Action Script

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(This scene sun and moon circling around, then comes along a couple dancing together briefly)

As both Sun and Moon dance along,

So is a couple with a burning passion,

They live and laugh with a love lifelong.

(After the dancing couple, the next scene represents a painter and she’s holding a cardboard cut out of a
paint brush,

as she swings it around like painting the air.)

The same goes for brushes and painters,

Each day they stroke their hands with a passion,

Their eyes and hearts are filled with savor.

(The couple and the painter hunched their backs slowly implying they got old, and all three slowly

Lied down on the floor with grave stones on their heads)

But something was wrong under the sun,

Time consumed the people with a passion,

Gone along time, their passion was undone.

(A person holding a knife pointing it at a scared shaking woman. Then a hero steps

In to punch the monster in a single blow with their fist.}

A monster holds a life with a knife,

A hero steps in, with him is courage,

The hero saves the life with a strife.

(Then the life that the hero saves slowly walks toward the courageous hero and gives a hug and a kiss on
the cheek.

Then like the passionate people, the hero also got old as his back slowly hunched, he lies down and is
reaching out to

A person portraying courage. The hero now has a grave stone on his head and the courage is reaching
out for the hero’s hand

But it’s slowly walking away from the hero.)

Ohh how the hero was praised,

But the days were numbered,

For the hero got old and the courage was led astray.
(two dancers slowly raised their hands, and starts to dance for an audience of two people.

The two audience are clapping for the dancers.)

Muscles were tight and raised,

As the dancers ignite them for a crowd,

Their talents shine with a presence so blazed.

(While the dancers continue to dance for the audience, they slowly loose the ability to dance, leaving
them confused and

Scratching their heads. Then they slowly fade out of the screen>)

But as age seems to reveal itself,

Talents fade out on the dancers aloud,

Unto the graves, their memories were shelved.

(We see a person slowly walking towards a poor person on the street lying down. The person helps pick
up the poor person

And gives a cash money. The poor person jumped out of happiness and hugs the rich person)

The might of the hear was bold and humble,

For the wealthy gave to the poor with a bow,

All is good, but dissolution was subtle.

(The next scene follows the rich person walking, while walking, the person slowly begins to hunch she
back implying that she to is beginning to get

Old. she weeps and then a giant grave stone appears before her, she looks at her hands and puts it on
her face as she weeps)

Heart was not enough to carry on,

For the kind hearted vanished unavowed,

All the humility turned non entity.

(A figure of death appears, slashing each person, the first is the couple, then the painter, then the hero,
then the dancer, and

Then the humble)

Death came for all and was kept,

No matter the passion nor courage,

Talent nor heart, all were in debt.

(A grave stone is shown again, but then, a Figure of light appears on the screen. The figure of light
disappear, then the grave stone is shown again,

But this time we see a person rising from it as he gets up from his grave stone)

The sun sets for the dead,

But a righteous Son was more brighter than the sun,

Unto the grave, He triumphantly rises to oppose death.

(The figure who rised from his grave see’s the grave stone of each people who passed away, Then he
helps the

Couple, painter, hero, dancers, and the humble to get up from their graves)

The might of His Cross gives meaning to the meaningless,

He breaths life to the passionate and courageous,

To the talented and humble with handiness.

(We get another shot of the light in the form of a person, implying Lord Christ)

He makes all matters worth it with happiness,

Christ is Lord, and that is Timeless!

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