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Consumer Trends

Index 2023
Marigold in conjunction with Econsultancy

Our latest research reveals what global consumers expect from the brands they do business
with online — the channels they prefer to connect on, what value exchanges elicit engagement
and attitudes to the predicted global economic recession. We compare the data to previous
years to help understand the latest trends impacting consumer purchasing behavior. 

We surveyed 6,833 consumers in the U.S., U.K. & Ireland, France, Spain, Japan, Australia &
New Zealand covering a representative sample across age, gender and income bands.


E mail is the #1 Driver of Sales

Email is the preferred channel of consumers for receiving offers, content,
incentives and rewards from brands, which ultimately drives them to purchase.
Email is not only the highest-converting channel, but as brands own their
database it’s comfortably the most cost-effective, too.

Over half of consumers have made a

52% purchase directly from an email they

received in the last year

108% Email outperforms banner ads by 108%

year-on-year increase in consumers

4% purchasing directly from an email they

received in the last year


How Best-in-Class Brands Are

Communicating With Their Customers
When it comes to separating favored brands from those less so, messaging is
a key differentiator. The brands committed to fostering better relationships and
adding relevance, value and personalization to their messaging are the ones
that are elevated to preferred status.

Thinking about your avorite brand has communicated

with you over the last si x months, which statements do

you agree with? My favorite brand…

86% 82% 82%

Provides a consistent Rewards me 
 Treats me like

user experience, for loyalty an individual
whatever the channel

82% 79% 72%

Uses data Strives to build a Surprises me 

responsibly relationship with me with rewards

69% 66%

Makes me feel Influences my life

like a VIP beyond the product


It’s Time to Truly Personalize

Your Messaging
Consumers are frustrated with the lack of personalized messaging they are
receiving. Almost half are irritated by irrelevant offers and there has been a
3% year-on-year increase in those irked by messages that don’t reflect their
loyalty history. Truly personalized messaging is the core of relationship
marketing, and delighting customers for the long haul.

Thinking about all the brands that have communicated with

you regularly in the last si x months, have you felt frustrated

when you received ...?

Irrelevant content 42%
or offers
35% Messages that don’t
reflect your wants
Messaging based on and needs 32%
information you hadn’t shared
directly with the brand
Messages that don’t
reflect your loyalty history
delivered at the wrong
time of day


Over Half of Consumers Will Pay More

to Buy from Their Favored Brands
Not only are 59% of consumers happy to pay more to purchase from their
favored brands, this is an increase since 2022. With over two-thirds of
consumers (69%) stating they buy frequently from the same company but are
not loyal to that brand, rather than a negative, this represents a huge slice of
your addressable market that can be won over if you apply the right messaging
strategy, utilizing a value exchange and strong loyalty offering.

I’m loyal to some companies and

59% will pay more to shop with them

4% increase since 2022

I am loyal to some brands, but buy

80% from competitors if it’s cheaper

I buy frequently from the same

69% company, but don’t feel loyal

I’m not particularly loyal to any brands

3% decrease since 2022


Loyalty Program Participation

is on the Rise
Consumers love loyalty programs and are participating more than ever before.
43% plan to increase their participation this year, which is a year-on-year
increase of 8%, so if you’re not offering one, you're leaving sales on the table
and risking your customer being wooed by a competitor.

I’m more likely to take part
in a loyalty program than I
was last year

I’m no more or less likely to
take part in a loyalty program
than I was last year

I’m less likely to take part
in a loyalty program than I
was last year


There’s Much More to a Loyalty

Program than Rewards
The term loyalty program is all-too-often confused with a rewards program. A
rewards program is simply points-for-prizes, and although it can be highly effective
in driving sales, it will do little to enhance long-lasting brand loyalty. Consumers
want loyalty programs that go beyond the generic – fostering community,
recognizing them as an individual, and delivering personalized recommendations
that reflect this.

Thinking about rewards and loyalty programs, what top

incentive should brands offer to keep you coming back?

0%* - 2%* 0%*

65% 58% 19%

Discounts P oints / Rewards Sweepstakes

- 3%* - 4%* +10%*

29% 24% 22%

Exclusive Access Suggested products Communicate with me
based on preferences on the channels I prefer

- 19%*

16% 13%
Brand Recognition Community *year-on-year comparison


Consumers Will Share Their Personal

and Behavioral Data for a Better Service
If you want your customers’ personal and preference data, you need to offer
something tangible in return — this is the value exchange economy. And it
needn’t always be a red-letter prize or huge discount, consumers are actually
sharing behavioral and psychographic data for things that will add value to
your brand long-term.

Highly Valuable Somewhat Valuable Not Valuable

Unlocking content 20% 41% 38%

A chance to win a prize 36% 47% 17%

Community 20% 39% 42%

Early / Exclusive access 36% 50% 14%

Loyalty points 49% 42% 9%

Discounts 57% 36% 7%


Consumers are Very Pessimistic

About the Rising Cost of Living
Inflationary pressures, rising energy prices, an impending recession and other
personal monetary concerns are going to bring acute financial hardship for many
consumers over the coming year and beyond. 60% are both “very pessimistic”
about the rising cost of living and economic outlook. As a result, 51% will be
making less impulsive purchases and almost half (46%) will rely on loyalty
benefits more than previously to make purchases. 


Buy as quickly as possible 18% 51% 30%

Extend the research phase 51% 17% 32%

Find deals on social channels 39% 23% 39%

Wait for sales

47% 18% 35%

Rely on loyalty 

program benefits
46% 17% 37%

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