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1.1 Background on how the company was found

1.2 The reason choose the topic



1.1 Overview of Sacombank

1.2 Overview of Sacombank, Tu Liem Branch, Son Tay Transaction Office

1.2.1 SWOT Analysis

1.2.2 Competitors Analysis

1.2.3 Customers Portfolio and ranges of products



2.1 Department structure and internship position

2.2 Objectives and missions

2.2.1 Objectives

2.2.2 Missions

2.3 The internship process

2.3.1 The training plan

2.3.2 Daily task

2.4 Commercial Methodology ( tìm khách ntn, gặp khách hàng ra sao, tư
vấn, kí hơp đồng...)

2.4.1 Overview about Sacombank house loan service

2.4.2 Commercial Methodology

2.5 Some business cases


3.1 Quantitative Results

3.1.1 Charts/graphs illustrating results

3.1.2 Commentary on quantitative findings

3.2 Qualitative Results ( không chắc vì làm mua nhà sẽ khó xin đc
feeedback )

3.2.1 Customer feedback

3.2.2 Satisfaction metrics


4.1 Skills Developed

4.2 Challenges and Mistakes Encountered

4.3 Recommendations for Improvement


5.1 Summary of key points

5.2 Evaluation from the bank

5.3 Future plans after graduation

Table 1: Internship plan at Sacombank, Tu Liem Branch, Son Tay Transaction



During the process of completing the project, I was extremely grateful to always
receive the attention of teachers from the Thuong Mai University and the University
of Toulon.

First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Board of Directors of the
Thuong Mai University , University of Toulon and the teachers of the Institute of
International Cooperation over the past 3 years for enthusiastically guiding, teaching
and helping me prepare the foundation so that I can complete the project most

In particular, I would like to express my sincere and deep gratitude to Ms. Pham Thu
Trang, my instructor, who wholeheartedly helped, monitored and guided me
throughout the project implementation process.

I would also like to express my deep gratitude to Saigon Thuong Tin Commercial
Joint Stock Bank, Tu Liem Branch, Son Tay Transaction Office, and Mr. Nguyen Viet
Ha - my guide at the bank as well as the staff at the transaction office who always
took the time to enthusiastic support and guidance during the internship period.

Despite the best efforts, due to limited knowledge and reasoning ability, the report
cannot avoid shortcomings. I look forward to receiving opinions and contributions
from teachers so that I can learn and improve better in the future.

I sincerely thank!

In my family, there is a family member who works in a bank, through which I

received support in learning about banks, available internship positions, and how to
make a positive impression during the process. job application. In addition, having
relatives in the industry helps interns easily access and better understand the needs
and desires of the bank, thereby increasing their chances of success in the internship
application process. This can also open up opportunities for me to intern at

In the context of increasing population and economic growth, owning a home is not
only a basic need but also an important goal for many people. With the development
of the real estate industry, buying a home has become more complicated with many
factors to consider such as location, price, and legal factors.

Sacombank provides home loan services which are a useful solution to help people
realize their dream of owning a home. By providing flexible loan packages and
favorable conditions, Sacombank helps customers access financial resources to buy a
home more easily.

This is a very practical and important topic in the Vietnamese social situation.
Population is growing, especially in large cities, which creates an increasing demand
for housing. Approaching customers and asking for information from customers is
also relatively easy to do. That's the reason I chose this topic.
( Easy to make loan; interest rates hit rock bottom; credit package of 30.000 billion
VND for business, house loan, and consumer loans )

Sacombank house loan service is an ideal choice for those who are looking for a
reliable financial solution to own their dream house. With flexible loan programs,
quick and simple procedures and attractive incentive policies, Sacombank is
committed to bringing the best experience to customers. Through professional advice
and diverse support, customers not only enjoy convenience in the borrowing process
but also receive comprehensive support in personal financial management. Let
Sacombank accompany you on the path to making your dream of owning a house
come true in the easiest and most convenient way.



1.1 Overview of Sacombank

- Name: Saigon Thuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank

- Logo:
- Location: 266-268 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Ward 8, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City

- Legal status: Active

- Number of employees: 18. 439 employees

- Established date: December 21, 1991

- Website:

- Geographical development:

+ December 21, 1991 Sacombank was one of the first Joint Stock Commercial
Banks established in Ho Chi Minh City with an initial charter capital of 3 billion

+ On March 2, 1993, Sacombank opened a branch in Hanoi

+ In 1999, inaugurated the headquarters building at 278 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia,

District 3, Ho Chi Minh City

+ In 2005, 8/3 Branch was established, the first banking model specifically for
women in Vietnam.
+ 2007: Established Hoa Viet Branch, a unique banking model serving the
Chinese community. Covering the operating network in the provinces and cities
of the Southwest, Southeast, South Central and Central Highlands.

+ December 12, 2008: Sacombank opened a branch in Laos

+ June 2009, opened a branch in Phnom Penh - Campuchia, completing network

expansion in the Indochina region

+ As of March 2, 2013, Sacombank was present in 11 northern provinces and


+ July 18, 2019; July 26, 2019; October 23, 2019; November 1, 2019: Officially
opened the operations of Lao Cai, Ninh Binh, Nam Dinh and Thai Binh branches,
expanding the network in the North

1.2 Overview of Sacombank, Tu Liem Branch, Son Tay Transaction Office:

- Name: Saigon Thuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank, Tu Liem Branch, Son Tay
Transaction Office

- Location : 67-69 Chua Thong Street, Son Loc Ward, Son Tay Town, Hanoi

- Representative: Nguyen Viet Ha

- Phone number: (024) 3976 7799

- Number of employees: 16

- Date of creation: October 24, 2017

1.2.1 SWOT Analysis

- Strengths

+ Favorable geographical location: Son Tay Transaction Office have a prime

geographical location, near residential areas and industrial parks, creating favorable
conditions for approaching customers

+ Professional service: Sacombank is known for its diverse services, professionalism

and dedication to customers, which can be a factor in attracting and retaining

+ Experienced staff: the transaction office has a team of highly experienced and
professional staff, helping to provide quality services and build good relationships
with customers.

- Weaknesses

+ Investment in technology may not be enough to maintain or overcome strong

competitors in the industry.

+ Risk management capabilities: If the transaction office does not manage credit or
financial risks effectively, it may have difficulty maintaining stable operations and

- Opportunities

+ Enhance promotion and marketing: Transaction office can take advantage of

promotion and marketing opportunities to increase brand recognition and attract new

+ Expanding services: Can expand product and service portfolios to meet increasingly
diverse customer needs and increase sales.

- Threats

+ Market risks: Financial market fluctuations may affect the operations of this Branch
and Transaction Office and cause unwanted financial risks.

+ Competition from local banks: May face competition from other local banks in the
area, especially those with extensive branch networks.

1.2.2 Competitors Analysis

- Big 4 in the bank of Vietnam:

+ Vietcombank (Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade): One of
the largest and most reputable banks in Vietnam, Vietcombank specializes in
providing a diverse range of financial services for individuals and businesses,
including lending, savings, payments, and various other services.

+ Vietinbank (Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade): A
leading bank in Vietnam, Vietinbank primarily serves the industrial and commercial
sectors. It offers a wide range of financial products and services to meet the needs of
both individual and corporate customers.

+ BIDV (Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam): As one of the largest
banks in Vietnam, BIDV focuses on supporting and developing investment and
national development projects. It provides a diverse range of financial products and
services to organizations and individuals.

+ Agribank (Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development): Agribank is a

bank specializing in serving the agricultural and rural development sectors. With a
wide network of branches nationwide, Agribank offers financial products and services
to support the development of agriculture and rural areas in Vietnam.

=> Big 4 Banks represent formidable competitors for Sacombank, posing challenges
in terms of market share, brand recognition, product offerings

- Other joint stock banks in Vietnam:

+ VPbank (Vietnam Development Joint Stock Commercial Bank): Focusing on

developing financial products and services for individual and corporate customers,
VPbank has a competitive position in the market.

+ Techcombank (Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial and Technology Bank): Famous

for its high-tech financial services and advanced management style, Techcombank is a
formidable competitor in the industry.

+ MB Bank (Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank): With a long history and
extensive branch network, MB Bank provides diverse and quality financial services.
+ TP Bank (Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank): Known for its flexible and
innovative financial services, TP Bank is a notable competitor in the industry.

=> Other joint stock commercial banks compete directly in attracting and retaining
customers, service quality, investments in technological innovation and strong
marketing strategies can all put pressure on Sacombank, threatening their market
share and reputation in the banking industry.

1.2.3 Customers Portfolio and ranges of products

+ For Individual Customer:

 Account ( Payment account, social security account package, ... )

 Card ( Debit card, credit card, ... )

 Digital Bank ( Sacombank Pay, E-Banking, ... )

 Saving ( Term savings, flexible savings, ... )

 Loan ( House loan, car loan, ... )

 Insurance ( Life insurance, property insurance, ... )

 Service ( Foreign exchange services, financial intermediation, ... )

 Sacombank Imperial

+ For Business Customers:

 Accounts & Services ( Payment accounts, account services, ... )

 Digital Bank ( Online account, confirmation method, ... )

 Business card ( Credit card, debit card )

 Credit ( Business overdraft, business car loan, ... )

 Guarantee ( Bank guarantee, import and export tax guarantee, ... )

 Term deposit ( Term deposits, automatic deposits )

 Trade finance and international payments ( Trade finance, lookup
tools, ... )

 Cash flow management service ( Accounts receivable management,

accounts payable management, ... )

 Supply chain finance ( Distributor sponsorship )

 Risk prevention solution ( Exchange rates, arising commodity prices )

+ Link to the website:

Individual Customer:

Business Customers:



2.1 Department structure and internship position

- Department structure:
Head of transaction department
Deputy internal affairs department
Bank tellers


Deputy sales department

Risk management

Personal customer specialist

Corporate customer specialist

Customer consultant

Isurance consultan

- Position at Sacombank during the internship:

+ Position: Intern

+ Department: Personal customer specialist

+ Daily tasks: Search for individual customers, introduce and advise on bank

2.2 Objectives and missions

2.2.1 Objectives

I interned at bank with the goal of learning and developing knowledge and skills in
the banking field. I hope to apply the knowledge I have learned in school into a real
working environment, gaining deep understanding of banking products and services
as well as banking operating processes. Ultimately, my most important objectives is to
make a positive impression on the employer, build relationships to have the
opportunity to get a job after completing the internship program, and turn the
internship opportunity into a first step in my banking career.

2.2.2 Missions

- Learn knowledge and skills: Access and learn necessary knowledge and skills for
the banking industry, including finance, banking products, related processes and

- Support daily operations: Interns may be tasked with supporting the daily operations
of bank staff, including processing transactions, checking accounts, and providing
customer support.

- Building relationships: It is important that interns can build relationships with

colleagues and customers, which can make our future work easier.

- Develop soft skills: In addition to professional knowledge, interns also need to

develop soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem solving, and time

- Accumulating experience: An important part of an internship is to accumulate

practical experience in the working environment and apply the knowledge learned in
school into practice.

2.3 The internship plan

2.3.1 The plan

Stages Date Task / Mission Outcome

Get familiar with the 01/03/2024 - Observe and get familiar with Understand and adapt to th
working environment at the 10/03/2024 the working environment at working environment at th
bank the bank bank
Research on products and 11/03/2024 - Learn how to approach and Understand methods of sel
marketing methods 15/03/2024 market to customers banking products
16/03/2024 - Learn and research about Understand the product an
20/03/2024 house loan services related records
Practice marketing and 21/03/2024 - Practice marketing and Accumulate practical
promoting products 25/03/2024 promoting house loan services experience and answer
under the supervision and customer questions about t
guidance of bank staff service
26/03/2024 - Analyze and learn from Identify problems and mak
27/03/2024 problems that arise during the improvements
negotiation process
Perform assigned tasks at 28/03/2024 - Perform assigned tasks at the Perform the duties of a ban
the bank 10/05/2024 bank under the supervision of employee
the instructor
Complete the report 11/05/2024 - Collect necessary data for the Have enough necessary
15/05/2024 report information to write an
internship report
16/05/2024 Check with instructor to check Check the authenticity of
the data unpublished information a
17/05/2024 - Continue to complete the Continue to complete the
20/05/2024 report report
21/05/2024 - Send the report to the guiding Resolve issues that arise in
23/05/2024 teacher report
24/05/2024 - Complete the report Complete the report
Table 1: Internship plan at Sacombank, Tu Liem Branch, Son Tay Transaction

2.3.2 Daily task

My work starts from 7:30 a.m to 11:30 a.m and from 1 p.m to 5 p.m from Monday to
Friday, every week I will take a day off to be able to complete school work during
office hours and to make sure not to work more than 35 hours/week.

- Every Monday, we will have a meeting to report on work progress, information to

note this week, and resolve outstanding issues from the past week.

- From Monday to Friday, I will search and meet new customers in the area near the
transaction office, if I can find an interested customer, I will make an appointment to

- From Monday to Friday, I will receive professional guidance from my colleagues so

that I can apply the knowledge I have learned at school to the real world, and at the
same time help colleagues who need help.

- Every Friday, the staff of our transaction office will organize a market survey and
consult on banking services in the area, and I can learn a lot of experience from

2.4 Commercial Methodology:

2.4.1 Overview about Sacombank house loan service

( Easy to make loan; interest rates hit rock bottom; credit package of 30.000 billion
VND for business, house loan, and consumer loans )

Sacombank house loan service is an ideal choice for those who are looking for a
reliable financial solution to own their dream house. With flexible loan programs,
quick and simple procedures and attractive incentive policies, Sacombank is
committed to bringing the best experience to customers. Through professional advice
and diverse support, customers not only enjoy convenience in the borrowing process
but also receive comprehensive support in personal financial management. Let
Sacombank accompany you on the path to making your dream of owning a house
come true in the easiest and most convenient way.

2.4.2 Commercial Methodology

During all stages I will work under the supervision of an instructor

- Research and approach potential customers: Before approaching customers, interns

need to research and identify potential customers suitable for the bank's
products/services. I often ask colleagues and colleagues in the same department for
phone numbers or potential areas so I can go marketing.

- Approaching customers: After identifying potential customers, interns will approach

them through communication channels such as phone, email or in person. This
requires good communication skills to be able to present and introduce bank
products/services in an attractive and professional manner. I often ask to go with my
colleagues when they go to meet customers so that I can learn from experience.

- Consulting and answering questions: When meeting customers, it is necessary to

have in-depth knowledge of the bank's products and services to be able to advise
customers accurately and effectively. So before that I will need to study the official
documents to get enough knowledge. At the same time, I also need to be ready to
answer any customer questions and provide detailed information to help them better
understand the product/service.

- Negotiate and sign contracts: If customers are interested and want to use the bank's
products/services, I will negotiate terms, prices and other conditions. ( At this step, I
usually won't be able to negotiate on my own. Negotiations will be handled by
experienced people and I will just go along and listen to learn more experience). After
reaching an agreement, we will guide customers through the steps to sign the contract
and the next steps to complete the procedure.

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