective of these models was to evaluate both the chemical
the predominance of self-corrosion observed by Kodowaki (environmental) and physical conditions such as pH, chloride
et al.[43] concentration, scratch size, and electrolyte thickness under
which the coatings enhanced corrosion protection.[31,48]
In aerospace coatings, there is a promising trend in using Thin films magnesium-rich primers (MgRP) to protect aluminum alloys
such as AA2024-T351. Recently, employing finite element
Palani et al. studied the galvanic corrosion between a galvanic analysis applied with commercial software such as COMSOL
system characteristic of the aircraft industry by applying a Multiphysics®, the behavior of these primers has been inves-
numerical and experimental approach.[44] The galvanic system tigated under different physical, chemical, and electrochemical
was constituted by a carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) factors such as electrolyte concentration, electrolyte layer
and 2024 aluminum alloy in a coplanar arrangement. This thickness, humidity, and wet/dry cycling; or by examining the
system is subjected to a micrometric electrolyte. In the effect of pH on the electrochemistry of the system as well as
numerical study, they proposed a potential model with a source the chemical reactions in the electrolyte and the solubility of
term added to the governing equation, thus reducing a the inhibitor products.[49,50]
geometric dimension of the problem. The calculations were
obtained with the software Elsyca Galvanic Master which works
with FEM, and the numerical results were validated with Zero 2.2. Localized corrosion
Resistance Ammetry (ZRA) measurements. The most important
contribution of this work is that the model is applicable to thin As discussed throughout this revision, different types of
electrolyte layers. corrosion can occur in aluminum and its alloys depending on
A 1D model solved in COMSOL Multiphysics was recently different causes, such as the medium, or factors related to the
presented.[45] In such a model is grounded on the mechanistic material, such as the complex microstructure of the alloys.
principles of corrosion, specifically employing the Nernst-Planck Usually, there is no predominant form of corrosion in these
equations to investigate the galvanic coupling between a 1050 materials; nonetheless, localized corrosion is one of the most
aluminum alloy and 416 L stainless steel under atmospheric severe forms of corrosion that can attack aluminum and its
conditions with a NaCl electrolyte. Moreover, the model alloys. The three main types of localized corrosion discussed in
incorporates empirical data to enhance the accuracy of its this section are pitting, intergranular, and crevice. The first two
predictions. As a result, it achieves a more precise simulation of occur at the microscale and are strongly related to the passive
pitting initiation, pitting propagation, and galvanic current layer and the different intermetallic particles (IMPs) that
under various environmental conditions. It is worth noting that constitute the material (heterogeneities in the
the transport model was calibrated rather than validated. microstructure).[51] In contrast, crevice corrosion is mainly
Consequently, the numerical simulations of the distribution of promoted when there are occluded areas of stagnation of the
the corrosion products could not be independently verified. electrolyte solution (geometrical factors). Although morpholog-
Nevertheless, notable results were obtained, particularly regard- ically, there are apparent differences between the types of
ing pH, wherein the surface of the aluminum alloy showed an localized corrosion, the electrochemical mechanism is similar in
acidity of approximately four pH units, aligning with the all of them. Specifically for pitting and crevice corrosion,
numerical and experimental findings of our research group.[35] numerical and phenomenological models have been imple-

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mented to simulate the local dissolution process. In this field, features, in differential equations with discontinuous functions.
transport models are the most relevant ones. Therefore, they In 2016 Duddu et al. used this method to model pitting and
are the ones that will be addressed in detail, mainly those crevice corrosion.[59] In this work they solved the Nernst-Planck
solved with numerical methods. equation by including diffusion coefficients as well as species
concentrations, further complementing the method by adding
moving boundaries as well as the evolution of near surfaces.
2.2.1. Pitting corrosion The modeling was developed using COMSOL® software, obtain-
ing promising results but leaving as an open issue the study of
A work made by Onishi in 2012 presented a numerical method models with concentrated electrolytes, as well as the incorpo-
for localized corrosion in materials that exhibit a passive layer. ration of chemical reactions and the processes occurring at
He introduced electromigration, diffusion, and moving bounda- both the anode and cathode.
ries and used the Finite Volume Method (FVM) complemented
with the voxel method. The FVM was used to satisfy the mass
conservation, and the voxel method led to an update in the 2.2.2. Crevice corrosion
boundaries of hollows without the need of remeshing the
domain in each iteration.[52] The above method provides a good In 1982 Alkire and Siitari developed the first numerical model
idea of how the materials that present a passive oxide layer on for aluminum crevice corrosion in NaCl solutions.[25] They used a
their surface behave and how a pitting study could be FDM technique, based on their previous experimental observa-
performed on them. In addition to the FVM, alternative tions, to propose fundamental equations that allow the
approaches known as autonomous models have been used to prediction of crevice corrosion in realistic conditions.[60] Their
investigate pitting corrosion in aluminum alloys. Notable findings applied to well-controlled crevice geometries, but the
examples include Cellular Automata (CA) techniques, Peridy- model could not address the conditions needed for local
namic (PD) formulations, and Phase-Field (PF) models. These passivity breakdown and the accumulation of chloride ions.
methods allow for the simulation of the initiation, growth, and Nevertheless, in a further article, Hebert and Alkire determined
diverse physicochemical phenomena. However, it is pertinent that no accumulation of chloride ions is needed before
to note that these methodologies extend beyond the primary breakdown.[26] However, oxygen consumption, rapid acidifica-
scope of this study. L. Yin et al.[53–56] in their remarkable work tion, and the increase in aluminum oxidized species in crevice
made significant contributions to the field of pitting corrosion solution eventually trigger breakdown, a critical concentration
by investigating this phenomenon in AA7075 driven by micro- of Al(III) species of 2 mmol/L must be reached, and the pH
galvanic effects using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The dropped to values around 3–4 inside the crevice.[61] In order to
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Formulation (ALE) method was obtain those results, diffusion and migration fluxes for both
integrated to address mesh movement considerations. The homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions were added to the
blocking effects of deposited corrosion products,[53] the effect of previous model solving the Nernst-Planck equations.
porosity,[54] as well as geometric[55] and chemical effects[56] were In 1995 Li and Ferreira developed experimental work and a
analyzed in a transport model that considers chemical species transport model to explain the chemical and electrochemical
from aluminum hydrolysis in an aqueous medium containing dissolution mechanism for the initiation of localized
NaCl. corrosion.[62] Consistent with previously described works, the
Guseva et al. subsequently published a paper in which they most critical circumstances to start crevice corrosion are the
modeled the time-dependent pitting mechanism.[57] In this work potential drop and the acidification inside the crevice. They
they used a piece of Aluminum 2024 focusing the study on the found that in the presence of chloride ions, the pH decreases
corrosion that occurs inside the material due to the alloying more due to the formation of chloride-metal complexes during
elements. The model simulated a capillary to mimic the metal hydrolysis (i. e., Al(OH)Cl2 and Al(OH)2Cl). They concluded
localized corrosion and to follow in a transient and stationary that the breakdown of the passive film follows a mechanism of
manner the point dissolution of the material. This was one of acid-aided complexing dissolution without charge transfer
the most relevant works on this topic because they took into across the interface (chemical reactions). In 2004 Vankeerber-
account hydrolysis reactions and the formation of Al and Mg ghen used FEM to develop a model that allowed to predict the
species that are formed during this process. ratio between the square of the crevice’s length to its gap
Xiao and Chaudhuri solved the Nernst-Planck equation and needed to reach the Al(III) critical concentration.[63] This work
also considered surface reactions in a sodium chloride environ- extends the concept of a critical characteristic crevice dimen-
ment varying in concentration. The partial differential equations sion to a critical crevice geometry, facilitating the evaluation of
were solved using COMSOL® software supplemented with component designs for susceptibility to crevice corrosion once
moving boundaries using MATLAB®.[58] This was one of the first the operative mechanism is identified. It is also important to
works where the pitting evolution is shown considering the note that the onset of crevice corrosion is linked to a critical
internal phases of the material, as well as a 3D model. potential drop or a critical species concentration.
A variation of the FEM method is the so-called extended
finite element method (XFEM) developed in 1999 which
approximates the solution of a complex system, with localized

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3. Perspectives and Conclusions numerical simulation of corrosion processes in mind. The

implementation of neural networks to solve the Nerst-Planck
The increasing significance of aluminum alloys in outdoor equation has already yielded some encouraging results high-
applications, such as aerospace and construction, is expected to lighting the advantages of deep learning as a mesh-free
lead to a higher demand for modeling efforts focused on method; however, there are difficulties in terms of stability and
atmospheric corrosion issues of aluminum alloy components in convergence that further research will need to improve.[70] The
the foreseeable future. Regarding deterministic models, mainly most recent tendency focuses on the development and
dynamic electrolytes (with transitions between thin and thick implementation of hybrid methods in which the advantages of
films) will be taken into account, involving condensation and more traditional techniques such as FEM (versatility, accuracy,
evaporation phenomena. This entails considering both the efficiency) and those based on neural networks (computational
Nernst-Planck and heat transport equations, along with phys- speed) can be exploited.[71,72] Regarding the corrosion area, such
icochemical boundary conditions. Climatological factors such as hybrid models have been recently implemented into the
temperature, humidity, wind rate, and atmospheric chemical examination of galvanic couples in the presence of aluminum
composition should also be integrated into these works. As alloys. Specifically noteworthy are the works that combine finite
computational power continues to advance, the next gener- element models with machine learning.[73,74] This integration
ation of modeling investigations holds the potential to symbolizes so far, the most comprehensive approach to address
seamlessly integrate the Navier-Stokes equations within the multiscale aluminum corrosion, which has the potential to
electrolyte. This significant development addresses previously produce substantial advances in the accuracy and predictive
overlooked internal convective effects within the electrolyte capability of models applied to different industries. Lastly, a
during the corrosion of aluminum alloys, especially in the potentially promising direction for the field is the application of
context of evaporation and condensation phenomena. These fractional calculus, which is a powerful tool of widespread use
advancements are anticipated to bridge the gap between for describing dynamic processes of diverse nature.[75] Never-
academic and industrial investigations, where the last have theless, there are still few works that have studied the Nerst-
traditionally relied heavily on accelerated tests in salt fog Planck equation with non-integer order derivatives. Of partic-
chambers. On the other hand, model validation and calibration ular interest will be the further development of anomalous
are crucial for ensuring precision and trustworthiness. Compar- diffusion models using fractional time and/or space
ing models with proper experimental data refines parameters derivatives.[76,77]
and assumptions, enhancing their reliability. Current trends in
literature indicate that models in aluminum alloy corrosion
studies are progressively validated using data obtained from Acknowledgements
three specific types of experiments: localized electrochemical
tests, the use of doped gel electrolytes (particularly for models The authors are thankful to the UNAM-DGAPA-PAPIIT IG100623
focused on transient phenomena over short durations), and and IN103124 programs for their support. A. R.-G. extends his
atmospheric tests for long-term predictions. Nonetheless, it is gratitude to CONAHCYT for the doctoral fellowship. V. E.-P.
clear that fundamental electrochemical research still remains expresses his gratitude to the SIJA-DGAPA-UNAM program.
necessary in furnishing key kinetic constants. The perspectives
in corrosion modeling cover various aspects and research areas
that are in constant evolution. In the realm of aluminum and its Conflict of Interests
alloys, there are emerging trends that deserve attention in the
coming years. Notably, atomic, and molecular modeling The authors declare no conflict of interest.
techniques play a pivotal role in studying corrosion inhibitors
commonly used in aeronautical applications. Herein, strategies
such as Density Functional Theory (DFT), quantum molecular Data Availability Statement
dynamics, and classical molecular dynamics (MD) have been
effectively employed, all directed toward the exploration of the The data that support the findings of this study are available
interactions between the chemical structure of organic mole- from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
cules and the metallic surface.[64–66] Another relevant trend
involves modeling based on artificial intelligence, a technology Keywords: aluminum alloys · computational chemistry ·
that is currently present in many areas of knowledge, and in a corrosion · electrochemistry · corrosion models
wide range of applications. In the context of corrosion, machine
learning techniques using artificial neural networks have been
employed to predict the lifespan of materials and structures.
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This work provides a comprehensive A. Ruiz-Garcia, Dr. V. Esquivel-Peña,
overview of the recent advances in Dr. F. A. Godínez*, Dr. R. Montoya*
modeling techniques for better under-
1 – 12
standing the corrosion behavior of
aluminum alloys. The present study Corrosion Modeling of Aluminum
encompasses the state-of-the-art of Alloys: A Brief Review
computational approaches, highlight-
ing their strengths and limitations.
Transport models receive especial
attention and certain challenges asso-
ciated with the experimental valida-
tion of such models are also

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