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1. The Milky Way galaxy is described as a disk of stars orbiting a central point on the disk.
Which of these best explains why people on Earth cannot see the entire shape of the Milky Way?

A. Earth is a part of this galaxy. C. The stars in the center of the galaxy are extremely small.
B. Many more stars exist outside the galaxy. D. The center of the galaxy consists of a dense cluster of stars.

2. The universe has many different components.

Which list places four components of the universe in the most likely order from smallest to largest?

A. planets, stars, galaxies, nebulae C. galaxies, stars, planets, nebulae

B. nebulae, stars, planets, galaxies D. planets, stars, nebulae, galaxies

3. Research indicates that galaxies are moving away from Earth.

Which method allows astronomers to determine this movement?

A. Observing these galaxies with a telescope C. Detecting the kind of particles that these galaxies emit
B. Listening to the radio waves that these galaxies emit D. Measuring the wavelengths of radiation from these galaxies

4. Just as biologists classify living things, astronomers classify galaxies. What feature is used to classify galaxies?

A. size B. shape C. color D. brightness

5. Two galaxies are interacting with each other. What is the force that draws these two galaxies toward each other?

A. friction B. gravity C. electricity D. magnetism

6. Due to the size of the universe and the number of galaxies and stars in it, scientists must devise indirect ways to
study it. Which of these represents the best way for scientists to study the universe?

A. Scientists should create a graph showing a comparison of the relative sizes of all the galaxies and stars.
B. Scientists should develop a gridded map and then number the known galaxies and stars and record their locations.
C. Scientists should build a physical model that demonstrates the relative sizes and locations of all known galaxies and
D. Scientists should make a computer model of known galaxies and stars that allows for unknowns and modify it as new
discoveries are made.

7.The amount of elements heavier than hydrogen is constantly increasing in the universe.
Which BEST identifies the bodies in which this change is taking place?

A. stars B. planets C. galaxies D. solar systems

8. In the 20th century, Edwin Hubble deduced from observations that there are galaxies other than the Milky Way.
Hubble’s observations depended on improvements in a technology first developed by which scientist?

A. Democritus B. Isaac Newton C. Galileo Galilei D. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

9. Which theory about the origin of the universe states that a densely packed sphere exploded, forming clouds that
condensed into galaxies?

A. the galaxy theory B. the big bang theory C. the steady state theory D. the oscillating theory
10. Which is evidence that the universe is expanding?

A. the presence of dark matter C. constant speed of light from every perspective
B. red shift of light from distant galaxies D. emission of high-energy gamma rays by distant objects

11. Classification of galaxies is based on which characteristic?

A. the color of the galaxy C. how many stars make up the galaxy
B. the shape of the galaxy D. how many planets make up the galaxy

12. The data table describes the movements of components in the universe.
Which components is best described by letter W?

A. asteroids B. galaxies C. moons D. suns

13. In 1929, Edwin Hubble observed the velocity at which galaxies were moving away from the Milky Way.
The graph below shows the relationship between this velocity and the distance those galaxies were from the Milky Way.
What conclusion can be drawn from Hubble’s data?

A. Objects that are closer are moving slower, suggesting that the universe is shrinking.
B. Objects that are closer are moving faster, suggesting that the universe is expanding.
C. Objects that are further away are moving faster, suggesting that the universe is
D. Objects that are further away are moving faster, suggesting that the universe is

14. Use the information presented here to answer five questions.


The high school astronomy club visited a local university’s observatory to learn more about how the life cycle of stars
and the formation of the universe are investigated. At the observatory, a team of scientists was collecting hydrogen
spectrographic data on many distant stars and galaxies. The scientists used data from several telescopes, including the
Keck Telescopes in Hawaii and the Hubble Space Telescope that orbits Earth. These telescopes are used to observe very
distant objects. The scientists also used data from the university’s more limited telescope, which is used to observe
closer objects.

At the observatory, the students also learned about the relative size of star types. Some of that information is shown

The students also learned how the size, color, luminosity, and absolute magnitude of stars are related. The Hertzsprung-
Russell diagram compares characteristics of star types. Each dot on the diagram represents a star whose characteristics
have been determined. Notice that the data appear to clump naturally into four star groups: white dwarfs, main sequence,
giants, and supergiants.

Which statement explains why the team of scientists at the observatory most likely used other telescopes to gather light
emission spectra data from stellar objects?

A. Hubble and Keck are in different locations so scientists can see galaxies from different angles.
B. Hubble and Keck are closer to the objects being observed so these objects are easier to find.
C. Hubble and Keck are less affected by Earth’s atmosphere so scientists can see distant galaxies more clearly.
D. Hubble and Keck are less costly to use so scientists can use them for longer periods of time.
15. Which characteristic below MOST likely accounts for our limited knowledge of galaxies?
A. their tiny size B. their magnetic coresC. their inability to produce light D. their great distance from Earth
16. All galaxies in the universe :
A. are composed of many stars. C. are irregularly shaped
B. have a clockwise spin. . D. have the same number of stars.
17. Which of these are scientific classifications for galaxies in the universe?
A. dust, gas, ice C. spiral, elliptical, irregular
B. small, medium, large D. red giant, white dwarf, supernova
18. Which of the following diagrams best represents the size relationships among galaxies, stars, and the universe?

A. B. C. D.

19. Which of the following diagrams BEST represents the relationship between galaxies, the universe, and solar

A. B. C. D.

20. How can the wavelengths of light from a distant galaxy be used to determine the distance between Earth and the

A. The color of light from a galaxy indicates the age of the galaxy, and the most distant galaxies are the oldest.
B. The light from distant galaxies shows a shift to longer wavelengths, and the shift increases as the distance increases.
C. The light from a distant galaxy is scattered by dust in the space between Earth and the galaxy, and the amount of
scattering indicates distance.
D. The most distant galaxies emit the most light in the x-ray part of the spectrum, and the distance can be determined
based on the strength of this light.

21. Which discovery revealed that the universe contains many structures composed of millions of stars?
A. novas B. galaxies C. black holes D. solar systems

22. Which internet keywords would be BEST for finding information about the Apollo space shuttle crew?
A. flight B. planets C. astronauts D. galaxies

23. Which statement best supports a current scientific understanding of the universe?

A. The universe is contracting because some stars are smaller than the Sun.
B. The continuous formation of stars is evidence that the universe is expanding.
C. The universe is contracting because some galaxies are colliding with other planets.
D. The increasing distances between galaxies is evidence that the universe is expanding.

24. When examining the red shift of galaxies outside our own, every galaxy appears to be moving away from the
observer. This observation supports the Big Bang Theory because it indicates that

A. our galaxy is not moving. C. most galaxies have the same mass.
B. the universe is expanding. D. Earth is at the center of the universe.

25. NGC 1232 is a spiral galaxy about twice the size of our Milky Way Galaxy. It is located about 100 million light-
years from Earth. Which of the following best explains why the physical properties of these two galaxies are similar?

A. The two galaxies have the same shape and both orbit the same Sun.
B. The temperatures of the stars making up each galaxy are all identical.
C. The two galaxies formed from the same materials, in the same way, and at the same time.
D. All of the stars making up each galaxy are at the same stage of their life cycles as our Sun.

26. All these statements concerning galaxies are accurate EXCEPT

A. They contain millions of stars. C. They are millions of light-years apart.

B. Most can be seen without a telescope. D. Space contains several billion galaxies.

27. Which sentence is a true statement about the relationship between galaxies and stars?

A. A galaxy contains only one star. C. A galaxy contains many stars.

B. A star contains only one galaxy. D. A star contains many galaxies.

28. Most of the volume of the universe is found in the space between galaxies.

Objects found in the regions between galaxies are MOST likely to be closest in size to which of these?
A. a dust particle B. an asteroid C. a planet D. a star

29. Scientists measured the patterns of spectral lines given off by distant galaxies and concluded that almost all of
these galaxies are moving away from Earth. What did the scientists observe directly?

A. a shift toward longer wavelengths of light C. the absence of wavelengths in the visible light range
B. a shift toward shorter wavelengths of light D. the compression of
wavelengths in the visible light range

30. The diagram shows three types of galaxies. Which COLUMN

(A,B,C,D) correctly classifies the three galaxies?

31. Scientists once believed that the structure of the universe had changed very little.
Which statement BEST supports the theory that the universe is constantly changing?

A. Earth and other planets move around the Sun.

B. The average distance between galaxies is increasing.
C. Other planets in the solar system have more moons than Earth.
D. More galaxies other than the Milky Way have been discovered.

32. The Milky Way is a part of 30 or more galaxies called the Local Group.

Which would be the MOST likely reason these galaxies are considered to be part of the Local Group?

A. They are all the same type of galaxy. C. They are all attracted to each other by gravity.
B. They all have the same number of stars. D. They can all be seen without the aid of a telescope.

33. A scientific article about the universe will MOST likely describe the universe as

A. consisting of billions of galaxies. C. containing approximately ten planets.

B. being less than two billion years old. D. becoming smaller over time.

34. Astronomers have been studying objects that are very bright and appear to be very far away.
They have since concluded that these objects are distant galaxies with giant black holes at their center known as

A. pulsars. B. quasars. C. supernovas. D. binary stars.

35. What do the Milky Way galaxy and other galaxies in the universe have in common?

A. They are similar in shape. C. They contain the same number of stars.
B. They rotate in the same direction. D. They have similar elements.

36. The Keck Observatory is home to the largest Earth-based twin telescopes. The telescopes are located away from
city lights, above the clouds where the atmosphere is clear, calm, and dry. In 1999, additional steps were taken to help
the telescopes overcome any distortions caused by changes in the atmosphere by adding a laser sighting system. Now,
the Keck telescopes can probe distant galaxies and capture images with more detail than even the Hubble space
telescope. Scientists can now use the Keck telescopes to investigate many questions.

What is one question the Keck telescopes would NOT help scientists answer?

A. How do galaxies rotate? C. What is the core of Saturn made of?

B. What is the weather on Neptune? D. What other solar systems have planets?

37. Which example BEST models the current movement of galaxies relative to one another?

A. dots on a round balloon as the balloon is inflated C. spots on a softball thrown across a field
B. marks on a bicycle tire as the bicycle slowly moves D. ink spots on paper being crushed into a ball
38. The steady state theory suggested that the universe has always existed and maintains the same structure.
This theory was later discredited due to which discovery?

A. The amount of hydrogen in the universe is extremely high to remain steady.

B. The scale of the universe is much greater than was previously understood.
C. The shift of light toward longer wavelengths indicates that most galaxies are moving away from Earth.
D. More powerful telescopes have made observations of planets orbiting stars other than the Sun.

39. What scientific observation did Edwin Hubble use to determine distances between galaxies?

A. As the light source passes Earth, the wavelength increases as the frequency increases.
B. As the light source moves toward Earth, the wavelength decreases as the frequency increases.
C. As the light source moves away from Earth, the wavelength increases as the frequency decreases.
D. As the light source affects the gravity of Earth, the wavelength decreases as the frequency decreases.

40. Stars whose brightness changes periodically are known as variable stars. In 1912, Henrietta Leavitt discovered that
the rate the brightness changes is related to its overall brightness. Ejnar Hertzsprung used this finding to calculate
distances between far away stars. This later allowed Harlow Shapley to estimate the size of the Milky Way Galaxy and
Edwin Hubble to detect the motion of galaxies. Hubble often said that Leavitt deserved the Nobel Prize for her work, but
she died before she could be nominated.

What does the history of research on variable stars suggest about scientific knowledge?

A. Physicists prefer to build new knowledge based on their own work.

B. Physicists do not like to use knowledge from scientists of the past.
C. Physicists build on the ideas of others to expand scientific knowledge.
D. Physicists are best when developing new ideas that will lead to individual recognition.

41. Which statement about stars is NOT accurate?

A. A small group of stars is called a galaxy. C. Types of stars include red giants, super giants, and dwarf stars.
B. Stars consist mainly of hydrogen and helium. D. Constellations of stars are found in different places in the sky.

42. What statement BEST explains why the center of the Milky Way galaxy cannot be observed from Earth?

A. The center of the galaxy is too far away.

B. Clouds of gas block light from the center of the galaxy.
C. Earth’s atmosphere absorbs the radiation from the galactic center.
D. The core of the galaxy consists of dead stars that do not emit light.

43. Which of the following has the greatest mass? A. star B. moon C. planet D. galaxy

44. The Milky Way galaxy is visible as a bright region in the night sky. Modern telescopic observation has made it
possible to discover that the brightness of the Milky Way galaxy is due primarily to which structure?

A. clouds of hot gas C. high energy compounds

B. large numbers of stars D. extremely reflective ice particles

45. Which of these can be described as a system of stars, gases, dust, and other matter that orbits a common center of
gravity? A. an asteroid B. a galaxy C. a nebula D. a comet

46. In 2004 the Hubble space telescope captured images of distant star clusters, each containing about a million stars.
These star clusters were MOST likely part of which structure?

A. a black hole B. a galaxy C. a nebula D. a solar system

47. Which list is correctly ordered from smallest to largest?

A. galaxy – star – solar system – universe C. solar system – star – universe – galaxy
B. universe – galaxy – star – solar system D. star – solar system – galaxy – universe

48. What can most likely be seen without the aid of a telescope on a clear night?
A. the Milky Way galaxy B. moons of other planets C. asteroids D. Pluto

49. Barnard’s Star is about 5.9 light-years from the sun. The
star has an approximate temperature of 2,800 K.
Based on the diagram, what spectral class does Barnard’s Star
belong to?

A. spectral class O C. spectral class A

B. spectral class B D. spectral class M

50. A student observes a glowing band across the night sky. This glowing band is most likely
A. orbiting planets in the solar system. C. an asteroid orbiting the Sun.
B. a partial view of the Milky Way galaxy. D. light from stars in a distant galaxy.

51. Two stars are identified on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram below.

Based on this diagram, how do the characteristics of Star 1 and Star 2
A. Star 1 is cooler and less bright than Star 2.
B. Star 1 is hotter and brighter than Star 2.
C. Star 1 is cooler and brighter than Star 2.
D. Star 1 is hotter and less bright than Star 2.

52. A Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is shown RIGHT.

Based on this diagram, which type of stars would belong to spectral
class M and have the highest luminosity?

A. main-sequence stars C. white dwarfs

B. giants D. supergiants

53. The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram shown RIGHT how the sun

is classified among the stars.
A star that is several thousand times brighter than the sun with a
temperature lower than 4,000 K would be classified as :

A. a main-sequence star in spectral class B. C. a main-sequence

star in spectral class K or M.
B. a supergiant in spectral class K. D. a white dwarf in
spectral class B.

54. The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram below shows how the brightness,

surface temperature, and color of stars are related.
Which of these observations of Barnard’s Star is most likely accurate?

A. Barnard’s Star is less bright than the sun, has a surface temperature
below 3,800 K, and is red.
B. Barnard’s Star is less bright than the sun, has a surface temperature above 3,800 K, and is red.
C. Barnard’s Star is brighter than the sun, has a surface temperature below 5,300 K, and is yellow.
D. Barnard’s Star is brighter than the sun, has a surface temperature above 5,300 K, and is yellow.

55. Stars appear to be blue, white, yellow, and red, even without the aid of a
What causes the different colors of the stars?
A. the surface temperature
B. the distance from Earth
C. the distance from the Sun
D. the gases that compose the star
56. The Hubble Space Telescope is a telescope that NASA launched into
space in 1990. Scientists MOST likely prefer to use the Hubble Space
Telescope instead of a land-based telescope because it provides better accuracy at :

A. predicting solar eclipses. C. investigating the size of Venus.

B. investigating faraway galaxies. D. predicting the phases of the moon.

57. The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (RIGHT) shows the luminosity and surface temperature of the Sun and other
stars. Based on the diagram, which of these conclusions about Star 1 is MOST likely correct?

A. It is hot and dim. C. It is hot and bright.

B. It is cool and dim. D. It is cool and bright.

58. For centuries, astronomers argued about the position of Earth in the solar system. What has MOST likely helped
them come up with more accurate conclusions?

A. Scientists have reviewed old theories and studied the life cycles of stars.
B. Scientists have gained direct observations through new technologies.
C. Scientists have kept more accurate records of the revolution of other planets.
D. Scientists have studied the more distant galaxies.

59. An idea that the universe originated with an explosion is supported by repeated observations of light from distant
galaxies traveling away from Earth. An idea that has been tested repeatedly and is supported by repeated results is
MOST likely a
A. hypothesis. B. theory. C. law. D. fact.

60. In 1609, Galileo Galilei used lenses to construct the first telescope. His telescope allowed him to observe many
objects in space. His invention of the telescope and the data he gathered directly contributed to the understanding that

A. Earth is the center of the universe. C. all stars eventually explode.

B. the planets revolve around the Sun. D. the universe has many galaxies.

61. Scientists have collected data about many galaxies, including the Milky Way galaxy. What makes the Milky Way
galaxy difficult to observe from Earth?

A. Earth is located inside the Milky Way galaxy.

B. The Milky Way galaxy absorbs more light than it emits.
C. The Milky Way galaxy is too distant for detailed observations.
D. Earth is moving in the opposite direction of the Milky Way galaxy.

62. Astronomers have found low-energy background radiation in every part of the sky that they have studied. This
radiation is taken as evidence of energy remaining from which event?
A. supernovas B. the big bang C. collisions of galaxies D. modern decay of unstable atoms
64. Astronomers study objects as large as galaxies. Chemists study objects that
can be as small as an atom. Even though scientists in each field study very
different things, why are both astronomy and chemistry considered science?

A. Both fields use the same technology. C. Both fields use the same basic scientific methods.
B. Both fields require the same basic knowledge. D. Both fields are based on the same types of experiments.

63. An idea that the universe originated with an explosion is supported by repeated observations of light from distant
galaxies traveling away from Earth. An idea that has been tested repeatedly and is supported by repeated results is most
likely a A. hypothesis. B. theory. C. law. D. fact.

65. The table shows the approximate distances of three galaxies from Earth.
Which list shows these distances in order from LEAST to GREATEST?
A. C.

B. D.

66. The Hubble Space Telescope transmits images from deep space to Earth.
The images show extremely large, distant structures in the universe.
Structure Y is MOST likely which of the following?

A. a star B. a planet C. a nebula D. a galaxy

67. A medium-sized star in the middle of its life cycle, such as the Sun, is MOST likely to emit which color of light?

A. red B. blue C. white D. yellow

68. What may form as a direct result of a star collapsing? A. constellation B. galaxy C. protostar D. supernova
69. The solar system is located in the Milky Way galaxy.

What type of galaxy is the Milky Way?

70. The location of the solar system is illustrated in the diagram of the Milky Way galaxy.
Which conclusion can be reached based on
the location of the solar system?

A. The Sun is near the end of its star cycle. C. The solar
system has the only planets in the galaxy.
B. The Sun will be pushed away from the galaxy. D. The solar
system is surrounded by newly formed stars.

71. The Milky Way galaxy looks like a band of light across the sky.
Which observation would provide the BEST view of this band of light
without a telescope?

A. observing only near the north or south pole C. observing on any sunny, clear day
B. observing only during a lunar or solar eclipse D. observing on any dark, clear night

72. What type of galaxy MOST likely can be described as a large, flat disk surrounded by arms of stars and dust?
A. elliptical B. irregular C. ring D. spiral

73. Which object occupies the greatest amount of space?

A. a galaxy B. a black hole C. a neutron star D. a solar system

74. In November 2013 an object orbiting the sun seemed to disappear behind the sun. When a satellite did not detect
the object, astronomers thought that the object had been destroyed when it passed close to the sun. However, when
another satellite detected a small, bright object with a fan-shaped tail, astronomers proposed that the object was not
What type of object were astronomers most likely observing?
A. a comet B. an asteroid C. a meteor D. a nebula

75. Which of these correctly compares the masses of different objects in the universe?
A. A moon has less mass than a star and more mass than the planet it orbits.
B. A planet has less mass than a galaxy and more mass than the star it orbits.
C. A galaxy has less mass than a moon and more mass than a planet.
D. A star has less mass than a galaxy and more mass than a planet.
76. The number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy is BEST estimated as
A. one hundred thousand. B. one hundred million. C. one hundred billion. D. one hundred trillion.

78. Students are studying the classifications of stars and they learned that the majority of stars are similar to the Sun.
What can the students conclude knowing that most of the stars in the galaxy are like the Sun?

A. Most of the stars will become black holes.

B. Most of the stars are main sequence stars.
C. Most of the stars are protostars.
D. Most of the stars are red giants.

77. Four students are asked to describe a nebula and a star.

Their responses are shown in the table RIGHT.
Which student described these two celestial bodies correctly?

A. Student 1 B. Student 2 C. Student 3 D. Student 4

79. Particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider in Europe, accelerate subatomic particles to great speeds.
These particles move in opposite directions at nearly the speed of light and collide into one another to simulate
conditions that were present as the universe formed. Which property of matter in the initial moments of the universe are
these accelerators designed to simulate?

A. low density B. high energy C. massive nuclei D. circular movement

80. Which statement BEST describes the relationship between Earth and the Milky Way galaxy?

A. Earth is billions of light-years away from the Milky Way galaxy.

B. Earth is part of a galaxy that is nearest to the Milky Way galaxy.
C. Earth is located in the Milky Way galaxy but far from the galaxy center.
D. Earth is positioned in the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

81. This illustration shows the sky in an undeveloped area on a clear, dark night.
What is the central glowing region that is brighter than the area around it?

A. the gas giant planets B. the asteroid belt C. the Milky Way galaxy D. the Orion nebula

82. The known universe is made up of many smaller components. Four of these components are listed below.
Earth – Halley’s Comet – Milky Way Galaxy – The Sun

Which of these objects is the largest? A. Earth B. the Sun C.

Halley’s comet D. Milky Way galaxy

83. Which number is closest to the estimated number of stars in the Milky Way
A. 200 thousand B. 200 million C. 200 billion D. 200 trillion

84. Our galaxy , the Milky Way, is classified as a:

A. Irregular Galaxy B. Ellipitical galaxy C. Spiral galaxy D. Barred Spiral Galaxy

85. Helen is preparing a presentation about objects in the solar system. She includes facts about the order of the planets
and their distances from the Sun. Which statement could she include in an accurate presentation?
A. Mars is closer to the Sun than Earth. C. Jupiter is farther from the Sun than Uranus.
B. Neptune is one light-year from the Sun. D. Earth is one astronomical unit from the Sun.

89. According to the big bang theory, which element MOST likely formed first?
A. carbon dioxide B. hydrogen C. oxygen D. nitrogen

90. The universe is believed to be approximately 14 billion years old.

As a result of gravitational attraction, which MOST likely developed first after the big bang?

A. a planet B. a comet C. a moon D. a star

91. According to the modern theory of the universe’s origin, which graph BEST shows the trend in the volume of the
universe over time?
A. B. C. D.

92. A modern theory of the origin of the universe proposes that the first atoms formed were primarily atoms of which
A. iron B. carbon C. helium D. hydrogen

93. Radio astronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered a microwave signal during their research in 1964.
The microwaves were uniform and coming from all directions in the sky. The phenomenon known as Cosmic
Microwave Background (CMB) provided evidence that the universe was once very hot and dense.

How did CMB contribute to the big bang theory?

A. CMB confirmed how matter expanded during the big bang.
B. CMB was the magnetic field that was created during the big bang.
C. CMB was a reflection of the thermal energy generated during the big bang.
D. CMB represented energy trails from moving matter that began with the big bang.

94. NASA’s Kepler Mission has collected information about main sequence stars with characteristics similar to the Sun.

What is the MOST common color of these stars? A. blue B. white C. red D. yellow

95. A light-year is the measure of how far light can travel in one year. How long has the light from a star 125,000 light-
years away been traveling to reach Earth?
A. 12.5 years B. 125 years C. 125,000 years D. 125,000,000 years

96. Even though black holes cannot be seen, which fact explains their existence?
A. Scientists agree that black holes exist.
B. Nearby objects show the effects of a black hole’s gravity.
C. The theory of black holes was formulated many years ago.
D. Some stars are so big that they can exert a great deal of force.

97. Describe or diagram four stages of the life cycle for a small star, from nebula to black dwarf.

98. Stars go through different stages in their life cycles. Not all stars go through the same stages.
• Identify what determines whether a star will become a red giant or a red supergiant.
• Describe how a star that will become a red giant is different from a star that will become a red supergiant.

99. During its lifetime, which object is known to change in brightness, color, and temperature?
A. star B. moon C. asteroid D. planet

100. The Andromeda Galaxy is 2.5 million light years away and over 200,000 light years across.
It appears as a fuzzy patch of light in the night sky, but telescopes show it to be disc-shaped.

Which most accurately describes the number of stars in the Andromeda Galaxy?
A. The Andromeda Galaxy is made up of hundreds of stars that give it a disc shape.
B. The Andromeda Galaxy is made up of thousands of stars that make it so large in size.
C. The Andromeda Galaxy is made up of millions of stars that are not visible because of its distance.
D. The Andromeda Galaxy is made up of billions of stars that produce enough light to be seen from far away.

101. An astronomer studies an image taken by a satellite in space and sees an area of gas, dust, and many stars
distributed along spiral arms. What is the astronomer most likely seeing?
A. a comet B. a galaxy C. a solar system D. an asteroid belt

102. Three main sequence stars are being compared. Which characteristic would these three stars MOST likely have in
A. chemical composition B. distance from Earth C. temperature D. brightness

103. The light-year is used to describe distances between Earth and stars other than the Sun because the astronomical
unit is
A. too small. B. too large. C. not accurate. D. not well defined.

104. A scientist studying outer space makes a calculation of 4.3 light-years. What does this calculation MOST likely
A. distance between Earth and the Sun C. time in orbit of a satellite around Earth
B. time of rotation of the nearest galaxy D. distance between the Sun and the nearest star

105. An astronomical unit (au) refers to the distance between

A. Earth and the Sun. B. the Moon and the Sun. C. Earth and the Moon. D. the Sun and the nearest star.

106. A red giant star differs from main sequence stars because it
A. burns at a cooler temperature. C. has greater density and gravity.
B. is always larger than other suns. D. fuses hydrogen to make helium.

107. The distance between the Sun and the next closest star, Proxima Centauri, is most accurately measured in
A. magnitudes. B. light-years. C. perigees. D. red shifts.

108. All stars in the universe go through a life cycle. What factor determines how stars progress through this cycle?
A. the radiation that is present in the star C. the quantity of mass with which the star began
B. the amount of energy the star consumes D. the location of the star in the universe

109. Which of these statements is NOT considered part of the big bang theory?
A. The universe is expanding. C. The universe began in a hot, dense state.
B. The universe never changes. D. The universe began at a single point and time.

110. According to the big bang theory, how is the universe changing?
A. It is contracting. B. It is expanding. C. Only the rim is expanding. D. Only the center is contracting.

111. Which statement below BEST describes the steady state theory regarding the origin of the universe?

A. The material of the universe is 99% plasma.

B. The universe has been, and always will be, exactly as it is today.
C. The force of gravity caused the universe to begin forming.
D. The creation of the universe was accompanied by a large explosion.

112. The speed and general direction of motion of a galaxy relative to Earth can be determined by
A. measuring its red shift. C. contrasting it against nearby stars.
B. the gravity it exerts. D. observing its motion across the sky.

113. Which statement is the BEST description of the Milky Way galaxy?
A. a collection of gases held together by inertia C. a collection of stars and gases with the Sun as its center
B. a group of planets revolving around a single star D. a group of stars, dust, and planets held together by gravity

114. The big bang theory states that the universe

A. is contracting. B. has no beginning. C. started as a single mass. D. is constantly forming hydrogen.
115. Astronomers measure distances using very large units called light-years.
Which distance between celestial objects would MOST likely be measured in light-years?
A. distance between the Sun and Earth C. distance between two stars in the same galaxy
B. distance between the Moon and Earth D. distance between two planets in the same solar system

116. A red giant star differs from main sequence stars because it
A. burns at a cooler temperature. C. has greater density and gravity.
B. is always larger than other suns. D. fuses hydrogen to make helium.

117. What can MOST likely be seen without the aid of a telescope on a clear night?
A. the Milky Way galaxy B. moons of other planets C. asteroids D. Pluto

118. The distance between the Sun and the next closest star, Proxima Centauri, is MOST accurately measured in
A. magnitudes. B. light-years. C. perigees. D. red shifts.

119. A student observes a glowing band across the night sky. This glowing band is MOST likely
A. orbiting planets in the solar system. C. an asteroid orbiting the Sun.
B. a partial view of the Milky Way galaxy. D. light from stars in a distant galaxy.

122. Compared to the Sun, a red star MOST likely has a greater
A. volume. B. rate of rotation.
C. surface temperature. D. number of orbiting planets.

123. This diagram gives information about four stars.

Which star is MOST similar to the Sun?
A. Alpha Centauri A B. Pollux C. Rigel D. Sirius B

125. The diagram below shows a Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) Diagram.

Which of these locations on this HR Diagram most likely represents
yellow stars such as the Sun?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

124. When compared to the Sun, red dwarf stars are

A. older. B. cooler. C. lower density. D. larger diameter.

126. A student is asked to compare the general characteristics of a red

star and a blue star. What factual statement can the student make based solely on the color of the two stars?

A. The blue star is hotter than the red star. C. The red star is farther from Earth than the blue star.
B. The blue star is smaller than the red star. D. The red star has a greater apparent magnitude than the blue star.

127. Astronomers believe the Milky Way galaxy has a diameter of about 100,000 light-years. This distance is equivalent to

A. the distance the Sun travels in 100,000 years.

B. the distance light travels through a vacuum in 100,000 years.
C. the time it would take a spaceship to travel 100,000 kilometers.
D. the time it takes Earth or a star to travel 100,000 kilometers.

128. Most stars are similar to each other in A. brightness. B. composition. C. diameter. D. temperature.
130. Based on the Doppler effect, the electromagnetic waves reaching Earth from a galaxy that is moving away from
Earth would be expected to

A. experience an increase in their amplitude. C. experience a decrease from transverse waves to longitudinal waves.
B. experience an increase in frequency. D. experience a decrease in frequency.

131.The big bang theory states that the universe

A. is contracting. B. has no beginning.

C. started as a single mass. D. is constantly forming hydrogen.

132. Scientists study the composition of stars. They have recorded the four most
common elements found in the stars.

As stars age, which element will MOST likely decrease in mass percentage?

A. Hydrogen B. Helium C. Oxygen D. Carbon

133. What type of galaxy is the Milky Way? A. spiral B. elliptical C. irregular D. oval

134. Which of the following is a characteristic of the steady state theory of the universe?

A. The universe is constantly growing and changing. C. The nature of the universe has always been the same.
B. A great explosion caused the origin of the universe. D. Light moving from the center of the universe appears red.

135. Which theory states that the universe originated as a single mass?

A. big bang B. steady state C. astronomical D. catastrophism

136. A student observes the Milky Way galaxy in the night sky. Which characteristic of the galaxy makes it visible?

A. The galaxy’s stellar nebulae reflect the Sun’s light.

B. Billions of stars in the galaxy carry out nuclear fusion.
C. Tons of compressed matter begin to radiate visible light from the galaxy center.
D. The galaxy spins at a speed that generates a large amount of molecular friction.

141. The diagram below shows a Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) Diagram, including the
Sun’s location with the rest of the medium-sized stars.

Where would the largest stars be located on this HR Diagram?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

142. Which of these statements is true concerning the Milky Way galaxy?

A. There are approximately one million stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
B. There are nine planets in the Milky Way galaxy.
C. Earth is located in the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
D. The Sun is one star that can be found in the Milky Way galaxy.
143. Which region of the Milky Way contains a population that consists mostly of old stars?

A. the halo B. the spiral arms C. the nuclear bulge D. the open clusters

144. One astronomical unit is the average distance between Earth and the Sun. This unit would MOST likely be used to
describe the distance between which two objects?

A. from galaxy to galaxy C. from the Sun to Proxima Centauri

B. from Saturn to Mercury D. from the Big Dipper to the Little Dipper

145. The order within a classification sequence is listed below.

1. A moon is part of a planetary system 3. A star is part of a galaxy

2. A planet is part of a star system 4. A galaxy is part of the universe

Earth is BEST classified in which of these groups?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

146. Which of these statements is true concerning the Milky Way galaxy?

A. There are approximately one million stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
B. There are nine planets in the Milky Way galaxy.
C. Earth is located in the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
D. The Sun is one star that can be found in the Milky Way galaxy.

147. Structures in the universe are grouped into large systems, each of which are made up of smaller systems.
Which of the following is the largest system of which Earth is only a very small part?
A. Jovian planets B. Halley’s comet C. Milky Way galaxy D. Orion’s belt

148. Which Venn diagram correctly shows the relationship between Earth, the solar system, and the Milky Way galaxy?

A. B. C. D.

149. Which illustration BEST represents the shape of the galaxy that includes the Sun?

A. B. C. D.

150. Which object is a planet found in the Milky Way galaxy? A. Orion B. Earth C. Polaris D. Titan

151. Which scientific theory does the model illustrate?

A. Big Bang B. Geocentric C. Heliocentric D. Steady State
152. What is the theory astronomers have developed to describe the formation of the universe?
A. expanding cloud theory B. time wrap theory C. heliocentric theory D. big bang theory

153. Which event or principle CANNOT have its validity directly tested by laboratory experiment?
A. the big bang theory C. the periodicity of element properties
B. the conservation of energy D. the acceleration of objects due to gravity

154. At one time people believed Earth was the center of the universe.
Which recent discovery provides evidence that Earth is not the center of the universe?
A. The Moon was once part of Earth. C. The Sun is powered by hydrogen fusion.
B. The universe began with a big bang. D. Other stars besides the Sun have orbiting planets.

155. Which statement best describes the Big Bang theory?

A. A supernova collapsed and released matter.
B. An explosion from a star released large particles of matter.
C. Large amounts of energy and matter were released from a black hole.
D. A very condensed mass of matter and energy expanded and then cooled.

156. Which of the following is a scientifically accepted theory of Earth’s origin?

A. Solid pieces of debris from the Big Bang became rounded due to wind erosion.
B. The sun and planets were condensed from parts of the same spinning cloud of dust and gas.
C. The planets were large asteroids captured by the sun and pulled into its orbit.
D. Cooling debris from the sun was thrown off and began to orbit the sun.

157. The table below shows contributions of different scientists to the current understanding of the expanding universe.
Which statement about the development of scientific understanding of the universe is supported by the table?
A. The Big Bang theory was proven between1912 and 1931.
B. LeMaitre’s work was dependent on other scientists’ work.
C. Einstein’s work was not useful in developing the current understanding of the universe.
D. Hubble gathered evidence that showed Friedmann’s work was incorrect.

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